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Name Ideas and Powers !!!

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So I was watching Batman: The Animated Series, and one of his enemies was named Clay Face.  So I was thinking of Master of Disguise, but I'm not sure of the name.  Secondly I'm thinking of Stone Armor/Thorns Tank.  

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Petrapine for stone/spines.


master of disguise: maybe do a bit of googling mythology.



Edited by cranebump

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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4 hours ago, smnolimits42 said:

So I was watching Batman: The Animated Series, and one of his enemies was named Clay Face.  So I was thinking of Master of Disguise, but I'm not sure of the name. 


2 hours ago, cranebump said:

master of disguise: maybe do a bit of googling mythology.


I've been told the 1966 TV show Batman wanted to do Clayface, but obviously that presented some practical effects challenges for their day.  So they opted to create a master of disguise they called False Face.  While I'm sure that name will not pass the game rules, perhaps it will serve as inspiration. 


As to mythology, the Greek sea deity Proteus is known for mutability. and his name is used for concepts and functions involving change.   I believe Marvel has locked down the name using a character, and even our game has Protean, a shape shifter.  But again, perhaps it will serve as inspiration.

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4 hours ago, Techwright said:

As to mythology, the Greek sea deity Proteus is known for mutability. and his name is used for concepts and functions involving change.   I believe Marvel has locked down the name using a character, and even our game has Protean, a shape shifter.  But again, perhaps it will serve as inspiration.


Proteus was a mutant antagonist in X-Men during the award winning Chris Claremont/John Byrne era who was able to alter reality.


So that's probably gonna fall by the wayside fairly quickly.


You could do something based around Selkies, which are aquatic (water powers) akin to merfolk who can change shape, as suggestion. There are plenty of other options but that one caught my imagination





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If you are leaning into the stone powers, perhaps Mud Mask. A gender swapped Clayface with an appropriately colored  Carnival mask?

Clayface, at least in some of his iterations, was an actor, so following that line you could do something with the Comedy/Tragedy masks known as Thalia and Melpomene or Sock and Buskin.

Lon Chaney was known as "The Man of a Thousand Faces". Perhaps Milliface? Could work well if you use your costume slots for different genders, sizes, ages.


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14 hours ago, smnolimits42 said:

Secondly I'm thinking of Stone Armor/Thorns Tank.  

If you're going to be going with a name derived from the character's powers, then look at translations of 'Stone Thorns' or 'Stone Spikes' into other languages -- 'Steindornen' and 'Steinspitze' in German, 'Epines Pierre' and 'Pointes Pierre' in French, 'Klipdorings' and 'Klipspikes' in Afrikaans, 'Steinthyrmir' and 'Steindoppar' in Icelandic, and many others -- virtually none of which have any significant chance of already being taken, and which give you the opportunity to come up with an interesting backstory to explain why they're in Paragon City with that name.

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Spike Lee?

I have done a TON of AE work, both long form and single arc. Just search the AE mish list for my sig @cranebump. For more information on my stories, head to the AE forum sub-heading and look for “Crane’s World.” Support your AE authors! We ARE the new content.

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On 7/21/2024 at 1:28 AM, Techwright said:



I've been told the 1966 TV show Batman wanted to do Clayface, but obviously that presented some practical effects challenges for their day.  So they opted to create a master of disguise they called False Face.  While I'm sure that name will not pass the game rules, perhaps it will serve as inspiration. 


As to mythology, the Greek sea deity Proteus is known for mutability. and his name is used for concepts and functions involving change.   I believe Marvel has locked down the name using a character, and even our game has Protean, a shape shifter.  But again, perhaps it will serve as inspiration.


You can't copyright the name of mythological characters.

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On 7/20/2024 at 8:13 PM, smnolimits42 said:

So I was watching Batman: The Animated Series, and one of his enemies was named Clay Face.  So I was thinking of Master of Disguise, but I'm not sure of the name.  Secondly I'm thinking of Stone Armor/Thorns Tank. 


Putty Face



Face Orama

Change Face

Who Am I

Stand-in Man

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Secondly I'm thinking of Stone Armor/Thorns Tank. 

For the two powersets you describe...








For a face/form-shifter...







The Simulacrum?


I'll try to think of some more.  That's a challenging combo to theme-up, as it were. 

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