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Posted (edited)

DISCLAIMER: Someone has went and used Silk as name and @global name but it's not me. If anyone in game says hey I made that guide and am the one that's been helping people be warned it's not me.  It was previously on the Bree server but some joker hurried up and made sure to take it on all four of the current servers.


Hello everyone!


I had created a how to install guide up along with some other useful tibits and links sadly the panic fiasco that ended up with the forum and the Bree server deleted means we lost the guide too. Sadly I had not backed it up. Here is version 2.


Discord link for the new Homecoming discord:  https://discord.gg/TcYfy6g

Discord link for the older City of Heroes (Homecoming and COX) discord:  https://discord.gg/TTJGbfh



*For Windows 8 and above, it is important that this is not in your Desktop, Documents, or Downloads folder due to permissions.


It is possible that your anti virus or windows defender will give off a false positive and block score.exe, homecoming.exe or even Tequila.exe so be sure the check that if some files seem to be missing, you can also check your A/V quarantine to see if something was moved there. Your firewall may be an issue as well.




Windows Install Guide


Magnet link:




You need a bitclient to download via torrents so you need something like utorrent or qbits.



If this isn't a first time install but you want to install from scratch you will have to delete the tequila key in the registry.


You can delete the Tequila registry key with Start -> Find/Run -> REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tequila


You can also check manually to see if the Tequila folder in the registry was deleted by typing regedit in the start search bar and hitting enter. Then in the window that opened navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and check see if you have a Tequila folder in the list. If there is right click the tequila folder and delete it.


If this is a first time install or first time using tequila ignore the registry key deletion bit above.


NOTE:  Due to the server migration some of the files will need to update. Namely before doing anything you need to rename the "SCORE" folder to "homecoming".  Then when you update it should make a homecoming.exe application.


For a first time install


Step one


Download the torrent..you can simply paste the whole magnet link into your browser address bar which will open up your bitclient and ask if you want to download the torrent, obviously say yes. 😉


While that is downloading.


Character max for the passwords seems to be 15 so be sure to keep your password shorter than that.


Set up a forum account at: http://score.savecoh.com/


Once you sign into your forum account, proceed to the game account creation portion of the website using the following link: https://score.savecoh.com/account/ 



Step Two


Get your install path ready. Make a folder on your C:/ drive called Games.  You can make sure your anti virus has an exception for the whole Games folder.  (Some people are afraid of doing this and prefer to only add an exception to score.exe (now after migration will be the homecoming.exe) and Tequila.exe in the City of Heroes folder you are downloading via the torrent).  I also run tequila.exe as admin but you shouldn't have to.



Step Three


Once the torrent is done you will have a "City of Heroes" folder in your torrent download location.  Move the whole "City of Heroes" folder, via copy and paste, to C:/Games.


Since we are using the old torrent for now you need to delete the "tequila.xml", the "tequilalog.xml", the "TequilaActivityLog.txt", and the "THIRDPARTYSOFTWAREREADME.txt". Rename the score folder to homecoming (due to the server migration).



Step Four


Note: If on starting Tequila.exe at this point does not ask you for an install path then you had tequila installed before and need to delete it in the registry.  See the top of this post.


Start the Tequila launcher via the tequila.exe in the "City of Heroes" folder from C:/Games/City of Heroes. This should open a window asking you for the install path.  Point it to C:/Games/City of Heroes.  This will let it see you have all the games files and all the score files (homecoming now due to server migration).


Let Tequila update/validate.  Make sure "Homecoming" is highlighted in the Tequila launcher and hit play.


You should see this:




It is suggested for players to go into option and make sure to put a checkmark in the "Close Tequila after starting the game" box.  Too many people were leaving the Tequila launcher open all the time and then getting errors after an update as Tequila only checks that when it starts up.


Enjoy the game, kill skulls!









In the Tequila launcher you can hit option and verify the files to make sure it all works proper.




Mouse cursor not showing up in game fix


  On 5/11/2019 at 1:10 AM, SkyRocker said:

I couldn't find anything specifically for CoX so I just googled 'mouse cursor missing in game'.  One of the hits said to turn off mouse trails.  While I was in the mousse settings I saw that had the option to show the pointer location when I hit CTRL too so I disabled them both, loaded up CoX and BAM, there was the cursor.


Hope this helps someone else!





Tequila launcher crashing at loading banner and other similar crashes


This is more than likely caused by your anti virus detecting one of the .exe as a virus which is likely a false postive OR your  firewall blocking the game.  Windows 10 users note that windows defender can cause this too even if you think it is off. Files deleting themselves is also caused by this.


You need to make an exception/exclusion for  homecoming.exe and tequila.exe at minimum or to avoid future problems make an exception/exclusion for the whole City of Heroes game folder.


How to do this will vary depending on which antivirus or firewall you use.

Adding an exclusion to Windows Defender on windows 10


Adding an exclusion to Windows Security


Adding an exclusion to Norton Antivirus


Adding an exclusion to Eset


Adding a whitelist and exclusion to Avast


Adding an exclusion to Malwarebytes


For crashing problems, including crashing on start up, you can also try deleting the tequila.xml and the tequilalog.xml as this has helped some users according to reports.



Resolution Problems:


Note: When at the log in screen after changing your setting hit apply then to close the window look for the tiny tiny red circle under the cancel button.


You can fix by using Alt+Enter switch from fullscreen to window.  If you still have problems you need to disable display scaling on the "launchers" which means on "Tequila or Island Rum". To do so you just right click the shortcut for either Tequila or Island Rum, click properties and choose the compatibility tab and make sure to check the box for "Disable display scaling for high dpi settings". Click apply and ok.


For windows 10 Start > PC settings > Display > Under "Scale and Layout," change the drop down option for "Change the size of text, apps, and other items" to the recommended setting (100% in my case).


You can do the above for all the .exe's if you're still having problems as someone mentioned they had to do this to homecoming.exe and not just on the tequila.exe.


Some 4k user had trouble and this helped them:


Fixed it. Had to set the DPI setting to application and NOT system!


Remember that the graphical settings are stored in your system registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\coh . You can run Regedit to access and modify the values if needed. See page 4 for more details on the regedit fix.


Simpler way to reset video settings to defaults: Start -> Find/Run -> REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cryptic\CoH


Some also report having to turn off vsync to get the image correct.




Patching Errors


One user had problems updating with Tequila and found his patch.xml had the wrong address. He had "https://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml".. note the s after http.  You should have http://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml




Wrong Game version fix (credit to The Fifth Horseman):


Quote updated with new code. 5/7/2019


In your tequila.xml, the SCORE line should look like this:

<launch exec="homecoming.exe" order="0" params="-patchdir homecoming -patchversion 2019.05.16 -auth">Homecoming</launch>

Working tequila.xml attached, just drop it in the same folder where you've installed Tequila.



You can also just delete the tequila.xml and and revalidate the files via options in the Tequila launcher, you can also just replace the tequila.xml with the one in the attachment of this post.


If the above still doesn't work you need to check:




I thought about the Windows Registry.  Ran regedit and looked around.  Found the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Tequila > Settings.


Had a "params" string that was empty, "".  Hmmm, if Tequila chose to use the Registry params over the Tequila.xml params, then Tequila would run SCORE without -noversioncheck.....


Deleted the whole HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Tequila key, then reran Tequila.


Tequila asked for the directory to install City in, told it to use the one it was already in, and off it went.  Updated a few .pigg's and started the City client.  Logged in.


And could go on all 4 Shards!!!


I checked afterwards with regedit.  That value HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Tequila > params has not been recreated.  And now I know to check there.


And now I'm very happy I've fixed this issue.


Credits to Jacke for this!


You can replace the instructions on deleting Tequila registry settings with Start -> Find/Run -> REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tequila

(Hit  Win Key +R  to get to the find/run for windows 10 users)



Jacke reported an interesting issue: sometimes (perhaps some versions of?) Tequila creates a key named "params" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Tequila in your system registry - and it seems it uses that value preferentially over the ones in tequila.xml.


If any of these is happening:

[*]SCORE continues to report wrong game version even when Tequila.xml contains the -noversioncheck parameter

[*]SCORE crashes on launch

[*]SCORE is unable to connect to the authentication / login servers


Start -> Find/Run -> Regedit -> HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Tequila . Remove everything inside the Tequila key

For more details, including pic, of how to edit the registry look at my post on page 4.


You can replace the instructions on deleting Tequila registry settings with Start -> Find/Run -> REG DELETE HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Tequila




Laptop OpenGL Issues:


retchedToday at 11:16 AM

@everyone Important update incoming from our friends in the SCOTS team.

We finally have confirmation on user's Intel integrated graphics & Windows 10 issues. A community discussion with a member of the team behind Homecoming and SCORE revealed that both Intel and Windows 10 offer next-to-no support for OpenGL or legacy graphics engines, partially due to Microsoft's push for DirectX; Windows 10 doesn't even support hardware-accelerated OpenGL at all.


Most of these problems have been experienced by people using modern laptops. We're working on a better way to broadcast these problems for them to know about, and also discussed some possible future software solutions that could be built to overcome this hurdle and keep City of Heroes' game client functional on future hardware.


The latter will be further explored by our team down the road once server proliferation and i24 development is at a comfortable stage, but if anyone has a development group familiar with this type of development who would like to get started or lay out the groundwork, there's a lot of people out there who would appreciate it.



Fix for the above issues, see post 6 on this page for details.



Also those with "laptops" like the Surface Go you may be having heat/throttling issues and need to use an "ice pack" to keep the heat down.


credits to Skawt, see page 9

Turns out Microsoft's entire Surface line is designed to throttle the CPU at the first hint of an increase in heat. And it throttles all the way down to 400mhz. It won't stop until the heat level goes back down. If you play at room temperature, it will start throttling the moment the game is loaded.


So I put an ice pack under my tablet, and the temp stayed so low that it never throttled, and I could play just fine. I'm willing to bet that most of the people with integrated GPU are using devices with little to no cooling, and Win10 is overzealous when it comes to heat throttling.





Fix for movement lag:


SO... We went to the NVidia control panel and had to add the score game executable to the list of programs.  This was done with a simple browse and click.  Then set the NVidia graphics options, and voila!  all problems solved.



Tequila.xml updated to 6/17/2019


Edited by Silk
  • Thanks 1

Installation for Linux.


Linux users


City of Heroes runs almost flawlessly on Wine, but there’s a few hoops to jump through. This section assumes you have a basic knowledge of what Wine is, and can use either Winetricks or PlayOnLinux.


Note: Warpshot (Lexi) is currently working on an install script to support Lutris, so you can automate everything with one click, but it currently has some issues with setting up Tequila.


Step 1: Launcher


There are currently 3 launchers available for Linux. (There is also an Island Rum port as a work in progress, which may be covered here at a later date.)


~ Tequila via Wine: Has a straightforward GUI and is better supported, but relies on .NET which can throw weird errors on some systems/Wine versions.


~ etoh-downloader: Native command-line patcher. Requires compilation but it’s very straightforward otherwise. See the page for info on how to set it up.


~ Penguin on the Rocks: Another native command-line patcher, no compilation needed and is also very straightforward. Again, see the page for info on how to set it up.



Step 2: Setup Wine & wineprefix


Setup a new prefix (or “virtual drive” if you’re using PlayOnLinux) with the method of your choice, following these details:


~ For Wine version, use either Wine-Staging or Steam’s Proton.


~ Use a 32-bit prefix if possible. 64-bit may work, but some Winetricks verbs throw fits about it.


~ You may need to set your Wine version to “Windows XP”.


~ Install dinput8 (either with Winetricks or POL).


~ If using Tequila as your launcher: Install dotnet35sp1 and dotnet35 as well.



Step 3: Patching


If you haven’t already, make a new folder for your City of Heroes install and put your preferred launcher in there.


~ For Tequila: Run Tequila through the Windows steps above.


~ For etoh-downloader: Run etoh-downloader from the new folder and let it patch, then follow the instructions on their page to launch the game.


~ For Penguin on the Rocks: Run WINEPREFIX="prefix path here" WINEARCH="win32" ./penguinrocks.pl from the new folder and let it patch.



If you get stuck on the loading splash screen before login, try adding -renderthread 0 to the launch parameters.


Source and credit for this.


Installation for MacOS

Note this is a WIP and first write up so there may be changes and more clarifications edited in later on. Credits to Arakendo for providing the download for mac users and putting time into making this possible.

For now I will provide a 30 day link to the file and will make either a torrent or a permanent link to this site later on.


Everything you need to play the game should be bottled in including wine, the game files and Tequila.



Step one:


First you will need a program to extract the archive, Arakendo used Keka available here:




Step two:


Download the "cohmac" archive here:



Alternate download options:








Step three:


Extract the archive using Keka and double click the app file and run it. Put it in your apps folder but it should run fine anywhere.



Step four:


Now to avoid the MacOS security problem.  When running anything downloaded from internet, you have to verify with System Preferences > Security > General to let it run. First run will take a while as MacOS will sit there and “verify” files for like 3-5 minutes.





If "wine preloader" seems to hang and not complete, install the following:



Reboot after installing the above.



For troubleshooting, if you open that with explorer, navigate to Contents>MacOS folder, there is a single file like a bat file. If you run that, it will show the errors in “terminal” (Mac cmd prompt).







i followed it as far as i know as best i could and i still get "wrong game version, server dev: 2013-03-07 14:47:29, client 2019.04.19" ? any ideas


Hello! Downloaded the torrent, Ran tequila (its in the same folder as COH) made sure the XML and txt documents weren't on read only mode, and ran tequila as Admin and still getting this error?

Download error: score/object_library.pigg

It then lists all of the files, they all start with score/etc.pigg

Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

Posted (edited)

Updated to v3.


# How to fix City of Heroes issues with OpenGL on Intel video cards (GPUs)


Please note this procedure has been updated as of 16 May 2019 to reflect the change in Homecoming's file name. Further updates have been made to update more GPUs.


This process was created by the SCOTS team in order to allows you to create what is known as a driver shim. This is basically a way to force the Intel driver (which is the root of this issue, not City of Heroes at all) to work in compatibility mode for an older version of Windows. Usually this sort of thing is handled by the folks who made the driver or by a game's developers. Since we lack the latter here & Intel doesn't seem to care about OpenGL support, we're forced to do this ourselves instead. It may be worth attempting to run CoX in compatibility mode (Win7/8/8.1) first. That's not a universal solution but some report it does the trick and is much simpler. Ask how in one of the support channels on the Discords if you're unsure!


Please note as well this will not likely improve performance for folks who can already get into the game. This is generally intended for allowing those with the affected GPUs to launch the game at all or who experience crashes almost immediately to play. This is somewhat of a work in progress as to specific GPUs and such. Please bear with us. If you have feedback for this process, please be sure to let me (Nilt) or another SCOTS volunteer know.


List of Intel GPUs confirmed to operate well with this process:


    Intel HD 3000

    Intel HD 620

    Intel HD 630



Please let a member of SCOTS know if more GPUs are confirmed to work with this.  I will be happy to update this as we go.


Anything I ask you to type will be enclosed in "quotes".  DO NOT include the quotes, they're just to make clear what you need to type.  Any bold text below is either a button label that you need to click or the name of the window or list where we are.


### Let's figure out which version of Windows 10 you're on:

1. Right click the Start menu in the lower left of your screen and choose System.

2. Scroll down to Windows specifications and look for the Version.  It should be 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803, 1809, or 1903.

3. Go to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/get-started/adk-install & download the Windows ADK for your version of Windows.


### Now to install the program:

1. Run ADKsetup.exe when it is downloaded.

2. Leave the top option selected & click Next.

3. Choose whether to send Microsoft some usage data & click Next.

4. Click Accept after reading the agreement (ha!).

5. Uncheck everything in the list of features & click to check Application Compatibility Toolkit.

6. Click Install & choose Yes when asked if you wish to allow it to make changes to your computer.

7. Click Close and restart the computer if prompted.


### Now we need to run the "Compatibility Administrator(32 bit)" program:

1. Click your Start Menu (usually in the lower left of the screen).

2. The application should be at the top.  If not, start typing the name above though there's no obvious box to type in.

3. Click it when it shows up.

4. Click Yes again to allow it to make changes to your computer (it needs to be run as an administrator).

5. Select New Database(1) [untitled_1] under Custom Databases from the list on the left.

6. If Custom Databases is not present, click the New button above.  Otherwise, skip to the next step.

7. Click the Fix above.


### Now we're in the "Create new Application Fix" window:

1. Type "City of Heroes" in the first box.

2. Type anything you wish in the middle Name of the vendor for this program box.

3. Click the Browse button & locate the game's folder.

    * If you do not know where your folder is, ask whoever you got these steps from or seek assistance in the Discord's tech help channel.

4. Navigate into the hc-bin64 folder.

    * Do this if you're running a 64-bit operating system, else hc-bin32.

5. Click one time to select cityofheroes.exe then click the Open button.

    * This may only say cityofheroes depending on your system's settings.  If so, select the one with the City of Heroes icon, not a folder icon.

6. Click the Next button to proceed.

7. Click Next to skip the Compatibility Mode options.

8. Scroll down the Compatibility Fixes list to Win81RTMVersionLie & click the box to the left of it.

  - You may press the W key on your keyboard to jump most of the way but don't check any other boxes accidentally if you do so.

9. Click the Parameters button above the list.


### Now we are in the "Options for Win81RTMVersionLie" window:

1. Leave the Command line box completely blank.

2. Type "ig4icd64.dll" in the Module Name box.

    * You might need to use ig4icd32.dll if you're going with the 32-bit option

3. Click the Add button to the right then click the OK button below.

4. This brings you to the Create new Application fix window.  Click the Next button.


### We're now in the "Matching Information" list:

1. Click the Unselect All button to the bottom of the left.

2. Click the checkbox for ORIGINAL_FILENAME=CityOfHeroes.exe.

3. Click the checkbox for INTERNAL_NAME=CityOfHeroes.

4. Click the Finish button below.


### We're now back in the main view of the Compatibility Administrator:

1. Click the Save button at the top of the window.

2. Type "CoH OpenGL" in the Database Name box then click the OK button.

3. A new Save Database window opens.  Type "CoHOpenGLShim" in the File name box at the bottom.

4. Click the Save button to the bottom near the right side.

5. Note: Stay in the same program for this step. Right click CoH OpenGL [C:\Games\City of Heroes\CoHOpenGLShim.sdb] and choose Install.

    * Note that the C:\Games\City of Heroes part varies.  Your path, if different, will show there instead.  Also, the part in brackets is often cut off depending on the size of the window.

6. Click OK to the prompt when it's installed.


Try running the game.  Hopefully it'll work but if not, please be certain to let someone in the Discord tech assistance channels know!

You may have a slightly different Intel driver file or something which we can help you identify.


Inspired by videos at https://pal1000.github.io/shared/tutorials/legacy-igpu-ogl-fix-win10.mov and the same video on YouTube.  We're uncertain which is the original source.



Edited by GM Korvin
Updated guide file/directory names.
  • Like 1

Yeah, suddenly everyone trying to download via Tequila right now are experiencing download errors. Is the fileserver holding these files having issues?


UPDATE: I have updated to a new magnet torrent which updates everything to 5/8/2019 including the tequila,xml with the new code so it will no longer be necessary to use the tequila.xml in the OP (attachment).  See my post on page 6 for more details.



I will try an experiment if you guys are willing.


I have the game running, I am on windows 7 64. (It should work for w10 too)


I am using Tequila, the Tequila and game files are in a folder called City of Heroes.


I can make a magnet torrent that you all can download.


You should be able to get the game working simply by putting the folder from my torrent which is "City of Heroes" in your usual games folder as long as it's not in c:/program files it should be okay.


Once downloaded just use the Tequila.exe, it may ask where you want to install it, just choose this very same folder.


Game should work, you might have to check settings and keybinds though as I play at 60hz/1080p and switched the mouse look toggle to right click instead of having it hold right click down.




If you are having "Access to Path" problems make sure to give the City of Heroes folder both read AND write permission.






Not a single thing I've done has made this function. Nothing but install errors.


I downloaded the full game via magnet and then tried to run tequila to which it stated I could not run the program in that folder (it already had some XML file telling it that it couldnt)


So when I have an install directory no matter what it tries to install the full game to that directory on launch every time?

I just don't understand what im doing wrong. The magnet link included tequila in its CoH folder, I ran it, told it to go to the folder it's already in, and then it failed.



  • Thanks 1
  On 4/27/2019 at 1:03 AM, Silk said:

I will try an experiment if you guys are willing.


I have the game running, I am on windows 7 64. (It should work for w10 too)


I am using Tequila, the Tequila and game files are in a folder called City of Heroes.


I can make a magnet torrent that you all can download.


You should be able to get the game working simply by putting the folder from my torrent which is "City of Heroes" in you usually games folder as long as it's not in c:/program files it shoud be okay.


Once downloaded just use the Tequila.exe, it may ask where you want to install it, just choose this very same folder.


Game should work, you might have to check settings and keybinds though as I play at 60hz/1080p and switched the mouse look toggle to right click instead of having it hold right click down.





i would but there's 0.7 peers and it takes forever




Tequila seemed to download fine but when I opened the options tab and selected okay.  It started validating and I get the following message.  I tried to re-validate a couple of time like the guide said but to no avial.  Any recommendations?  I am running Windows 10 on my last CoX computer.

Download error: score/object_library.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/missions.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/kallisti.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/geobin_obj.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/geobin_czv.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/geobin_czt.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/geobin_czn.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/geobin_czh.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/geobin.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin_villaincostume.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin_sequencers.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin_powers.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin_particles.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin_minimap.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin_fxinfo.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/bin.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score.exe

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/scenes.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/sound.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/texture_characters.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/texture_gui.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/texture_library.pigg

Was unable to download fileDownload error: score/texture_world.pigg

Was unable to download file

  On 4/27/2019 at 12:53 AM, zslane said:

More specifically, the scores folder of files can't be downloaded by anyone right now (by Tequila under Win 10).


Yes. I am also running Windows 10 Pro. I downloaded the files via the torrent link. Put Tequila in the same folder and hit validate.  It can not download any of the score folder files. score/missions.pigg and 22 other files that should go into the score folder.


Any help would be appreciated.  Maybe someone could just put the score folder files in a torrent magnet link. Not the whole directory?






At this point I dont think that it's us - it has to be the server not dumping the files.


My issue is that it wont let me install tequila to it's own directory because the tequila.xml denies it.

Once I delete the xml file it starts to download everything but then fails.


Was curious to see if it was just me. Things were going smoothly yesterday, was curious what might be happening! Will try again in the morning, check things out. Thanks for everything so far, first snag I've hit has been this download error.

  • City Council

Hey everyone, sorry about that!


The issue should be resolved now.


We recommend sticking to what the launcher downloads rather than anything that anyone other than an official member of the team posts. If you download something that we didn't officially support then we cannot guarantee that it is safe.



If you need help, please submit a support request here or use /petition in-game.


Got time to spare? Want to see Homecoming thrive? Consider volunteering as a Game Master!


Dope yeah if you download this magnet link (which seems to be the only COH link that downloads within 50 hours) then delete the tequila XML and log file and then reopen it - then it should work now that it's fixed.


If the files dont download then download the zip above and drop them into the COH directory.


You guys can use the link in my previous post and once the download starts just download the file you need, You don't have to download the whole folder.

Your bitclient should have an option that lets you see what files you are downloading and it should have an option to stop and prioritize, which files you want. This should also allow you to stop downloading the individual files and just download the ones you need like score.exe and the score folder ones, they should look like score/.


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