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  1. I'm not surprised my base isnt in the list...the finalists are really good! i have a LOT more to learn and experiment with 🙂 Great job everyone
  2. Character Name: Show-Deki Global: Nicodemous Bain SG name: Knights of Eternity Shard: Excelsior Passcode: KOE-15150 Item Count: 11583 Category: RP base over 7k Additional Info: /visscale 5+, The entire base can be explored without needing fly, Several hidden area to find and explore
  3. more NPC's in general, I know custom NPC's would be awesome but that would be a lot to do, is it possible to just add all the NPC skins to the list?? Most of the NPC's we have are all modern style, we need more of the fantasy style NPC's (Tsoo, Cimerora, Circle of Thorns....etc)
  4. oops my bad.....its on Excelsior ill fix that, thanks for pointing that out
  5. This is for my base for my Sg The Knights of Eternity, The concept was a fantasy style base for Mages and Knights to call home, there are a few semi-hidden places The base is on Excelsior base code is Koe-15150 and here is a sneak peek
  6. He lives up to that name.....a lot!!!
  7. This is Odoroki (japanese word meaning surprise), I got him as a surprise in July 2020, was told he was a girl, about a month later we learned he was not 🙂 Sorry the pics are sideways And this is him about 3 months ago :)...he is a weido
  8. Npcs are a pain in the butt to select, if you are right in front of them you can try hitting TAB, otherwise I have had some luck clicking on their legs near their feet, doesnt work 100% of the time tho. Hopefully someone else can add some more, just in case they have an easier way
  9. I built this over a year ago when i was trying out some of the things I learned from Dacy's vids, I still enjoy sitting in the base, its simple and its kind of relaxing to watch the sun rise and set. Feel free to check it out, its on Excelsior and the code is technos-7653
  10. I'm sure this was already asked for but, is it possible to get the npcs from other zones added in?? i build medieval/fantasy style bases and modern dressed npcs just look wrong 🙂
  11. One of my 3
  12. I too love Bio, I've made a Bio in every AT that can take it I have a Lvl 50 Rad/Bio stalker and I enjoy playing it, she can tank +4/8 but as far as the best primary it's really hard to say honestly everyone has their own opinion on the "Best" im working on a few other ?/Bio stalkers right now also, but I'd just say poke at a few different setups and see which one you like the feel of. Just have fun with it either way 😄
  13. Voted, CoH was at 21%
  14. It will trigger at any time not just when you have used the power. I use this on all my Alts, if I have a heal that I plan to 6 slot then I put the whole set in, if not I put the proc in health.
  15. It's good to know that I'm not the only one who enjoys making mazes. :) i made a SG base that has a hedge maze and I small maze inside it as well but I started another base that's going to be a massive maze. I will have to make a few Alts to check yours out, I love running mazes! if your ever on excelsior please check mine out, it's not as epic as yours but it gave me something to start with. and your screenshot looks a-MAZE-ing!!
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