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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. If you like Banes... could you whisper into the dev's ears... no re-draw.
  2. Thank you for all the replies. There aren't a lot of toxic attacks in the game that can benefit from Venom nade. Trust me I have tried them all. Poisonous ray is by far the best, but it's not awesome. I am going to repec into PR for now and see how it plays.
  3. It's probable like BP Ravagers. They just turn the model 90 degree. Then it pops back up. I could knockback Ravagers, which I do not think was expected by the animators.
  4. Sigh. Alas, this doesn't look like it's good to work well enough to be worth it. Too many mobs have very high KD resists. Mino in the ITF have 100 mag KD protection. 😞
  5. If I go forward with this buld. I will use the dominator bind trick to toggle the auto fire between hasten and mezz proctection.
  6. My eternal Bane tinkering has resumed. I have two competing builds designed. The main difference is that one takes Poisonous Ray, the other does not. Not taking PR frees up a lot of slots for beefing up durability and allows space for TT:Assault. Poisonous Ray has the potential to do a lot of damage when used with Venom Grenade's -40 toxic resists. If a target has VG and Surveillance on it, PR can do 472 points of damage with recharge of 5 seconds. That's including cast time. Build Up+VG+Surveillance = 614 damage. You might be able to get two off during the build up duration. Here are the def/resists comparisons. Left is with PR, right without. PR with a purple Apoc set gives you 5% psi def. Without PR I added more LoTG pieces which adds 7.5 s/l resists. Also, adds a bit more overall defense. Thoughts? Poisonous Ray build: Non Poisonous Ray build
  7. If you frequent the VEAT forum, you would have noticed I have a slight obsession with pure mace Banes. For the moment, I have squeezed all the blood I could get out of that rock. So, this is my experiment in making a Bane like scrapper. It exists on the beta server only for now. Pros: Good positional defense No endurance issues with regular end heal power Cons: Very expensive Compared to my bane, this one of course hits harder and leagues better AOE. As long as the attacks are positional she is much more sturdy than my bane. Once, non-positional attacks start, she can be very squishy. The bane of course brings much better team buffs and debuffs decently. Thoughts?
  8. Now, we are talking. Energy Blaster: Power push, 45 KB maxed out. *evil laughter intensifies* Paging Mad King! @Sir Myshkin I will come up with build for these two defenders: Cold Domination/Energy Blast Poison/Energy Blast
  9. Since, a maxed out force bolt probably won't knockdown an AV or kd resistant mob w/o help. I went looking for help. There are two powers that debuff knockback resistance: Poison: Weaken -37% 16 sec recharge Cold Domination: -75% 120 recharge I will have to see if combined with a kb maxed Power Push will work. Not sure how the debuff is applied to the kb value. *evil mastermind laugh*
  10. This is all just a thought experiment. I doubt that a server like this would exist under Homecoming. Some other group might do it though.
  11. First, I always want to credit my inspirations. Now, to the topic. I looked through Mids to find the max possible knockback powers. The two most obvious candidates are: Force Field: Force bolt. Max KB is ~51 Energy Blast: Nova, Max KB is 57 Has anyone tried to max these or other powers I might have missed? Do they work on very knockback resistant mobs, like AVs or large mobs, War Walkers for instance?
  12. To be clear, I am no way suggested any of these ideas should be implemented on the regular servers. Back in the days of Ultima Online, it's still running by the way, they had a Siege Perilous server. https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/gameplay/siege-perilous/ It was a high difficultly server, resources were scare or expensive. Skill gain was slow past a point. While not changing any major mechanics. What would you change to make the server very challenging? Some ideas: Disable incarnates or limit level shift to only +1 Make all enhancement much more expensive to buy Make SG prestige needed again
  13. I do use a target bind just like this, but the bind I posted is for targeting Oil Slick after you have cast it. For example, fire Oil Slick use the powexec_location bind, press b to target it, then fire an fire or energy attack to ignite it.
  14. Don't forget about the Incarnate Interface, Reactive. It will do fire damage when you damage something. Either way it's also good to have to bind to find the oil slick. /bind b target_name "Oil Slick"
  15. As you can see from my mistake, I tried a brute version. It was much squishier with the same slotting.
  16. If I had pasted the right build, eng and neg would be softcapped. It's fixed now. 😞
  17. Haha. I messed up. I had Brute and Tank builds and pasted the wrong one in. Thank you! Fixed.
  18. I have been testing this ice/dark build on the beta server. It's plenty tanky enough, killed the ITF ambush in the first mission, Banished Pantheon in Dark Astoria, Carnies, Archnos... But I am sure there can be improvements. The point of the build is to hold as much aggro as possible across as much content as possible. I thought two taunting auras plus darkest night for pulling should be enough. Darkest Night is also useful to survival against nasty psi mobs.
  19. If you don't know about this, it speeds things up considerable. You still have to the do two respecs.
  20. Are you using binds for the AOE targeted powers? Binds allow you to get your powers off faster. I have binds in the first post of this thread.
  21. I am just running through all the debuffs, then Dual Pistol attacks, nuke first. A fully slotted flash arrow is critical and must be maintained on all mobs, but don't forget about the -damage debuffs. You have to be very active to maintain everything. Definitely, not a relaxing build.
  22. Alas, most of the AOE garbage. Still more options stalker though. The ranged mace attacks are low damage and have other issues like knock back. VEATs crits are 2/3 crits with a 10 second re-hide, not 100% crits that stalkers and scrappers get. Stalker re-hide is 8 seconds and the awesome re-hide ATOs. Bane melee attacks will do as much damage as the scrapper mace attacks if you factor in the full dots that Bane mace attack do. Of course, scrappers pull way ahead because of the constant crit chance. IMO Banes at the point are great team play chars, but are much weaker than Widows or Fortuantas. Still decent soloers, as are all VEATs. They hit like trucks which is fun.
  23. Control-F5 worked, even though I had hit the page multiple times in Firefox. Chrome worked on the first time. I will run those steps before I post an error next time.
  24. First, I love your website! So, informative, it has helped me so many times already. There does appear to be an issue with Trick Arrow.Disruption Arrow across all ATs that can use it, Defender, Controller, Corruptor. It appears in the search drop down, but the power page itself is not found. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/power.html?power=corruptor_buff.trick_arrow.disruption_arrow
  25. This is the child of my Trick Arrow defender and Fortunata. I am familiar with Psychic Blast, but the revamped Tactical Arrow, not so much. What are your thought on slotting Glue Arrow and ESD Arrow? And any other suggestions. I am hoping the AOE from TA will make up for the poor AOE in Psychic Blast
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