MaskedMan Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 I've been on a Egyptian-mythology bent lately. The Eye of Ra (the right eye; the eye of power) and The Eye of Horus (left eye; the eye of protection). Wish I had time to play them all 😭 14 1
TheMoneyMaker Posted November 24, 2024 Posted November 24, 2024 new invul/MA tanker: Lump Backstory is that he's a chi-sensitive fat kid who learned kung fu when an alternate reality version of himself performed a magic ritual that briefly linked every version of himself throughout the multiverse in an effort to reach true zen. It worked for him but also gave all of his alternates a boost as they retained a bit of the knowledge and power of all of their alternate selves as well. poison/elec defender: Discharge Her lightning is as toxic as she is. 9 1 2
TheMultiVitamin Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 (edited) Despite how simple it is, this design has so far been my favorite thing I've made in a very long time! She's a Rad/Dark Miasma Corruptor (part of a set of 4 characters I regard as The Family (not connected to the mafia as this family is legit just the 4 seasons embodied). Say hello to Withering Daughter (embodiment of Fall, Decay and Rot) Each of "The Family" will have an alt costume of them embodying their nature fully and hers is gonna have a lot of zombie parts as a result for Rot and Decay. Edited November 25, 2024 by TheMultiVitamin 5 1
biostem Posted November 25, 2024 Posted November 25, 2024 Mixing genres a little bit, here - A metal golem created during the age of sail - "Captain Carbide": 15 1
Virtual Green Posted November 26, 2024 Posted November 26, 2024 (edited) Following the recent ending of a fairly popular videogame-centric animation series, I got inspired and retrieved the name Rocketfist! (Street/WP) An angry, costumed brawler from Praetoria who'd rather solve problems with his rocket-powered gloves. His Resistance outfit from his Praetorian days : Edited January 28 by Virtual Green 16 3
biostem Posted November 27, 2024 Posted November 27, 2024 2 hours ago, Virtual Green said: Classic look and great use of that aura! 1 1
Virtual Green Posted November 27, 2024 Posted November 27, 2024 11 hours ago, biostem said: Classic look and great use of that aura! Thanks! The Celestial aura goes a little bit better with the Resistance gloves (it looks like the fire is coming from exhaust ports), but I really wanted to use the big gloves for this guy. 1
ColonelMustard Posted December 2, 2024 Posted December 2, 2024 (edited) Sir Solomon Quint A distinguished gentleman explorer, naturalist, and big game hunter. Arsenal/Arsenal Dominator fit this chap perfectly! Edited December 2, 2024 by ColonelMustard 19 1
Trike Posted December 3, 2024 Posted December 3, 2024 On 12/1/2024 at 9:21 PM, ColonelMustard said: Sir Solomon Quint A distinguished gentleman explorer, naturalist, and big game hunter. Arsenal/Arsenal Dominator fit this chap perfectly! Great use of the various pieces that I hadn’t thought to combine. 👍🏻
temnix Posted December 4, 2024 Posted December 4, 2024 Another five characters from me. Generic 62540 Spoiler Generic62540 "There was a name and a bio until Homecoming decided that no relevance to reality could be allowed in this kindergarten." The challenge I set for myself was to make the most incongruous character possible. That turned out to be more difficult than rolling up a random combination. Chaos is a harmony designed. We always start with the morning's paper. Heroes halt havoc! The lesser items, human interest, periodicals, weather are also worth reading. I usually skip the obituaries. All in all, it's a tough world. To work. Offering help with the Trolls. "I just don't know," thought Lieutenant Wincott. Face me, if you dare! From the archive security camera footage in the city hall. I have had such difficulties with communication before. "Doesn't the Vanguard need everyone? I don't have my ID on me, so what?" While you are all mulling it over, I will keep myself in shape with exercise. And nothing will stop me from doing my part... that on a garbage pile... ...or on top of a wall. Ouch! And then there was one. Ooh, yeah! I swing a mean hammer, but I am an avid reader, too. Especially of this book. I was told it has all the answers. Augustine, Kissy, it gets good from this place. But ultimately I don't think the Bible helps here. I should leave for a while. Hey! I need a ride! When I got back to Atlas, it was chilly there, not like I remember. Still, there are some winter delights. I'm overtaking the fucking train from Sacramento! Or there is gliding on the frozen Prometheus Lake. This may look a little too patriotic, but I am one of the Dreamers, I guess. Manbeard Spoiler Manbeard "No one knows for certain who or really what the mercenary nicknamed Manbeard is. He never did give his name but accepted the moniker after making an appearance on the Isles last year. He is tough, gruff and he has certainly either suffered some disfigurement or hides his body. On the only occasion he has been inveigled into downing a few rounds of stiff ones he let slip, between belches and curses, something about a history with the Space Rovers, the infamous intersystem rocket bike gang credited with depopulating Tau Cetus and keeping Earth's Sky Raiders out of Mach 2. The Galactic Concubinium finally eradicated the Rovers some ten years ago in a spectacular firefight, but this may or may not explain anything about Manbeard. When he sobered up, he disintegrated his erstwhile drinking buddies, and that put an end to inquiries. In any case, he is resourceful and carries no end of gadgets." Confronting. The green of the trousers is an unavailable color made with the Mesh pattern. The face. His dire majesty. Prepared. Location marked. Manbeard's disintegrator rifle. Looking to the future: Grandville. Brutalescu Spoiler Brutalescu "The dictatorship of Gheorgius Brutalescu in Slavonia endured for more than 30 years. The last of the Warsaw Pact regimes to fall, in 1993, it is known and suspected of many extravagances: beheadings of dissidents, lavish palaces amidst wretched hovels, rumors of orgies and satanic rites among the Secretburo and Party high-ups, the dictator's wife's famous stud-pulled chariot, for which honor six most handsome youths were selected twice a year. Despite grumbling from the U. N., the regime always avoided repercussions because of its precious article of export - the world's only naturally occuring tesseract-shaped rubies. Their applications, of course, are countless. When the revolutionaries at last broke the cadres and laid waste to the palaces, they captured Svetlava but never found the Man. Against the rumors, Brutalescu had little interest in magic. Instead he had trusted his future to a secret scientific program that promised him immortality and a body in which he could openly reign as a living god - or rather, the fiend he always felt being inside. His dreams of a reign of terror and blood cut short, he escaped to Praetoria and joined Emperor Cole's Powers Division as a lowly recruit. Though it is humiliating, he plans on rising to the top and seizing this world for himself." The bio above is actually longer than the editor allows, even with the cut-and-paste trick. The miserably broken bio editor has been an embarrassment of this game for 20 years, since the day CoH was released. Homecoming has failed to fix it, just as it has failed to address countless other huge bugs or implement good ideas suggested to it. Losers. As for this character, despite the good bio I did not at first intend to showcase his looks, because he is almost completely naked and bestial, and there is very little that can be done with monstrous forms. Later, though, I got down to some patterning and a smoky "smell" around him, and that resulted in bringing out his personality. An overview. He is in the stooped ninja pose in both running and standing. Hah hah hah! He is Invulnerability/Savage Melee. Mean. The tassel is his mocking concession to humanity. The smoky aura is not visible here. It could be made stronger. I also used it for Generic above. You can see a trace of it even in this light up close. Or not. It really is very faint. Some details about the head: green-rimmed ears for variety, a half-gray mane (he was getting up in years when he was transformed), a low, very long skull, the opposite of human. Patterning on the arms and sides. The tail is not Reptile, by the way, but Bioluminance. Patterning on the back. No, that greenish mist is present, after all. The toe claws below the screen are also crimson. Run, run as fast as you can, pretty little world! "One day all this will be mine." It is not a low-quality picture, by the way. The figure is indistinct because there is this presence about him. My eye, after all, was correct in gauging the intensity. La Tercette Spoiler La Tercette "A famous huntress from the French Guiana before environmental regulations made hunting unsustainable worldwide, Josephine Lagrange agreed to lend her marksmanship to the Orbit Bikers, the stratospheric glider gang of round-the-planet smugglers and situationist artists on three conditions: one, unlimited ammo; two, unlimited targets; three, the prototype suit of synthetic armor they had just lifted from a lab jointly inaugurated by the Vanguard and Rikti Traditionalists. It is light, flexible and in the hands of the Bikers was augmented with electrical batteries to start a storm. Smiling to herself, Lagrange picked some kind of name and applied for a hero license in Paragon City, where the gang does much of its business, so she is nominally a championette. The orange-bummed creature on her clavicle is Boulder, discovered inside the suit. They have a rapport based on cheese crackers." Even this is a few characters longer than the editor contains. Well, like some of the others, this character has war clothes and civilian clothes. I'll start with the first. Tra-la... What is this mysterious apparition? A dance is the best answer to questions. Un... Deux... Trois. Coming across the statue of Cassiopeia. C'est ne pas mal. The face of fear. In plain light. Like moths to the flame they come. I must be so like a woman, showing off my more advantageous parts. The back here is a little more interesting than the front. And here it is. The starting point of the whole thing was the Insectoid armor, but Psych patterns on the pieces and a helmet that is black, not red, give the ensemble some variety. See also the flared and redder cuffs of the boots above and the gloves below. I think the pattern might have been Blend there. Tumbles in the night. Enjoy life! Farewell! Civilian clothes in unfortunate rays of a fading sun, which slant colors. Boulder is still with her, of course. A different angle. And the same in full. All in all, I called this costume "Matador Picasso." Admitting winter. "Monsieur, it's freezing, and you are walking around in your shirt alone. Do you want to catch pneumonia?" Now for some proper lighting. This could be posing for a Vanguard wall calendar. Streaking through the Rikti Zone as far as her long legs can take her. At Security Level 3, speed is the only thing to think about. It was a shortcut to this place where she can stay a while and combine two jobs. Unes petites vacances. Jerai Spoiler Jerai Pure Praetorian "Part II. After Jerai's involvement with the Resistance came to an explosive end, she traveled through a portal made for her to Prime Earth. She took up some jobs on Striga Isle, a place away from the bustle and conflicts alien to her. There do not appear to be any opportunities to work for the benefit of Praetoria nor indeed any thought of it in primes' minds, some clandestine military conflicts excepted. These do not concern her as yet, and she does not see how fighting off a few troops from the Lambda Sector is going to make a difference to the rule of Emperor Cole or anything else back home. For the moment she is freelancing. She has taken up a second job as canary dancer in Studio 55 - frankly sexier and more satisfying than the stupidity of head-bashing "heroism" consists of. She had done enough of that in the gangs." Jerai is my highest-level character and a Praetorian. Originally she was a gang enforcer with a little interest in the occult, from YYeveyyin esoteric paperbacks. Back then this was her suit. It is not all black but gray in places. She has done missions and assignments in those clothes. Observe the Diablo points on the upper arms. It was a very no-nonsense suit. She still puts it on sometimes. She never forgets her homeland, despite crappy denoument plots from Cryptic. With that guy on Striga. Beating people. "People" is used loosely here. She is Street Justice/Willpower, and they are kitchen top vegetables. The second costume is the uniform of Studio 55. Sometimes she comes in there, finds an empty cage and dances for a while. It is very soothing and relaxing to be like everyone else for a while. That girl's name is Chloe, by the way. Adventuring in the same outfit is also possible and exhilirating. Just wash the clothes afterwards. A lot of blood tends to end up on it, when you are a vigilante. Malta-O can't take this cage girl. Sometimes surprises happen. Suddenly she may find herself lost in the woods. These kinds of woods. Again. Some places depress her. That is, they depress me, when they remind me of how much time has passed. Then adventuring continues. She finds herself in all kinds of places and situations. "I'm sure there is a solution here that will satisfy you and him." Sisters? No, but pretty hot stuff. "And to think I could be doing that stupid mothership raid now." The third costume is her main clothes on Prime Earth, and it is the best suit of the three. Read "The Paragon Times"! Smile for the punters! In life all rewards go to the brave. Are you too chicken to cross the road? Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall... Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. But she won't! Now it's time for this! And for that, even in her copy's face! Colors in the world. Heroes of spin. Between ultraviolence she relaxes. Evening has come to Founders' Falls. She is a little tired of all this meaninglessness. Stupid missions, awful maps, chasing upgrades and Merit Rewards, bad writing. Mostly unimaginative players. But she is still the best. 1
Trike Posted December 4, 2024 Posted December 4, 2024 13 hours ago, temnix said: Another five characters from me. Was sensing a theme until I got to Jerai.
biostem Posted December 5, 2024 Posted December 5, 2024 When collateral damage isn't a concern, you send in: "The Nuclear Option"!!! 15 3
Spaghetti Betty Posted December 6, 2024 Posted December 6, 2024 (edited) The Blackberry Reaper, Radiation Armor/Battle Axe Tanker Edited December 6, 2024 by Spaghetti Betty 9 1 Mainly on Excelsior. Find me in game @Spaghetti Betty. AE Arcs: Big Magic Blowout! 41612 | The Meta-Human Wrestling Association 44683 | MHWA Part 2 48577 Click to look at my pets!
tjknight Posted December 7, 2024 Posted December 7, 2024 On 11/6/2024 at 3:40 PM, Akalabeth said: Fantastic.. makes me wish we had Faction options for Masterminds! 1
biostem Posted December 7, 2024 Posted December 7, 2024 What started out as me trying to make something festive, turned into "Snow-Crow"!!! 7 1
biostem Posted December 7, 2024 Posted December 7, 2024 I don't have a name for this one, but I just liked it... 8 1
Apogee Posted December 7, 2024 Posted December 7, 2024 12 hours ago, biostem said: I don't have a name for this one, but I just liked it... Iron/Steel Ronin? 1
Frozen Burn Posted December 7, 2024 Posted December 7, 2024 12 hours ago, biostem said: I don't have a name for this one, but I just liked it... Silver Samurai 1
Nerio72 Posted December 8, 2024 Posted December 8, 2024 18 hours ago, biostem said: I don't have a name for this one, but I just liked it... Stygian Steel 2
biostem Posted December 8, 2024 Posted December 8, 2024 Kind of on a 40K kick - "The Guardsman Elite": 6 1
biostem Posted December 8, 2024 Posted December 8, 2024 (edited) Took the Guardsman design to somewhere between a G.I. Joe Crimson Guardsman and a Megaman Robot Master... Edited December 8, 2024 by biostem 7 1
Techwright Posted December 10, 2024 Posted December 10, 2024 Unlike holiday presents, coal distribution is now a year-round business. No rest this year for the bringer. Some folks are just begging for their lumps...a great many lumps. The Coal Bringer Seismic Blast/Earth Manipulation Blaster (You've got a little smudge on your cheek.) 6 3 1
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