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Am I Stalker-ing wrong, though?  Currently sitting at L28 and have everything from Energy Aura and everything except Body Blow (L1 attack), plus SS+SJ.  I'll probably be dropping Disrupt eventually, just have it as an extra "Oh, <bleep!>" button.  As I mentioned above, I have no prior experiences as a Stalker, so any help is welcomed.


I'd pick up Body Blow because it's important to have your very quick attacks to stack up the assassin's buff for your guaranteed Assassin's Strike critical. You can drop the disorient aura and if you really want it you can pick it up much later, I find it's pretty shoddy with its effect, I imagine it might be good for an IO set bonus, though. You'll want to get into the Fighting pool for Toughness and Weave. Be sure to work on getting your ATO set from the merit vendor as well, that'll be your biggest boon. Otherwise it isn't too complicated, my biggest tip is to not worry about opening with AS when in groups and just open with your strongest or second strongest attack unless you find you can reliably get AS off.


I finally settled on a costume and concept for an Elec/Elec - Silentsurge - and he's been hella fun through level 25.  And we haven't even arrived at the joy of AoEs, heals, and endurance drain!

 Everlasting's Actionette and Street Ninja

Also Wolfhound, Starwave, Blue Gale, Relativity Rabbit, and many more!


Been playing around with a elec / shield stalker, since I already have a similar Scrapper. Will be fun too see the difference in damage and crits.


I've noticed that Stalkers and Masterminds are the least represented ATs I've seen so far in the PUGs I've been in (though there always seem to be MMs standing around in Atlas and Talos). Not one Stalker yet.


As I recall I struggled to get my Stalker up to SOs back in the day and then really liked the character, but had a hard time going down in teams due to low HP. Is there a way to get enough survivability especially at lower levels to enjoy the PUG life?


What's the recommendation for a secondary and slotting to support an attempt (I'd like to actually enjoy the trip to lvl25).



Svengjuk, Formerly Alice, Empty Man, EM Riptide, Silver Mouse, and many more... SG: Hero Dawn

What's the recommendation for a secondary and slotting to support an attempt (I'd like to actually enjoy the trip to lvl25).


If you plan to level red side, go Super Reflexes. I've been leveling an Psi/Energy Aura and have been caught off guard with how difficult villain content can be with common psi usage from enemies, ground targeted slows, and just enough defense debuffing at 30+ that I wish I had stuck to my initial choice of SR, which has good resistance to slows and defense debuffs, along with some defense to psi. EA gives you a heal and good end recovery tools, but you can get around those two things with SR with pool powers.


If you plan to be a hero, you'll have a much easier time leveling in general and I'd worry less about it, but any defense based set will do you well. Yet to try a resist based set on Stalker, so no comment there.


I've noticed that Stalkers and Masterminds are the least represented ATs I've seen so far in the PUGs I've been in (though there always seem to be MMs standing around in Atlas and Talos). Not one Stalker yet.


As I recall I struggled to get my Stalker up to SOs back in the day and then really liked the character, but had a hard time going down in teams due to low HP. Is there a way to get enough survivability especially at lower levels to enjoy the PUG life?


What's the recommendation for a secondary and slotting to support an attempt (I'd like to actually enjoy the trip to lvl25).


I have a lot to say on this, but I'll give you my two-cent short version....

1. Stalkers are great! 

2. I'd stay away from sets with no real AOE, you will be much more appreciated on teams.  Good choices Rad, Ice, Elec, Staff, Psi, Fire, even claws in the end but just use the KB--->KD proc  ;P

3. A good Defense is a good defense...errr wait....anyway, Good for staying alive I'd say Ice, WP, SR, Shield, Invuln

4. when on a team you don't have to use AS all the time, open up with quicker attacks for the crit bonus from hide, etc. 


Electric/SR (Bolt from the blue!) + Broadsword/Shield (WHY DOES THIS EXIST!) + Fire/Regen (Party time)


After learning about the stalkers guile IO that practically always procs when slotted into AS, anything i planned on making as a scrapper is just being made a stalker at this point, controllable crits has always been amazing and i've always been a stalker main anyways, so it works out.


@Zerethon in game, Torchbearer, if anyone is new to stalkers or just wants to learn the ropes better


Just started a stalker. Was going staff Fighting/ WP, but was underwhelmed. Rerolling as SF/Bio tonight. Staff is crazy fun, and the stuff Bio brings looks fantastic.


currently running a ninja sword/ninjitsu build w teleport as a navigational power. its a very fun class to play dealing TONS of dps single target mainly. it is however an energy whore so im working on that. gonna add a few mods slots to his end soon. moded everything dmg to do more dmg with the exception of assassins strike or w.e that nuke is called from the ninja hide, i have that with 3 endurance decrease mods and it only costs 10 now so not bad. i look forward to seeing the evolution of this character and i have my wife whos running ninjas and heals so we're team ninja compleate! what a cool ass game! i hope someone loves Wizardry Online like they did this game (my all time fav game) with a revivial of that to someday.


Broadsword/Regen, but only because there was a costume option that let you not have a head.


It makes sense in context.

As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.


Broadsword/Regen, but only because there was a costume option that let you not have a head.


It makes sense in context.


Only if you run around screaming: "Tis but a flesh wound!"


Running broadsword / elec armor. So far so good but ive been teaming so it's been easy.


I like to pair up 2 sets that aren't often paired up and see if I can make it work.


Running a StJ/Rad Stalker right now and loving it.  Presently level 43.  Not exactly a cheap build, but stomping +3/×4 solo at the moment, so, survivability on teams is a non issue.


I played a couple Stalkers back in live, and even at the defense soft cap I was often irritated by the 5% chance to get absolutely demolished — and when 16 enemies are launching AoE attacks around you, a 5% chance to be hit means you actually get hit quite a lot.  I'm more of a fan now of starting with resists and regen/heals and building in defenses on top of that.


Pure defense is too unreliable.






Planning out and leaning towards making:





I wanna try out Psi but have no idea what to pair it with.  I'm not fond of repeating sets within the same AT but I adore psionic characters.  All the others so are rebuilds of live characters that were mostly Scrappers and a a Brute or two.


After learning about the stalkers guile IO that practically always procs when slotted into AS, anything i planned on making as a scrapper is just being made a stalker at this point

I wish that proc went off "practically always" for me.  Have the full Stalker's Guile set in AS on my StJ/Rad, and I can count the number of times it procs in an entire mission on one hand.


The other Stalker proc, the global chance to reset Build Up... is ridiculous.  I have the Gaussian proc in Build Up, so quite often the reset proc leads to a mid-combat, 4-digit non-hidden crit — on a character who isn't even 50 yet.


Just started a stalker. Was going staff Fighting/ WP, but was underwhelmed. Rerolling as SF/Bio tonight. Staff is crazy fun, and the stuff Bio brings looks fantastic.


I’m loving bio armor. I use it on a lot of alts between stalkers, scrappers, brutes, and sentinels. Live mainly in offensive form. My staff/bio stalker is only mid 20s, but it’s been a blast so far. My StJ/bio stalker is mid 30s and is already a monster.


40 - Psi/Ninj stalker.  Psi is getting resisted a bit much by certain mobs, even if the powers are partially smash or lethal.  I love the sound and effect though, so might just live with it, but checking some others out as possible alternatives.


Elec/Shield around 20. Invisible teleport bombing sounds awesome.  Seems to work fine, but not as cool looking so far as Psi.


Fire/Rad at low level.  Seems to work fine, I like the effect, but I'm not sure if it'll be effective long term with absolutely nothing else to bring besides damage, which it doesn't even seem like it has that much of.


Stj/Bio a couple levels but I don't like just punching, doesn't feel super enough, even if it's effective.


Psi/Bio - made a 50 on test to see how bio went with sets, and it's is pretty good. I could solo tank a group of 53s with lots of sweaty low hp spots, and survive assassinate and run away to do it again until whittled down a group of 54s, but if I ran into a tough robot I was screwed as I couldn't do damage fast enough.  The sleep aura doesn't seem to work at all though, not sure if it's bugged, I'd skip that power for now.


I'm also wondering about dark or energy melee sets, I think I tried them in live and didn't like them though, but energy transfer looks insane, I think it'd do more damage from hidden than the assassinate - the question is how to get past the look of pom-poms of death.  Maybe ninja blade, dual blade, or staff if there's some good looking options for the weapons.


40 - Psi/Ninj stalker.  Psi is getting resisted a bit much by certain mobs, even if the powers are partially smash or lethal.  I love the sound and effect though, so might just live with it, but checking some others out as possible


I scrapped - hah- a lvl 40ish psi scrapper for this reason. My damage is supposed to go up as I level and suddenly it was tanking. I dont want a character to be only good on certain missions, unless its purpose built for it like spines fire ae farm.

  • 2 weeks later

Kinetic/Invuln, picking up two ranged attacks from pools and going for an odd hybrid between Stalker and Sentinel - close to melee to do more damage (assassin focus stacks) or hover up and play blaster.


Prob not ‘good’, but fun.

Great Justice - Invuln/Energy Melee Tank

Ann Atomic - Radiation/Super Strength Tank

Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

C'len - Spines/Bio Brute


Disregard the earlier post I made.  Friendship ended with BS/Regen, now Elec/Shield is my best friend.


The phrase "Shield Stalker" is so absolutely cursed it's funny.

As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.

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