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Next New Year, I hope the box of fireworks special emotes drops for two days over the time, not just one.


This year, it started the day before New Year's. As folks in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Europe, and the United Kingdom came in, they got boxes of fireworks to celebrate the New Year with. Then it stopped. As folks in Canada and United States came in, they didn't get fireworks. They could only celebrate the New Year with fireworks if they'd logged in a bit over a day to a few hours before the New year reached their time zone. This seems to be most of the people I've met on Homecoming, though I have met folks in every other place I mentioned too. We couldn't even use the fireworks emotes, because those are all missing.


I lucked out because I come in every day anyway, and thought I'd better log in my favorite characters as soon as I knew the box was dropping. However, several North American friends who came in specifically to celebrate New Years could only watch my fireworks. They couldn't shoot off their own. I really want to see everyone able to celebrate their own New Year with fireworks in the future. 🙂 

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I just checked. Those commands do work, but I cannot find them on the popup menu. I found them eventually on the wiki emotes page, way down under Thematic Emotes: New Year's Pack. I was looking in the main list first, and they weren't there. Is there some way we could at least make them easier to find? 🙂


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16 hours ago, aeb said:

I just checked. Those commands do work, but I cannot find them on the popup menu. I found them eventually on the wiki emotes page, way down under Thematic Emotes: New Year's Pack. I was looking in the main list first, and they weren't there. Is there some way we could at least make them easier to find? 🙂

The built-in emote menu does not contain a complete list of emotes, which is why I linked Extor's popmenu. Regarding the wiki emotes page, I agree that it could be organized more efficiently, but I've focused more on making it complete/accurate and less on overhauling the whole page. A page overhaul would take more time than I have at the moment but it is on my radar if someone else doesn't get to it first. In the meantime I recommend using one or both of the wiki page's table of contents or your browser's find function (CTRL + F on Chrome) to make finding emotes a bit easier.

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On 1/3/2021 at 7:57 AM, AboveTheChemist said:

The built-in emote menu does not contain a complete list of emotes, which is why I linked Extor's popmenu. Regarding the wiki emotes page, I agree that it could be organized more efficiently, but I've focused more on making it complete/accurate and less on overhauling the whole page. A page overhaul would take more time than I have at the moment but it is on my radar if someone else doesn't get to it first. In the meantime I recommend using one or both of the wiki page's table of contents or your browser's find function (CTRL + F on Chrome) to make finding emotes a bit easier.

Thanks. I understand needing to find time to fix it. That doesn't sound like the quickest project. I'm not quite clear how to install that menu. Is it likely the in-game menu will be expanded? 🙂


Slightly veering off-topic, you mention the Wiki. Is there any place to make observations and suggestions for it without joining it? I noticed something that deviates from it, but I don't notice such things often. 🙂 



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2 hours ago, aeb said:

Slightly veering off-topic, you mention the Wiki. Is there any place to make observations and suggestions for it without joining it? I noticed something that deviates from it, but I don't notice such things often. 🙂 

Absolutely! There's a Club here on the forums which works like a subforum for the wiki:


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Check out the Unofficial Homecoming Wiki! Contributions welcome!

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8 hours ago, aeb said:

I'm not quite clear how to install that menu. Is it likely the in-game menu will be expanded?

Take a look at my last post in the Extor's Emotes Popmenu thread. The easiest install method is to use the CoH Modder tool, and there are some more details in my linked post. The other method is to manually install it by downloading the .mnu file in my linked post and placing it in the folder structure mentioned there. There are instructions for deploying it in-game there as well.


It is certainly possible the in-game menu might be expanded, but I have no idea how likely that might be. This thread might provide a nudge in that direction but aside from that I am not sure what else might be done to encourage the updating of the in-game menu.

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On 1/2/2021 at 6:38 PM, aeb said:

I just checked. Those commands do work, but I cannot find them on the popup menu. I found them eventually on the wiki emotes page, way down under Thematic Emotes: New Year's Pack. I was looking in the main list first, and they weren't there. Is there some way we could at least make them easier to find? 🙂



The Guide has them in alpha order and is searchable, along with current, hard-verified notes about their action and use.


As much as I admire the content and group knowledge of most wiki pages, the fragmenting of info by Issue and add-on pack and release date and so forth makes many of them almost unusable. Many of the emotes either have no useful notes or outdated ones, as well.


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UPDATED: v4.15 Technical Guide (post 27p7)... 154 pages of comprehensive and validated info on on the nuts and bolts!
ALSO:  GABS Bindfile  ·  WindowScaler  ·  Teleport Guide  ·  and City of Zeroes  all at  www.Shenanigunner.com

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