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Fallout Tv Series (Amazon Prime)

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So this is in the works. I'm fairly excited (ref: my love of dystopian alternate realities). Not a lot of info out there at the moment but I'm hoping this will be good when it lands sometime in 2023 or 2024. The setting is iconic and it's good to see that it's going to make it to the screen.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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For a second I thought you meant it was Set in 2023-2024. I was like "what do They know that We don't?!?"

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35 minutes ago, WanderingAries said:

For a second I thought you meant it was Set in 2023-2024. I was like "what do They know that We don't?!?"


The article author thinks it will release in fall 2023. I'm not quite that optimistic. I'm guessing Fall of 2024. As for the time period in the Fallout Universe that it will be set in it's anyone's guess. Mine is somewhere after Fallout76 which is 2102 to 2104 and before Fallout 3 which is 2277.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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1 minute ago, Frostbiter said:

The article author thinks it will release in fall 2023. I'm not quite that optimistic. I'm guessing Fall of 2024. As for the time period in the Fallout Universe that it will be set in it's anyone's guess. Mine is somewhere after Fallout76 which is 2102 to 2104 and before Fallout 3 which is 2277.

I think a lot also depends upon what this particular vault's experiment will be, (if there is one).  It'd be interesting if these dwellers were pre-war, but there were also pics of a Super Duper Mart, which looked like it had been abandoned for many years/decades...

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20 minutes ago, biostem said:

I think a lot also depends upon what this particular vault's experiment will be, (if there is one).  It'd be interesting if these dwellers were pre-war, but there were also pics of a Super Duper Mart, which looked like it had been abandoned for many years/decades...


That would be a great reveal for those not familiar with the game series. Possibly a let-down for those of us who are. Who knows, maybe even worthy of some genuine




Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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3 minutes ago, Frostbiter said:

That would be a great reveal for those not familiar with the game series. Possibly a let-down for those of us who are. Who knows, maybe even worthy of some genuine

Building the world of Fallout for those not already familiar with it can be tricky - spend too much time and the "now" where the series actually takes place in gets muddied, but spend too little time and people ask questions about why cars look like those of the 50s, yet it's actually set after 2077...

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I count two strikes already:  1)  It's a TV show based on a video game (I haven't seen a good game-to-"film" adaptation yet); and 2) it's Amazon Studios.


On the plus side, however, one of the developers (Jonathan Nolan) has some writing credits that catch my attention, i.e., "Person of Interest" and two of the Chris Nolan Batman films.  I haven't watched anything involving Lisa Joy, so no expectations there either way.

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13 minutes ago, TheOtherTed said:

I count two strikes already:  1)  It's a TV show based on a video game (I haven't seen a good game-to-"film" adaptation yet); and 2) it's Amazon Studios.


Three: no Ron Perlman.



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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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9 minutes ago, biostem said:

In all fairness, as iconic as it is, he only did the opening and closing narrations.


And did them so powerfully, so evocatively, that they're still lauded by everyone who's played any of the games.  His narration is iconic and integral to Fallout.  It's what gives the games their emotive depth, what gives their stories weight.  The wasteland wasn't just a place to stand, a backdrop for your fights, you heard his voice echoing in the back of your mind as you wandered, reminding you how this landscape became the barren, desolate place that it was, tinging the entire experience with a hint of regret and sorrow and giving you a more somber, meaningful experience.


None of the Fallout games would've been anything noteworthy or memorable without that.  Without his narration.  He made us feel it.  That's something special and unique to Fallout that shouldn't be sacrificed, or lost, in the transition to film.  If anything, it's even more important to keep it, because story is everything in film.  The most beautiful cinematography in the world doesn't save a piece with a bad story, or no story at all.  Doing this without Ron Perlman... they might as well just hand it to Uwe Boll, or Tommy Wiseau.

  • Thumbs Up 1

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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5 hours ago, Frostbiter said:

I'm going to withhold judgement until I actually see it.

Probably the best idea. Pre-prod is a very flexible time (even Amazon Prime Video's existence within the Bezos Empire is still slightly on a knife edge, with Rings Of Power being evaluated: it may not even happen.) Casting is also unlikely to be anywhere near filled out yet, though Kyle McLachlan being attached* is interesting...



And yes, they need Ron. But he's always working, isn't sniffy about any level of project as long as it's work, and this kind of thing is a day in a nice comfy booth on "Jack Nicholson money". So I've no idea why he wouldn't be attached or would turn it down.


Also, sensing a number of my friends from Queens nodding approvingly at Staten being a post-apocalyptic landscape. 😁


*"attached": someone may have sneezed this name while someone at another table was talking about the project through a mouthful of chop salad. Seriously, take nothing and no-one as locked until it's in the can.


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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3 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

Probably the best idea. Pre-prod is a very flexible time (even Amazon Prime Video's existence within the Bezos Empire is still slightly on a knife edge, with Rings Of Power being evaluated: it may not even happen.) Casting is also unlikely to be anywhere near filled out yet, though Kyle McLachlan being attached* is interesting...



And yes, they need Ron. But he's always working, isn't sniffy about any level of project as long as it's work, and this kind of thing is a day in a nice comfy booth on "Jack Nicholson money". So I've no idea why he wouldn't be attached or would turn it down.


Also, sensing a number of my friends from Queens nodding approvingly at Staten being a post-apocalyptic landscape. 😁


*"attached": someone may have sneezed this name while someone at another table was talking about the project through a mouthful of chop salad. Seriously, take nothing and no-one as locked until it's in the can.



There's a character named Maximus so maybe we'll be seeing Caesar's Legions?


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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  • 4 weeks later

I wonder how much like this it'll be?



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5 hours ago, JTVEGAX said:

I would recommend checking out a movie called Radioactive Dreams from 1985 its a possiblity that was the main insperation for Fallout series.

Here is a trailer from the movie Here.

Both Mad Max and its sequel (The Road Warrior) predate that, and they seem to be more of an inspiration than the movie you mentioned...

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I'm only basing it on the trailer, but Radioactive Dreams seems like more of an inspiration to me (would have to watch the actual movie, to be sure).  I've seen the original MM trilogy multiple times, and the newest iteration, and none of them really remind me of Fallout, except possibly in the clothing aesthetic of the Fallout wasteland raiders compared to the raiders in Road Warrior.



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17 hours ago, Cancrusher said:

I'm only basing it on the trailer, but Radioactive Dreams seems like more of an inspiration to me (would have to watch the actual movie, to be sure).  I've seen the original MM trilogy multiple times, and the newest iteration, and none of them really remind me of Fallout, except possibly in the clothing aesthetic of the Fallout wasteland raiders compared to the raiders in Road Warrior.



The Plot line 2 young men leave a Fallout Shelter to find their so called Fathers who abandom them to explore a unknown wasteland full of mutants, freaks, and cannibals dressed up in 1940's aesthetic believing themselves to be Privite Eyes it starring John Stockwell, Lisa Bloount, Michael Dudikoff, and George Kennedy. Its a very rare movie that is hard to find on VHS I don't believe they released a DVD for this flim. 


If you want to watch this flim its on Youtube. 


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  • 2 weeks later
On 11/10/2022 at 11:44 PM, JTVEGAX said:

His Best Move role was In American Ninja.


Pretty sure that's the only role of his that actually had any success.  Cannon Films... yay. (Altho they did release Buckaroo Banzai...)


Sho Kosuge had more star power after that series than Dudikoff did, and he never showed his face thru any of the Ninja films to my recollection.

AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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  • 1 year later

Giving this thread a quick Stimpak, because we have a big update.

Vanity Fair has a First Look and interview: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2023/11/fallout-first-look

...and there's a THR video.



If you get locked out of VF or just want a quick TL;DR, here goes.

  • Bethesda didn't want the show to be retreading an existing game - so this is an original story by Jonathan Nolan, developed with Bethesda's writers as consultants. It's set in a relatively unexplored area of the Fallout world (Los Angeles), and is officially canon. And Bethesda are slightly jealous of some of the stuff the TV writers came up with - so there's a possibility of a TV-to-game adap.
  • We have three intersecting lead characters:
    • Lucy (Ella Purnell - Never Let Me Go, Arcane, Maleficient) is a Vault Dweller from Santa Monica's relatively luxurious Vault 33 (compared to some of the more horrific experimental Vaults we've seen in the games, anyway... and definitely compared to the world outside.) She's nice, naive, slightly "spoilt", and not quite ready to face the terrors she needs to.
    • Maximus (Aaron Poten - Father Stu, Emancipation) is a squire to one of the power-armour Knights of the Brotherhood of Steel. Definitely more of a survivor, but also desperate to prove himself to his Knight and the Brotherhood.
    • And then there's The Ghoul (the fantastic Walton Goggins - The Shield, Sons Of Anarchy, Hateful Eight, tons more). Described as "The Good, The Bad, AND the Ugly." Feels slightly similar to the role of The Man In Black in Nolan's other big show, Westworld: an antagonist, sure, but very aware of and intelligent about the world, how the world he lives in came to be, its deepest secrets, and has become both hardened and comfortable in it. Has a certain swagger and charm. Ruthless, but with a certain code of honour.
  • Whatever their initial motivations - Lucy trying to fix a Vault problem, Maximus's quest to be a knight, the Ghoul out bounty hunting...
  • ...there is a McGuffin of some sort they all wind up chasing, that could radically change the balance of power in their univerzzzzzz... 
  • ...what? whassat? Okay, quest show. We get it. Not the most original plot, I suppose. But like Last Of Us, how they get there, how the key characters interact, and where they wind up is going to make or break it.
  • Supporting cast includes the mighty Kyle McLachlan as Lucy's dad Hank, the Vault 33 Supervisor: mysterious nerd specialist Michael Emerson, pulled over from Nolan's earlier Person of Interest, as a scientist: and fine journeywoman actress Sarita Choudhoury as a warband leader.
  • The released photos - seen in the vid above - make the production values look pretty darn sparky to me.
  • The Ghoul gets an origin story - making him over 300 years old - as does Vault-Boy.
  • Still no Ron on the IMDB listing. Which is disappointing. But again - it's not a difficult gig to record a V/O.

Release date is now April 12 2024. So what do we think?

Edited by ThaOGDreamWeaver


Look out for me being generally cool, stylish and funny (delete as applicable) on Excelsior.


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4 hours ago, ThaOGDreamWeaver said:

Kyle McLachlan as Lucy's dad Hank, the Vault 33 Supervisor: mysterious nerd specialist Michael Emerson

...dammit, I was hoping I could give this one a pass.  Can't help but wonder if McLachlan is going to go all "Portlandia" with his role, and Emerson has been the voice of my inner monologue ever since I started watching POI.

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