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Moon Knight D+

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14 hours ago, biostem said:

Honestly, I feel like they're throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks, at this point...


Which is bold of them.


In the Star Wars universe they are just bringing up existing characters and stories and trying nothing new.  Just branching out a tiny bit.

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I need some more hand holding for this series to make any sense to me. It's a Marvel show but I'm not shown anything that's connected to the larger universe. I don't know anything about the comic book version of the titular character, so these first two episodes I'm just confused and not really that entertained. I'm all for different approaches, but I'm not as excited with this one as I was with Loki and WandaVision. It's more on the level of Falcon Winter Soldier or Hawkeye for me. 

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19 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I need some more hand holding for this series to make any sense to me. It's a Marvel show but I'm not shown anything that's connected to the larger universe. I don't know anything about the comic book version of the titular character, so these first two episodes I'm just confused and not really that entertained. I'm all for different approaches, but I'm not as excited with this one as I was with Loki and WandaVision. It's more on the level of Falcon Winter Soldier or Hawkeye for me. 


It's likely not connected to the larger MCU. They've pretty much milked that for all it's worth so they've moved on to looking for B material. I figure we'll see a bunch of one off series until they find one that draws in the masses again. (I'm not cynical, I've just been around long enough to be skeptical of everything.) There's even talk of a Darkhawk movie.

Edited by Frostbiter
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Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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Moon Knight is expected to be part of a "dark" team of heroes in the MCU.  Like the Netflix shows were The Defenders.  So part of the MCU, but not part of the Avengers.


I am not entertained by this show.  I hate passive main characters.  I just find it frustrating.

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It's not connected to MCU proper yet. At the minute it's a bit of a bottle universe - which, when you're telling a fairly complex story people are already going to have a fun time following, is probably a good thing. 


If MK decides to base himself out of London and is around historical artifacts a lot, the obvious choice is Black Knight, who's down the road at Natural History.

(Cue imminent smoulder-off with Kit Harrington.) There are also rumours - there always are, but from reasonably reliable rumour-mongers - that An Actual Avenger will show up at some point. Doc Strange being The Master Of The Mystic Arts and all that, he fits, he'd be fun, and Ep 6 would coincide fairly neatly with the theatrical release of DS:MoM. 


But to be honest, I don't think it needs a Doc/Hawkeye/Cap/Fonzie guest cameo - the show and the concept stands up fine on its own two neatly bandaged feet. 


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I liked Spider-Man: No Way Home but let's be honest, the whole thing could have been avoided if Dr. Strange had just stayed home in bed. His Patrons needed to give him a thorough lashing for that.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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TBH, "do NOT mess with the fabric of space-time" should be Lesson 101 at Kamar-Taj, before you get the wifi password and lunchroom dining card.


Also, it's odd that you should mention No Way Home: a pic just dropped online of Willem Dafoe visiting the set of Moon Knight.

It'd be a slightly mindbending flex in this tale as to how the Goblin might show up, but you do wonder...

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  • 2 weeks later
On 4/8/2022 at 3:51 PM, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

TBH, "do NOT mess with the fabric of space-time" should be Lesson 101 at Kamar-Taj, before you get the wifi password and lunchroom dining card.


Also, it's odd that you should mention No Way Home: a pic just dropped online of Willem Dafoe visiting the set of Moon Knight.

It'd be a slightly mindbending flex in this tale as to how the Goblin might show up, but you do wonder...


Actually with what we've seen in Wandavision, Loki, No Way Home and I suspect in the upcoming Dr. Strange 2, it wouldn't be a stretch. The multiverse starting to have issues and folks showing up all over the place could be an indication of large issues that need to be fixed with the multiverse. And if what happened in What If is cannon, this might just be the "motive" or "pretense" the current upcoming big bad needs to want to "fix the multiverse"


(Though I think with what happened in Loki explained where he is coming from; all the multiverse shenanigans caused by Dr. Strange


-- both versions if What If turns out to be cannon ---

and others would be another "I need to fix the F^%$ing mess you so called heroes created for the multiverse." option for motive/pretense.)

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Still digesting today's episode.

Though I will say...



...I think that just about covers it. Also, Ep4 seems to be when Marvel shows properly kick off and/or go off the deep end.

Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver
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Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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Arright. Here goes:

  • Not skimping on the creepy this episode - either with live mummification, or the live mummies doing it...
  • ...but neither so nasty as Harrow being "nice".
  • Also nice to see Layla absolutely not getting 'fridged or needing rescuing.
  • We now know what Steven is "for": far from being the idiot, he's a languages and history genius and puzzle-solver. Also, painfully honest.
  • Marc's escape from (un)death - a purgatorial arena, or a torture chamber that may or may not be directly controlled or influenced by Harrow?
  • Who the third, possibly psychotic Alter is that's trapped in the red sarcophagus (Jake Lockley?), we may or may not find out next week.
  • Khonshu had four aspects, but Moon Knight has had a bunch of other Alters show up from time to time - including Spidey.
  • There is also the possibility that the partner Marc referring to is Jake, who shot Layla's dad, then shot himself to stop Marc retaking control.
  • Hippopotamus.
  • Really. Talking Hippopotamus. Quite... friend... ly...?
  • ...hip...po...*blink*
  • Okay, not Hippopotamus. Tawaret is a protective / earth mother goddess, associated with abundance, motherhood, and birth, but also rebirth after death. A baptism of water cleansed the worthy of any last sins or regrets so they can move on. That seems useful...
  • ...though she also has powerfully magical breast milk. Just in case we wanted it to get any more weird.
  • Khonshu can rez Marc at will, though he's currently petrifactorally challenged. Layla might be able to fix that.


Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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So we went a week without watching it.  Then after we watched episode 3 they made me stay up until 11 watching episode 4.


It has gotten much better - by which  I mean more normal as a superhero/adventure show.


I watch several of the CW superhero shows and very few major network shows.  So seeing a show like this where they travel around the world and have such tremendous special effects constantly is still odd to me.  


Khonshu just looks amazing.  

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Marvel TV seems to have a pattern.


Ep. 1: slow, mysterious build

Ep. 2: fill in some detail, maybe some action

Ep. 3: open the scope a bit


Ep. 5: ohhhellnowwehaveonlyoneepisodeleftquickDOALLTHECHARACTERDEVELOPMENTgogogoEmmyEmmyEmmyGOOOO

(Wandavision: repeat 3 through 5 as episodes 6 to 8 )

Ep. 6 (9): Big Fighty Finish


So, what does episode 5 tell us?





  • Tawaret is great. I mean, the puppetry and CGI work (down to the adorable ear-flips when she's frustrated) is amazing...
  • ...but the voice performance from Antonia Salib puts me in mind of a lovely but rulebound HR chief who's just doing her best in tricky circumstances. Some things, you just don't have a card for.
  • They had the Tawaret head as an animatronic on set to work to along with Antonia voxing live, which must have been a bit of a trip for all concerned...
  • Lovely tiny nod to Black Panther ("and the Ancestral plane is just lovely...")
  • This is a major flashback bottle episode, though "fixing your trauma against the clock or you die forever" is a new twist on it.
  • Superb (double) acting from Oscar as we deal with some... difficult... stuff.
  • We also find out who's "real" and who is the alter, and why, and why Steven became dominant.
  • This is a change to the books, where brain damage from Khonshu's possession caused the split personalities. In this version, Big Bird's just taking advantage of an existing situation. Not that that really makes it any better.
  • The Bad News gets dropped almost casually: Harrow has unleashed The Big Bad on the world and it's rainin' souls.
  • Just as they seem to be getting along, they lose each other.
  • But I suspect that this is not the last we see of Tawaret, or Steven. And we still have one missing alter.


All in all, very much wanting to see Ep6 right now to figure out how the hell we get of Duatodge.

Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver
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Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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Have you been watching New Rockstars?



He points out that the guy with the bandage on his nose in the asylum has a different accent.  And Marc and Stephen do not have a bandage on their nose.  So he thinks Jake has been shown but not called out as such.  And that Jake will free them from death.


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8 hours ago, DougGraves said:

Have you been watching New Rockstars?


  Reveal hidden contents

He points out that the guy with the bandage on his nose in the asylum has a different accent.  And Marc and Stephen do not have a bandage on their nose.  So he thinks Jake has been shown but not called out as such.  And that Jake will free them from death.


Interesting. I caught the bandage but not it's possible significance.

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So, the finale:


Yes, it was the Big Showdown sequence - both for men and gods, but with a number of neat little twists:

  • Tawaret doesn't just help Marc get out...
  • ...she recruits Layla to go save the day, promises her the power to do it and a faaaaaabulous outfit... and delivers in spades on both. Would very much like to see Layla back doing some heroing, mainly as Tawaret'd be a lot funnier as her backup.
  • The fight is, of course, very fighty, with Layla, Marc and Steven all pitching in...
  • ...but when it comes to the crunch someone else takes on the job of finishing it.
  • The end of the episode sees Marc and Steven now a happier pair - well, maybe more of a Very Odd Couple.
  • Layla is nowhere to be seen, which is good - no automatically getting the girl, and it'd be a pretty weird threesome even by my standards.
  • And if you're wondering who, stick around for the first, last and only credits sting of the series. Which is very, very well played all round.

All in all, a very satisfying little series - and according to wild internet rumours, as well as a change to the way this is being submitted for awards consideration (it's now no longer Limited Series), Marc and co may well be coming back.


Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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Going all the way back to the first episode, when Steven was driving a van/truck, trying to get away from Harrow's minions. More than once, he 'blacks out' and comes back to with all the bad guys taken care of. Just before Harrow's final defeat, he blacks out in the same way, and then comes back to find the job all done. It was Jake.


Also, the hint that someone had asked out the girl. It wasn't Steven, and it wasn't the still-in-love-with-Layla Marc. It was Jake.

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7 hours ago, tripthicket said:



What this guy said.  After credits scene final episode.  Season2?  Otherwise good mini-series.



"She who lives by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral, all too often dies by the cybernetic monstrosity powered by living coral."  -Doc Buzzsaw

Pineapple 🍍 Pizza 🍕 is my thumbs up. 

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Cannot say I found this one to be all that entertaining.  Definitely the weakest of the Disney+ MCU series.  No fault of the directing and acting though.  Cast was very solid.  The writing suffered in my opinion.  C+ for this D+ show from me.

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