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  On 5/22/2020 at 7:09 PM, Snowdaze said:

You're welcome, glad It's worked out for you, thanks for being a Market Supplier, I know the super pack life isn't for everyone.


I tried it with a large number of all three types of packs and it worked great! By combining that with the AutoHotKey automatic clicking I save a LOT of time. Of course, super packs are still a tremendous amount of work to see a reasonable profit. And I'm very happy to be a market supplier. In fact, I have billions of reason to be happy to do it. 

Posted (edited)
  On 5/23/2020 at 4:15 PM, Troyusrex said:

I tried it with a large number of all three types of packs and it worked great! By combining that with the AutoHotKey automatic clicking I save a LOT of time. Of course, super packs are still a tremendous amount of work to see a reasonable profit. And I'm very happy to be a market supplier. In fact, I have billions of reason to be happy to do it. 


Billions? There is either a Donald Trump joke in there or a Carl Sagan joke in there... your pick. Maybe McDonalds if the first two dont work for you.

Edited by Snowdaze
  • Thanks 1

I have a Darkness Manipulation Proposal: Let me know what you think!

Posted (edited)
  On 3/15/2020 at 4:39 PM, Troyusrex said:

Since my area is locked down, I was bored, and I needed to replenish my ATOs, I bought 229 Hero backs (the 153 was all Rogues) and compared the drop rates. Unlike before, I'm not going to just throw them all on the market at 1 inf (you are welcome!). Still, I thought the relative drop rates would be of interest.  


On a related note, I take the team inspirations, grab all the attack ones, and use them on Hami runs. Buffing the entire blaster squad to 400% makes a BIG difference when trying to take down Hami before the respawn. 


  Average drops per super pack     Expected Return per super pack  
  Heroes Rogues Expected $$ Per Heroes Rogues
Unslotter 1.45 2.30  $                 100,000  $             145,415  $         230,065
Catalyst 0.09 0.20  $              2,800,000  $             256,769  $         549,020
Converter 1.45 1.60  $                   85,000  $             123,603  $         136,111
Booster 0.27 0.18  $              1,200,000  $             324,891  $         219,608
ATOs 1.23 1.20  $              6,000,000  $          7,362,445  $      7,215,686
Rewards X25 0.36 0.44  $              6,375,000  $          2,310,590  $      2,791,667
Brain Storm X20 1.11 0.90  $                 500,000  $             554,585  $         450,980
Total        $        11,078,297  $    11,593,137
      -10% Consignment  $          9,970,467  $    10,433,824

I really like seeing the hard analysis. thanks.

I've never broken it down but generally this has been my process for quite a while, maxing out the inf on several characters.   When I started, the ATO's almost all went for 10m alone, converters were over 100k, and catalysts were over 4m, so much crazier profit margins then.      Used to do it with insane frequency, but as more people have been stocking the market this way I've pared back to posting 200 once or twice a week.   

I don't think I've ever sold an ATO for under 8 million, but it's good to know I could.    If there are too many for sale (>15 for most sets, >10 for dom, sentinel, or epic AT's)  I burn a converter and try again.   Never have had to do that more than three times to get something that was in low enough supply that 8m would be a reasonable sell within a few days.    When there's a gross oversupply of an ATO (>25) I sometimes put up bids to see what I can get for 5-6m, convert it to something in low supply, and put it back out.  

By far the most profitable tactic is still a half-year away for anyone to try, though:

During the winter event, I bought >600 winter packs when they dropped to 10m.   Now that the event's over and prices have again normalized to the 25m cost, I've been breaking them up on occasion and reselling.   Same process as before: If over 20 of an item, I use a convertertill I get one in lower supply.  

Edited by chase
  • 2 months later
  On 4/24/2020 at 6:55 PM, Snowdaze said:

so if you want a full single mash macro try this (untested but I have some macro experience):

/macro opacks "salvage_open S_HVSuperPackSalvage$$salvage_open S_RVSuperPackSalvage$$salvage_open S_WinterPackSalvage"


if someone wants to report back and lemme know if that work for spam opening any given pack, that would be great.


I've had super packs sitting in salvage for months now, just because I so hate the manual process, especially when there are many many to open.  I just used this macro and boom... done.  Thanks much.

  • Like 1
  On 4/24/2020 at 10:43 PM, FrauleinMental said:

I've definitely noticed a change in the market on Indomitable since quarantine began.


I was selling Catalysts reliably for 3M each, now I'm seeing them around 2.1-2.2M.  I was selling Boosters reliably for 1.5M each, now I'm seeing them around 1.1-1.2M.  I have some sitting in the market, just because I'd already posted them, I don't need them immediately, and I'm trying to wait out the market a bit.


I can still sell ATOs for 7.5M, but it tends to take more Converters to get them into favorable forms and even the Brute ATOs are under 10M.



Fast forward to August 2020.


Catalysts are now 1.8-2m; Boosters are now 1.0m, and ATOs are around 6-7.5m. Brute ATOs; still the same, surprisingly. 

  • Like 1
  On 5/23/2020 at 1:00 AM, Troo said:

groan.. silly packs



Your luck looks just like mine. XD


(Seriously. I have that happen an absolutely statistically unlikely number of times, and that's why I no longer bother buying and opening packs. I not only DON'T "break even" with them, I usually lose my proverbial shirt. It's especially galling when it happens with 25m-a-pop Winters. Which is has. <_<)

Taker of screenshots. Player of creepy Oranbegans and Rularuu bird-things.

Kai's Diary: The Scrapbook of a Sorcerer's Apprentice


I tried opening two super packs several months ago and had super bad luck. Between the two of them I was able to sell about 5 million worth of items. I vowed to never do it again. 

However, the itch struck again and I decided to try one more time. This time I decided to use a larger sample, so I bought 20. The results and estimated profits are below. Note the brainstorm ideas were converted to rare salvage, which I estimated 450k per. Merits = 3 converters, which I estimated 65k per. I put the 10% market fee in the cost at the bottom. 

In reality I got quite a bit more than this because several of my ATOs sold between 10-15m. Not sure why people were bidding so high on them. I also took the 1,350 converters and converted yellow recipes into about 500m influence. 



  On 8/24/2020 at 5:50 PM, Saikochoro said:

I tried opening two super packs several months ago and had super bad luck. Between the two of them I was able to sell about 5 million worth of items. I vowed to never do it again. 

However, the itch struck again and I decided to try one more time. This time I decided to use a larger sample, so I bought 20. The results and estimated profits are below. Note the brainstorm ideas were converted to rare salvage, which I estimated 450k per. Merits = 3 converters, which I estimated 65k per. I put the 10% market fee in the cost at the bottom. 

In reality I got quite a bit more than this because several of my ATOs sold between 10-15m. Not sure why people were bidding so high on them. I also took the 1,350 converters and converted yellow recipes into about 500m influence. 






Looking at this table, it seems like you hit the jackpot with the merits. Thats why you made decent-sized profit. So you got lucky lol If you run this test twice, please let us know.


Yeah, I did pretty well on the merits. I didn’t do bad on the ATOs either. I was estimating low for a price on them. I think the lowest I sold one for is 8m and the highest was 15m. 

I may run the test again at some point, but don’t want to push my luck again at the moment. I’ll post again once I decide to though. 


27% is kinda sad for the number of clicks involved.

"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

Si vis pacem, para bellum

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