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As the title says, I recall using this setting more and more towards the end of CoHs life. Turning off names being displayed above other players heads helps avoid the common RP social flub of using a name before introductions. It makes identifying by visual unique styles more meaningful and in general imo makes you feel a little less in a video game when running around.


Im not saying RPrs should have to, but I humbly put forth giving it a try. I think it adds alot more then it takes away, and would think it becoming a tradition here would only enrich our RP community over time.


On the official forums back in the day, we had a basic guide to RP (which I may see if I can find and pearoast) that had, as one of its tenets "peoples character names are not floating above their heads. You do not automatically know who they are most of the time."


The temptation to read people's Inf(o) is also a point to bring up. Since a lot of people, myself included, go to the lengths of writing prose and even a few bullet-pointed details about a character. Unless the details presented are obvious and face-value, one could easily overstep and assume/say something they shouldn't know about from a first encounter. On the other hand, a good RPer is going to treat an encounter by looking at the person and reading their speech bubbles anyway. If we go too far into 'making it realistic' we'll end up having to close the chat window so we don't get tempted to look at the logs if we forget what someone says. (Not including the difficulty of checking your spelling when typing blind as well).


Regardless, I'll have to try the no-names option next time I'm in. Always worth a shot.


Better idea - Have a few heroic deeds of fame in your info. We're superheroes. Our reputations should precede us.


Better idea - Have a few heroic deeds of fame in your info. We're superheroes. Our reputations should precede us.


In this vein, what kind of stuff do you guys put in your Info? The character limit's left me scratching my head as to what to focus on.


The temptation to read people's Inf(o) is also a point to bring up.

I have my main and my one alt's boxes set up as bad business cards / fliers advertising their "detective" "agency". If people want to act on that information, I'm cool with that; I mean, that's what advertising is for, right? Then again, I'm more of a "non-alcoholic beverage and pretzels" guy and actively avoid player-sanctioned melodrama, super-sweeping plot lines, and e-waifu / e-husbando stuff.


Well it varies by toon depending on the nature of the character but for example my namesake Bentley Berkeley's bio contains information Id consider any half competent detective to be capable of finding out. Largely  its info found in the games lore organized and summarized into an easy read with a few rumors that may circulate about him as well as what he does as a day job and may be recognized from as he does not have a super heroic alter ego.


In the case of Demetrios Vasilikos his bio contains the how of his creation, and source of the memories and identity he has assumed. It also makes it very clear he is pro crey and sees what they do as a morally good thing, and sees META-humans not made by and under the direct control of Crey as the true threats to the world and human species. Again this is info I consider open to if not exactly the general public then to at least those in organizations or with connections to access more sensitive information such as the nature of the paragon protectors.


Then there is Invisible Falcon. In his case he is a proper man of mystery and the only things really anyone knows are news stories. And when not in costume and mask is impossible to identify. Its even debatable if this is the same Invisible Falcon that went missing years ago, a clone, or another being entirely taking up the mantle.


Like I said its just an idea to add to immersion. And to help make people aware the option exist. I suspect its entirely possible many do not even know about the option under settings.


The character limit is always an issue. It forces us to be creative. XD


In the past I've done everything from the text of a simple, white business card that listed only the character's name, his position and the company he worked for to short diary fragments (The Nemissary's bio was an entry from The Unquiet Bride's diary, while hers was a selection from his-). One character had the Poem of Life. Another (a golden lady robot named Metropolitan-) had a bit of dialogue from 'Metropolis'. Another (a Time/Archery guy named Arjuna) had a passage from the Mahabharata.


For most I just go for a short bit of in-character dialogue, though. I find that to be a word-count-friendly way to give a solid, general impression of the character as an individual. If space allows, I might also add a separate [RP NOTE] entry at the bottom, or a bit of OOC text about who and what the character is, but I don't always have that luxury.


I'm still working on my current Homecoming characters', but here's one of those "Conversation bios" from one of my original Liberty mains as an example. This one belonged to Grey Kestrel, my Rogue Stalker who, even after the railroad-a-rific mess of the Patron arcs, remained exceptionally devoted to Scir. (The 'Cardinal' she mentions was her perma-summoned Adept partner, who was basically roleplayed as a whole separate character unto himself-)




"Listen, hero... You don't know us. You don't know jack about who we are, or why we're here. You just see some Arachnos assassin and one of those damned Mu mystics out to spoil your fun, don't you? 'Here to rain on your sunny little parade. Well, it's time to catch a clue, cape... It's not like that.


"We aren't your enemies, and this has got nothing to do with Recluse. We're not doing this for him. So get your hands off of Cardinal, and stop trying so hard to make me kill you."




That pretty much sets the whole tone of Kes as a person, even if doesn't give away a huge amount of specific information.

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice


For those who wish to flesh out their characters backgrounds more consider making origin AE arcs using one or more of your characters as NPCs, and using dialogue and clue texts to help people learn about your characters. They dont even have to be super complex,


Unless I have been introduced I usually ignore character names but leave them on for ooc purposes.


I'll call someone Tall Lady or Red or Moody Joe if I'm on as one type of character or actually ask them their name if on another.


Counter point:


[me=Zolgar]waves to the person who just walked in with the purple spandex[/me]


[me=Zolgar]wave at the Purple Pumpkin[/me]


One is very clear which character I am attempting to interact with, the other is a little more vague, and if chat is moving fast could be missed.

In character, I may not know who the Purple Pumpkin is, sure, but using their name in non-spoken context is easier for everyone involved.


Also, there is the point that... we're superheroes. If Superman walks in to a bar, people are going to know who it is.


Personally, I read bios first to find out "is this person famous, if they're out of costume is their identity public or private" etc. and always assume the answer to both of those is 'no' unless otherwise stated.

Always happy to answer questions in game, typically hanging around Help.
Global is @Zolgar, and tends to be tagged in Help.

In this vein, what kind of stuff do you guys put in your Info? The character limit's left me scratching my head as to what to focus on.
I try to put in something that would help a person looking for role play to work with.


Absinthe Rose is an undisciplined low level psychic who sells designer drugs.  Her bio says other players may have met her in Pocket D, where she mostly sets up shop, or heard about her from someone.  And it also says any psychic sensitive within ten yards can probably pick up low level feedback/white noise because of her lack of skill.  She’s like someone who talks too loudly, or smacks their gum constantly, it can’t really be shut off and doesn’t really provide any information. 


Halo Jones, has a note mentioning that Players may recognize her from when she successfully sued Crey because one of their plots backfired and settling in a civil case stopped an investigation which may have brought up criminal charges. 


My supergirl homage, Liberty Star, has a publicist and her bio notes that she shows up at celebrity dinners, makes the talk show rounds, does charity work for good causes, and so on. 


Generally, I try to think of something to put in which a person who was looking for role play might be able to have a reason to say, hey, I know you, and start a thing.



I should note, these were all, previously created characters.  I am still rebuilding and have not done all the bios again just yet.  Haven’t even got all the names set yet.

If you do not face plant at least once a day; Go reset your Notoriety.


I do find the Bio to be a good place to add info you might overhear- the fame/notoriety of someone that you may encounter before ever meeting them, much like how we may learn a bit from someone from observation or third parties well before meeting them.  Sometimes you don't need introductions.



I have to confess, though, that I've used name as something of a trap sometimes. 


particularly for Tabby.  She's a catgirl with tabby markings.  the name seems perfectly fitting, but she's Tabitha. TA-BI-THUH, dammit.  "Tabby" is too much like the name given to a cat.  "Tabby" is what "fans" on the 'net are determined to call her.  You know the site... the one dedicated to feliform femme fatales that made her pics into a very viral meme.    She HATES it... and hates that fanbase as well... long story*..  and she tends to automatically associate anyone calling her that as being part of THAT online community.   


(*if you REALLY want to send her on a NSFW profanity-laden tirade  call her "lolcatgirl". Just say'in)




Not much to add besides the understanding that this wasn't done before possibly due to PvP(?) and cheating.

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)



I've always had a running challenge with myself to see how much backstory I could fit into a very short bio.  This one is from 2012, but I still consider it my best effort along those lines.




TB ~ Amazon Army: AMAZON-963 | TB ~ Crowned Heads: CH-10012 | EX ~ The Holy Office: HOLY-1610 | EV ~ Firemullet Groupies: FM-5401 | IN ~ Sparta: SPARTA-3759 | RE ~ S.P.Q.R. - SPQR-5010

Spread My Legions - #207 | Lawyers of Ghastly Horror - #581 | Jerk Hackers! - #16299 | Ecloga Prima - #25362 | Deth Kick Champions! - #25818 | Heaven and Hell - #26231 | The Legion of Super Skulls - #27660 | Cathedral of Mild Discomfort - #38872 | The Birch Conspiracy! - #39291


I've always had a running challenge with myself to see how much backstory I could fit into a very short bio.  This one is from 2012, but I still consider it my best effort along those lines.


Heh, I've gone the opposite to where I've run out of characters I can enter. :p

OG Server: Pinnacle  <||>  Current Primary Server: Torchbearer  ||  Also found on the others if desired  <||> Generally Inactive

Installing CoX:  Windows  ||  MacOS  ||  MacOS for M1  <||>  Migrating Data from an Older Installation

Clubs: Mid's Hero Designer  ||  PC Builders  ||  HC Wiki  ||  Jerk Hackers

Old Forums  <||>  Titan Network  <||>  Heroica! (by @Shenanigunner)


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