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Everything posted by KaizenSoze

  1. A lot of discussion about the inherit in the last round of discussion. The core of the Widow end issues are the expensive claw attacks for their damage. See the end of the thread for more detail discussion about claw costs.
  2. Thanks for the great suggestions. Let me elaborate on my thinking about Ill/Rad. In my mind there are two phases to a fight. In reality this might not work at all. 🙂 Absorbing the alpha, aggro phase. Illusionist drop Phantom Army which takes care of the alpha and collapses the mobs into an "angry clump". *trademark pending* Then fire toggle debuffs on boss/eb/av. Controller then can go passive Second phase is mob clean up. Crabbermind handles this phase. That might turn out to be much management. The idea of a very passive defender following along is definitely less management. Maybe */ice for the slows. Runners are what get me in trouble, because the pets aggro other groups. Once, I get my badger far enough along. I'll try things out of the beta server.
  3. The arena just sucks. The interface is very glitchy. I have had the match starts glitch out a number of times. I only torture my SG mates for the ones I cannot do by myself, pentad and swiss draw. As for PvP zones, on Excelsior only badgers like me visit. The very rare time a PvPer shows up, everyone leaves because we know they have a specialized build. It's no fun fighting against a PvP build with your PvE build.
  4. Thank you for the research. I'll edit the OP to reflect. Sometimes I forget to be specific about stuff like this.
  5. The first build is the thread is my TA/DP defender. I haven't changed it since then.
  6. I consider from time to time creating a Crabbermind, but when I try it out on beta. It's too much management. But I have been duo boxing a lot recently for badgers and the thought occurred to me. What if I duo boxed the Crabbermind? Another build that would help keep the pets alive. Or take aggro. Or debuff the mobs so hard that the pets would be mostly safe. But also be low maintenance. So, I could focus on crab offensive. One thought was Ill/Rad controller. Phantom army to hold aggro. Rad debuffs to protect the pets and provide offensive. Thoughts?
  7. Minor one. AE alignment missions. The missions on Excelsior will complete as soon as you enter. Other members will not get the badge. Kind of obvious, but I am trying to capture the edge cases.
  8. Yes, I checked also, but didn't see any prisoners. I am guessing Tuesday restarts are not full restarts most of the time? I mean all components are the "server" are not restarted, only ones that need it. I suspect the next patch might reset it. Guessing of course, that would cause a full restart. Sucks because I need those badges too.
  9. This happens once and awhile. The Tuesday server restart should fix it. Stray freakshow are usually easy find, they are usually in the parking lot perimeter. Prisoners on the other hand. I check the surrounding area, kill what I find, but it doesn't fix it. No idea where those mobs are hiding. I opened a ticket about a few days ago, but as you said they cannot fix it.
  10. Turns out, not a bug. It was pointed out to me on the wiki. If a char does not "contribute" enough to the event, I guess damage. Then they don't get the badge. Good to know.
  11. I guess you have to kill enough. I thought I was using both chars. I guess not enough. Good to know.
  12. Laureate Badge is one of the options for completing the The Great Escape in Neutropolis. I was duo boxing the event and had to run it three times because the same char was not getting the Laureate badge option at the end. The char that was not getting the badge was sometimes the leader. The badge option just didn't appear, the other emote and reward options did. I ran it solo on the three attempt and that char got the badge option.
  13. This is probably a bug, but the Laureate Badge is problematic. I duo boxed it twice and the other player did not get the badge option. So, I soloed with the char that did not have it and got it. Beware this badge might not work reliable with all members in a group. Even for the group leader. Fun note, I fired the Biological Mutagens Warburg Nuke at the beginning the of the Lucan fight. The PPD were so buffed they wiped out all the mobs in under 10 seconds.
  14. Though Assault Rifle has issues. AR/Dev is a good combo. Everything is ranged, except Trip Mine and Time Bomb, which can easily be skipped. You should always skip Time Bomb.
  15. The badge, Recluse's Right Hand / Recluse's Betrayer, requires you to complete every arc from each of the four patron. Each patron has four arcs, 16 total, each arc has 5-6 missions, so that's around 100 missions total. Currently, you only get one badge per patron. I suggest that the end arc of each patron arc should also have a badge. So, two badges per patron. Some badge name ideas: Mako: Alpha Predator Scirocco: Whirlwind Black Scorpion: Tech Support Ghost Widow: Ghost Whisperer
  16. Yes, if you have stealth it's not hard. If you don't have decent stealth, it's best to go with 1-3 players instead of 8. Level 14 trolls are kind of nasty when there are a lot of bosses.
  17. One of this weeks Weekly Strike Force is Cavern of Transcendence I created a guide for speed running it, but I am finding other group specific issue after running it six times this week. You have to unlock it. Talshak the Mystic This involves that very large Atta cave mission. You can Team Transport or Personal Mission Teleport right to the TF mission entrance. Skipping the whole running through the tunnels part. After Team Transport the mission door is right behind you. Don't go running off into the tunnels. This has been happening a lot. Do not hospital. The nearest hospital is in the Hollow a long way away. There are only badges for TF completion and Kill 100 Magmite Lord (bosses). No badge for the monster, which is a bummer. Mobs will respawn very slowly. It's quicker to clear and restart if you are working on the Magmite kill badge. Guide:
  18. I can necro my own thread if I want too. 🙂 Now, that I have some confirmation that Widow claw attacks are the key source of endurance troubles. Widow claw attacks cost more end and/or higher recharge for comparable attacks than Scrappers, Brutes, Tankers, and Stalkers. Long thread discussion. Last two pages are the important ones. I have resurrected and revamped my Mu Widow build. Uses end procs in the Mu attacks to compensate for the end heavy claw attacks. I dropped my Trapdoor times from almost 11 min to under 9, which is a massive improvement. Still need Ageless for DDR and when the end proc gods hate you. Build
  19. Mayhem: Firebug Badge - Complete 10 arson side missions during Mayhem Missions. Note that only the person who activates the final bomb gets the badge credit.
  20. I will in the next couple of days. I think it's mostly I am too caution in general.
  21. @Kanil As I can never get close to your times. I'm just old and slow. 🙂 Here is a Night Widow build that improves on my usual 11 min to 9 mins.. Maybe you can tweak or run it see how fast you can go. Not going to be as fast as Fort, but I think it's an noticable improvement.
  22. They were asking build suggestion, not a comment about yourself. 😛
  23. Your single target chain, Follow up, Slash, Lunge, Strike, Swipe, if you want to focus on claw attacks only. That should be close to gap less depending on recharge. If you need more filler than Poison Dart to avoid redraw. I have this love-hate relationship with Eviscerate, you could sub that for Swipe. After the research in this thread. I am dropping it.
  24. Bopper posted the equation for endurance cost earlier. My current theory on why end costs are high, is the base recharge is higher for many attacks, not sure if the endConstant varies between ATs. I am guessing it does. Comparing them to non-claws attacks many Night Widow claw attacks cost more end and higher recharge than many well know end hog sets like Scrapper's War Mace and Battle Axe. For example, Whirling Mace, Whirling Axe, and NW Spin all have the same recharge, but Spin costs 2.44(16%) more end. For, 4-14% less damage before taking criticals into account. To be clear, I do not want NW damage to be equal before crits to scrappers. That would be silly. I would like to see some mitigation to the end costs. Fortunatas are not as reliant on claw attacks, hence they have less end issues. They still have end issues. 🙂 Dominate is the easiest to compare. Forts have the cheapest end version by 15% and the most damage compared to Controllers and Doms. But Fort Psionic Tornado has the highest end cost by 12% of any version.
  25. Sentinel are good from 1-50. After, 50 they have issues. Not exactly what I think you're asking for but it's in the spirit.
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