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Everything posted by Chirikiti

  1. I'm just saying it can be done. With cheap sets. and frankly better def than that...BUT...perma is not necessary to solo your way through the leveling content at say +3 starting from level 22 (when I traditionally change the dif setting) also if people put some thought into it, you can actually make a boatload of money pre-30 should you want to trick out, there's some good fast merit grinding in the 30s too (Technician Naylor)
  2. I tuck in to the AVs in Itrials like anywhere else. Why wouldn't you run up on a Victoria and slash it? didn't you hold it first?
  3. I'd like to play with you I think o_-. I have a clone of Number-Six (Torchbearer, Vet level 1909 Mind/Psi) on Excelsior. Maybe I can party with you and your crew, or even run some +3/+4 x8 Duo-TFs. P.S, It's not hard to make a perma build with hasten, can be done level 30 style as I said. Also too much emphasis on building for defense is screwing people up I think.
  4. Nothing needs to be changed with domination or dominators. they are awesome as is. They are awesome at level 2 when you get out of the tutorial. It barely takes any time to build domination in any situation. Why are any perma doms losing their domination? especially in a mission or TF? It's not hard to achieve perma, hell my new doms are perma (with hasten) at level 30). Back in the day when just SOs and maybe Hami, I dealt with soloing the leveling content and playing TFs just fine saving my Domination for when I wanted/needed it. Defenses don't even need to be high, my dom has the worst defenses of any of my characters and I've solo'd practically everything (I'm perma Without hasten) and 80-90% of the time I'm tucked right in melee range, often the Tank. Nothing needs to be changed about the AT or how it works at all. It's fantastic as is. Seriously
  5. Nothing at all. Melee range is fine. I'm often the tank. I often fight in melee range, and my def was not a consideration in my build. You can solo the whole leveling content with no deaths. The purple triangles are fine, solo'd all that stuff pre-sets too leveling up. Damage is good. Controls are great. Survivability is awesome, doesn't need heals. Every team I'm on is happy to have me. What's to change? Nothing. Leave well enough alone.
  6. Not safe =p No envenomed daggers. No Temps Powers. No Lores when Soloing GMs and a fair amount of AVs (Council WW was the exception) Defences are 'low' One's mileage may vary o_- Solo'd the Red and Blue content, almost all the GMs, almost all the TFs and Trials. There's a few outstanding things left to do/attempt/try. Most fun: Apex, MoLRSF, Manticore at +3 (didn't realize I'd be fighting three AVs hehe, I was pleasantly surprised) Most Difficult: Tin Mage, Scrapyard, Council War Walker, and one of the Shadow Shard AVs gave me a bit of a worry.
  7. Retroactively give me rewards! (Vet level 1790) I would argue that vet levels do serve a small purpose. They are a decent indicator of one's expertise with said AT/Powers set in relation to the content. So they have some cachet. (and I like the ding-dings! =P) No need for additional rewards. This game is awash in rewards already
  8. Dom on auto. Click hasten, when can/feel like it. Perma without Hasten On my Fire/Energy Dom on auto, click hasten when it comes up. Perma with hasten. No keybinds. No Macros. No Cooldown timers (if you're familiar with your toon these are completely unncecessary) Domination is the obvious choice for Auto in any case. -Number-Six Vet Level 1696 Mind/Psi Dom
  9. 1200 merits 1 'day'
  10. See here I can get on board not with the sleep maybe it's so obvious that they are, but the purple doohickies indicating a confused could be more apparent. I've always said Mind's powers are subtle (and the hold animation is overridden by other people's hold graphics like Ice O_o). That being said, all it takes is for people to be somewhat observant and/or team with such a few times to get the gist. I mean I'm on teams alllll the freakin' time and the ruin mage scenario (whatever NPC) rarely happens or is of minor annoyance at best. Not worth changing anything over except maybe make the confuse graphic a little more apparent (not too much)
  11. Totally true. Don't need it (telekinesis) Also people skip powers in sets all time so I don't see the difference. For example my fire dom didn't take pets. Pets suck. So how 'bout we get rid of all pets in Dominator sets and make a power in there that's useful. Same sorta deal.
  12. I also disagree that it's effectiveness is hampered on a team...some of it's stuff maybe, overall effectiveness? Nope
  13. Lleave Mind alone. It's fine the way it is. People should play to it's strengths not try to make it closer to other sets they are used to. I just freakin knew people couldn't leave well enough alone and would start fiddling. -Number-Six Level 1240 Mind/Psi Dominator
  14. There's a difference between earning and generating Trading can make you more money...money which already exists. Farming generates it for it to spent on said trading. Two different things hah I was thinking along the same lines
  15. Doesn't need Immobs slows or stuns. Immobs don't really shut things down, doesn't need stuns it has holds confuse and sleeps. AOE no matter if you're experienced YOU can be the aoe. Sleep paired with an immob so when damaged and wake still an effect?- plenty of tools for one to use to make such happen I stand by my 'understand how to play it' comment...the very fact that people seem to need or lament the lack of said stuns/immobs and can't find all the great ways to use a sleep illustrates it. Seem to want to play it like any other set. It doesn't. Just like my fire/energy dom doesn't play anything like my mind/*. You can see it in the way people manipulate and use the purple-triangle EB/AV defense- they don't. Or stick to fighting one boss/eb (and not even holding it) when there's other stuff they could be doing in addition to that (on a team of 2 mind doms and a something troller, why are there 6 war walkers running around during the apex steps mish? I can lock down (hold) 4 of em myself, 6 if I confuse the other 2 for example). Seems like people want it to play it, and for it to be like everything else that they understand, without taking the set and maximizing it's utility which I still contend is awesome out of the box. In general I think the power sets of the game should not be messed with entirely. Going to end up with a death by a thousand-cuts.
  16. Mind weak? wow...not.even. close. I specialize in Dominators and Mind is awesome. As is. Out of the box. How anyone can find it weak even at 6th level running kalinda or Mongoose is beyond me. Mesmerize is great right off with no slots. Best hold in the game. Mass Hypnosis is a great no damage emergency and facilitator. Confuse is just awesome. Seriously mass hypnosis is great as is, adding subtracting anything from it would be terrible idea. Seriously you can solo the leveling content on the hardest difficulty with SOs with a mind dom. Don't touch Mind Control, it's perfect as is and awesome out of the gate. Seriously people need to stop fooking with power sets, especially when they can't play them well (yeah I said it) Vet Level 1204 Mind/Psi Dominator- Solo'er of all GMs, AVs, Trials, TFs: (4 outstanding from those but the point stands)
  17. Now all the vet level statistics will be skewed to farming toons (not that that 'counts'), instead of representing experience with the game/AT-Powerset in question, no? -Vet level 1198 and counting
  18. Trying to make everyone feel like they are on a level economic playing field through gameplay manipulation doesn't take into account the variability of people's time to devote to the game. If I can only play 4 hours per week, then my expectations of what I can accomplish/earn have to be mitigated. Shouldn't be an endless tweaking of the economy/nerfs/gameplay to try to adjust for such. And perhaps I am wrong on this account: Playing the market/marketeering/flipping/converting, only generates wealth if people have the money to spend on it. Less money, less earned for such activities. It doesn't generate infamy just shuffles it around. I hate new patches. Like a wrote a week or so ago somewhere here....always screws people over in some way. And now all the vet level tracking will be skewed to farmers (not that farming vet levels 'count')....Booo-urns
  19. Everyone incarnates with their DA story Arc these days since it's faster and doable on your own/own time (flashbacking the first arc) = less ITrials. Weekends and sometimes early afternoons pacific will find though.
  20. Yu would make an excellent GM, for real. Smart, Honorable, Knowledgeable, Funny. -Number-Six Level 1142 Mind/Psi Dom Torchbearer
  21. Mine too. Dominators are strong out of the box. There really should be no 'struggle' Leveled multiples of them through the content (+3 at level 22+) and hyper-specialized over time with one in particular. Survivable, good damage, awesome controls, and this is with old-time SOs. Pets in general suck so I never use em I always wonder why people seem to have such a hard time understanding them or playing them. Married to old concepts or only experience with controllers maybe. I dunno. I find them eminently survivable solo or on a team, and I'm rocking a defensively-compromised build. -Number-Six Vet Level 1093 Mind/Psi Soloer of Everything (well almost a few nigglies left)
  22. agreed on no-one should feel guilty about playing a PL'd character. Not against it at all. The uber peeps I run with almost exclusively do that. All good. Well spoken, yup
  23. I just ran a quickie ticket map. Tickets working just fine Are you at the ticket cap? There's also a max amount you can get per map
  24. All hero-side ones outside of STF/Khan and maybe Manticore (I have a soft spot for that because it threw me for a loop on my (successful) solo Virgil Tarkoff (low level stuff like this is just tedious) Shadow Shards maybe, depends on team I guess and how much TT have for traveling. Some of the fights are okay
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