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Savage Melee is the worst for Brutes...


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.... was what a player told me.


From what they said, Savage Melee's "Bleeds" don't increase with Fury which makes the set under perform compared Savage Melee for other ATs OR savage melee compared to other Brute Primaries. Looking for the facts vs the fiction so if someone could either explain or correct the statement, I'd appreciate it.

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April 7 Patch notes:


Savage Melee

  • Savage Melee's power set description has been updated to no longer state that Shred is empowered by consuming Blood Frenzy, and instead that it builds Blood Frenzy.
  • Set description no longer states that Blood Frenzy adds a damage buff, it now accurately states Blood Frenzy adds a recharge buff and endurance discount.
  • Blood Thirst description updated to highlight the power increases Bleed DOT to 100%

Notice line 2 ...no damage buff, I assume this is for all ATs

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My Savage/Bio brute preforms very well and isn't even fully incarnate yet. I have a War Mace/WP brute fully incarnate and this Savage does better ST and AOE. Of course, some of that is the difference from Bio over WP. So I would say Savage on a brute is fine and very competitive especially when paired with Bio.


I just did a quick pylon test and it looks like my DOTs are scaling with Fury. I made sure I didn't activate any other debuffs/procs and here are DOTs from Vicious Slash at different times in the fight:


You hit Rikti Pylon with your Vicious Slash for 31.5 points of Lethal damage over time. (zero fury)
You hit Rikti Pylon with your Vicious Slash for 40.75 points of Lethal damage over time.
You hit Rikti Pylon with your Vicious Slash for 50.3 points of Lethal damage over time. (around 75% fury)


You won't really take Hermorrhage on a Brute or Scrapper but it is recommended on a stalker. I also skipped Shred. My ST chain is Vicious Slash -> Maining Slash -> Savage Strike. Rending Fury is my spender for AOE and when Blood Thirst is up to get 5 stacks again. The other big thing with Savage is to put at least 4 procs in Savage Leap including Fury -res. Max leap -> Vicious Slash -> 5 stack Rending Fury wrecks groups.


Hope this helps.

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I like it quite well on my Dark Armor tanker, though here Fury isn't an issue, and the chief attraction was the endurance discount. 

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4 hours ago, Heraclea said:

I like it quite well on my Dark Armor tanker, though here Fury isn't an issue, and the chief attraction was the endurance discount. 

I have a Savage/Energy Brute for this reason.  End Discount from high stacks plus the Recharge bonus of Entropic Aura

Formerly Infinity, Currently Everlasting


50s:  Necro/Kin MM, Ill/Storm 'Troller, Kin/EnA Stalker, NRG/EnA Sentinel, Grav/Elec Dom, Invuln/Staff Tanker, Mind/Dark 'Troller, Earth/Nature 'Troller, Merc/FF MM

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Stalker's get the best version of SM, but they get a much worse version of bio (which pairs best with SM imo). My SM/Bio brute does extremely well with the -res aura and the extra toxic on attacks. Most SM DoT effects work with fury. 


That being said, I also love my SM/SD stalker.

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The 2 strongest characters I've made in my CoH time are both SM/Bio; ones a Brute & the other is a Stalker. The Stalker is significantly better at ST damage because Hemorrhage from hide is just nuts & w/ the Hide proc ATO you can stick a hiden Hemo on a mob every few seconds. The Brute is better at basically everything else, and it's not like his ST is bad, it's just not as ridiculous. Survivability is the biggest difference, and it's a very significant step up, but that's to be expected with a Brute vs. a Stalker. The important bit is to stick at least 4 damage procs & the -Res proc into Leap. On my Brute I did all 5 available damage procs & the -res, and on my stalker I did a +5 Armageddon: Damage, but others have suggested putting some accuracy and/or -rech into that slot is more to their preference. I can't remember the names of anything, but the rotation is the 5-1-2-5 or 5-1-2-1-5 (where the # is the tier of power) depending on your recharge speed.


I have a hard time playing other melee sets now because SM has spoiled me...

Edited by Seroster01
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