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Everything posted by catsi563

  1. Happy Pride from an ally and friend may you continue to soar proud and happy
  2. Which tastes like redbull which tastes terribull
  3. we make a tank out of it cat imaginations are limitless
  4. Or theyd all die promptly as every villain group would say Oh no its fire powered hero X12345 BLAST THEM and every single villain in the room would focus their entire arsenal on them to prevent the inevitable fireball
  5. Dual Pistol Martial Combat is one of THE FUNNESST and most aggressive combos out there. you have to train yourself to not think like a blaster and think more like a blapper. same with Archery Ninja you have to be aggressive and get right in the bad guys faces
  6. for most content a simple build of 3 health SOs or IOs and 3 end Mod sos or ios will be more than sufficient to get you through the game if you can afford it by lvl 47 a numinas regen proc and a performance shifter proc both work wonders bur are by no means mandatory past that additional procs and or full sets are like sprinkles on top of the donuts of life
  7. What is the hotkey for screenshots in game anuways steam is F12 never have seen what COH is in this iteration
  8. sounds like you need an actual mouse instead of these tech monstrosities. itll probably play smoother doesnt require as many updates and wont argue with you as long as you feed it cheese
  9. little late to the party but here goes just for the fun of it female warriors and dont limit them to guns or archery have them out there swinging titan weapons and Battle axes and Warhammers and punching it out with the big boys seeing a fem warrior rushing up and yanking out a titan sword twice the size of her body would be cool as hell more powers such as titan weapons staff fighting SJ and Martial arts fighters and Super Strength fighters as well as Katana and Archery newer sets added as well Rapiers and Whips if theyre added. GUN FU some newer warriors would be mocked by the old guard but theyd espouse the way of the Gun as shown in movies like Equilibrium or John Woo fare As a legit martial art theyd be rare as hell but trying to convince others to join them and very dangerous for the unexpecting hero to come across expand their looks with armor and shields apropos to their aesthetic More magic artifacts that fit the meme such as ice claws or flaming auras things that can shock a pc expecting to just roll up and punch a warrior in the face only to burn their hands use MM pets such as an ELITE warrior trainer who trains ninja or thug style fighters, these guys get training and having ELITE Trainer appear and whistle up some of his trainees to fight would be a fun surprise BEAST MASTERS guys who call up large dogs and occasional Cats and even a Bear (use warwolf model) or Trained Dire Wolf to fight for them using a whip as their preferred weapon expand the weapons listing by using different weapons aesthetics varying them up to using different styles of broad sword or Axe etc Thats all I got for the moment
  10. I dont trust elevators or stairs theyre always up to something
  11. I Call Shenanigana! And I should know Im an expert 😹
  12. I do this regularly along power themes White Lotus the assassin leader of a ninja clan uses swords bows shuriken and has ninja fighting for her along side ocult magic she uses Bale Fire is basically EVERY fire power archetype in one go Panda is the same but with Darkness powers North Winds is storm and ice and weather Shattersky is all electric and storm powers
  13. I Have no honest Idea. its like i said it came out of the clear blue left field and left me for the rest of the night really wondering what id done to earn their ire. the person had blocked me actually i should mention as i did try to contact them to find out what was wrong still in the end people gonna people
  14. yes they do I was doing a monster run when we hit adamastor. I get there and wait for everyone to arrive then ask directly is everyone ready? I get a chorus of Yep ready lets go So what does anyone do in that circumstance? naturally with the team ready behind me I push the button and summon the big guy. he goes down like a lamb and were done immediately after that i see a question in league chat asking who summoned him. thinking nothing of it and for the sake of honesty i answer in the affirmative and the person in about the smuggest tone one can get on a written format asks me to block them so they never have to team with me again In utter confusion I do so because really do you want to deal with such a primadonna as it is? But to this day i still cant figure out what i did wrong and even after asking the rest of the league who also had no idea what was wrong . So yeah they do this
  15. they dont prevent it but immobs are supposed to mitigate it somewhat turning it into Knockdown while the target is immobilized
  16. Not a hard yes we have to do this just more a fun thought exercise. as was said above i like the idea of the different pets Though a new set flavored after that might be neat
  17. Yeah pretty much I like the visual imagery of imps but a neat add on a firey dark fluffy or a giant lava or inferno pet also same for the other pets
  18. Nah I think it really at worst comes down to one button like DPs switch ammo power just pick your flavor of pet to"toggle on" for the situation
  19. Nope Im aware much like MMs I was basing this more of the way SWTORs comapnions can do all roles as needed so it was an interesting idea to see if a comp for all seasons can do the same here
  20. So we all love our controller pets our firey imps and sparkly gremlins, icy Jack, Tough Rocky, snappy the plant and of course the best pet of all Dark Fluffy in both slim shady form and wolf form. but theyre really all we get arent they and may not work in every situation So this crazy cat has a proposal What if we could summon a different pet to do different jobs? This is based off of SWTORs companions which can do one of three roles tank DPS or heals so what if a fire controller for example could summon Imps for dps but runs into a fight where more healing and some debuffs would be beneficial so they pull out smokey who has perma hot foot around him and casts char smoke and warmth heal, or they pull out Inferno a large fire elemental with an attitude who use burning aura giant firesword and taunt Frost gets Icicle imps frosty little monkeys or wolves who use frost breath and freezing claws or good ole Jack as for control and support, or Glacier a giant polar bear made of ice that can smash your enemies Stone gets pebbles little ones similar to the DE, Rocky as your support and Boulder a massive stone tank with a perma mudpots aura Electric gets gremlins of course and Lighting a blasting pet with electric control powers for support, and lastly thunder a massive cloud that uses taunt and thunderclap to disorient enemies And so on and so forth the possibilities abound and not much change to the power really either as it would be similar to change ammo for DP. just choose the flavor of pet you want and press button or toggle on, a lot of new buttons to press i grant you and cant control it like MMs do to keep that aspect balanced but a new and interesting change to the game have fun with your own ideas for fun pets =^_^=
  21. yeah all freaks rez but the super stunners use a PBAOE damage rez that damages and drains end AND the more people near it when it drops the MORE it heals for, I keep yelling take the Super stunners at range but no one seems to listen to that so we keep getting nailed for health and end in the middle of fights
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