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Focused Feedback: Travel Power Updates (Build 3)

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10 minutes ago, Bopper said:

Certainly, I get that. You're talking to a guy who currently has no travel powers on their main characters (excluding the TP I took on my stone tank). That will change now as the increased caps makes my methods of travel possibly fall too far behind, but I'd still slot them more as mules than travel buffs.


The nice thing with the change, though, you're not gonna be any slower in P2 than you are on Live. So if you're content currently, then nothing really changes. Maybe some teammates get an earlier start on a mission, but big deal. I won't lose any sleep for not getting a hit on the first mob in a mission.


And let's be honest, in teams I'm still traveling with mission transporter, LRT, and team transporter. Also many of my teammates are gonna drop TT as well. So no matter what I do with my travel powers (if I take them), I'm still not gonna be far behind when getting around. 

I see @Derek Icelord point about min/max builds, and Bopper you have ample experience getting the most out of your proc builds (Proc Rocks inspired my stone/tw tank). But @Derek Icelord also brought up a great point that there is a prioritization in building a character. Travel times to and from objectives becomes 3rd or 4th in priority when the options exist to use temporary, permanent, accolade or team enabled transportation in combination with the new travel speed caps to minimize the gap over improved build stats. Subjectively, if anything, these travel speed cap increases are making choices easier for players who want to accomplish the most out of their character builds.


For anyone who has been following along since HC went public, these travel updates are another addition to the incredible improvements in travel speeds that were enabled in the last page update, and prior issues from the HC team. They are steps in the right direction. Ha pun intended!


Edited by Glacier Peak
Edit for pun
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4 minutes ago, Glacier Peak said:

I see @Derek Icelord point about min/max builds, and Bopper you have ample experience getting the most out of your proc builds (Proc Rocks inspired my stone/tw tank). But @Derek Icelord also brought up a great point that there is a prioritization in building a character. Travel times to and from objectives becomes 3rd or 4th in priority when the options exist to use temporary, permanent, accolade or team enabled transportation in combination with the new travel speed caps to minimize the gap over improved build stats. Subjectively, if anything, these travel speed cap increases are making choices easier for players who want to accomplish the most out of their character builds.


For anyone who has been following along since HC went public, these travel updates are another addition to the incredible improvements in travel speeds that were enabled in the last page update, and prior issues from the HC team. They are steps in the right direction. Ha pun intended!


When I was replying to Derek, I actually was thinking about my Time/DP defender trying to remember if I took Hover or Combat Jumping. I remembered I switched to CJ because I loved bouncing into a group and using Soul Drain and Hail of Bullets. Then I realized, oh! I can now have CJ on with Athletic Run. That is gonna be so great in missions having the speed and height of Athletic Run with the defense and control of CJ. I might still not take a travel power on that character and just enjoy those powers running together (I hated the detoggling on live). But I will be incredibly tempted to go grab flight pool for the EvMa protections. Now that fly isn't slow it might be worth dipping back into the set (plus 2 lotg mule options)

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3 hours ago, Blackbird71 said:

You're missing the point.  The conventional wisdom on the AT forums isn't to even put 1 SO in the travel power, but instead to slot for -KB or -Slowness, etc.  And when every single slot being in the right place is critical to getting the right set bonuses, a little less time between missions is not going to incentivise any serious builders into devoting any additional slots to these powers; not when the tradeoff is performance in the missions.  Any builds that do will be laughed at as "sub-optimal," and with good reason.

But the real point is this:  Wavicle's analysis does not mimic "real world" conditions, as it does not reflect either the current popular slotting, or the likely slotting that will be devoted to travel powers even after these changes.

That is a choice. Min/maxers may not get much out of these changes, but that does not mean there’s anything wrong with the changes themselves.

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1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

That is a choice. Min/maxers may not get much out of these changes, but that does not mean there’s anything wrong with the changes themselves.

That doesn't change the fact that your testing is not accurate for common "real world" conditions.

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Just now, Blackbird71 said:

That doesn't change the fact that your testing is not accurate for common "real world" conditions.

Yes it is. It was a test of performance at the caps in a place that isn’t just a long straightaway. Just because I didn’t test what You want to test doesn’t make the test invalid. But it’sa good suggestion and I will test today using One slot in each toggle.

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