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Cathedral of Pain

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So I know in the past you needed a large amount of people to simultaneously take down the resonators.

Does this hold true today? I want to lead a small team this weekend and don't want the restrictions of defeating the pylons within 35 seconds of each other.

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It is like BaF, you have bars to follow so it is pretty easy to take them down together.

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2 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

I could've swore they made this soloable.



Nope.  I do three Cathedral of Pain Trials every Saturday, and you definitely need to still take down all of the resonators within a fairly small window, or they will respawn.  Even with just twelve people, it can be risky as you may not have enough damage depending on league composition.

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39 minutes ago, Appolaris said:

Nope.  I do three Cathedral of Pain Trials every Saturday, and you definitely need to still take down all of the resonators within a fairly small window, or they will respawn.  Even with just twelve people, it can be risky as you may not have enough damage depending on league composition.

Oh okay, good lookin out! I'll admit I've only ran it once on Homecoming, and that was in 2019 lol

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For a smaller league, there is a strategy you can use if someone has incandescence. 

You might take a group of 12, have two teams of 6. The player with incan goes to the third location and begin to solo the mobs around the third resonator, while the two teams clear their respective resonators of mobs. When the barrier drops on those two resonators, take the resonators down. 
The second player with incan then uses it to bring the entire league to the third resonator and finish off the mobs and the resonator. The key though is DPS. If you can't clobber the mobs and resonator within 30 seconds (giving a 5 second buffer for the incan) then it's going to be a struggle because you have to try again. 


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I've done it a few times now on Excelsior (yes, PUGs), and I think each time it took some thankless handholding and careful directions ala IN ALL-CAPS PLEASE READ CHAT from the team leader.  It also helped to have some Assemble The Teams along the way too.  I don't think it's a mission to casually walk into, the person leading mine (I wager it was the same guy all three times) was really herding cats to get it done.  But the good news - we did it!  All three times.  But not without some grief.

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