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Needing Some Help with Sonic


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I like the idea of playing toons people don't see much of (if they can be made reasonably viable anyway). With that in mind, my questions would be the following:


1. How much did the changes to Sonic amount to?

2. What would make the most optimal setup for a Sonic toon (Defender, Corruptor, etc)?


Thanks all!

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I liked what they did with Sonic in the early 2000s, especially with regards to Sonic Adventure 1 and 2. If they could just add Chao gardens back in to the current iteration, I'd get back to playing the Blue Blur.

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i’ve played a kin/sonic defender for the last 3-4 years, the sonic changes were a   big nerf to its ability to debuff, it’s still better than no debuff however. think i’d roll a kin/dark and slot for -acc if i was to do it again


i don’t use sonic for assault but hear it’s a fair amount more damaging now

Edited by MoonSheep
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If you're talking sonic resonance, it still needs some love. While it debuffs pretty well (there are better), and sonic shields are a nice change, it lacks a bit compared to other support sets. I have sonic/sonic defenders and corrupters. Think I prefer the defender. 


The blast set did lose some debuff, but it became a drastically better blast set. 

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Resonance or blast?

I'll say part of why I don't play my sonic blast sets is that I *still* hate the SFX. "Ooh, I'm a wolf! Ooh, I'm a fancy sonic gun! Ooh, I'm projectile vomiting!"

Resonance is ... eh. OK. I have them, I just usually have other things to play.

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Sonic/Psi blaster.  3 cone attacks, 2 PBAoE attacks.  Howl>Siren>psi scream.  later levels nuke>psi shockwave.  sonic's shockwave got a buff but didnt have room for KB2KD tax in final build plus had 5 other options for aoe.


Sonic/Sonic Corr.  its ok, not great.  Howl>Siren with enough recharge in build is enough.


I do not recommend Sonic Reso Masterminds unless you have a way to PL to 50 and min/max your build.  sonic buffs + pet aura IOs can lead up to 75% resist most.  ranged based pets may get a pass to level up normally


Had a Kin/Sonic def that I remade into a Sonic/Kin Corr.  Also the character that taught me debuffs and buffs are additive and not multiplicative.  still strong.


Not interested in min/max?

Earth/Sonic troller, ground spawn king.

Rifle/Sonic Corr.  I wanted a secondary with little involvement

Radiation/Sonic Blaster.  Lots of PBAoE with work with atih and i thought Chernobyl's Echo was neat

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Oh and I forgot about some sonic reso tips:

Now that we can select the second power in our secondary you can skip Siphon.  Siphon is ok and all but things in this game die fast.  You generally wont have time to setup some inner-headcanon-theory-crafting ideas when a +4 boss died before you could process what I just said.


Stick to:

Sonic Barrier

Sonic Haven

Sonic Dispersion

Disruption Field


While I do take Sonic Siphon at later levels.. you get way more mileage out of Assault.  Between its single target nature and chance to miss it was a level 44/47/49 power pick


Sonic Cage and Sonic Repulsion will get you kicked or the group will disband.  Both are extreme high annoyance

Clarity is a rare-situational use thing.  Your bubble will block most cc.  and many people will just pop a breakfree or wait it out than call it out.  Maybe if Clarity gave Knockback protection because inner ear magic I can see this being a neato thing with Masterminds

And Liquefy is 101% shit.  Its long cooldown and no -spd/snare holds it back so much

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Seconded everything said by @kelika2. In process of respeccing my earth/Sonic controller to get rid of Sonic Siphon, Clarity, and Liquify for those very reasons. While tend to have few issues with Sonic Siphon due to all the -def debuffs from Earth, there’s (almost) always a better power to be activating. And Liquify needs so much attention to be made adequate it’s ridiculous. 

The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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I assume you're talking about Sonic Attack, which was revamped in Page 4 (as opposed to Sonic Resonance, Sonic Manipulation or Sonic Assault). Patch Notes are below. While the debuff mechanics were changed to limit stacking, the damage of several of the powers was increased significantly, most notably Screech (now the highest DPA attack in the set) and Siren's Song. You can now respec out of either Shriek or Scream (Page 5 no longer requires defenders to take the T1) once you have Screech and Shout. Scream has nominally higher DPA, but not by much. I would also take Siren's Song and either Howl or Shockwave. I don't see a need to have all 3 cones.


As far as defender vs. corruptor, corruptor debuffs are 75% of defender values (9%/6% vs. 12%/8%) while their attacks do 15% more damage (before Scourge). Assuming 2 stacks of the incremental debuff and 1 stack of the short, a corruptor will do about 5% more damage (but the defender's debuffs multiply the team's damage).


Sonic Attack Revamp [Focused Feedback: Sonic Attack Revamp]

  • Corruptor's powerset name "Sonic Attacks" has been changed to "Sonic Attack".
  • All Sonic Attacks are now tagged as Energy Attack (they no longer check against an enemy's Smashing defense).

Changes to Resistance Debuffs (all Archetypes):

  • All sonic attacks now apply two "Sonic Vibrations" debuffs (Defender values shown below). The various Sonic Vibrations are:
    • Short: -12% resistance for 8 seconds (Does not stack, refreshes debuff)
    • Incremental: -8% resistance for 8 seconds (Stacks up to 4 times)
    • Wide: -8% resistance for 8 seconds (Does not stack, refreshes debuff)
    • Extensive: -8% resistance for 20s (Does not stack, refreshes debuff)

Changes to Sonic Attack:


  • Applies Short and Incremental Sonic Vibrations


  • Applies Short and Incremental Sonic Vibrations
  • Cast time reduced to 1.47s (+13.6% DPA)


  • Applies Short and Incremental Sonic Vibrations
  • Damage set to 1.96 scale (Non-Sentinels only)
  • Cast time reduced to 2.0s (+23.4% DPA, +33.5% DPA for Sentinels)


  • Applies Short and Incremental Sonic Vibrations
  • Damage set to 2.28 scale (+1140.0% DPA, non-Sentinels only)
  • Cooldown reduced to 12s (non-Sentinels only)
  • Stun duration set to 5.0 scale (non-Sentinels only)


  • Applies Short and Wide Sonic Vibrations
  • Damage set to 0.6694 scale
  • Cast time reduced to 1.6s (+20.3% DPA)
  • Cooldown reduced to 8s (was 10s)
  • Max Targets set to 6 (Sentinels only)


  • Damage set to 0.8652
  • Cast time reduced to 1.67s (+75.7% DPA)
  • Cooldown increased to 11s (was 8s)
  • Max Targets set to 6 (Sentinels only)

Siren's Song:

  • Damage set to 1.1902 scale
  • Cast time reduced to 1.86s (+256.0% DPA)
  • Cooldown reduced to 16s (was 20s)
  • Max Targets set to 16 (non-Sentinels only)

Dreadful Wail:

  • Applies Short and Extensive Sonic Vibrations.

Additional Notes:

  • Corruptor's Scream and Howl now matches all other ATs as intended by the design formula. Previously Scream did 1.40 scale and Howl did 1.00 scale.
  • Defender's Shout accuracy reduced to 1.0x (was 1.2x). This matches all other ATs.
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