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New Body Type suggestion


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TLDR: Big hero female default


There are 3 default bodies, Basic hero male, basic hero female, and big hero male.  I'm not suggesting large woman for the sake of being PC, but there are characters in pop culture who fit this body type, but aren't easily makeable just by maxing the default basic hero female bars.  Opera viking women, comedic spy heroines, and serious one for some versions of Amanda Waller, really, are ones that I can think of. 


My wife wanted to make a character based on the Venus of Willendorf but the character can't be made with the current body types. I understand that the creators probably didn't want to make characters that could be either taken as a mockery of heavy people or make boobs a focus of character design, but more options is more options.  And if you make a large chest more saggy, it's less likely to be viewed as porny, although boobs are boobs.  Just a suggestion that I know will be hard to make, but adding a new body type will also allow more future content.

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As a fan of body builder girls, it would be great to have some more muscular female characters around. Think Gina Carano or Carriejune Bowlby. Something that better suited the Amazonian/Wonder Woman look.


Sadly, I'm not sure that's a request that could be done without massive amounts of rework to the character builder.

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I think at this point it's unlikely we'll ever see a new body type. From what I understand, in order to add one, every existing costume piece would need a new version made to fit the new body type. That is like thousands of assets to create.

Buff Trick Arrows! | Buff Poison!
Powerset Suggestions: Circus Performers | Telepathy | Symphonic Inspiration | Light Affinity | Force Shield | Wild Instincts | Crystallization
Old Powerset Suggestions:  Probability Distortion | Magnetism | Hyper-Intellect

I remember reading Probability Distortion a few months back and thinking it was the best player proposed set I'd ever seen. - Arbiter Hawk 💚

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I think at this point it's unlikely we'll ever see a new body type. From what I understand, in order to add one, every existing costume piece would need a new version made to fit the new body type. That is like thousands of assets to create.


I'd say the vast majority of the threads on this forum fall into this kind of pie-in-the-sky category. They're things that a fully staffed and paid dev team would have to question the investment vs. reward of.


I'm not sure...there are maybe one or two art people that have tentatively suggested they might be willing to do some stuff on a  volunteer basis? IDK, but no way will the kinds of suggestions most people are putting up ever get implemented.


That said, it's interesting to see what people would like, and maybe designers of future games can take some of this stuff into consideration, but I really hope people posting here aren't posting with any expectation that stuff will ever radically get changed or major stuff get added. IMO we'd be extremely lucky if we ever got content added to the game using existing resources, or some underperforming power sets numbers tweaked. Anyone actually hoping for anything beyond that is really just setting themselves up for disappointment.


People need to remember....the game's server code ddin't just fall out of the sky, people had it for years, and the changes in i25 were about as much as could be realistically expected....a cobbled together AT, some stuff that was in the game but nit released polished up and released, some QOL improvements here and there.


Even with the server code being public doesn't really indicate that a stream of people willing to donate massive amounts of free time for a fifteen year old shuttered MMO are suddenly going to appear.


So...let people do their dreaming, but hopefully they're managing their own expectations, or there are goingto start to be a lot of bitter players in the months and years ahead.

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I think at this point it's unlikely we'll ever see a new body type. From what I understand, in order to add one, every existing costume piece would need a new version made to fit the new body type. That is like thousands of assets to create.


Yeah... that's not really the main problem, though.  Most of the costume parts are shitty and they could run around with the "recolored skin" that the base costume items all are until people had time to fix them.  And yes, this would be an ongoing source of friction because it's unequal, but that's 'situation normal' levels of problem.


The main issue is rigging and animations.  Without people creating new animations for everything in the game that is animated -- active powers being the big one but also every reactive animation, every emote, etc etc -- the problems range from uncanny non-responses to map breaking to, potentially, client or even server crashes (which would be weird, but no weirder than some of the server crash issues that have already had to have been resolved by the Homecoming team.  And it's not like most players would care if it's "just" that every client in the same zone occasionally crashes...).


I totally think this is a thing worth doing anyway.  It's just, you know... a lot.

No-Set Builds: Tanker Scrapper Brute Stalker

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Another example is the female villain from the Deadpool movie (Angel Dust I believe?). I'd be up for this being added in! But I'm game for almost anything that adds more options to the costume creator!




As a fan of body builder girls, it would be great to have some more muscular female characters around. Think Gina Carano or Carriejune Bowlby. Something that better suited the Amazonian/Wonder Woman look.


Sadly, I'm not sure that's a request that could be done without massive amounts of rework to the character builder.


I wonder if these two posters know they used the same woman as an example?


She is a pretty good example, though.

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Back in i8 or i9, I made a Tanker with the Huge body.  That tanker was a she.  The only way I could reconcile the gender, with the appearance, was: the character you saw was actually a suit of power armor, piloted by an 11 year old girl.


Doing that kind of thing too often would be an awfully biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch.  But female characters should be able to be Hulk-muscular too.


So I completely support this idea.

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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I definitely support the options for making larger women, not everyone can be thin like me ;)

I do however realize that such development is not realistic without a steady cashflow (as in a subscription model) and plenty of time.


A paid subscription model should not be in the future for HC unless they work it out with NCSoft first, or I think the odds of NCSoft shutting us down goes from possible to very/immediately probable.


I'd be curious if this is a project that someone with the passion and coding skills to do it would lend their support to HC.  But I do agree, it will take time

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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Am I the only one that thinks that Gina Carano is not at all a good example to use as support for this body type?


There are plenty of examples out there, but I do not think that she is one of them.



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Am I the only one that thinks that Gina Carano is not at all a good example to use as support for this body type?


There are plenty of examples out there, but I do not think that she is one of them.


True, GC wouldn't fit the "Venus of Willendorf" that OP was referring to, but considering the big hero model in the game scales from muscular to (subjectively speaking) more overweight, there big female hero could have the same range.

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