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15 minutes ago, krj12 said:


I logged in at 9 PM, not a soul in the supergroup was showing as logged on.  I'll try again next Tuesday.



Awesome, Neverglade! It will be great to have you with us again 👍


I know I was a minute or so late because there was some kind of download I hadn't anticipated, but when I logged on, there were already several people in the sg eager to get started on our plant troll (and doms) adventure in Striga. 


We also have a chat channel now--Parks and Wreck--so please feel free to /chanjoin in case people are finishing something up on other toons before switching over to their plant trolls (and doms).  The channel is shiny new, but it's going to be helpful to members who are needing to fill out TFs or who want to do something planty and wrecky with our crew.  If people are available to help, join, etc., I'm sure they will!  If they're busy doing whatever, including soloing, they may not be available, but that's okay, too. 

On 10/30/2019 at 6:53 PM, Tahliah said:

Our fifth all plant troller/dom team was amazing fun and the time flew by as we strangled, creepered, buffed, and debuffed our way through Stephanie Peebles' arc in Striga.  We really sped through it and had a blast doing so, but as she gives out the missions out of order it became a bit repetitive toward the end of the night as we redid missions to ensure that everyone who wanted to was able to finish the arc (i.e. get the wedding band temp power and earn the 25 merits).  We succeeded, of course, but in future, we may want to rethink grinding out arcs that are given out of order to members of the same team. And we may not.  Heh.


We had a total of eight planters show up, but only seven on the team at one time as one left "early" and one joined us "late" (we start at 9 p.m. EST, but have no set end time and anyone can join if they are running later than 9--unless we are in a TF, for obvious reasons).


It was our first plant night with @Strawberry Hazeand it felt like she has been with us all along.  Between her dom abilities helping out our resident dom Spring Fury and some extra end and recharge help from Speed Boost and all the glorious planty and secondary goodness from seven plant trolls and doms, we just melted through missions and had amazing fun along the way.  


After we ratcheted up the difficulty a bit, I (on a /kin) and @StridingWind(on a /dark) had trouble with reliable hits on our heals, so I started just spamming mine since I couldn't rely on it to serve as a last minute "save" for a planter in need of Kelp!  Then Termite was amazing with his /nature abilities, I particularly love his mini oasis drops for the team.  When we plant a few Spirit Trees on it, it really looks gorgeous, to say nothing of the fact that the combination provides marvelous heal/hp buffs for the whole team. 


One creative planter said that it would be fun to color our creepers so that they could be easily distinguished from others, so we all declared our choices and think it will be fun to see a crazy mass of multi-colored creepers doing their creepery thing.


One intrepid planter pointed out how nice it is not to have to worry about aggro on an all plant team, and it really is a different sort of team in that (and maybe in every) sense.  And it's amazing fun!  All vines and creepers and auras galore, lots of mushrooms, too, lol.


The people who were going to join us last week were unable to make it this week, but we hope to see them in the coming weeks!  They are already in an active sg and won't be joining Parks and Wreck since they play their planters for their sg activities, so for ease of communication with them and with our Parks and Wreck sg-mates when they aren't currently running a planter, I set up a chat channel:  Parks and Wreck 


This chat channel is open to anyone who wishes to join us in our planty, parksy, wrecky adventures, so if you are interested in running with the all-plant troll (and dom) group on Tuesdays or with the plant-related themed toons on the third Thursday of each month, just /chanjoin and let us know! 


One of our members mentioned when we met on Thursday something about new rolls that headed to Kings Row instead of the Hollows, and that sounds fun to me since I've not done much Kings Row since first getting back (and kind of burning myself on it for a short time due to over-enthusiasm at being back and a severe case of altitis, heh).  I love doing the game's regular content, so I'm up for rolling new plant trolls/doms and hitting content we missed this time around, including KR.  Anyway, that's something we can think about doing on new planters at some future point (or perhaps for some other Parks and Wreck team fun that's not plant trolls/doms). 


Anyone wishing to join us on their plant troll (or dom) can do so on any Tuesday at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  Any level and secondary is welcome, and we have a great crew.  Everyone is amazing fun and super nice/easy to team with.  Next week, we will be starting out in Striga with Long Jack's arc. His arc, I seem to recall, is given to all team members in the same order, so we should blast through to the third Striga contact, Tobias Hansen, next week. 

Awww! I love these plantie team highlights @Tahliah Looking forward to next Tuesday. 😄

  • Thanks 1

Our sixth all plant troll (and dom) team night was a raging success.  We had 12 plant trolls (and doms!) show up and were thrilled to welcome new people to our group and to our sg.  Yay!


We started out with eight, but we knew that we had at least one more person coming, so we split into two teams.  The trollers in their 30's formed a team of four, and the rest of us formed the other team.  The 30's team seemed to have had a great time doing one TF (not sure which one) and then getting to lvl 35 for the ITF.  They started running it rather late and with just the four of them, so they decided to save the last mission for another day.


The rest of us were in Striga and people quickly joined until we were a full team of eight.  We had an absolute blast in Striga and dashed through Long Jack's arc and got a good start on Tobias Hansen's as well.  It was quite a sight as we all gained levels and the last two of us finally got our Creepers!!  I turned my xp back on in the last Long Jack mission and quickly dinged 25 and then that magical wondrous Creeper-giving 26.


One of our new Parks and Wreck crew started the night at lvl 2 and ended at lvl 16 with not a sewer in sight.  :P


I have to say that it was one of best runs in a pool room I've ever been party to (I usually dread that room, but now, I kind of like it).  We just blasted (er, strangled and creepered and buffed and debuffed) our way through those capsules (and the vampires they vomited) like crazy.  It was so fun to see all the vines and creepers and spirit trees and auras, to hear the snap of speed boost, the gentle jingle of /nature heals, to cheer when our teammates leveled, to just be so in that planty moment that one planter even commented, "just look at that!"  Okay, we really were pretty amazing.  Heh.


In fact, we had such a grand time, that I literally lost track of time.  When people started logging to get some sleep before work the next day, I was confused until Irresponsible Creeper pointed out how late it was!


So it was off to the base for some post-run toon maintenance (enhancements!), and there we found that Irresponsible Creeper had created our very own beach in our sg.  It's so gorgeous!  Of course I immediately had to change into a bathing suit . . . all the better to swim with sharks, lounge on a towel, and sip Haze's mai tais. 


If you are interested in joining us on your own plant troll (or dom), we will be finishing up Tobias' arc in Striga next week and then doing Lars Hansen's to unlock Hess.  We meet on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior.  You can send a tell to any of us or join the Parks and Wreck chat channel to be added to our sg.  It's as easy as that!  In fact, we had a great new planter do just that last night! 


When we finish Striga, we will head to Croatoa for some creepy fun wrecking witches and Fir Bolg and Tuatha, oh my!  After that, we will likely focus on finishing our TFC as we've only done Posi 1 so far as a team.  In other words, lots of great times with great planters to come!



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Team 2 - aka 30s team (I was lowest at 33)


First, we headed to IP and ran Penelope Yin's TF. We were joined by a PuG corruptor I think and had to make fun of them because they were neither plant, no nature themed. I chuckled a lot as he always ran ahead to eat the alpha with tar patch / DN rather than letting us just toss Seeds or Creepers. He red-lined a bunch, but over all we rolled through the missions. I had to ask at the last mission if we were set to Bubble Blowing Baby Mode because I swear it was like you were beating down greens and grays.


Then, we did the Summer Blockbuster. I played the Hacker. We picked up a couple of the badges (only missed the one with the dogs iirc) and Overwhelming Force IOs. I'll probably try converting mine into the -kb because, wow, does Thunderstrike do knockback. Will need to tweak my permadom build plan if I do.


After that we did a brief AE farm to get me the rest of the way to level 35 because a couple of the boys were itching to run the ITF.


We popped into Nightward to get the badge so we could all access Cim, and headed there last. Now I'll admit I was skeptical when (I think it was Raisin) was all for starting the ITF with just the 4 of us and our highest level being 38 (?). I thought that was complete madness as there was no way we'd get through half of the TF without team wiping. But I figured at least it'll be good xp.


We pretty much rolled through the first couple missions with only a death or two (although the pets kept getting wiped by the exploding crystals). When we started the 3rd mission and had to battle through Cim valley to the robot and fight the first 2 AVs, I think your team was rapping up and you messaged how we were doing. We said good or something like that, but then I messaged the team that that was going to end with this mission. There was no way, IMO, that we were going to win this with just 4 and minimal buffs.


Well shut my mouth! We made it through the valley, soundly defeating the generals and 100s of Cims (a couple more deaths) and got to the computer. I was thinking 'here we go, soon as the last couple waves of bots activate, we're dead'. But no! While it was a bit slow damaging the computer, which worked to our advantage, every time a wave of bots activated, it was soundly confused by seeds and kb'd by creepers. We took them all down without much trouble at all. That moment made me a true believer. I've been on plenty of ITFs and seen team wipes there plenty of times, but the stacked controls and pseudo pets cleared the way handily. And mind you, there were just 4 of us!


But before being able to bask in the glory, somebody pulled not one, but both AVs and their entourage down to the computer. I was thinking 'are they crazy... we're pretty much tapped of insps and could use a quick rest'.  Down the AVs came and I engaged Rom in melee fisticuffs as the resident tank-inator. I had to eat the rest of my candy, but managed to hold him off long enough for the team to put him down first and Requiem a few moments later.


At that time it was pretty late, so we decided to pause the TF and continue it TONIGHT.


9:00 PM is our finale... retaking Cim.


I'm really curious to see how we do against the nictus-fueled Romi. I have to say I will be shocked if we finish this with our current team, but I'm a lot more confident now than yesterday.





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I very much enjoyed reading this great post, and it sounds like you guys had an amazing time @Dark Current!  The ITF is one of my very favorite TFs, so I can't wait to hear how it goes tonight.  I am very confident that you will be successful and wreck it!

22 hours ago, Tahliah said:

I very much enjoyed reading this great post, and it sounds like you guys had an amazing time @Dark Current!  The ITF is one of my very favorite TFs, so I can't wait to hear how it goes tonight.  I am very confident that you will be successful and wreck it!

So we finished last night as intended, and I have to say it went really really smooth. Romi went down in probably 5 - 7 min. I don't think any of us died in that fight.


We brought Imperious with us just in case. He aggrod like a champ as usual, which made the fight more dangerous than if we had just left him behind. He basically flew through the mobs in the middle of the  platform and drew Romi before we'd finished the Cyclops and Minotaur. So we ended up fighting 2 EBs, and the AV family + a bunch of adds simultaneously.


What really made the difference I think was 4x Creepers. It was just a swarm of tentacles around the AVs. Helped spread the aggro around while I just pounded on Romi with elec-powered fists over and over.


One of the others is /traps I think and that made a big difference. Plus, the -RES bubble from sonic helped melt things.


I again admit I didn't think it was possible with just 4 dudes running lvl 39 and lower toons, 3 of them controllers and 1 a dom, to take down Imperious and his Nicti friends, but we pulled it off and it really wasn't that hard.


Another place where we shined that I know wipes alot of teams is the initial rescue of the Oracle on the platform. You know when all the dwarfs and novas storm up the stairs from behind? Well it was like there wasn't even an ambush. I was fighting the Cims and figured I'd start seeing teammates redline. I turned around a minute later after taking out the minotaur and the team had the ambush pretty much silenced. It felt like we'd turned down the difficulty or something, but nope, we just handled the waves like it wasn't a big deal.


It was really nice work by the team. I applaud their skill and look forward to more challenges next week.


I have to say I’ve enjoyed this thread and reading through the escapades. As a Plant/ fan, I feel altitis hitting hard. I co-mained a Plant/Storm powerhouse on live and had a perma Dom Plant/Psy on live which I re-rolled as my first toon on HC and first 50. Perma Dom Seeds are something to behold. 

I may roll a Plant/ something soon and will give a shout out on the channel for a SG invite. @Allotrionis my global. Not sure what the toon name will be. 

Keep up this thread. ‘tis a fun read. 

  • Thanks 1

Thanks, @Allotrion!  Mission accomplished then as we were hoping that reading about our plant troll adventures would spark that altitis fire in other plant troll/dom fans.  🙂 We'll keep an eye out for you and be thrilled to have you join us!    

  • Thanks 1

I'd be up for this, but I live in the UK, so timing is a bit of an issue...

Might make a toon just to join th SG and do stuff outside of the weekly meetups though 🙂

Maybe a plant/dark dominator? Not tried that combination before...

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 11/9/2019 at 9:37 AM, Shadowfane said:

I'd be up for this, but I live in the UK, so timing is a bit of an issue...

Might make a toon just to join th SG and do stuff outside of the weekly meetups though 🙂

Maybe a plant/dark dominator? Not tried that combination before...

That would be great, @Shadowfane  Of course you are more than welcome, and actually, @biostemis interested in joining us, as well, but works until well after we are finished for the night.  I'm not sure of your schedules, but how great would it be to get a plant troll/dom team going on Tuesdays at a later/earlier time than 9 p.m. EST to accommodate work schedules and UK/European time zones?!


If that doesn't sound good, though, you are definitely welcome to join our quickly growing Parks and Wreck crew.  The easiest way is probably to join the Parks and Wreck chat channel and just let whomever is there know you want an sg invite.  If you don't want to do that, you can send a tell to me @Tahliah and I will get you into the sg.  Once there, you can /altinvite more toons if you wish.  

Edited by Tahliah

Well, 9pm EST is currently 2am in the UK, so I imagine I'd have to get involved in earlier teams 😛

Anyway, Ashen Orchid (plant/dark dominator) is currently level12 on excelsior, and once I've transferred some inf over from my reunion toons, I'll join the channel and say hi 🙂

My global in game is @Shadowfane btw 🙂

  • Like 1
On 11/9/2019 at 12:18 PM, Shadowfane said:

Well, 9pm EST is currently 2am in the UK, so I imagine I'd have to get involved in earlier teams 😛

Anyway, Ashen Orchid (plant/dark dominator) is currently level12 on excelsior, and once I've transferred some inf over from my reunion toons, I'll join the channel and say hi 🙂

My global in game is @Shadowfane btw 🙂

Hey @Shadowfane!  I've seen you in the chat channel and just wanted to make sure you were added to the sg; if not, next time you see me on, let me know, and I'll get you squared away.  :)  Welcome!  

Posted (edited)
On 11/12/2019 at 5:45 PM, Shadowfane said:

It's all good, I have gone somewhat mental and built the Orchid sisters- plant/dark, plant/fire, plant/psi and plant/storm...

I may have a problem... 😛

Heh. You have the same "problem" all of us have!  I keep rolling plant toons and can't seem to stop myself.  Your quad of Orchid sisters are more than welcome, happy to have you with us!  😁


(and thanks, now I want to roll a plant/fire.  Hehe.)


[update:  Yep. I did it.  I rolled a plant/fire dom because the combo sounded so fun and I've never played that combo before!  We really need to get together and run some of the lowbie toons /  new rolls who are starting to populate the Parks and Wreck sg as a group. Fun!]

Edited by Tahliah

Just want to say thanks again from Celestial Seed for the SG invite and the awesome team romp through Striga and Croatoa. I played it cautiously at first because I didn’t want to be the “OH NOES THERE GOES THE STORMY AGAIN” type of new teammate but I can definitely see the possibilities with this team.  And I wasn’t even properly slotted on most powers. 

Looking forward to next time!

  • Like 1

I had a load of fun with the ITF team last night,  4 plant trollers, 2 sentinels, and 2 scrappers made for an interesting combination.  Thanks to everyone.



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Our seventh plant troll/dom team night was another raging success and seriously super good fun.  We started out with about five or six planters, but the number quickly ballooned (yay!), and we split up again into the higher level toons with @krj12on Neverglade, lvl 50, heading that up.  The 30s and 40s took off for some ITF fun and wreckage, picking up some fillers for their team.


The rest of us stayed in Striga and finished up there.  We quickly filled to eight and even had someone waiting (since one team was full and the other in an ITF).  Luckily, the person waiting was happy to hang and get in when we had an opening.  In the meantime, we all had fun chatting together in the sg and Parks and Wreck chat.  We had a couple of amazing new planters join us, including @Allotrionon Celestial Seed.  In all, we had 13 planters and one very special guest of one of our crew join us for last night's plant adventures. 


We finished up Striga and have Hess unlocked, though we didn't pause to do his TF.  Instead, we headed over to Croatoa and got a good start on Gordon Bowers' arc.  We had an amazing fun time melting through those missions and enjoying the planty goodness.


Here we all are making short work of some apparitions and witches who thought we had met our match in them.  They were so wrong.  And were quickly dispatched.




As you can see, the vines and creepers and auras and de/buffs were flying! 


While we didn't pose for an "official" team photo last night, our amazing sg leader Irresponsible Creeper took some action shots, including the one above.  Here's another of the wreckage as we move through:




It's difficult to explain the awesome power and absolute joy and fun in an all-plant troll/dom team.  It's unlike any team I've ever experienced because the fundamentals are thrown out the window.  Who needs a tank/brute when you have a couple of amazing doms in Spring Fury and Haze?  Who needs a healer when you have Termite and his magical /nature abilities and Celestial Seed's stormy goodness?  Who needs a defender when you have Creeper's and Raisin's and Cyber's and Greenhous' and Similac's awesomeness?  With a few snaps of SB and ID from Power Plant., the team was powered up and ready to wreck anything that got in its way.  Every single player contributes (including those I may not have mentioned here), and it's pure awesomeness.


If you would like to join our all plant troll (and dom) team, don't be shy!  We welcome new members with open stems and you will soon feel quite at home with our amazing crew.  We run on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EST on Excelsior, and the easiest way to join us is to join our Parks and Wreck chat channel and let anyone who is there know you want to join the Parks and Wreck sg.  That's all there is to it!  You can /chanjoin or do it by clicking on the chat tab to search for a channel to join.  We have a fully functional base, so you can train, buy/sell enhancements/recipes/salvage, store your stuff, share with and get salvage/enh from your sgmates, use the merit vendor, pick up some useful buffs, and quickly travel to any zone with a base porter.  You can also send a tell to anyone you see named here and happen to see in the game.  Or you can send a tell to me @Tahliahat anytime; I'll get back to you when I log in if I'm not in-game at the time.


Also, as a reminder, the sg is not limited to Troll Tuesdays, we also do other stuff with our crew from @StridingWind's farm for anyone interested in PLing to just running story mishes or filling out TFs or simply chatting while you solo.  Irresponsible Creeper runs a non-troll/dom plant-themed group on the third Thursday of each month (trolls and doms are also welcome for that), and that's also amazing fun.  @StridingWindis starting up level 50 all blaster/sent team, again Parks and Wreck themed; I'm not sure of the days/times for that yet, but we'll have it up in the MOTD once it's set.  In short, there's something for everyone with a parksy wrecky side! 


Next week we will continue in Croatoa and finish up there so we can unlock Katie Hannon.  Yes, while we are having a blast as we level our planters, we also want to ensure that our sg has every tf unlocked and available for future weekly strikes or just for the fun of a TF when we feel it.  Besides, Croatoa is an amazing zone with great arcs and lots of fun (and badges and kill unlocks for accolades) to be had!  What's not to love?



Edited by Tahliah
  • Like 1
11 hours ago, Allotrion said:

Just want to say thanks again from Celestial Seed for the SG invite and the awesome team romp through Striga and Croatoa. I played it cautiously at first because I didn’t want to be the “OH NOES THERE GOES THE STORMY AGAIN” type of new teammate but I can definitely see the possibilities with this team.  And I wasn’t even properly slotted on most powers. 

Looking forward to next time!

Aw, throw caution to the winds (as it were), @Allotrion!  No one on a plant troll (and dom) team is going to care about KB; unleash your full fury!  :D



I've got a 50 plant/storm that I stripped for an alt. Wish I hadn't now that I've found this thread. Think I'm going to have to rebuild him and hit you guys up!

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Hellborn said:

I've got a 50 plant/storm that I stripped for an alt. Wish I hadn't now that I've found this thread. Think I'm going to have to rebuild him and hit you guys up!

That sounds like a great plan, @Hellborn!  We would love to have you join us in our plant troll (and dom) adventures.  We are currently running two teams: one that is lvl 35ish to 50 and one that is around lvl 30 but has toons in their teens and twenties.  So you don't need your best build to run with us; in fact, you can slap some IO's or even SO's in your toon and be ready to rumble.


[Edit to add: the above is where we are now; however, we welcome all planters of any level.  If you want to roll a new plant/ troll (or dom) and join us, you are more than welcome!  Just last week, we had a planter join us fresh out of Outbreak and get from lvl 2 to lvl 16 simply by running with our team.] 


If you are seeing this thread and think you'd like to join in, do it!  🙂 We welcome all level planters. 

Edited by Tahliah
clarity, addendum

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