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kelly Rocket

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Everything posted by kelly Rocket

  1. I'm really not... I just don't want to have to deal with it at all. I have no problem with it existing, and fully support it being brought up to parity. I'm OK with PvPers never having to set foot in PvE, as long as I also never have to set foot in PvP... Meaning there are NO rewards from PvP zones that are useful in PvE zones, or that any rewards you could get there which can be used in PvE can *also* be obtained without ever stepping into a PvP zone. Give me that and I'm totally happy for PvPers to get whatever they want that doesn't effect me in any way shape or form.
  2. More of a parity thing. If they get to get their accolades in PvP, we shouldn't have to go into PvP zones to get Shivans, Nukes, etc, etc.
  3. I'm not sure how much lowering the cooldowns would really help, tbh. Full Auto has such a long animation time, and the Rocket Launcher is so weak compared to the stacking burn patches the Arsonist and Assault Bot can produce. And of course I don't think anything can sort the set out as long as they run into melee as frequently as they do.
  4. Yeah, I wish they would remove ths Shivans, the Nukes, etc from the game, or else make them available through PvE. It's one of the issues I've always had with the game, ever since the old days. In fact, I kind of wish they would just split PvP and PvE into entirely separate games, like you used to see with single player and deathmatch on some old FPS games. Completely separate games.
  5. Eh. I'm OK with making those accolades possible to be earned in PvP zones, but only if they only function in PvP zones. I'm just automatically against anything you can get from PvP zones giving you any kind of advantage in PvE whatsoever.
  6. Sadly you can't slot Pet IOs in the Dark Servant.
  7. Scorpion Shield doesn't have any +res to be enhanceable.
  8. That actually would happen, except that Spines/Fire Brutes tend to do enough AoE to kill spawns quite fast, and the fact that they're also using Mag 4 taunt to overcome the running.
  9. FF kind of cares, if the enemies get scattered the bots will end up following, and that can take them out of your Dispersion Bubble which is bad news. Also makes it harder to refresh the click bubbles. Also Bots aren't really low damage once you get the level 32 upgrade. At that point their damage scales to the number of enemies you're fighting, and the Assault Bot's damage with the Burn patches can be absolutely jaw-dropping. Not just in terms of how much you're doing across the whole, but even to each individual target, because the patches stack with each other if you can keep the enemies grouped together. So the Knockback->Knockdown conversion IOs are just kind of required IMO, because you get a bigger damage boost from keeping the enemies gathered tightly than you would from more damage enhancements on the pets. And only Mu Mastery's AoE immob has any -knockback effect, so even when you get your APP/PPP you're probably still going to need the converter IOs. TL;DR: Bots' damage isn't low, it's more that it scaled based on how many enemies you can keep in a tight group. Controlling knockback is crucial for maximizing DPS.
  10. If we're talking about AVs/Monsters, I sort of agree, I'd like them to run around like headless chickens a lot less. Especially as they're not actually running from you, but still fighting, just running around while doing so. But I have no problem with the normal spawn enemies running if a fight goes on and they aren't making any progress towards killing you.
  11. I think this is a shame, tbh. There's a lot of things that could be improved with it, and I personally would love to have more options in general 😄
  12. There are a lot of things in testing on Justin that haven't really had any official announcements, like the /Devices changes. I can't guarantee it's actually the case, but people I hang out with discussing character builds all day on Discord have told me that the OF proc is global on Justin. And I don't see how they have any incentive to lie to me about it. Haven't checked myself, but it would be easy to do for someone less lazy than me. But yeah, in general I have the impression that HC doesn't bother to tell us before pushing things to Justin to see if they work.
  13. That's why you slot your Bots with Sudden Acceleration.
  14. There's many ways to build a successful character, but there's generally only a handful of ways to build an optimal character. If you like it, that's fine, but it could probably be stronger built other ways. It's almost never optimal to slot all 6 pieces of any set, aside from Gaussian's.
  15. I honestly think /coxg/ has the right idea just giving everyone an inherent KB->KD toggle they can turn on.
  16. If you're swapping out the OF proc with SA, you probably could afford to reslot the entire power... OF isn't really a great set overall, you're almost certainly better off frankenslotting that power and using less slots in it IMO.
  17. Again, the swords aren't part of their Wind Control or Water Control sets. They're part of one Secondary that both characters were using. It's a bit confusing because both characters had recolored the Assault set powers to match their primaries. If you watch the part 1 video from that series, it shows Telekinetic Assault off specifically:
  18. You want those either Attuned, or the lowest possible level you can get them at. There's no benefit to having them higher level, in most cases. With exceptions for Luck of the Gambler and other globals that also give an enhancement value. But even there you want them attuned. Otherwise they stop working when you exemplar down.
  19. That's part of their "Telekinetic Assault" set, not Water Control or Wind Control. They're demoing the control sets on Dominators who both have the Telekinetic Assault secondary. That said... All of that looks uber cool. And I quite like the idea of moving Controller pets to the T1...
  20. Probably a Scrapper specific issue tbh... They have enough damage and survivability to solo with the difficulty turned way up, but they're largely single-target focused, so chewing through a spawn takes them a while, which triggers the "Hey, we've been fighting this guy for a minute, 5 of us are down and we haven't scratched him, fuck this, I'm out!" logic.
  21. Doesn't matter what the devs' vision is, to be frank. Especially if we're talking Cryptic rather than Paragon, they were wrong about their game. A lot. Probably more often than they were right. Jack was/is a moron. Anyway, the way it actually tends to play out in game mechanics, the meta that arises from the way the game actually functions, is that Support is so powerful that if you have a support set, you are a Support AT. Defender, Corruptor, Controller, Mastermind... Doesn't matter. You're a Support. Anyway, this whole argument is silly and off topic. It arose just because of one person yelling at everyone else to unsummon their pets and then being dismissive of everyone who posted to say that resummoning and buffing is a pain. And it is a pain. Especially for Bots, where you have to wait for the Protectors to get all the pets and yourself bubbled again.
  22. I too like the clanking of the Bots. I like the fact that I can easily tell just from the audio cue whether they're close or have fallen behind, and can tell without having to actually turn around and look when they start to catch up, so I'm clear to jump the next spawn.
  23. Actually they removed the Afraid effect in Burn (At least for Fiery Aura) because yes, it was bad design. And knockback WAS a bad idea that the original devs had already gone and changed to knockdown on most sets when they gave them rebalancing passes, and notice none of the newest sets use it much, if at all? Yeah, because they realized the initial devs were idiots for thinking it was a good/valuable effect.
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