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Four (4) ToT EBs spawned with one click.


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Solo, Peregrine Island.


I clicked on a door and... a Spectral Werewolf came up from behind me, followed by an Arisen Mummy, while a Crone Matriarch hung out in the street.  As soon as I defeated the sneak attacking Spectral Werewolf, another Spectral Werewolf spawned and attacked.


These weren't someone else's spawn.  According to the spawn rules recently posted, ToT spawns aggro on the door clicker, and all four of these ass-hats came after me.  They weren't following someone else and came close enough for Entropic Aura to Taunt them, they appeared on the street 50' away (Entropic Aura's radius is 8') and came running over to me.  Not running after someone, they spawned in the street (i heard the Crone Matriarch's Hurricane activate behind me, which was why i turned around and saw the EB party starting) and ran straight to me.  And there was no-one else running this ToT route, at least no-one I could see or hear (i pay attention to my surroundings when doing things in zones, i don't want to disrupt someone else's routine).


Even if there had been, again, aggro rules for ToT spawns would've made it very unusual for those EBs to attack me instead of the door clicker... and even if the clicker somehow escaped the EBs and left them just within visual range of my character, there wouldn't have been that many EBs.  One would be a possibility.  Two, a stretch, but perhaps two "lucky" clicks in a row could do it.  Three, all of which the clicker managed to evade and deposit behind me?  That stretches credulity to the breaking point.


AND all of the EBs stuck around long enough for me to defeat them (except the Crone Matriarch, because i forgot she was there, jumped onto the top of the building and Tabbed out of the game to write this.  when i realized she'd followed me and was attacking, i Tabbed back and returned the favor, but she die-despawned before i finished her off).  So clearly, all of these were my spawn, from that one door.  They had to be, or at least two of them would've despawned before I got around to dealing with them (remember that the second Spectral Werewolf didn't even appear until i defeated the first one, and the Crone Matriarch just hung out, hovering above the street, doing nothing while i fought the Werewolves and Mummy).


Something's fucky.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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That is frightening! I am both jealous of your odds of getting all of them to spawn (hopefully you needed their badge credit) and surprised this occurred. Thank you for submitting a bug report!

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21 minutes ago, Spaghetti Betty said:

Sounds badass. +1 for coming out victorious.


None of these new critters seem to pose much threat to melee characters.  Even my Ice/Willpower sentinel and Dark/Martial dominator don't have problems with them (because they're melee characters (yes, they are (i said yes, they are))).  The most trouble I've had was running out of patience with the Ancient Dickhead who spawned a second Dark Ass-hat when a fight went on too long, the mummies having Irritate Player and seeming to be the most common spawn, and the particle count on the Hollow Reaper (particle slider at minimum, /priorityboost 1 and i'm still dropping to single-digit framerates when they lean in).


If that had happened on one of my TA/* or */TA characters, though, I would've been pasted before I finished animating Flash Arrow.


Would be a nice code variable to add for next year... IfMelee=Yes, SpawnMOAR.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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1 hour ago, Luminara said:


None of these new critters seem to pose much threat to melee characters.

That is not my experience. My Electric/Electric tank had his regeneration floored and he followed shortly after. My Bane Spider wasn't happy with the one she had to fight either.

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  • Developer

This can happen when multiple people are trick-or-treating in an area. If they can, Tricks will try to default to the nearest already open door instead of opening a new door, which can lead to multiple tricks worth of mobs all spilling out of that single nearest open door if there is one, instead of spawning from the door that was was actually clicked.

People who've done a lot of motel monster mashing have probably noticed this phenomenon.

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3 minutes ago, Cobalt Arachne said:

This can happen when multiple people are trick-or-treating in an area. If they can, Tricks will try to default to the nearest already open door instead of opening a new door, which can lead to multiple tricks worth of mobs all spilling out of that single nearest open door if there is one, instead of spawning from the door that was was actually clicked.


That's exactly what I just Tabbed out of the game to report.  Guy was at a door near the one I clicked (gave him several doors' space to avoid potential conflict), fighting an Arisen Dickhead and Crone Matriarch, and when I clicked the door in front of me, another Arisen popped out right on top of the guy who was fighting the other two EBs.  "My" Arisen aggroed on him like ticks on a hunting dog, it didn't come to me.


Yes, I ran right over and helped deal with it.  On a sentinel, though, I couldn't pull the aggro off of him, so he ended up tanking it, but I wasn't idle, I did my part.


So, all of that now "solved", considering that we're now capable of spawning EBs right on top of other players, perhaps fixing that would be in order.  I got lucky, the guy nearby was a melee character (Dual Blades, saw combo text going off), but the next one might be an unprepared controller, mastermind, et cetera.  I can also see this being used as a griefing tool by less savory individuals, and when you're staring at a door or in the middle of a fight, you're not going to be looking around to catch names to be reported.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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23 minutes ago, Major_Decoy said:

That is not my experience. My Electric/Electric tank had his regeneration floored and he followed shortly after. My Bane Spider wasn't happy with the one she had to fight either.


Shield on a tank and scrapper, /Energy Aura scrapper, /Willpower brute/scrapper/sentinel, /Stone brute without Granite have all been solid for me against all of the EBs.  I build heavy on Defense against Negative and Cold, though (hate ToHit debuffs and Slows), and these EBs appear to be skewed toward those attack types.

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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So far my /SR and /Ninjitsu stalkers have had no issues.   Toss Caltrops as soon as the "Trick" sound effect goes off, no matter who pops out, they're soon nursing sore bunions and trying to get out of the sharp and pointy.  That gives me enough time to get the AS off in most cases. 


I HAVE been one-shotted by the Mummy on my Dual Blade/Ninjutsu, the RNG gives them the lucky roll to get past all my Defense and "HI! Here's a diseased fist to the face."   

Edited by MistressOhm

AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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3 hours ago, Luminara said:


Shield on a tank and scrapper, /Energy Aura scrapper, /Willpower brute/scrapper/sentinel, /Stone brute without Granite have all been solid for me against all of the EBs.  I build heavy on Defense against Negative and Cold, though (hate ToHit debuffs and Slows), and these EBs appear to be skewed toward those attack types.

Yeah, my Electric/Electric tank is only level 45 and not working from a complete build, it's also a build that I skipped the fighting pool on because I hate taking the same pools on all my characters. I can run +0x8, but those Elite bosses are no schlubs.


I was able to solo a mummy on my 29 Dual Pistols/Invulnerability sentinel, but only after it dropped me first because I had no clue how hard those things hit. And even then, it was kind of a skittles driven fight.

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1 minute ago, Major_Decoy said:

Yeah, my Electric/Electric tank is only level 45 and not working from a complete build, it's also a build that I skipped the fighting pool on because I hate taking the same pools on all my characters. I can run +0x8, but those Elite bosses are no schlubs.


I was able to solo a mummy on my 29 Dual Pistols/Invulnerability sentinel, but only after it dropped me first because I had no clue how hard those things hit. And even then, it was kind of a skittles driven fight.


I had a similar experience on my Kinetic/Willpower scrapper at 45.  That mummy is not my friend.  Had to remind myself that I have inspirations.  Oh, look, that green one helped, now try a purple one!

Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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I have to add my own experiences as a solo ToTer being negatively impacted by this change. I play mostly blasters and corrupters as well as being mostly redside. It's bad enough they don't fair well solo against a EB, I also play a side that has a low player population. Normally the latter point is not an issue since I actually solo more than team, it's just that I think the EB coming out against a solo ToTer who is not a tank is a bit overkill. 

EBs should only appear in team ToTs. Leave us soloists alone. 

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13 hours ago, TorontoSunshine said:

EBs should only appear in team ToTs. Leave us soloists alone. 

Will be fixed next year.  Tech issues with it this year apparently.


I found if solo, if I ran around an area near drones I could peel the worst off if needed

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