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Peacebringer: all human versus dual and tri forms

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Whether you choose an all human, a dual form or a tri form is basically your choice. However, there are a few key points to consider when selecting your Kheldian's build.


1. A Squid form is always going to be squishy. 

2. White Dwarf form is nice to have for tanking but you cannot use Perma light form. Only the all humane form can use perma light form.. White Dwarf adds 37.5% resistance to smash, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative energy and toxic.

3. The all human form needs perma light form to be competitive. Perma light form is gained by boosting your recharge time. PERMA LIGHT FROM adds 52% resistance to smash, lethal, fire, cold, energy, negative energy and toxic. This is 14.5% higher resistance than in white dwarf form.

4. All human forms get to use all of their powers. Dwarf and Squid forms lose the ability to use all of their powers.

6. A downside to all human forms with Perma light form is the crash. The crash comes every 7 or so minutes and some are more severe then others. The crash causes a toon in Pema light form to lose end and health. Sometimes this can be countered by just popping a blue and/or a green. However, a severe crash can cause your end to drop very low and your health can drop to about 40-50%. Peacebringers have two heals, an incarnate power and blue inspirations to deal with a severe crash. Keeping an incarnate power like, agility, or possibly cardiac on hold just for a severe crash and alternating it with Essence Boost in most cases will get you out of most severe crashes. However, there maybe times when you will need to pop Reform Essence, as well.


It can be nerve wracking waiting for the crash not knowing if the next one will be a severe crash or not. But using your two heals, blue inspirations and saving agility and alternating using it with Essence Boost to pop on a severe crash will make any anxiety go away.


Last, khelds tend to be soft on taking psionic damage. Building your toon with psionic set bonuses and psionic enhancements will resolve any psionic attacks you encointer.


Happy Hunting,


G E Man




Edited by G E Man
Misspelling and forgopt to add info
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I think you have quite a few things mixed up here hun:

1: Lightform carries over into Squid form so you can still have capped resists and any defensive set bonuses in that form.
2: Again Lightform carries over into Dwarf form too.
3: Lightform can quite easily get to max resists (Except Psi) but the base values are right 🙂
4: I am confused with this one, you can use whichever powers of the form you are in, Human only builds are locked to human only powers but the other forms can switch back to Human to activate things like Lightform and Hasten.
6: The crash comes every 90 seconds and will always take you down to 50% health, and take away 50% of your total endurance, meaning it can wipe out your end but never your health. The best way to know when the crash is coming is when you have perma Lightform, it will be coming soon after you pop Lightform again.

Hope this help clear some things up ❤️
 - Lauci x

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Light Form boosts resistance while in Dwarf and Nova. You just can’t activate Light Form while in Dwarf or Nova.


I would keep Dwarf even after getting Light Form. It gives you another heal which can be activated quickly. Dwarf form has higher HP than human form, so you can switch into it if you get in over head; pop a few inspirations, heal up, then get back to your higher damage forms. 

The crash from Light form isn’t a big deal. You know exactly when it’s going to happen. You have three healing powers to offset the HP crash. To mitigate the endurance crash, you can activate Reform Essence, use an inspiration, or switch to one of your forms that have higher endurance recovery. 

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I've recently gotten my PB to 50.  The plan was to go Tri form, but in play I've come to find I now just use Human and Dwarf Form.


As stated, Lightform carries over to the other forms.  Dwarf gives another Heal, so it's worth going after.

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I have heard that you can get two Form bonuses, as you keep the bonus from the previous form, but I'm not sure if that's true.  I still keep the Nova Form however, because it allows me to still keep my tri-form goal and it's places for set bonuses.  Nova Form...another place to slot a KB Resist IO for example.

I should maybe move Inner  Light to lvl 18 and Maneuvers to a later level as a place to keep a LotG.

Dwarf Form, I use when I get mezzed thru Lightform (weak mezz protection here), need a another heal OR even just to lay down a taunt.

All that and I kept it a Kheldian concept 🙂  Still not doing that for my WS, but the PB is.

Edited by BrandX
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56 minutes ago, BrandX said:

I've recently gotten my PB to 50.  The plan was to go Tri form, but in play I've come to find I now just use Human and Dwarf Form.


As stated, Lightform carries over to the other forms.  Dwarf gives another Heal, so it's worth going after.

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I have heard that you can get two Form bonuses, as you keep the bonus from the previous form, but I'm not sure if that's true.  I still keep the Nova Form however, because it allows me to still keep my tri-form goal and it's places for set bonuses.  Nova Form...another place to slot a KB Resist IO for example.

I should maybe move Maneuvers to lvl 18 and Maneuvers to a later level as a place to keep a LotG.

Dwarf Form, I use when I get mezzed thru Lightform (weak mezz protection here), need a another heal OR even just to lay down a taunt.

All that and I kept it a Kheldian concept 🙂  Still not doing that for my WS, but the PB is.

I did a bit of experimenting with the form bonuses you get with the enhancement and I found that you get your current forms bonus plus the previous forms for about 10 seconds after switching (So if you come from nova into human for nukes they do more damage) I am not sure if this is an intended feature but it is a nice one 😄 Also congratulations on getting to level 50! There will most likely be a lot of respecs coming your way as you tweak your Kheldian into your own personal one! ❤️


 - Lauci x

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On 6/14/2023 at 6:56 AM, HoundsTooth said:

Light Form boosts resistance while in Dwarf and Nova. You just can’t activate Light Form while in Dwarf or Nova.


I would keep Dwarf even after getting Light Form. It gives you another heal which can be activated quickly. Dwarf form has higher HP than human form, so you can switch into it if you get in over head; pop a few inspirations, heal up, then get back to your higher damage forms. 

The crash from Light form isn’t a big deal. You know exactly when it’s going to happen. You have three healing powers to offset the HP crash. To mitigate the endurance crash, you can activate Reform Essence, use an inspiration, or switch to one of your forms that have higher endurance recovery. 

Dwarf is also instant Breakfree, so I would keep it


Tri-form is pretty amazing.  6 AoEs in total as you cycle thru forms. I may be miscounting

I have been using the key-mapping(thru Numpad) available in-game since Live and it works for me.

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On 6/20/2023 at 12:34 PM, JasperStone said:

Dwarf is also instant Breakfree, so I would keep it


Tri-form is pretty amazing.  6 AoEs in total as you cycle thru forms. I may be miscounting

I have been using the key-mapping(thru Numpad) available in-game since Live and it works for me.

Oh 100%! I mean just look at @Harakh Peacebomber build XD


 - Lauci x

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  • 3 weeks later
On 6/14/2023 at 6:56 AM, HoundsTooth said:

I would keep Dwarf even after getting Light Form. It gives you another heal which can be activated quickly. Dwarf form has higher HP than human form, so you can switch into it if you get in over head; pop a few inspirations, heal up, then get back to your higher damage forms. 


Plus, Light Form comes at level 32, so if you exemp below 27 you lose it (like for a Yin TF).

But Dwarf comes at 20, so you can use it on a Positron while exemp'd to level 15.

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Human only is just not enough damage for me

I dropped dwarf form from my last respec because of toggle suppression allowing me 35% resist most in human form for utility clicks

I bound Nova Form to the `/tilde key for easy shifting /bind ` powexecname "Nova Form"

I have enough recharge to just cycle Nova Blast and Glint Eyes endlessly as low as level 20ish


If Vanity has its teeth into you just go play a Sentinel as they got buffed recently and I am personally just rolling out the Sentinel alts.  ranged damage, armor and you can see yourself

But if Pride also has a hold of you preventing you from playing a sentinel then I dunno what to tell you

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Gone tri form on mine.  Nova Form for it's targeted AOE.  Drawf Form for it's breakfree aspect and I like it for taunt when I need/want to taunt, and it's PBAOE, but generally it's for the breakfree aspect.


Most of the time it's Human Form 🙂

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Mine's human/dwarf and I was working on perma-light form, but after doing Ramiel's arc and for the first time ever getting defeated by Trapdoor and having to load up on Red insps in order to defeat his clones and struggling mightily to defeat him, I'm going to respec into tri-form. Especially after reading the GD Peacebringer guide and seeing how much higher the damage modifier is on Nova blasts.

I'll be human while traveling and self-buffing then mutate for either squidding or dwarfing.

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  • 6 months later

For Tanking and melee+AOE = Dwarf

For Higher DPS Ranged = Nova

For All Around abilities with ranged and melee, plus different toggles = Human Form


I have only played PB for 23 levels, but I am loving Tri-Form.  But not all encounters need you to switch between the 3.


I am looking forward to when I can get light form too! 



I attack from Human with toggles used. Then I nuke from ranged with Nova (+ AOE). Then land where mobs are with AOE from Dwarf and finish them off. 




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On 2/8/2024 at 11:44 AM, Xalon said:

For Tanking and melee+AOE = Dwarf

For Higher DPS Ranged = Nova

For All Around abilities with ranged and melee, plus different toggles = Human Form


I have only played PB for 23 levels, but I am loving Tri-Form.  But not all encounters need you to switch between the 3.


I am looking forward to when I can get light form too! 



I attack from Human with toggles used. Then I nuke from ranged with Nova (+ AOE). Then land where mobs are with AOE from Dwarf and finish them off. 




Yup! I was playing the ITF (Imperious) last night and our team didn't have any tanks or anything. We had two masterminds. For some reason the pets would cause the arch villains to start running around. When we got to the final battle, we couldn't control the last boss at all, he kept doing laps. I ended up Dwarf form and taunting so he had to stay on me while we painfully and slowly wore him down how every many times. It was a blast but I think we clocked almost 30 minutes on that last fight. 

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Very cool! Yeah I always thought Kheldians PB was such a great and unique type of hero to play and I love being able to switch to whatever is needed.


Need some extra oooomph for DPS? Switch to Nova for a few hits.


Low on HP? Switch to Dwarf for a bit.


I can't wait to unlock light form and then I'll have 4 different things. So awesome!


Have fun everyone! See you in the city!

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3 minutes ago, Xalon said:

Very cool! Yeah I always thought Kheldians PB was such a great and unique type of hero to play and I love being able to switch to whatever is needed.


Need some extra oooomph for DPS? Switch to Nova for a few hits.


Low on HP? Switch to Dwarf for a bit.


I can't wait to unlock light form and then I'll have 4 different things. So awesome!


Have fun everyone! See you in the city!

Lightform doesn't grant you a new form for powers sadly hun, it just gives you a crap ton of resists (That if fully slotted could take you just below resist cap on it's own) but Lightform does carry over into the forms so now you are super tanky no matter the form ❤️


 - Lauci

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6 minutes ago, Laucianna said:

Lightform doesn't grant you a new form for powers sadly hun, it just gives you a crap ton of resists (That if fully slotted could take you just below resist cap on it's own) but Lightform does carry over into the forms so now you are super tanky no matter the form ❤️


 - Lauci


Thank you sooo much Lauci! I did not know that. I thought the form was a ball of energy or something lol.


OK, so unlike other toggles when in human form, I can toggle light form in human form and then it will stay active as Nova or Dwarf? That's badass!


I'm lvl 25 now so halfway there. It's too fun so I don't lock xp. I just enjoy the game and when I get to 50, i can go back on Oro to do any missions I missed. Mainly hero story arcs. Loving Kheldian PB!!!!


If anyone wants to hang, lmk. @XalonMG on the main server.


Or my Arachnos Soldier @Xalon on main server villain side.


Khledian PB Supergroup - now that would be cool!

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4 minutes ago, Xalon said:


Thank you sooo much Lauci! I did not know that. I thought the form was a ball of energy or something lol.


OK, so unlike other toggles when in human form, I can toggle light form in human form and then it will stay active as Nova or Dwarf? That's badass!


I'm lvl 25 now so halfway there. It's too fun so I don't lock xp. I just enjoy the game and when I get to 50, i can go back on Oro to do any missions I missed. Mainly hero story arcs. Loving Kheldian PB!!!!


If anyone wants to hang, lmk. @XalonMG on the main server.


Or my Arachnos Soldier @Xalon on main server villain side.


Khledian PB Supergroup - now that would be cool!

It does have the appearance of a ball of energy if you want it to (And it removes collision on you so it's easier to position yourself to aoe nuke them ❤️ ) And lightform works like hasten rather then a toggle, you click it and it lasts 90 seconds (Which you can get perma)

But good luck on your journey hun! I hope you enjoy and if you need anything send me a message ❤️


 - Lauci x

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1 hour ago, Xalon said:


Thank you sooo much Lauci! I did not know that. I thought the form was a ball of energy or something lol.


OK, so unlike other toggles when in human form, I can toggle light form in human form and then it will stay active as Nova or Dwarf? That's badass!


I'm lvl 25 now so halfway there. It's too fun so I don't lock xp. I just enjoy the game and when I get to 50, i can go back on Oro to do any missions I missed. Mainly hero story arcs. Loving Kheldian PB!!!!


If anyone wants to hang, lmk. @XalonMG on the main server.


Or my Arachnos Soldier @Xalon on main server villain side.


Khledian PB Supergroup - now that would be cool!

LightForm isn't a "toggle'.

It's a GodMode Resistance armor.

But the game is such that with sufficient recharge you can essentially "perma" it.

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If you want to be godlike, pick anything.

If you want to be GOD, pick a TANK!

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54 minutes ago, Hyperstrike said:

LightForm isn't a "toggle'.

It's a GodMode Resistance armor.

But the game is such that with sufficient recharge you can essentially "perma" it.

^This. You basically just need to watch out for the crash, use your heals and hit it again haha. Fun fact is, if you are somehow BELOW 50% health when the crash hits, it’ll heal you haha

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  • 2 weeks later
On 2/8/2024 at 10:44 AM, Xalon said:

For Tanking and melee+AOE = Dwarf

For Higher DPS Ranged = Nova

For All Around abilities with ranged and melee, plus different toggles = Human Form



Yep, when teamed I'll usually be Light Form / Nova for max damage & durability

Human for running around and doing utility stuff, and Nuke

Dwarf if I get mezzed or for pesky critters & spawns


On a Market Crash last night, during the fight with the big robot I had to go Dwarf to smash the force field generators without getting stomped.


I love the flexibility of tri-form, just wish I had more slots! 


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