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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I heard Bionic Flea volunteered. Everyone heard it, right?
  2. I love Dark Armor. It is a tricky beast with a LOT of subtlety easily screwed up on build/play if not understood My Dark Dark Brute has twice been called to Tank Rom (massive energy attack) in a Master Ms Liberty. (Master runs are no incarnated and a few other restrictions, no deaths). He was successful each time. At least one person who said they ran the build exactly the same complained they could not keep it alive in normal content. I honestly would look at a Hyperstrike MoDurable Invulnerability Armor build. Fire (not commonly resisted) Invulnerability would be a tough beast
  3. when artists mix colors the basic solution to "muddy up" or "turn grey" depending on the situation, is to take a color from opposite on the color wheel. mixing the two opposites together gives grey or mud depending on shades.
  4. Not saying it is great, but it is solid. I have run it, and it is still in my stable: Blaster Seismic Earth 50 v 2.01.mbd
  5. Page 8 they will finally balance Regen. Nerf time.
  6. This is the response of someone who researched something they regretted immediately
  7. I specifically did not google this Tosh.0 taught me that lesson. “Never google…”. So of course i did. Bad bad decision
  8. I favor Nosferatu versions. Or the Near Dark murder hobo vamps. Blood and Donuts protagonist, while somewhat unexplored power wise, was a great low power vamp. Innocent Blood had a great bunch of “regular power” vamps. I am more drawn in by a great story romp than i am some FANTASTIC new type of vampire. 🧛
  9. I have quite a few of Sentinel 50s. Probably 12 or more. Not going back and counting. The uptime argument is particularly dubious for two reasons. 1) it assumes the player struggles to keep the Blaster alive. 2) it assumes the Sentinel is that much hardier in an environment killing players. (Yes, they are hardier. But in my experience what kills is an overwhelming turn of the odds, a bad decision, a surprise mechanic. That is stuff a Brute or Tank might survive. Maybe)
  10. I was thinking of that kiosk in Atlas that tell how long you been on patrol and how many times you been to the top of that guy's huge ball
  11. it is a great suggestion. I am far from a programmer. But let me give you an opinion anyways. Whatever this is, it will have to be a "bolt on" with whatever ATM interface or Contact opening up some form of backdoor APP. That alone is really not something CoH deals with well. Example, the simple task of retrieving previous AH prices. Now, suppose you solve the above issue easily, and it works great. (miracles happen) Now you need an APP/Program/Whatever to evaluate issues with a build. Sheesh. This would need to identify how many "stray from conservative building practices" options and give UNDERSTANDABLE feedback on each. Through a ATM/Contact Dialogue box.... Yeah, it is a great idea though.
  12. Actually I suck at details in this game. Ask anyone. I am also mediocre help on most complicated tasks. I can get witnesses. What I do know here is hard won, and once I learn something, it does tend to finally stick. I used to be very good with MS excel, and pretty good at getting a pivot table to pull data from sets to display in reports. MS changed Excel so much I cannot use it now except as a list system.
  13. i desperately want this.... the first part of that could even be a cutscene with a cheerful and helpful Ms Liberty offering help!
  14. the homecoming wiki actually has a LOT of information, most of it in an accessible structure. but it is something that requires what used to be considered elementary research skills, now considered upper graduate level mystical knowledge
  15. These are factual and well stated summaries if the situation. So, a gaming example. Not “real world”. Do not expect a 20 year old game to have modern bells and whistles.
  16. And a real world example…. Vitamin supplements are good for me. So i should take a LOT every day because I want to play X sport. Noooooo. Too much of a good thing is not at all good sometimes. But you have to read the very fine print and listen to successful people in sport X to know a little more.
  17. Nothing in real life tells you that 5th hamburger is a bad idea either. Talk to the other people around you... the ones giving you the eye and shaking their head. Listen to your body. In game terms that means talk to ANYBODY about slotting. Or watch your toons performance as you slot and determine what the slotting did.
  18. Yeah, the recent changes to AR make it one of the funnest sets in the game for me
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