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Report Zone Geometry Errors Here!

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Not sure if this is a "zone geometry" thing but the black paneling covering this (new??) Jukebox in Studio 55 @ -535 -318 -1223 clips away at certain angles, such as this one.



And what it looks like 'normally'


Edited by twozerofoxtrot
  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
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I was running the new Striga missions with spirits when one of them flew out of the map, showing me a rather large hole. The specific map at the time was Abandoned_Warehouse_45_Layout_02_02, and it was located around [365,71,-495]. Later, I was running another mission in Striga on a different type of warehouse map, but came across the same style room. Sure enough, the hole was there too. This time it was V_Warehouse_45_Layout_19 located around [-383,71,-22]. This time I took a picture:




Those window parts on the right are supposed to be covering the holes, but have been shifted over. If I fly out the hole, I can even see the second one floating out in the void:



I suspect that a number of maps have this same issue.

Edited by Burk
  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

From Champion (Hero) and Infinity (Villain), currently playing on Everlasting.

Former member of the Hammers of Justice on Champion.

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Croatoa is cursed. A piece of terrain is misaligned along the entire riverbank on the right of the map near the next geometry hole.



A geometry hole with a tree that rotates to follow your camera next to it at: [-2692.4 9.6 1113.1] Slightly unrelated but shouldn't this badge be somewhere...better? It mentions the beautiful view of the lake but you can barely even see the lake from it's location.


Edited by DemonSeed
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On 2/25/2024 at 5:25 AM, DemonSeed said:

Croatoa is cursed. A piece of terrain is misaligned along the entire riverbank on the right of the map near the next geometry hole.



A geometry hole with a tree that rotates to follow your camera next to it at: [-2692.4 9.6 1113.1] Slightly unrelated but shouldn't this badge be somewhere...better? It mentions the beautiful view of the lake but you can barely even see the lake from it's location.


If you scroll up a bit this has been pointed out multiple times. It was like this on live before shutdown. Not sure why it’s never been corrected.

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Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it just means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.


With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.


Let's Go Crack a Planet.

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Does this count as a geometry error? It's more of a model error but might have something to do with the see-through windows.


Independence Port

[-2021.0 220.0 -7101.4] - Inside the AE Building second floor


This guy standing on the balcony on his phone has a completely transparent torso when looking at him from inside the building.




If you go outside he looks fine.  The shirt/torso doesn't seem to render when viewed through a window.  His own reflection in the window from the outside is also fine.




Edited by ZorkNemesis

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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23 hours ago, Arc-Mage said:

If you scroll up a bit this has been pointed out multiple times. It was like this on live before shutdown. Not sure why it’s never been corrected.

Yeah I saw it after I had posted. Figured I'd keep it up since it implies more people notice it. It is a really large map error after all.

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  • 2 weeks later
  • 3 weeks later

Zone: Striga Island

Location: [-3568.4 -31.4 -602.4]


Found this grave sitting on a mound not connected to the earth beneath it.


  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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Bad NPC pathing inside the basement of City Hall, in Echo: Atlas Park. They move overhead in the air from ELITE to MAGI, then come back out through the walls of DATA, ignoring the doors entirely, as they walk into Seraph and walk through the walls there. There's some manner of pathing going on behind the player-visible areas, but they eventually come back to walk through the air from ELITE to MAGI again. That was taken with me at  [-26.4 -784.0 -912.9] in Echo: Atlas Park.


Instanced MSRs on Everlasting, 3:30pm Eastern on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Come to the RWZ and look for Barky McBarker for who to /T.

Hit, Heal, Buff, or Debuff. MSRs are not farms, there is no sitting.

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21 minutes ago, SnoBahr said:

Bad NPC pathing inside the basement of City Hall, in Echo: Atlas Park.

That's been there since Live, and you can find more NPCs walking through walls in the Portal Corps buildings.

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Zone: Talos Island

Location: [-2070.5 160.2 7295.1]


One of the large chunks of floor/geometry is moved slightly to the side into the other chunks, creating a slight gap along the ground. You can target through the gap with placeable powers, but not teleport through.






  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
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Zone: Grandville

Location: [3470.2 -449.7 2289.6]


This angled support structure doesn't seem to be fully aligned with the wall next to it.  You can see through a crack behind it that seems to get wider the lower to the ground the support structure is.  I can also use location powers through it, so I assume you can teleport through it if you had it.



  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

Currently playing on Indomitable as @Zork Nemesis; was a Protector native on live.

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  • 2 weeks later
  • 3 weeks later

i was roleplaying a dead cicada at the foot my tree in ouroboros, and i would like to formally declare here that it's MY TREE 😎, when i noticed that my tree and its base is not actually touching the surface. in fact, none of the trees that ring immediately around the pool are correctly touching the surface. the trees on the upper ring are properly grounded. 😁


[464.6 666.1 -825.0]


  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1

"I'm not crazy, my reality is just different than yours" the Cheshire Cat

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(It's nothing to die, it's terrible not to live) Jean Valjean

"وطن المرء ليس مكان ولادته و لكنه المكان الذي تنتهي فيه كل محاولاته للهروب”

(Home is not where you were born, home is where all your attempts to escape cease.) Naguib Mahfouz

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On 11/28/2022 at 3:18 PM, Six-Six said:

This one's near the Driller Badge in Port Oakes. It's from Oct. 12. Haven't seen it again since.



Just bumped into this.  Maybe it's event based?  Roughly above coordinates [365.4 0.0 1714.0]

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This is new, I think.


Kallisti Wharf, location: 3092.9 94.5 2558.3  Indomitable shard


There are two trucks that just keep looping in circles over, and over, and over again.  It's reminiscent of the great traffic jam of 2019, except I don't remember it happening here before.

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Doing Mr. G's mission: "Send the Family a message" and while fighting Vitto, he ducked under a wall around [-4132.1 -34.9 -635.5] and ran off for a bit.  Turns out, players can follow and explore a copy of St. Martial.




  • Pizza (Pineapple) 1
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