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Any teaser what is being worked on?

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13 hours ago, GM Impervium said:


When put like that, I acknowledge that my statement came on a little strong.


Being of the opinion that we shouldn't change things IS a valid one, and one the Devs should (and I believe do) keep in mind as they propose and enact changes. However, if "no" is the only idea someone brings to the table, especially when they don't test things out, it's not very helpful.


That said, we don't want "yes-men" either. If a change is actually bad, and can be proven so via numbers and actual play experience, that's valuable feedback and will cause devs to scrap an idea, or re-tool it until it becomes workable.



In feedback seen with changes post said changes, typically a "no" isnt commonly given without explanations why.  Lack of transparency and filtering "testing/testers" tends to groom a sychophantic situation reinforcing an epistemic bubble of development.  Then later only in cases of extreme criticism post implementation does it have the remote chance of being walked back and even then unlikely.   


In other words, the whole process is one in which most feedback that isnt congruent to the intent of dev's designs is essentially tossed.

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I think what concerns me most is that the closed-beta testing is closed now for anyone who wants to join - there's no current process to get in.  I know they are working on making it available "soon." but it does make me concerned that testing is being done by a pool of players that feels somewhat clique-ey and not perhaps in sync with the current playerbase.  Having an open process would help it feel more transparent and inclusive.  You know, for those of us who don't know the tricks to teleport thru the void on maps or other workarounds.

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Summing up your comment: Closed Beta should not exist at all, period.


I disagree, but with an example. 


Here's a moonshot idea.  Blasters I wanna replace Defiance a third time.  In Live, it was as your power decreased, your damage increased until you died.  Now, it's Powers #1 and #2 are permanently on through holds or stuns.  In version three, I want it to be a 20% chance that holds and stuns just don't work on a Blaster.  I've got 20 people to try it out who are not me, and who agree to keep quiet about it.


Through play testing... it... didn't work.  Nobody felt like it worked at all, because RNG means the perception of Defiance being off when someone is killed overrides the few times they saw it work. They all agreed it was far worse than what they already got. 


Now, what would be better: the bad moonshot idea being disappointing to those 20 people who suggest not to release it so the proposed change is reverted and never discussed again outside that group... or 20,000 people experiencing Defiance Version Three who take this as a portent of the future and decide to leave the game over it?  (As is frequently expressed in Open Beta when a change to balance the game means yet another respec on a build you've come to get used to.) 


Example over. 


There's no process to get in, because publicly, I feel there SHOULDN'T be.  Closed Beta is invite-only.  It's critical to the program; if someone leaks changes or 'whistleblows' a proposal that is being tested before it is decided it won't work out, it undermines the test.  If what happens in Open Beta happens in Closed Beta, testing changes at scale becomes impossible.  Which makes Closed Beta pointless.

I know there's folks who disagree. 


That "I'm not in Closed Beta" means it's bad because you haven't been picked.  RL Confession: nobody went with me to the Prom in High School. And I survived. My Diploma is just as valid as anyone else who went to that High School with me. (I can already hear a voice from the back, "Dude, you're a loser.  Unlike you I get what I want" is a possible reply to that, and sure, that's one way to see it.) Not being in the program is no reflection on you as a person.  It's as much chance than anything else someone is in it.  (The clique comparison of High School vs. online life is comparing apples to cyber-apples that you can't touch or even taste.  Every community faces 'clique drama'.  Even this one.  Eliminating Closed Beta will not change that.)

There's also people who think that 100% transparency is the only goal to work toward, that any secret is a bad one, and distrust should be every one's first perspective.  That's not really possible for any online service, even ones who do transparency really well are never going to be absolute.  It's been said in Developer's Corner the game plan is balance passes and proliferating powersets over making new powersets and powercreep.  This is in contrast to other MMOs, some who have let certain combinations of character choices become "Flavor of the Month" as a solo build, while most languish as "permanent RP builds" that may not even make it to max level by playing alone. 


Closed Beta is no different than open beta except in that one regard; it is closed to the public. Closed Beta programs are in many other MMOs and function the same way.

Despite forum and Discord perception to the opposite (that Homecoming is obstinate and deaf) they actually do listen and reconsider when people are vocal about a new feature being a bad idea.  (Want an example?)


Edited by uninventive
Changes to fit other MMOs, I'm not just commenting on COH Private Servers, here.

"...no explanation, no mix of words or music or memories can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive in that corner of time and the world. Whatever it meant..." - Hunter S. Thompson

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6 hours ago, brasilgringo said:

I know they are working on making it available "soon." but it does make me concerned that testing is being done by a pool of players that feels somewhat clique-ey and not perhaps in sync with the current playerbase.

Cliques, like most things, can be good or bad. If the devs have formed a clique of players on their closed beta Discord who test conscientiously, present the results clearly, are able to interact and make suggestions in a calm and mature manner, then the clique they have formed is demonstrably a good thing. However, even the best cliques eventually end up becoming echo chambers which is why having an open beta process is also a good thing.


In other words, the people who participate in open beta and post on the forum aren't part of the decision makers, we are collectively the Tenth Man.

"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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New admissions may be closed at the moment, but when did you decide you wanted to be a tester?  It was completely open a few years back.  You pretty much just asked to join Gold Standard Testers and agreed not to reveal what was being tested publicly.  Unfortunately, not everyone keeps their word.


And you don't have to take my word for it, but there are people with lots of different views that don't agree with each other, or the devs, all the time. 


Eventually it will go to open beta and everyone can test it out.  If you are really interested in being a part of closed beta, that is your best opportunity to get in there, test it out and report your findings.

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16 minutes ago, Bionic_Flea said:

It was completely open a few years back.

Something like 4 years running, just needed to ask (and have time/patience to test stuff). It will be back up again eventually. Just like the Homecoming Wiki - it's locked right now for edits, but once the team gets it transferred to another host (I think that's what Michyo or Cipher are doing, I don't know for sure) I'm sure we'll see it open back up too. 


Folks, before the doom and gloom, just remember this community has been going strong for 5 years. It's a momentary pause, there's no conspiracy. 

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37 minutes ago, Luminara said:


WHAT! No ostrich?!?

"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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1 hour ago, Super Atom said:

Theres no conspiracy is exactly what people involved in a conspiracy WOULD say


Welp, if it's a conspiracy, that means....






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