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Minimalist Base

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Hey, I'm a big fan of the creativity of others in their base designs. Most of the bases I've visited are rather large though.


Is there anyone willing to share their minimalist design? For context, I would characterize minimalist as, only items which serve a purpose or utility are within the base. The smaller the better I would say. 


Thank you for sharing!

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I have a couple of minimalist teleport hubs. The one on Everlasting is ELTP-7670. I built that same base on Torchbearer at TBTP-7677, and in the meantime Dacy spruced it up quite a bit (while maintaining the same functionality) as part of a demonstration class. Needless to say, her work looks infinitely better than mine. I do need to edit each to move the Striga Teleport over to the co-op teleport section.

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Posted (edited)

I have a minimalist SG Base design I've evolved over the years.  I have one on every persistent Shard (as well as the Open Beta and Closed Alpha Shards).  This one macro is a universal way to enter my SG Bases no matter where you are.  The wrong /enterbasefrompasscode's get ignored and the one that works gives entrance.


/macro "Jacke" "enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-1963$$enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-459$$enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-83$$enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-439$$enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-673$$enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-53$$enterbasefrompasscode JACKE-348"


Technically, the Base design would still work under the old Base rules needing Computing and Power.  I polished the design back then and just kept those objects.   Back then, I think I used the slightly smaller Plot to cut down on the Overhead Prestige Cost by making things just a bit smaller.


I've also made a copy of this Base or a near variant for a few friends and RO Supergroups.


One neat feature is upon entering you're facing South towards the Teleport Room, which is the most common destination.  Medical Room is further North so ending up there I believe you're still facing South which is the direction you want to go.  The Teleporters are to the left 2 for Paragon City (low Level first, high Level second), 1 for the Shadow Shard, then to the right 1 for the Rogue Isles, then the far right Teleporter for Co-Op Zones.  Upon Striga Island going Co-Op, I kept it in the Paragon City High Level Porter but just added it to the Rogue Isles Porter and the Co-Op Porter.


Full set of NPCs just in the entrance room.  In the Workshop (to the West), a Merit ATM along with lots of Crafting Benches and a Forge for creating Base Buffs.  Full set of Storage items with the likely best split between Inspiration (2 in the Medical Room) as well as Salvage (6 to 7 usually) and Enhancements (10 to 9 usually).


Overhead shot below is from a Base that adds a huge ceiling feature in the Teleport Room which isn't present in most of them.





Edited by Jacke
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Feel free to check out TB-9014 on Reunion. My base is tiny, so it loads fast. Everything available for public use is in the entry room. Everything is clearly labeled, at eye level. Travel rings are located right in front of you when you zone in.

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TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

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Posted (edited)

Also, glad to crank out one of these on any other server if you want a hand! It would take an hour or two.


Note that entry room includes flashback pillar, tip computer, 3 tailors, 3 trainers, 3 generic vendors, 3 merit vendors, 3 inspiration dispensers, all in a 2x3 room. It *could* fit in a 2x2 but would be very cramped.


I did 3s because only one player at a time can interact with those. tip computer and pillar can handle multiple players.

Edited by chuckv3

TINKERERS and LEOTARDED personal supergroups on Reunion; open bases! codes TB-9014 and LT-1051

TinkerBell (MAIN) super reflexes / martial arts tanker & badge hunter; Sarabraxus, energy / energy blaster; Sarathustra, fire / therm corruptor

Scotch Bonnie / Caroline Reaper, fire/ss brutes & fire farmers; Granny Fix It / Green Granny / Great Granny, empathy/psi defenders; plus a few others.

@Xarah formerly on Champion, Triumph, Victory, now @chuckv2 / @chuckv3 / @chuckv4 on Reunion

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