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Weapons Weapons Weapons

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there are several new weapons I'd love to see in the game and I think they can be done with  only minor modifications to existing assets.

1) Escrima sticks are a cool fighting style popular in the Philippines and demonstrated by Bruce Lee in the movie Enter the Dragon. They could easily be added to the game by making them one of the weapon options for dual blades.

2) A single handgun. Frankly i think this would be a much more popular than dual pistols. the animations are already there and used by several NPCs. please please give us this.

3) nunchucks this is the most difficult but the weapon can simply be added as an option in the duel swords and broad sword power sets. the hard part is making the spinning part which will spin around in combat only. (in non combat situations the two sticks should both be held in the character's hand so they won't spin. 

4)Bokken or Shinai these are both wooden swords that i would like to see as options in the Katana set.

5) Darth Maul staff change it's appearance as much as you need to to make it legally safe but I think a lot of people would like this option under staff fighting.

6) throwing stars, This would need to be a pool power, the animations are already there and used by some Tso members. but of course for a full pool you'd have to add the ability to throw multiple stars (AOE) poison stars (DOT) & throw them very fast (multiple hits) possibly even blinding effects (like the flash arrow) by throwing at the target's eyes. the idea is to give a weak but nice to have ranged set to add to tanks and scrappers. you could also include a variety of cosmetic options for what exactly we throw.


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As far as "single gun," we do have a pistol as a temp power (a few, if you count the crey pistol.) I've got characters it fits and that use it.


Not sure how interesting a set it would be, mechanically or visually, but it would certainly fit some concepts. And we've got plenty of skins already in the game for it.



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18 hours ago, The Mighty Paladin said:

in non combat situations the two sticks should both be held in the character's hand so they won't spin.

Ahh, but then you don't have the flashy but pointless idle animation of flipping the 'chucks around your body that every single martial arts movie where one gets used seems to have to include. And that's ignoring the fact that nunchaku are a crap weapon; if you hit something with a stick, you have the momentum of the stick and your hand and arm behind it. Split it in half with a flexible joint in the middle, and when you hit something with it, the part that hits your target hits with half the impact and bounces away; you can't put your strength behind it the way you can with a single stick. And you have to be careful not to hit yourself as you swing it.

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holding both sticks together when not using them is a way to make this simple for the game creators. it's also more practical than spinning them all the time.

You could do the flashy spinning if the attacks can be done without a target.

Also I didn't suggest nunchucks to start a debate about how good a weapon they are. I just happen to love them, and that's the main reason to use them.

B U T . . .

 you make up for the lack of power by using speed.

the chain or cord acts as a shock absorber, so you don't get those painful vibrations in your hand when you hit something really hard. that means you're less likely to drop your weapon (provided you don't try to do stupid tricks with them) and you can use them much longer.

Also the fact that they're difficult to use is really a big advantage because if you do get disarmed and your opponent tries to use it against you he probably can't.


With all that said I admit that they're not a very good weapon over all but I happen to love them and a lot of other people do which is the main reason I'd like to see them in the game.

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  • 2 weeks later

I was making a new character today and remembered another weapon I'd really love to have in the game. a large Chinese fan. It could be a type of sword or shield or both. though few people would fight with 2 fans (except a fan dancer) still it would be nice to either use it alone as a sword, or use it with a sword as a shield.

Come to think of it several weapons could be used as shields to broaden the possibilities for two weapon fighting. like the tonfa you have under war mace, and the sais you have under sword and dual blades.

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Martial Doms can already make a full attack chain with Shurikens.


A single handgun would make a pretty boring complete powerset. What would it really include besides what Executioner’s Shot already looks like.

Edited by arcane
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Not every CoH character has to be a bad extra in a Bruce Lee movie. 

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@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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On 11/2/2021 at 9:36 AM, srmalloy said:

And that's ignoring the fact that nunchaku are a crap weapon; if you hit something with a stick, you have the momentum of the stick and your hand and arm behind it. Split it in half with a flexible joint in the middle, and when you hit something with it, the part that hits your target hits with half the impact and bounces away; you can't put your strength behind it the way you can with a single stick. And you have to be careful not to hit yourself as you swing it.

I think the train has long left the station for a realistic assessment of fighting styles in COH. Even if we were going to gatekeep on that, the fact that nunchucks are a real weapon (even if rarely used outside of Hollywood) would put it ahead of a majority of sets in the game.  A better assessment would be that it would look cool if done right, but you'd definitely want to do it right and have it be its own set including plenty of twirling, and it's dubious that's the best use of limited art manpower. And even if we were going to a new powerset, what would mechanically separate it from the half dozen other weapon sets? At least some other new powersets like flame whips or throwing (poisioned) daggers the mechanical differences would write themselves.

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On 11/15/2021 at 9:17 AM, Gwyrddu said:

A better assessment would be that it would look cool if done right, but you'd definitely want to do it right and have it be its own set including plenty of twirling, and it's dubious that's the best use of limited art manpower. And even if we were going to a new powerset, what would mechanically separate it from the half dozen other weapon sets? At least some other new powersets like flame whips or throwing (poisioned) daggers the mechanical differences would write themselves.


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this impossibility of a whole set with unique animations is the reason I proposed this as just a weapon you could take with sword or dual blades set. The free end of the nunchucks would have to spin when they're being used and you could even add figure 8s if you're feeling ambitious, but my main reason for wanting them is that I love nunchucks and I think a lot of other people do do. I'd much rather see my character in the game with nunchucks (even if they're not spectacular) than to never be able to see it ever. This is a dream I've had since this game was first created.

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On 11/1/2021 at 9:18 PM, Greycat said:

As far as "single gun," we do have a pistol as a temp power (a few, if you count the crey pistol.) I've got characters it fits and that use it.


Not sure how interesting a set it would be, mechanically or visually, but it would certainly fit some concepts. And we've got plenty of skins already in the game for it.




I don't think we have a full set of animations, and if I understand correctly, adding animations is something the current dev team can not really do, as they don't have the tools that Cryptic/Paragon used back in the day.

I think the temp pistol powers are the best we can do with Homecoming without a lot of effort.

The adventurous Space Janitor reporting for duty. Cleaning the universe since 1992 and Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria since 2011.


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51 minutes ago, RogerWilco said:


I don't think we have a full set of animations, and if I understand correctly, adding animations is something the current dev team can not really do, as they don't have the tools that Cryptic/Paragon used back in the day.

I think the temp pistol powers are the best we can do with Homecoming without a lot of effort.

a full set of animations isn't needed. We do have animations for firing a single gun, one handed two handed, standing and kneeling. in addition you could have powers in the set that include aimed shots, quick shots, rapid fire, and everything they have in dual pistols just as alternate animations. you could even change the name of dual pistols to HANDGUNS, and allow every power to have a choice between two gun or one gun animations. No new animations would be needed. Just give players some new options.

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43 minutes ago, Lancek said:

Two-handed broadsword animations would be nice.


See: Titan Weapons...which isn't a full replacement but better than nothing

@Aurora Girl - Excelsior - BSOD
 Aurora Girl  (Blaster)- Energy/Atomic, Queen of Faceplants and former Mayor of Pinnacle Server  Straye  (Brute)- Savage/SR, Survivor of +4 ITF Nictus Crystals and Bobcat's Bane  Aurora Snow  (Corruptor) - Ice/Cold, AV Humiliator  Terraflux  (Controller) - Earth/Rad, Bass Exploder  Spynerette  (Arachnos Soldier) - Night Widow, Super Spy of Sneakiness and Stabbing  Snowberrie  (Tank) - Ice/Spines, Disco Ball and Lady of Winter

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 I would love to have the option of certain weapons as costume pieces even if I don't have a power set that uses them. They would be purely cosmetic.

That way I can have an angelic character with a sword and shield, who's actually a Defender with  Empathy and Lightning blast.



You could even have them effect some animations if you want.

e.g. if a character chooses a handgun, the handgun firing animation could replace whatever animation he has for any ranged attack set.

if he has a sword the sword animations could replace the animations for other melee sets (Then I could have a lightning sword.) 

ok that part is probably not possible, but dang it would be fun.


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I would like to see weapons added as Power Pools, so that instead of only having punches and kicks (Fighting Pool), we could have a Melee Pool (your choice of melee weapon) or a Ranged Attack pool (Handgun, Shuriken, whatever). It would help with concept characters and wouldn't require a full powerset to be developed. 


I have  an AR/ Ninja Training Blaster who makes pretty regular use of his katana and I would love for him to have more than 3 relatively slow attacks, in the same way that my Psychic Blast/ Martial Combat Blaster is actually one of my favourite "Scrappers," using melee attacks a good 75% of the time, if not more.


In fact, I really think developing power pools is a good way forward, allowing a lot of customization with (presumably) less work due to not being full sets.

Edited by Arnabas
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5 hours ago, the1egend1ives said:

Not so sure about a single handgun. Most of the animations in dual pistols use both guns and it will look a bit silly if only one hand has a pistol in it.


For staff fighting, we desperately need a spear. I would pay money for that.

You could make new animations, but the real question is: how are you going to make 8 compelling animations with a single handgun. Seems like you’ve got a couple of distinct stances tops. It sounds pretty bad tbh. 

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On 11/16/2021 at 4:51 PM, Durham said:

We have the models for energy pistols, specifically pulp era ray guns, but no actual powerset to use them AS Ray Guns.  We need an Energy Pistol powerset.

Better to just add one handed alternative animations on Beam Rifle here. Unlike a handgun it’s not going to look silly trying to make 8 animations with one energy pistol because at least each attack has a different looking beam.

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On 11/20/2021 at 6:09 AM, Arnabas said:

I would like to see weapons added as Power Pools, so that instead of only having punches and kicks (Fighting Pool), we could have a Melee Pool (your choice of melee weapon) or a Ranged Attack pool (Handgun, Shuriken, whatever). It would help with concept characters and wouldn't require a full powerset to be developed. 


I have  an AR/ Ninja Training Blaster who makes pretty regular use of his katana and I would love for him to have more than 3 relatively slow attacks, in the same way that my Psychic Blast/ Martial Combat Blaster is actually one of my favourite "Scrappers," using melee attacks a good 75% of the time, if not more.


In fact, I really think developing power pools is a good way forward, allowing a lot of customization with (presumably) less work due to not being full sets.


I have been thinking about that as well.

I have several characters where the concept would be helped by some kind of hand weapon even though they are mainly blasting/punching/etc.

Especially hammers.


Wizards with a staff or sword.

Gods of Thunder with a hammer.

Whacky Joker sidekicks with a mallet.

Martial Artists with a katana.

Angels with a sword.

Edited by RogerWilco

The adventurous Space Janitor reporting for duty. Cleaning the universe since 1992 and Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria since 2011.


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