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Posted (edited)

I was thinking about Rage as an animation and how literature/graphic novels do rage.


Specifically two Rages:

  • Jekyll and Hyde and
  • The Hulk



So my suggestion is that the Rage power has an alternate costume that you switch to during your Rage. That costume slot could contain a copy your regular costume (AKA a "no change" flag), OR it could contain a new costume which you switch to for the duration of the Rage.


Perhaps you could have a costume change animation of your choice that triggers first, though  that might be a bit crap in the middle of a fight.


You would still have Rage's regular glow.


Another suggestion regarding Rage is for the Rage Crash - your character gets a limp for a while (not one that affects your movement, but you look lame/tired for the duration of the crash). The idea behind this is to give a visual indication of whatever effect your character has, rather than stacking yet another glowy aura on you.


Edited by Herotu

Boycott American.


I had suggested a more noticeable indicator for rage wearing off in the past.  I went a different route with my suggestion but if costume change for the duration were a possible option,  i would go for it.


I know we can do it manually but that doesnt let me know when its about to wear off.

  • Herotu changed the title to Rage Costume/Animation
10 hours ago, TheZag said:

I had suggested a more noticeable indicator for rage wearing off in the past.  I went a different route with my suggestion but if costume change for the duration were a possible option,  i would go for it.


I know we can do it manually but that doesnt let me know when its about to wear off.

Should be a sound effect, but the problem is that there are so many possible hero-types that a single sound effect wouldn't be appropriate for many of them. 


I don't know how the sfx could be improved. I prefer more mundane sounds than the kapow things we have, but thankfully, we can mod it! 🙂

Boycott American.


Eh. I mean, you can do it *now* just by assigning slots, but I get the automatic thing.

We *sort of* have that with combat auras. Not sure if a graphic can be attached to Rage (as a click vs a toggle) that lasts for the duration (and how that'll affect stacking.) Someone more familiar with the technical side would have to say.

Personally... not against it, as long as I can have a disable option.

Posted (edited)

I would rather not. Sure, the Hulk She-Hulk, and Mr. Hyde transformed, but others raged all the time and did not. See Wolverine, Sabertooth, Norse viking berserkers, some of the jotun, and so forth. If you want a transforming Rage, you can just make a macro for it. First line is your cc/cce command with the second line being the power execute command. Now you have a transforming rage. And when the rage wears off and the character settles down? You use a costume change back. An auto-function for that would be nice for players playing that kind of character, but not for players playing characters that have no reason to transform when raging.


Or in line with @Greycat, people need the ability to not be affected by that on their raging characters.


Edit: And if you're inclined to argue that Wolverine and Sabertooth are claws rather than super strength, and that berserkers were pick your weapon rather than super strength, then I need to point out that Mr. Hyde was not a rage-induced creature. He was an (al)chemical creation for indulging a person's darker nature. The jotuns that embraced rage for combat however, and when berserkers when caught weaponless, would be super strength characters in CoX.

Edited by Rudra
Editied to put in the missing "berserker".
2 hours ago, Rudra said:

Or in line with @Greycat, people need the ability to not be affected by that on their raging characters.

The post literally says it can be a copy of your original character aka no change.

Boycott American.

Posted (edited)

Then I would have to devote a costume slot to duplicate the base look just so I could not change when I click a power. As someone who uses all available costume slots for different themes/looks depending on time of year and situation, you are asking me to give up a slot to not change. No thank you.


Edit: Hells, for that matter, I would have to have 2 of every look. So you are asking me to have only half as many costume slots. So definitely no thank you.

Edited by Rudra

Just had a thought that should keep this simple. Considering that Rage is so easy to double stack, so you can just keep Rage going, then the simplest solution to this is the macro I already mentioned. You click the macro when you start the rage. Then you click  either the Macro or the Rage power to maintain the rage. Then when you're done with using rage, you click a reversion macro. Done. Even the Hulk never immediately turned back into Banner when the rage passed. There was always a few moments of exhaustion, or realization, or whatever as calm Hulk finds a spot to settle down and then turn back into Banner.


I think that it'd be cool to have costumes you can (optionally) assign to long duration, long cooldown big buffs.  Not just Rage, but other stuff like Meltdown.  I'd love the ability to activate Meltdown and have it automatically swap to a costume that turns all my normally green radioactive powers red and then auto switch back when the power's duration expires.  Like going into a thematic "Critical Mass" thing would be fun to play out.  


Essentially you'd have an additional costume slot to assign to a click power (only certain powers could be assigned a costume change, at least long enough to account for 2 costume change cooldowns to prevent stuff from breaking or rapid costume changing bogging down the server) it'd auto switch on activation and then auto switch back to your previously used costume once the power expires.  One hiccup I could see with this is if a player activates a costume changing toggle and then manually detoggles the power before the costume swap cooldown resets.  In this instance you could just prevent a costume switch from happening if players decide to get cheeky.  


That way you can have your Hulk out or Hyde moment, or even have certain parts of your suit glow or have a costume aura that persists through a specific power.


I like where your headspace is at, but I think it should be something players could opt for in other Rage-adjacent powers.  

20 minutes ago, dangeraaron10 said:

I think that it'd be cool to have costumes you can (optionally) assign to long duration, long cooldown big buffs.  Not just Rage, but other stuff like Meltdown.  I'd love the ability to activate Meltdown and have it automatically swap to a costume that turns all my normally green radioactive powers red and then auto switch back when the power's duration expires.  Like going into a thematic "Critical Mass" thing would be fun to play out.  


Previously been mentioned in the thread, but it is possible to do this sort of thing with the bind/macro system in the game.  Takes a bit of R&D unless one is already familiar, I find it to be a bit complex as I'm not a programmer, but it isn't difficult to work through and figure out either.  You'd also need two power looks for each costume the character had - assuming they had more than one - to switch between.  IIRC the closest to automatic it could get is a button that is pressed twice?  Not entirely sure.  It's basically a variation of the same sort of bind people use for fly emotes and stuff.

You see a mousetrap? I see free cheese and a f$%^ing challenge.


Check out the Macro (slash command) and CC (slash command) pages on paragonwiki.com. It tells you how to make macros to do this. No programming experience needed.

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