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Everything posted by Yaliw

  1. There are plenty of programs that let you bind mouse clicks to buttons. I think joy2key is one.
  2. Speedruns. Trying to get fastest times on taskforces
  3. Yaliw

    AV/GM killer

    How do you guys think an Earth/Storm/Earth would fair? I assume with Fossilize + Hurl Boulder + Seismic Smash (and all the storm goodies) it would do fine.
  4. I'm cool with these. Nerf regen too
  5. Yaliw

    Necro Buff

    I'm running necro/time and I love new necro. I think the necro changes elevate the set substantially.
  6. Nah, sonic doesn't have reduced functionality Or cold Or fire Or energy Or archery Or any other powers et with a secondary effect
  7. If the healing is low enough I don't see the issue. Maybe it's only a chance of happening and the heal cannot be enhanced or target yourself.
  8. Honestly, just rework the entire set at this point. Instant healing and MoG are clunky as all hell and IMHO regen should be redesigned from the ground up
  9. I'd like to see 'suburbia' added. I know it sounds weird but we have nothing like it.
  10. I don't understand this train of logic. Why would we need to add in limitations when target caps already exist AND by slotting ball enhancers we'd be effectively g8ving up some other stat? I don't agree with this accessing and reads of small-ball vibes
  11. So do we call them 'ball enhancers'? Seems legit
  12. I actually agree that range enhancements should increase ball size. It's an opertunity cost like any other. Come on Devs, RELEASE THE BALLS!
  13. Aren't they also weak to negative energy?
  14. Truly we have reached the final echelon of city of heroes. Pack it up gents, time to shut down the servers, there is nothing left to do.
  15. I'm with Grey Cat minus the emotional tirade. There should definitely be a 'no incarnate' setting. The excuse of 'it would be work' is not an argument. It's a way to shut down an idea you don't like by pretending nobody on the dev team wants to do work to make the game better. Don't speak for the devs. They can speak for themselves.
  16. My only issue is the ressurect but otherwise I find the freakshow to be middle of the road difficulty wise- and that's only because of the end drain. Their damage is ok. The tanks hit extremely hard, their pure energy ranged attacks bypass smash/lethal defense stacking (do people still build for this?) And the SUPER FREAKS (super stunner is a dumb name and I refuse to call them that) are actually semi dangerous due to their mobility and strong rez damage. I like the freakshow. If I were king of everything I'd probably give them 1 additional group of minion/lieutenant/boss with a different damage type to round them out a bit more... maybe fire fits best here. Otherwise I find them interesting and just challenging enough.
  17. Why? Because 8 is when posi 1 starts. It's really annoying that it only gets me to 7. I don't want to run DFB again!
  19. Honestly just play with the sound off and make your own sounds as you play; that's what I do.
  20. Sideways. We make ravage melee which is cooler savage melee
  21. This would be significant work. It's never as easy as just plopping a few assets around and calling it a day. Testing for glitches in terrain alone is a nightmare. If there were to be new zones, we'd need a dedicated team to work on them first. And if we're making new zones then we need to have a long, serious talk about the future of the story. Any new zone has to fit into the story. I like the Egypt idea. It doesn't further the story, it acts tangential and is rather unique. We'd need modelers for Egypt themed things as well. I dunno... its a great setting idea but the task would be monumental and if it were to be taken on, a huge amount of energy and dedication would be needed. No offense to the current dev team but I'm sure they know this; making content from scratch is always harder than it looks.
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