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Anyone have any thoughts on the best interface option?  I generally just take Degenerative, but thought I would ask if anyone has any pros or cons on the various options.  I am about to select on my DP/NinjitsuSentinel, so any recommendations appreciated.


I chose Diamagnetic on my Warshade to increase my contribution to taking down AV's, and the to-hit debuff on mobs in general effectively gives me the boost to Defense that I will always lack.

@dungeoness and @eloora on Excelsior

<Federation of United Cosmic Knights>


Generally, Diamagnetic (-To-Hit, -Regen), Reactive (-Res, fire DoT), and Degenerative (-Max HP, toxic DoT) seem the most useful, though the latter one doesn't seem that way to me since at max stacks it's only 14% of EB health and below and 4000 HP for AVs, which doesn't seem like a huge difference but it's probably a math thing.  It's no Toxic proc in Warframe, I can tell you that for free.


The rest seem very specialized (Preemptive - endurance drain and energy DoT, good for Elec anything to give enemies THE BIG SUCC) or just not that good (Spectral - immobilize and energy DoT?  Really?) but I could see something like Cognitive (confuse and psionic DoT) interacting in interesting ways with PBAoE damage toggles or persistent damage AoEs.

As a Scrapper main I eat a steady diet of crayons and glue to keep my wits sharp and my reflexes honed.


One thing to keep in mind is that Interface powers stack a maximum of 4 times from any source, and Reactive and Degenerative, at least back in the day, were by far the most popular because they had the most direct correlation to more damage.  So if you're planning to play on your alone a lot, those tend to be the better choices, but if you team frequently with other Incarnate-types, you may want to deliberately pick some of the less popular ones for better synergy.


Also, bear in mind nothing says that you have to stick with just one. After you've tier-4ed everything, you're still going to keep getting thread drops and Empyrean merits, not to mention a component every time you do an Incarnate Trial. You could build to tier 4 in multiple Interfaces, try them all out, switch between them as the mission warrants, etc.

If you liked what I had to say, please check out my City of Heroes guides!


If it's PvE, anything.

"Sally was actually a virtual construct of code and graphics. Simply put, she was a computer graphic running via a computer simulation. As was Croatoa. And Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. The entire game of City of Heroes actually. None of it was real. ~ Matt Miller (Positron)"


[Degenerative] doesn't seem that way to me since at max stacks it's only 14% of EB health and below and 4000 HP for AVs, which doesn't seem like a huge difference but it's probably a math thing.

It's worth noting that -hp is mathematically equivalent to -res. If you reduce an AV's resistance by 10%, that means you can defeat it with 10% fewer attacks. If you reduce its HP by 10%, same outcome.


Degenerative's -hp certainly isn't transformative; generally I lean toward the DoT interface procs over the debuff procs. But it's no worse than Reactive's -res, and one of the strongest of the debuff procs.


I have a psi-melee stalker and I was actually thinking Cognitive just because it's an extension of exactly what his powers are and I like to stay "on theme" as much as possible. (He actually has a confuse power, and psionic dots are in his melee attacks but not all the time). However, I had to consider would diversifying a damage type be a better choice? Still, it's only PVE...

See me on Excelsior as Eridanus - Whisperkill - Kid Physics - Ranger Wilde - The Hometown Scrapper - Firewatch - and more!


Having Dark for my secondary I already have a ton of -to hit, so I go with Gravitic for recovery and recharge debuffs.


Also, bear in mind nothing says that you have to stick with just one. After you've tier-4ed everything, you're still going to keep getting thread drops and Empyrean merits, not to mention a component every time you do an Incarnate Trial. You could build to tier 4 in multiple Interfaces, try them all out, switch between them as the mission warrants, etc.


Also this, I have made many T4 incarnate powers so I can switch out depending on what I'm doing.

Excelsior - Grey Scale 50+ Emp/Dark Def - Thermal Meltdown 50+ Rad/Fire Brute - Old Growth 50+ Plant Troll - Enrico Fermi 50+ Rad Blaster

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