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Well here's an odd bit of language filtering ...


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I never got around to turning off the "mature language" filter. Because of that, I got this amusing bit of censorship today. Halfway censorship, that is. Here is the relevant NPC dialog, as it appeared in the chat window:



Uncensored, nothing needing filtering, right? Right?


Well, I happened to notice the actual chat bubbles coming from the 5th Column guys on the other side of the wall, (alas, no screenshot of those), and was surprised to see that, in the chat bubble, the word "slit" was replaced with "****".


Very odd.

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Go to help you stupid flushing language filter...Big piece of slit.


This whole post has been really slitty...I am perma haten it

Edited by justicebeliever
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"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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It's both humorous and annoying when games do this. Take perfectly fine words and censor them. Either because they are made up of letters that form vulgar language on their own, or some other reason.


I swear PSO used to censor the word "Door", or something similar to that. 


Azur Lane (a warship gacha) censors the latter part of the word "Torpedo" in the in-game chat rooms.. Which is extra funny because due to the nature of the game, torpedos are talked about a lot.

Edited by Primantis
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3 hours ago, RikOz said:

Very odd.

I suspect it's because it's a slang term for a portion of the female anatomy.  A weird choice to be certain, but probably the cause.


Though this reminds me that back in the day there was a certain enemy you couldn't actually say in chat because it had a rarely-used racial slur in the middle of it.  I cannot for the life of me recall which enemy it was, though I do recall a lot of people had never even heard it used.

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Heh, by default I always disable any language filters because I've never come across one that was actually useful. Censoring individual "bad words" are pretty much meaningless and you'll anyway encounter them somewhere, but any written communication that might actually have a negative impact always gets past those because at that point it's no longer about individual words.

6 hours ago, Primantis said:

It's both humorous and annoying when games do this. Take perfectly fine words and censor them. Either because they are made up of letters that form vulgar language on their own, or some other reason.


I swear PSO used to censor the word "Door", or something similar to that. 


Azur Lane (a warship gacha) censors the latter part of the word "Torpedo" in the in-game chat rooms.. Which is extra funny because due to the nature of the game, torpedos are talked about a lot.


This kind of reminds me of the Dark Souls series censoring the word "knight" (k***ht), which is also pretty amusing considering the magic, sword & shield theme of the game and Knight actually being one of the starting classes.

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I could not edit and eventually pulled my Latin language AE adventure Ecloga Prima because the Latin word cum ('with, when') was not allowed.  On a private server there really isn't any reason to have any of this on.


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Pancake, need I say more.......

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" When it's too tough for everyone else,

it's just right for me..."

( Unless it's Raining, or Cold, or Really Dirty

or there are Sappers, Man I hate those Guys...)

                                                      Marine X

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On 7/31/2019 at 11:48 PM, Lazarillo said:

I suspect it's because it's a slang term for a portion of the female anatomy.  A weird choice to be certain, but probably the cause.

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough in my OP. The "odd" bit was that it censored the chat bubble, but not the chat window. Also that it would censor the game's own text.

On 8/1/2019 at 5:14 AM, DSorrow said:

Heh, by default I always disable any language filters because I've never come across one that was actually useful.

True dat. I decided to disable it, but then discovered that this is not a global setting and so I'll have to manually disable in on every character, and it's just not worth the hassle.

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Not seeing the text and only observing the chat bubble could make what the OP posted far more offensive than not filtering. "Wait, you are going to do what to their throat?"


Forget the game but there was one that bleeped out even mildly bad words like turd and any word containing that combination of letters.  "So hey guys, thanks for joining the guild.  We do raids on ******" (Sa-turd-ay).  LotRO decided that the word klan was offensive (understandable) which made buying a trip to Buckland bring up a prompt "You have purchased a ride to ******"  Also made giving directions a bit difficult.

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On 8/2/2019 at 4:51 AM, Marine X said:

Pancake, need I say more.......

You might need to say more...I don't get it (seriously)...

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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LOL. When the original City went dark, and folks migrated to the Titan Forums, the word filtering was enforced. So if you typed 'sh**' it was replaced with 'pancake'. That's when I created the graphic I used a couple of posts up. Also, the word 'troll' was replaced with 'unicorn'. (Never did understand that, but created a graphic for that too.)


And also spelled the actual word out with pics so folks could say it without losing the word itself LOL


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y0Y5yFQ.png Forever grateful to be back in my city!
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Speaking of which, back in the days I had a SG member, which I thought was swearing a lot. Some of his sentences were like this: "This bleep, I am going to bleep him". After a while, I decided to turn the profanity filter off, to see what was actually going on. I found out that he was actually typing "bleep" every time.

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2 hours ago, Razia said:

Speaking of which, back in the days I had a SG member, which I thought was swearing a lot. Some of his sentences were like this: "This bleep, I am going to bleep him". After a while, I decided to turn the profanity filter off, to see what was actually going on. I found out that he was actually typing "bleep" every time.

I laughed out loud.  xD   

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2 hours ago, Razia said:

Speaking of which, back in the days I had a SG member, which I thought was swearing a lot. Some of his sentences were like this: "This bleep, I am going to bleep him". After a while, I decided to turn the profanity filter off, to see what was actually going on. I found out that he was actually typing "bleep" every time.

I thought that was *bleep*ing hysterical...Keep that *bleep* going....

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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