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On some random Rikti Mothership Raid right as we enter the bowl...


[Request] Solar Emissions: OK Tanks brutes let's load them up
[League] Uber Elf: so we didn't rim long enough before entering, is that it?
[League] Aqua Lord: 🤣
[League] Cyberman 8: Hey, leave your private life out of it and just do the darn raid. 😆
[League] Aqua Lord: oh I cant even right now

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(This made me laugh far more than it should have. I swear - it was the TIMING - the last two posts went up almost simultaneously! Obviously me and Lago were referencing two VERY different movies!  )


Hyper:  who wants to live forever?
Lago: ...when love slowly dies...

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4 hours ago, Dynamo-Joe said:



Goddess keep the treasure that is Brian Blessed.  


And yes, he was ALSO the voice of Boss Nass (Phantom Menace).  Therefore... "MEEEEEEEEE.... like-a dis!!! BRBRBLLLE!"


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AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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Inertia: Saw a mem with the Goblin King on it that read something like Jareth.. the only person that can way more make up the a 5th avenue hooker and is still drop dead sexy.
Inertia: meme*
Inertia: wear*
Inertia: typos are my one true bane
atlantea: I spay for those at least once a week.
atlantea: *spray
Mystel: hahahah best typo ever.
Inertia: missed a week I see

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... well Jareth was played by David Bowie, so was there any question? 🙂

AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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Hey - don't look at me like that! I just REPORT these things!  😅


Yo, Paragon, let's kick it!
Ice Ice Tanker
Ice Ice Tanker

Alright Stop.
Pay attention to this tank
Ice is back with a brand new enhancement
cold snap grabs ahold of you tightly
then I spike like a rosebush daily and nightly

Will it ever stop?
Yo, hell no.
Turn off the lights, and I'll glow
To the extreme, I rock a mic like the Council
Light up a stage and wax a boss like a candle

Bum rush the tanker that booms
I'm freezin' your brain like an ice cream doom
Deadly, when I bring a fire/kin with me
Anything less than The Legendary is a felony
Love it or leave it
You better drop exp
You better hit the tanker
The kid don't play
If there's a mob there
Yo, I'll solve it.
Check out the level while my blaster revolves it.

Ice Ice Tanker (x3)

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Myrdinn: ...eh, I'm trying to come up with something for "Nemesis Spot" and "Nemesis Plot", but coming up empty.
Myrdinn: ...Nemesis Dot?
Oroborous: Well of course he cooks his Nemesis Brots in his Nemesis Pots
Myrdinn: Nemesis Knot. Something Alexander dealt with
atlantea: Walk to the Dot is a Nemesis Plot! (And it even rhymes!  )
Myrdinn: Nice!
Shinobu: Did we do Nemesis Frat yet?
Solar Emissions  Well if Nemesis made beer would he have a Nemesis Vat?
Starrphyre: Nemesis Hops?
atlantea: Well if he was doing "The Robot" on top of the Nemesis Hops, then he'd be dropping the beat on the pot of hops as a bot.
Myrdinn: .... right on that dot.
atlantea: Ka-CHING!

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The tug-of-war between the various thugs and the civilians over their purses doesn't always result in an eternal standoff. I found a Skulls thug rummaging through a purse in Kings Row:


[NPC] Gravedigger Slicer: What is all this junk? Guess I'll have to try again.

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Way back on live, in the Going Rogue Beta, my SG teammate and I are running to a mission and we pass a whole group of of about 15 clockwork in nice neat rows, sort of parade-rest formation (like the N5 Series from I-Robot). And my partner executed one of the most epic typos...

...in the world.

[Team] Rebecca Heisman: Big Spawn of Cocks can be creepy no?
[Team] Sassinak: O_o
[Team] Sassinak: Yeeees....
[Team] Rebecca Heisman: CLOCKS!
[Team] Rebecca Heisman: *REDFACED TYPO OF DOOM*
[Team] Sassinak: ((*Whooping in laughter*))

Yeah you gotta watch out for any size flock of roosters, they can be terribly vicious! 🤣

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4 hours ago, srmalloy said:

Seen in Faultline:


 [NPC] SWAT Sergeant: I'm not kidding you. Like, FIVE gigantic Lost crammed into a mini. Most hysterical thing I've ever seen.


Obviously, secret preparations for a Clowns MM powerset...   😉

Oh - speaking of clownage... 

Back on Live I was touring a friend's base that was completely Carnie themed. It was quite elaborate in places. Had a full carousel! I hope they make it to Homecoming and recreate something similar. 
Anyway - my rebel brain connected a couple of things and I typed up a bit of commentary while the base builder was there: 

Cyberman 8: You know what's really kinky? The four poster bed - and the circus organ music.
Cyberman 8: I mean... Joker and Harley....
Obsidian Light: LOL!!

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Overheard in General Chat on Everlasting one late evening: 

"Take me out."
"On a date or with a sniper?"
"Surprise me."

Commentary on the above:
"Yes, my kink is to be killed by bad casting choices in Canadian based post apocalyptic movies. So hot."
Edited by Dynamo-Joe
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And proof that the gangs really are lowlifes:


[NPC] Death Head Buckshot: ...and so I told her, 'if you wanna be in The Skulls, you know what you gotta do'...
[NPC] Gravedigger Assailant: Oh man, don't tell me she did what I think she did?
[NPC] Death Head Buckshot: Yep.
[NPC] Gravedigger Assailant: You're such a pig.
[NPC] Death Head Buckshot: Oink, oink, baby!

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  • 3 weeks later


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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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  • 2 weeks later
  • 3 weeks later

Just in case you're wondering - the following is the sound of two geeks asserting dominance amongst the herd. :classic_laugh:

[09:00] [League] Cyberman 8: (there's a response line from MST3K the movie that comes to mind whenever I'm fighting the Rikti Mentalists - with their exposed heads - "Oh, I'm very vulnerable there! Oh, there go the piano lessons! I can't remember my dad!"
[09:01] [League] Hitstone: (Sounds like you'd better consult the Interoceter.)
[09:02] [League] Cyberman 8: Interociter incorporating planetary generator... Interociter with voltarator... With astroscope... turns the book sideways] Saaaay, Miss Interociter!

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Back to the NPCs - 

I spotted the following line from Faultline in his Tuxedo at the formal Ambassador shindig on that one RWZ arc. 

[NPC] Faultline: "So I said, 'Ninjas and lawyers? Then it's a Tsoo Sue Studio!' "
[NPC] Faultline: "Get it? Sue like litigation versus Tsoo the gang? No? Oh nevermind, no one appreciates an artiste."

I swear - I've never seen that line before.

And I wonder - do I like it so much because it's the kind of absolutely TERRIBLY cringey pun that I would come up with? :classic_biggrin:

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20 hours ago, Dynamo-Joe said:

Back to the NPCs - 

I spotted the following line from Faultline in his Tuxedo at the formal Ambassador shindig on that one RWZ arc. 

[NPC] Faultline: "So I said, 'Ninjas and lawyers? Then it's a Tsoo Sue Studio!' "
[NPC] Faultline: "Get it? Sue like litigation versus Tsoo the gang? No? Oh nevermind, no one appreciates an artiste."

I swear - I've never seen that line before.

I think I first heard something like it back in the 80's in reference to Phil Collins' Sussudio...


Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - Paragon Wiki updated for Homecoming!  Your contributions are welcome!
(Not the owner/operator - just a fan who wants to spread the word.)

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  • 2 weeks later

Proof of the detrimental effect Superadine has on rational thought:


[NPC] Torvald: Give drug now.
[NPC] Mr. Mann: As usual, your violent tendencies complicate the simplest of matters. Haven't you learned? When you take hostages, masks show up.


(My tank gets close enough to the bosses to be spotted by them)


[NPC] Torvald: We smash you up good!
[NPC] Mr. Mann: Heroes, naturally. Attack!


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