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AT / powersets for literal farmer. Water, Plant, Nature, Storm...

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I'm having another episode of altitis. I'd like to create a character who is an actual farmer and uses his powers to raise crops. He won't be a farmer for gameplay purposes; he'll do ordinary content, both solo and on teams. Likely powersets from which to choose:


  • Nature Affinity
  • Plant Control
  • Storm Summoning (to water the crops)
  • Water Blast (same)


I suppose the first two options would be somewhat more useful for a farmer based in the Etoille Islands, since they're in the middle of the Atlantic and get plenty of rainfall naturally. I'm ruling out Plant Manipulation because the animations are incompatible with my plans for the costume. (Those thorn-vine things would rip any non-magical clothing to shreds.)


I value safety over DPS in a build. My reaction time is not quick, and I tend to prefer playing in melee range, even when I'm playing a ranged character. (Maybe that wouldn't be true on a controller; I have limited experience with controllers.) I like to be able to crank up the difficulty in solo missions without dying.


With those criteria in mind, are there any combinations with at least one of these powersets that would be especially good?


I have an Ice/Nature corruptor and was underwhelmed; the damage is good, but it's too squishy for my taste. My Time/Water defender is good. (I suppose I could just take him to the Facemaker...) I haven't played Plant Control at all, and I haven't taken a Storm character into the 30s. Nature/Water, Plant/Nature, Plant/Storm, Plant/Time, and Storm/Water seem like the most obvious candidates, but I'm sure there are others. Anything involving fire is a no-go. Summoning fire is not a useful ability for an actual farmer.

Edited by Bastille Boy
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Nature/Water Defender or Water/Nature Corruptor seem to be closest conceptually. I don’t think they’d be squishy at all. I just think most of Storm and Plant Control would probably be detrimental to your crops lol.

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If you are looking for safety it is hard to beat plant control.  Most of the time seeds of confusion just neuters a mob and you can then take your time cleaning up.  One of the easiest sets to play in the game imho.  Also has good aoe damage.  Only thing it is a bit lacking on is single target damage, but you said that isn't a great concern.  Mix with your secondary of choice.

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I think nature affinity lends very well to the farmer concept visually. Have you thought about masterminds? Beast Mastery/Nature is a very thematic fit. You grow crops, attract wildlife and bond with them.

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2 hours ago, arcane said:

Those poor crops

Heh, my Plant/Storm is literally a avatar of Gaea.  I'm pretty sure she can turn down her Freezing Rain to a Gentle Rain, and her Tornado to a, "oh, it's like a fan moving around us cause it's hot as hell"

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5 hours ago, Bastille Boy said:

Thanks for the advice, everyone! There are several tempting combinations here. I'm giving Plant / Storm a try first.

I actually do have a farmer that is plant/storm, Jack Beans by name.  He's all kinds of fun, though I will admit the pet doesn't seem the most potent of controller pets.  Perhaps I need to give Gertrude a different fertilizer.  Regardless, the pet is not a wimp, at least, and storm more than compensates for any perceived shortfalls.  I still would recommend the combination.

Edited by Techwright
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