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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Not following every detail of the work. Pretty sure they are mostly working organically on varying things as they come up or are changed. Adding a full task of “get every power set description adjective to be accurate” would be a real task. At least I would not want it. Without pay…
  2. It would be wonderful if someone would rewrite all the descriptions with accurate adjectives based on a standardized metric. Like our volunteer staff have the time... But where would it end? Will you rewrite the Blaster description to remove the fact they are "Ranged" when in fact the archetype was written from the ground up as a Blapper and if you try to play fully ranged you gimp the shart outta your toon?
  3. The verdict is guilty. The punishment is a slow and painful death!
  4. I vote Numberwang. Quite catchy. Much better than CoH?!?
  5. some of CoH early dev theory was to purposefully mislead players about things. especially dps
  6. Actually driving city buses now. Union benefits. The post is more true than not. My first job was indeed 6 flags….
  7. You may know economics but i know peeps. Sometimes, even without vamp mez, it does indeed work just like that. 😎
  8. I am a vampire peter pan i guess. My Sark Dark Brute vampire runs fly all the time along with all his other toggles. (Mystic flight, the +res shield in that powerset gives me an o crap button) I find that flight on all the time allows me to manuever the ball of hate where i need him quickly, whether it be on a ledge or whatever
  9. Also a lot if undead will floor your to hit, so that will cause non stop missing. Level 18 i know. Try to cram a kismet +tohit on
  10. Do you have a “build” on your sent? Or you just SOing it like old school? My “meanest” sentinel was arguably a Beam Rifle, built with +to hit and + accuracy
  11. Context: Yomo is whale whale. Yomo not understanding plankton lifestyle
  12. This takes me back ti starting a new villain and getting a Luck Charm, 15,000 and feeling like i was rolling in it lololol
  13. you know how much effort goes into disposal? you either spend all night on it yourself or subcontract out to idiots. who are almost always derps who then need to also be disposed of. it never ends
  14. People are derps. Vampires drain derps. Vampires are here to make the world a better place
  15. Out of curiosity, anyone willing to do some sub contracting? Must know how to do a Viking Blood Eagle, while maintaining a living centerpiece. Top pay for qualified candidates.
  16. I have tried to get younger Vampire interested in the game. There is much resisting, some hurtful comments, and I inevitably chain them up outside to let the sun purify their minds
  17. I can relate to this for about everything in my existence...
  18. So why do you not use Hysteria? But everyone is different. The Great Balzak rarely sees the light of day due to prejudice
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