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What's the advantage of Hami-O's?

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I vaguely recall back on live, when people first started hitting 50 and doing Hami raids, that the advantage to Hami-O's was that they had multiple attributes in one enhancement - e.g., Accuracy/Damage.


But enhancement sets (i.e. Positron's Blast, Luck of the Gambler, etc.) do all of that and also provide set bonuses. So why bother with Hami-O's at all?


If the answer is that H's are more powerful than sets, then it seems a bit weird that something that has been in the game since launch is so much more powerful than something that was developed later. Usually developers 'amp up' newer content for players who get bored of the old.

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(1) As TheZag said, sometimes three attributes are enhanced. Good examples: Enzymes in Venomous Gas or Radiation Infection, Cytoskeletons in Invincibility, Membranes in Farsight or Mind Link. End/Rech/Slow D-Syncs, etc.

(2) Sometimes you aren’t slotting for set bonuses so the raw value of HO’s is better. A +5 Uncommon/Rare Acc/Dam IO is 33.1% enhancement vs 38.3% for a 53 Nucleolus. So anytime you are frankenslotting or 1-slotting or not caring about bonuses for whatever other reason, you should consider if you’ll get more enhancement value out of HO’s. Examples include 1-2 slotting Microfilaments instead of Travel/Ends in your travel powers, slotting powers with 1-2 Nucs and 4-5 procs, etc.

Edited by arcane
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13 minutes ago, arcane said:


(2) Sometimes you aren’t slotting for set bonuses so the raw value of HO’s is better. A +5 Uncommon/Rare Acc/Dam IO is 33.1% enhancement vs 38.3% for a 53 Nucleolus. So anytime you are frankenslotting or 1-slotting or not caring about bonuses for whatever other reason, you should consider if you’ll get more enhancement value out of HO’s. Examples include 1-2 slotting Microfilaments instead of Travel/Ends in your travel powers, slotting powers with 1-2 Nucs and 4-5 procs, etc.


Also, you can only slot one +5 A/D from a given set, but you can slot as many lvl 53 Nucleoses as you are willing to buy from me!

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1 minute ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


Also, you can only slot one +5 A/D from a given set, but you can slot as many lvl 53 Nucleoses as you are willing to buy from me!


LOL, always the salesman... 🤣

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6 minutes ago, Yomo Kimyata said:


Also, you can only slot one +5 A/D from a given set, but you can slot as many lvl 53 Nucleoses as you are willing to buy from me!

I’m guilty of some truly obscene “buy it nao price” HO / D-Sync purchases to keep the Micros, Cytos, Heal/Rech D-Syncs, etc coming. Do you have a catalog of assets plus prices you have for sale? Lol

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   Good question, and good answer's all around too I must say. So nice to reminisce about the good old Hami-O days I gotta say, but this got me wondering. "If" Hami-O's could be improved upon enough to make them as equally sought after as Enhancement sets, how would one go about doing so while still keeping balance between the two? Or has the game evolved so much now that this is totally inconceivable (I do not think this means what you think it means lol)? Sorry if this was off topic, as you did ask a good question @Nayland1971; it just got me wondering is all. 😁



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for masterminds they are borderline required to slot in pet global/aura buffs

for everyone else, there are many uses.  Sometimes its for enhancement slot space saving, other times there isnt much else.


Radiation Infection, Beta Decay, Darkest Night, etc: 3 Enzymes

An immobilize ability you probably wont ever use, or use rarely:  Endoplasm.  Web Grenades, ring of fire, etc.

Forge, Fort, Farsight, etc: 3 Membranes

And to me since all Resist set bonuses suck for Perma-hasten characters, 3 ribos and use slots elsewhere or sit in some procs

And for my super reflex characters [Tough] is my only form of resist to slot procs in, 3 ribos, 2-3 procs


actually the prices for hamis are insane enough as it is just ignore this post


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2 hours ago, arcane said:

I’m guilty of some truly obscene “buy it nao price” HO / D-Sync purchases to keep the Micros, Cytos, Heal/Rech D-Syncs, etc coming. Do you have a catalog of assets plus prices you have for sale? Lol

if there is one or more for offer and you haven’t bought it yet, you’re not bidding high enough!

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In all seriousness, I usually slot one or more in my end game builds.


Example 1:  I don’t love the set bonuses for defense sets in general.  If I’m trying to save slots for other powers, I’ll slot defense toggles with LotG recharge and 2x 53 Cytoplasms.


Example 2:  For scrappers and brutes I will split the ATO set that gives melee/s&l defense 3-3 (1/5/6 and 2/3/4 iirc). Adding a lvl 53 Nucleosis gets me where I want for accuracy and defense.


Sure they’re spendy.  But c’mon, you deserve nice things!

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16 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Example 1:  I don’t love the set bonuses for defense sets in general.  If I’m trying to save slots for other powers, I’ll slot defense toggles with LotG recharge and 2x 53 Cytoplasms.

I do this one when I’m reeeally trying my best to make a build work without Ageless. My Rad defender and one of my Poison defenders use this slotting plus Vigor Core to make proc monster Clarion Core builds playable. Can get your end consumption down near 1/s even after 8-10 toggles or whatever.

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17 hours ago, Yomo Kimyata said:

Example 1:  I don’t love the set bonuses for defense sets in general.  If I’m trying to save slots for other powers, I’ll slot defense toggles with LotG recharge and 2x 53 Cytoplasms.

I think you mean Cytoskeletons.


And all my characters with the invuln set always slot two in Invincibility.  I'll slot part of a defense set, then the two cytoskeletons because they buff three effects and all of them are applicable in that power (defense buff, to-hit buff, endurance reduction).

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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6 minutes ago, Ironblade said:

I think you mean Cytoskeletons.




You know, I've been seeing the word "cytoskeleton" for as long as I've been playing this game, and never once over the years have I mentally interpreted it as anything except "cytoplasm".


Thank you for the correction.  Now I've got some scrubbing to do!

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