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What are your expectations for the Loki series?

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I assume Kang but would like it to be Rama Tut.  There was some Egyptian looking stuff that made me think it might be that version.


I also assume that there is at least one more Mobius working for the TVA.  The one that made the rings on the table.


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9 hours ago, DougGraves said:
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I assume Kang but would like it to be Rama Tut.  There was some Egyptian looking stuff that made me think it might be that version.


I also assume that there is at least one more Mobius working for the TVA.  The one that made the rings on the table.



I agree with that last part, and would find the first part interesting.

Crazy thought:


Really crazy idea.  Probably not true, but just putting it out there.


Mobius M. Mobius can't really be his first name if he's a variant of someone, and not created specifically for the TVA.  Might it be possible that the original is actually Franklin Richards, THE Franklin Richards,  and that, whatever variant of his is in control of the TVA decided to use other variants of himself by wiping their memories?   It might explain why he's high ranked and why Rovanna Renslayer takes a special interest in Mobius, even showing a moment of regret when he was pruned.


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4 hours ago, Techwright said:

Crazy thought:

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 Might it be possible that the original is actually Franklin Richards, THE Franklin Richards




Very unlikely.  To the normal person Franklin Richards is unknown.  It would not be a big reveal.  Kang would not be a big reveal to the general public.


Actually, thinking about how Thanos played out, it seems more likely that they would just tease Kang in this and not have him be a player at all.  Someone working for Kang would be the player.  Which makes me think the judge might be running the TVA and Kang would just be teased.


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1 hour ago, DougGraves said:


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Very unlikely.  To the normal person Franklin Richards is unknown.  It would not be a big reveal.  Kang would not be a big reveal to the general public.


Actually, thinking about how Thanos played out, it seems more likely that they would just tease Kang in this and not have him be a player at all.  Someone working for Kang would be the player.  Which makes me think the judge might be running the TVA and Kang would just be teased.


Fair enough.  But also keep in mind that the first appearance of Thanos had people running to the internet going "who is that?"  Most had never heard of the big purple Prune of Doom before.

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On 7/2/2021 at 7:20 PM, Techwright said:

A pair of discoveries regarding episode 4 since I last posted...

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Immortus makes better sense as the bad guy than Kang.




All I can say to this:



Six of one.
Half dozen of the other.

Since they're the same person in the end, this appears to be splitting hairs with an electron scalpel.


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Another satisfying episode!



The other Loki's bit/betrayal was expected, but I thought it actually pulled away from the story that the viewers (at least myself) cared about. I found myself liking the Sylvie character even more after this episode, especially after erasing herself and it was great to see Mobius back at it.


So many little easter eggs in the background of this episode, I think I will just watch a youtuber tell me this time so I don't have to rewatch it a dozen times lol. Next week should be the season finale, perhaps a big unmasking of the TVA, perhaps a tie in to other series/movies in the future, and hopefully a cliff hanger for the next season!


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2 hours ago, Hyperstrike said:

And this shout-out


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Frog Thor.  Just out of reach of Mjolnir.





Thanks!  I wasn't sure if that was correct since it was swift and small on my screen, but glad for confirmation.


I actually managed to guess something right!  Then I looked back at all my comments and realized I'd failed to write it down.  I'd brought it up at water cooler talk at work.


At work I'd suggested the conservation of matter would have to be at play, and Renslayer just confirmed it.


I find myself really wishing for more backstory on Alligator Loki.  LOL.  Is he from an Asgard of gators, or did he get enchanted somehow?  I was kind of hoping Protagonist Loki would gradually start understanding Alligator Loki.  It was still funny, though.


I still can't help but think that Protagonist Loki may yet rejoin the timestream, better explaining Infinity War's heroic Loki, but perhaps embracing his destiny rather than shunning it.  Still, I think I'd rather resolve Tom Hiddleston's era when it finally happens someday with an MCU equivalent of a ride into the sunset with a Loki who has changed and grown.



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5 hours ago, Techwright said:



Thanks!  I wasn't sure if that was correct since it was swift and small on my screen, but glad for confirmation.


I actually managed to guess something right!  Then I looked back at all my comments and realized I'd failed to write it down.  I'd brought it up at water cooler talk at work.

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At work I'd suggested the conservation of matter would have to be at play, and Renslayer just confirmed it.


I find myself really wishing for more backstory on Alligator Loki.  LOL.  Is he from an Asgard of gators, or did he get enchanted somehow?  I was kind of hoping Protagonist Loki would gradually start understanding Alligator Loki.  It was still funny, though.


I still can't help but think that Protagonist Loki may yet rejoin the timestream, better explaining Infinity War's heroic Loki, but perhaps embracing his destiny rather than shunning it.  Still, I think I'd rather resolve Tom Hiddleston's era when it finally happens someday with an MCU equivalent of a ride into the sunset with a Loki who has changed and grown.



Sitting about 2 feet from what is effectively a 35.5" screen helps notice things like this.

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

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5 hours ago, Techwright said:



Thanks!  I wasn't sure if that was correct since it was swift and small on my screen, but glad for confirmation.


I actually managed to guess something right!  Then I looked back at all my comments and realized I'd failed to write it down.  I'd brought it up at water cooler talk at work.

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At work I'd suggested the conservation of matter would have to be at play, and Renslayer just confirmed it.


I find myself really wishing for more backstory on Alligator Loki.  LOL.  Is he from an Asgard of gators, or did he get enchanted somehow?  I was kind of hoping Protagonist Loki would gradually start understanding Alligator Loki.  It was still funny, though.


I still can't help but think that Protagonist Loki may yet rejoin the timestream, better explaining Infinity War's heroic Loki, but perhaps embracing his destiny rather than shunning it.  Still, I think I'd rather resolve Tom Hiddleston's era when it finally happens someday with an MCU equivalent of a ride into the sunset with a Loki who has changed and grown.



And the other thing I didn't notice right off the bat.



The jar's label.  T365.

Vol1 Issue 365 of Thor

The appearance of Thor Frog!


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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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Loved Throg!  That was great.  Looks like its down to Kang or He who Remains being the one behind the TVA.  I'm only guessing, but I'm going to say He Who Remains with Renslayer trying to find him and kill him because of her connection to Kang.


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1 hour ago, ZacKing said:
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Loved Throg!  That was great.  Looks like its down to Kang or He who Remains being the one behind the TVA.  I'm only guessing, but I'm going to say He Who Remains with Renslayer trying to find him and kill him because of her connection to Kang.


Agreed! The way the series has progressed I see those as the only options left on the table.

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8 hours ago, ZacKing said:
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Loved Throg!  That was great.  Looks like its down to Kang or He who Remains being the one behind the TVA.  I'm only guessing, but I'm going to say He Who Remains with Renslayer trying to find him and kill him because of her connection to Kang.



7 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

Agreed! The way the series has progressed I see those as the only options left on the table.




We were water cooler discussing this, and we see a couple of other possibilities.  One I've already named: Immortus.  The other is, well, Loki.  Or rather another variant that seeks to preserve his existence above all others.  I know we're not alone in that theory, as some reactors have pointed it out, too.


We also discussed that Marvel has kind of a cheat in their story writing:  they can refer back to a massive body of material outside of their story.  Normally it is bad writing to introduce a character never named, hinted at, or seen in any previous moment of the story.  He Who Remains would be such a character/situation.  However, that's where the cheat comes in.  Marvel simply points to the comic fans and more or less says "They know. Ask them."  This was actually used before.  When Thanos first appear in the end credits scene in The Avengers, most of the audience was saying "Who is that?", and the comic fans were filling them in.    Without that cheat, the chief villain would have to be someone we've already seen/heard about in the story.  Even the cart-pusher with a drawer full of Infinity Stones would make more sense as a surprise alpha baddie who just hid in plain view as a nondescript clerk, rather than someone unreferenced.   But...we have the massive material of all things Marvel in play as well.


On an unrelated note, did y'all pick up on a couple of the images seen in the void world?  Last week, many, including me, wondering if we were seeing an alternate NYC, due to the destruction of the "city" and the very damaged Avengers Tower in one of the shots.  But this week, the first building shown was a lighthouse.  THE Lighthouse, you might say.  That was what historians think the Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, looked like.  So immediately the visuals of this episode are telling you this is not NYC, nor any place we could name.  I've watched several reaction videos so far, and have been surprised that no one that I've seen picked up on that. 


The other thing is the ship that tried to fight back.  The name gives it away.  The whole thing is a reference to the myth of The Philadelphia Experiment, where supposedly that ship, during WWII was used for testing a cloaking technology that turned out to be a time/space anomaly.  Love the reference and I think this is the second time the show has referenced a modern (last 100 years), real world legend or myth.  (D.B. Cooper would be the first) 


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52 minutes ago, Techwright said:




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We were water cooler discussing this, and we see a couple of other possibilities.  One I've already named: Immortus.  The other is, well, Loki.  Or rather another variant that seeks to preserve his existence above all others.  I know we're not alone in that theory, as some reactors have pointed it out, too.


We also discussed that Marvel has kind of a cheat in their story writing:  they can refer back to a massive body of material outside of their story.  Normally it is bad writing to introduce a character never named, hinted at, or seen in any previous moment of the story.  He Who Remains would be such a character/situation.  However, that's where the cheat comes in.  Marvel simply points to the comic fans and more or less says "They know. Ask them."  This was actually used before.  When Thanos first appear in the end credits scene in The Avengers, most of the audience was saying "Who is that?", and the comic fans were filling them in.    Without that cheat, the chief villain would have to be someone we've already seen/heard about in the story.  Even the cart-pusher with a drawer full of Infinity Stones would make more sense as a surprise alpha baddie who just hid in plain view as a nondescript clerk, rather than someone unreferenced.   But...we have the massive material of all things Marvel in play as well.


On an unrelated note, did y'all pick up on a couple of the images seen in the void world?  Last week, many, including me, wondering if we were seeing an alternate NYC, due to the destruction of the "city" and the very damaged Avengers Tower in one of the shots.  But this week, the first building shown was a lighthouse.  THE Lighthouse, you might say.  That was what historians think the Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, looked like.  So immediately the visuals of this episode are telling you this is not NYC, nor any place we could name.  I've watched several reaction videos so far, and have been surprised that no one that I've seen picked up on that. 


The other thing is the ship that tried to fight back.  The name gives it away.  The whole thing is a reference to the myth of The Philadelphia Experiment, where supposedly that ship, during WWII was used for testing a cloaking technology that turned out to be a time/space anomaly.  Love the reference and I think this is the second time the show has referenced a modern (last 100 years), real world legend or myth.  (D.B. Cooper would be the first) 



The only thing I saw was the "sacred timeline" and a castle looking building with a bright light on the top. It actually reminded me of the color that you see from Dr. Strange when he uses magic. That, or I just can't think about time travel thinking about this scene:

Infinity Stones, explained by the new Marvel movies and shows - Polygon


Also... maybe this guy? Sentry (Robert Reynolds)


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17 hours ago, DougGraves said:

I think the clear answer to who is behind the TVA


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Sharon Carter - the Power Broker.  It will be a very surprising twist.



Hmm...well, I've heard a handful of names so far, and your idea is yet another, if unexpected, so I might as well suggest...




Think about it.  They're a trio like the Time Keepers, and no one would ever expect them. 


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I can't believe they managed to surprise me with Kang in a story about Time Travel.

I re-read the increasingly misnamed Hitch-hiker's Trilogy this year, and so far the series had reminded me of the Ultimate Perspective Machine, but the version that shows Zaphod that he really is the center of the universe. So I was totally expecting this whole thing to be Lokis all the way down.

Edited by Major_Decoy
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Season finale!


Wow a lot to digest. Mixture of the character Kang's variant with the fellow at the end of time. Not sure what the threshold was that was crossed, lots of interesting things that me being an average viewer (someone without an encyclopedic understanding of Marvel's publications) will find go over the head. The Miss Minutes bit was funny, sort of like a "boo! gotcha" scene. The He Who Remains guy/Kang was a complicated character. I'm interested in hearing from others on this front. 


All said, great episode and I am liking the direction that Marvel/Disney are taking on the multiverse war bit tying in to new and old variations of characters (looking at Fantastic Four specifically - there's been a bunch of remakes that can be pulled in to or at least explained away as being part of a larger MCM 'Marvel Cinematic MULTI-verse' instead of the MCU.


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3 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

Season finale!

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Wow a lot to digest. Mixture of the character Kang's variant with the fellow at the end of time. Not sure what the threshold was that was crossed, lots of interesting things that me being an average viewer (someone without an encyclopedic understanding of Marvel's publications) will find go over the head. The Miss Minutes bit was funny, sort of like a "boo! gotcha" scene. The He Who Remains guy/Kang was a complicated character. I'm interested in hearing from others on this front. 


All said, great episode and I am liking the direction that Marvel/Disney are taking on the multiverse war bit tying in to new and old variations of characters (looking at Fantastic Four specifically - there's been a bunch of remakes that can be pulled in to or at least explained away as being part of a larger MCM 'Marvel Cinematic MULTI-verse' instead of the MCU.



The threshold was the point past which he no longer knew what was going to happen.

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Just finished ep. 6:


Not exactly what I expected, but I love it.


What I didn't expect:  He Who Remains, specifically as a variant.  In the comics, this is a completely different being, with a completely different origin (last survivor of another universe), but once again, MCU has merged two characters into one, and here it works.   I did expect it to be a variant, and I did expect it to be either a variant of Loki or of Nathaniel Richards.  I was unable to guess one or the other.  Nathaniel Richards variant works, however.  It introduces Jonathan Majors to the MCU cast, without forcing Kang out earlier than anticipated with the next Ant-Man and Wasp movie two years from now.  It gives leeway for Majors to appear in any works between the two as any variant of Nathaniel Richards, and there are several.


What I loved:  The setup for any number of variants of Majors' character.  The setup for a war between them.  Renslayer on the run which potentially sets up her meeting Kang at some point.  Leaving the question of multiple Mobius variants moot (though with a branching timeline it feels bound to happen).  Leaving the question of Sylvie's Nexus Event unanswered (which means it may still have an impact).  Ms Minutes taking a larger, more sinister role.  The fact that Owen still hasn't said "Wow!" in his characteristic style, which is going to drive his fans mad for months on end as they put their hope in season 2. 


What this may mean:  Majors' character is complicated to say the least, but if Majors is going to play all variants of the character, then he'll be playing Nathaniel Richards at some point, and that implies that the MCU Reed Richards will be black, or possibly mixed race.  Very interesting.   Of course, the Nathaniel Richards variant might be white, too.  We've seen several Lokis now who look nothing like Tom Hiddleston.




I need them to start pushing new material each month rather than every couple of months.  I'm going to be retired or dead by the time they get to Phase 6.  LoL.

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