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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Blaster of course! I am sure it is nice on Corr and whoever else has access. But the changes across the board just really dial in the pain dealer. Big tweaks on a few powers with the T9 full auto becoming a fat cone instead of a narrow tube. AR is a serious set now.
  2. Yomo will give you start up cash. Look for his thread
  3. Have you tried AR since the re…vamp!!! Sexy sexy sexy. What it always should have been. The equivalent for AR of fixing Sentinels…..
  4. Is this a workaround for a mission fail and out of reach badge then?
  5. All the major arcs are. Definitely all badges. NOT all the game. Not even close.
  6. Brute. SS inv or will. Invul is better for endgame, costs more. Really any Brute but Dark or Fire (armors) will be cake. Fire is squishy and Dark takes …a certain playstyle Dark melee Invul Brute is toughest IMO but not as impressive on attacks as SS
  7. Yeah. My next project may be a solo run storyline with an AR/Dev.
  8. I find Dark Dark more natural on a Brute heavy melee than a Tank. A number of reasons 1) build. The armor values are wasted on a Tank, but with creativity you can be just as strong on a Brute. I have Tanked ROM in Master Ms Lib twice on my Brute. Both successes. 2) Stealth, makes this a lesser Tank choice, IMO. (compare ICE agro magnet) 3) Damage You should really explore Corruptor. I find Dark Dark Corruptor is the most efficient of all my Dark. Obviously not the most damaging...Blaster. But the ability to Mag 4 stun PB then work that PB with a full PBAoE chain (starting including that lovely PBAoE BU...) then laugh as they come out of stun to massive to hit debuffs...those that still live. It is a machine.
  9. it is just obvious i would post it. and it is not like the OP might not have considered Dark. honestly though it is a great choice. Dark plays different than most melee, due to non suppressed stealth and lots of clever tricks to avoid damage. Then when building control/blast you have quite a few options. Including my Corr build that stacks two AoE mag 2 stuns for a area mag 4 stun and the ability to sit comfortable at PB and work.
  10. I was actually restraining myself from posting Dark lol. I have done most of them. They are truly a hoot. Very powerful, yet rarely fitting the vampire undead theme quite the way i want. I am very particular, it has to be perfect.
  11. The "Assault Rifle" in CoH is odd. The closest thing I can think of in Sci-Fi is from a very old pulp fiction book. Maybe Niven or Heinlein. A "Dial-A-Gun" model, called by the troops a Dally Gun. This weapon had multiple ways to lay hate downrange, bullets, flames, grenades. It was just fun at a party. Due to CoHs attack types and rechatge that is basically what AR is. And then OF COURSE I go munitions mastery. Sure LRM Rocket is stupid. But damn.... Have you used this thing? With a +range Blaster half the time the mobs have no idea who hit them. And of course, as they run to you, you have all that time to kill them. At close range is a second Nuke available at the start of combat LRM, Full auto, and then... oh, then nothing really. Maybe grab a sponge.
  12. shows how much i know about warhammer 40k lol youtube was wrong about me....
  13. yeah i never played 1) it was an investment (pay 2 win) but more than that....2) the sheer size of the game room required and time involved seemed daunting.
  14. It must think you are secretly Chuin. The ancient Korean master assassin from Remo Williams who loved soap operas. And dismembered anyone who interrupted them. Are you?
  15. So Youtube has decided i love warhammer 40k. I got no idea. But i watch a lot of YouTube. So… I randomly checked some of the videos out. Death Korps of Krieg stood right out. Based on WW1 German trench warriors. So I made one. And named him Kriegsmann. The outfit is not a perfect match but it gets the point across. AR Devices Blaster. Which is so fun after last years AR tuning. My day off today. I ran 2 DFBs, Posi 1,2, Cavern of Trancendance, Synapse and Tarikoss. Now at 28. Good times. I led all the TF except the Posi 1. And yes, it was a sh..show. But we finished in a little over 40. Yes they rushed City Hall, then raced inside with no rest. And died against their clones. I held up in the library behind the clones after that, died two more times but took out 2 with Snipe and follow up fire. The Death Korp never retreat. And the only reason some of their charges do not succeed is the weight of their balls.
  16. I steal internet from a bowling alley that sits near the cemetery. no issues playing on Excelsior.
  17. How much did you drink while playing?
  18. Just out of curiosity have you tried a Dark Dark Brute? This is my main. YES it is an end hog. Until you build it right. When you use all the toggles it creates a ball of hate you can STEALTHILY place anywhere you want. Rularu eyes and Rikti drones notwithstanding. It is challenging due to the active nature of choosing your fights and managing the right powers to deal with the situation. It is MIGHTY. I have my build in Brutes forum. At least one person who say they ran it “exactly that way” could not keep it alive. I find unless I jump into three spawns at +4 (usually trying to rescue a squishy) I cannot die.
  19. If you post here I can explain that you might be the problem. Might not. Probably are. Yeah, pretty sure it is you.
  20. IF. If you turn off exp at 4, 7, 8, 9 , 14, 19, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44 and do every contact and arc. As i have done many times. You will find there is quite a LOT of redside content. And quite a bit of it is backstory for characters and Strike Forces, and plotlines.
  21. Busy today (studies, work….hunting for….bargains!). Seems odd. Homecoming rarely experiences tech issues like that
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