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Petition to reinstate root-cancelling on Nullifier


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To reiterate what I've said elsewhere:


In an unofficial rebooted game with a small, devoted population -- especially within the context of PvP -- originalism (re: what Cryptic wanted to / should have done / what meets the definition of a "bug") is far less important than "does this make the game more enjoyable for those who care deeply enough about it to be fighting for it?"


No one at Cryptic is going to give us a gold star for patching up decades-old mechanics, especially when there was already some development work done on Homecoming to make a PvP-specific power (Nullifier). Trying to apply a subjective label like "bug" is less relevant than considering the arguments for / against it from a well informed and devoted playerbase. Not to mention that there's no game completely free of arguable exploits like animation and attack canceling, frictionless bunnyhopping, and the list goes on.


Nullifier root canceling also lowers the barrier to entry by allowing newer players to easily make the same use of it that veteran players do, instead of spending hours trying to practice ways to recreate the same mechanic without weapon redraw (i.e. jump canceling), which is just a waste of everyone's practice time. Not to mention, this impacts support classes the most and will have ripple effects on balancing changes later on. Suppose mez is changed in a way that allows Clear Mind / Clarity / Thaw to provide protection, such that teams no longer feel the need to soft-ban long duration mezzes. Emps already have over 2 seconds of rooting on most buffs and heals. Clarity is 1.5 seconds, and Thaw is over 2, all of which will serve to limit set diversity and discourage players from trying out an already underplayed role (support).

Edited by Silent Method2
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15 minutes ago, Silent Method2 said:



To reiterate what I've said elsewhere:


In an unofficial rebooted game with a small, devoted population -- especially within the context of PvP -- originalism (re: what Cryptic wanted to / should have done / what meets the definition of a "bug") is far less important than "does this make the game more enjoyable for those who care deeply enough about it to be fighting for it?"


No one at Cryptic is going to give us a gold star for patching up decades-old mechanics, especially when there was already some development work done on Homecoming to make a PvP-specific power (Nullifier). Trying to apply a subjective label like "bug" is less relevant than considering the arguments for / against it from a well informed and devoted playerbase. Not to mention that there's no game completely free of arguable exploits like animation and attack canceling, frictionless bunnyhopping, and the list goes on.


Nullifier root canceling also lowers the barrier to entry by allowing newer players to easily make the same use of it that veteran players do, instead of spending hours trying to practice ways to recreate the same mechanic without weapon redraw (i.e. jump canceling), which is just a waste of everyone's practice time. Not to mention, this impacts support classes the most and will have ripple effects on balancing changes later on. Suppose mez is changed in a way that allows Clear Mind / Clarity / Thaw to provide protection, such that teams no longer feel the need to soft-ban long duration mezzes. Emps already have over 2 seconds of rooting on most buffs and heals. Clarity is 1.5 seconds, and Thaw is over 2, all of which will serve to limit set diversity and discourage players from trying out an already underplayed role (support).

Thank you for your kind and considerate words @Silent Method, but unfortunately I will be forced to CHANGE your vote.


On behalf of ‘The Renegades’ we vote AGAINST animation canceling. I believe we all can agree as a group, this is an unnecessary & easily abused tool. New players have no idea how to utilize it, as I have no idea how to use it, nor any interest in using it. 

You then decide to support the petition with basis that it helps support players.


well as one of the FEW support MAINS, I will also speak on behalf of ALL support players, we also vote AGAINST animation canceling- of any kind.


Thank you.

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9 hours ago, Hot2 said:

Hello Developers,


While there are many players who ABUSED animation canceling, not all of us AGREE.


Some of us, who have always chosen to play the game the way it was intended, LOVE the changes.


Animations are APART of the GAME. 

Please KEEP THE CHANGES! End animation canceling once and for all!


thank you. /no sign

/no sign


thank you for ur wise words Hot


The changes are good, the devs actually did the right thing


P.S.: Im not suprised how many of the specific people in responses want it back lmfao

Edited by Teh_Artic


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7 hours ago, Teh_Artic said:

/no sign


thank you for ur wise words Hot


The changes are good, the devs actually did the right thing


P.S.: Im not suprised how many of the specific people in responses want it back lmfao

doesn't play the game and also has medical issues due to having a stroke and is known that sometimes says things he doesn't mean

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14 hours ago, Hot2 said:

Thank you for your kind and considerate words @Silent Method, but unfortunately I will be forced to CHANGE your vote.


On behalf of ‘The Renegades’ we vote AGAINST animation canceling. I believe we all can agree as a group, this is an unnecessary & easily abused tool. New players have no idea how to utilize it, as I have no idea how to use it, nor any interest in using it. 

You then decide to support the petition with basis that it helps support players.


well as one of the FEW support MAINS, I will also speak on behalf of ALL support players, we also vote AGAINST animation canceling- of any kind.


Thank you.

doesn't play the game and is well known around the pvp community for his bad vibes and also giving liquor to minors, keep that in mind when checking the votes

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As someone who almost exclusively plays Nature Corr, the Nullifier cancelling is a great boon when in gathers to launch the big Nature buffs. It's also somewhat useful if you have time to fire a Snipe, or to drop Phanton Army, or...any other number of situations where you'd just get rooted and fragged. Good example from Silent with CM, where you basically wave an arm benevolently, only to go to the 1606 dustbin shortly thereafter.


Please keep the animation cancel of Nullifer as is, in Arena at least.


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8 hours ago, Xtreme Chaos said:

doesn't play the game and also has medical issues due to having a stroke and is known that sometimes says things he doesn't mean

Who doesnt play the game and has medical issues due to having a stroke and is known that sometimes says things he doesn't mean? 

Edited by Teh_Artic


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5 hours ago, BlackHearted said:

People should think for themselves.  I personally enjoy animation cancel'n as it keeps the movement pace fast in pvp.  I'd prefer it be changed back.

Black come back we miss you, ALL of us 

Edited by Teh_Artic


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Keeping an eye on this and I know several other people on the Homecoming team and gold standard testers discord are as well. It seems the majority of PvPers agree that cancelling animations via Nullifier (not emotes) is beneficial to PvP. I've been reading some good explanations and rationale from you all in the community and so consider me /signed (although others on the Homecoming team may disagree with me on this) 

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I don't pvp but if they can make a change like this apply only to pvp, why not simply ask them to remove rooting from all attacks in pvp, if it's that much better?

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10 hours ago, Take One said:

I don't pvp but if they can make a change like this apply only to pvp, why not simply ask them to remove rooting from all attacks in pvp, if it's that much better?

We have asked, but it would take a little more time. That's why the nullifier/crey's pistol was being allowed. It was a stealth change that wasn't allowed to be discussed.

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