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Tsoo early?


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You've Awakened my curiosity.


Wyvern would you people do this??


You should be Outcasts from this form for such wordplay.


Until something gets done, we're all Prisoners of your torturous game.


I'm surprised no one has complained of an ache in their Skulls.


But we shall Resistance you by not joining in.


I'll bet you didn't Seers that coming.



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Oh man, this looks like a damn Carnival of Light instead of a proper forum thread. One almost expects the moderator to arrive and start bashing our Skuls and then say "Crey me a river" when we complain we're being treated as war Prisoners. I honestly wish I were on a nice beach in Malta instead of getting Infected from reading all these puns.

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I Seer where Rularu going with this & even though Aracnos sense cause I feel like a real Goldbricker, I Longbow to Skyraider this conversation. Though I'm sure it'll continue to Mender all over the places untill the Midnighters Preatoria for it to end!

I don't Suffer from Insanity . . . I Enjoy every minute of IT! 🤪


People Around me get to SUFFER! 😼

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  • 11 months later

Could be worse, it could cause you to Flashback till you're Oroborused of this thread and Coralax your comp to the the Scrapyard!

I don't Suffer from Insanity . . . I Enjoy every minute of IT! 🤪


People Around me get to SUFFER! 😼

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You crazed mooks have contaminated me with your forlorn, hammy puns!


Now I have been possessed, my only escape is to summon a new doppelganger, a rogue Tsorceress (with purple eyes) named:


Merry Tsoo!


(Meet me on torchbearer if you value your independence!)



Edited by DoctorDitko

Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.

Also, not a physicist. Do not take advice on consensus reality from Doctor Ditko.

But games? He used to pay his bills with games. (He's recovering well, thanks for asking!)

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