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Recharge Intensive Powers - The Perma List

Galaxy Brain

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Hello everyone! After a lot of talk about Recharge as of late, I spent some time to scour mids for any powers that at a glance do not seem easily perma-able. Below is a link to a Google Doc that goes over a total of 139 different powers (though many are grouped into generic categories like 1 for all the Patron Summons, etc) that upon my pass fit the bill for powers with significant base recharge and duration differences.


The left-hand columns show the Power Group, Individual Power, Duration, Base Recharge, and the calculation to show how much recharge is needed to perma the power. 


On the right, I show different combinations of slotting 5 LotG globals, 1-3 lvl 50 IO's, and of course Hasten. On the far right, I have a column for Perma Hasten and beyond until the Recharge Cap. 


Values in Green show you hit perma or above perma. Bright green is Double-Perma / Stacking, and Yellow signifies you are within 10% of your goal of perma which can vary in effect depending on the power.




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Edited by Galaxy Brain
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Amazing work! Thanks Galaxy Brain!


Edit: one anomaly I spotted that made me nearly change everything I thought I knew is that Domination can't be slotted with IOs.

Edited by Lines
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3 hours ago, Lines said:

Amazing work! Thanks Galaxy Brain!


Edit: one anomaly I spotted that made me nearly change everything I thought I knew is that Domination can't be slotted with IOs.

I should highlight Domination for that yeah, the columns are automatically calculated based on the power's stats.


6 minutes ago, SuperPlyx said:

In columns N to T what does H stand for?

H stands for Hasten 🙂

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Sorry to clutter up your thread with dumb questions but I am confused about something. Domination can be perma at 122.22% recharge. But it says Hasten needs 275% recharge. Why doesn't it account for the 100% base recharge for Hasten? I mean in game if you can get to 175 with enhancements and hasten you are perma,less than 175 if you have Agility Alpha slotted.

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48 minutes ago, SuperPlyx said:

Sorry to clutter up your thread with dumb questions but I am confused about something. Domination can be perma at 122.22% recharge. But it says Hasten needs 275% recharge. Why doesn't it account for the 100% base recharge for Hasten? I mean in game if you can get to 175 with enhancements and hasten you are perma,less than 175 if you have Agility Alpha slotted.

The base rech is accounted for in the formula, or rather it should be. From there, you have ~96% enhancement in Hasten  + 70% from Hasten itself, leaving only 109ish global rech needed for perma. 

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Great breakdown. I think your verbiage for the Yellow is misleading. It sounds like you're saying if you add +10% more recharge you would reach perma, however it is actually showing you are at 90% of your goal (which for longer recharges could require more than +10% recharge).

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it is interesting what is above and below perma hasten.

additional information that might be worth a look; what the powers do (sleep/hold/single/pbaoe/etc.)


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"Homecoming is not perfect but it is still better than the alternative.. at least so far" - Unknown  (Wise words Unknown!)

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