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Art/Commission Sharing Thread

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On 8/27/2021 at 7:18 PM, _Kai_ said:

Plot has finally played out! Thank you @MysteryMouse for both the awesome art(done months ago!) and for being willing to not post it until it plot was done! 😄

Awesome piece my MysteryMouse, as always.  There's clearly a story there, are you going to share it with us? 🙂 

Draggynn, Storm Summoning/Psychic Defender, formerly a resident of Virtue

My collection of commissioned art: https://www.deviantart.com/drag-gynn

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😂 Sure...




The Really Really Quick Version! 

The reflections are the split personalities Jace and X247 of an undercover Resistance spy in Powers Division, courtesy of Praetor Tilman
The 'main' characters are the male and female version of Jax after many years of therapy and, not having them in Praetoria, not knowing better that when a genie offers to help you with your problem of deciding who you really are, it really isn't going to turn out anything like what you expected 🙂

 The Slightly Longer Version involving why/how for the 3 or so people who want to know more



Jace(male reflection) was born to covert Resistance parents, he discovered he had an ability they described as 'psychic willpower', he could, with a seed of raw materials, induce mutations to himself over time.  With some stolen radioactive isotopes, he developed wings and radioactive blast ability, and joined Powers Division as a Resistance spy.


This was fine until he caught Praetor Tilman's attention, and he was no match for her and broke badly.  He had minimal telepathic or telekinetic ability, but once Tilman discovered his ability to change himself, she decided to try and induce more Seer-worth ability anyway, and when that failed just to see how far she could take it, and the end result was X247 (X designator being a prefix for persons 'psychic, but unable to be integrated into the Seer Network'), a personality created out of the broken bits of Jace's mind that just wanted to make Mother happy and do and be what she wanted, a loyal daughter(female reflection).

Cue MoM iTrial, suddenly no Tilman, X247 personality goes catatonic, 8 years of therapy(and almost 2 of game time) Jax has mostly pulled the shattered pieces of two personalities together, but made the mistake of asking for magic help for nightmares and missing memories that science doesn't seem able to fix, and not being Primal doesn't know that when you ask a genie for help, their idea and your idea of help are vaaaaaastly different things.



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  • 3 weeks later
  • 2 weeks later

A couple new pieces to share by two fellow City of Heroes players!  I really do love commissioning from our fellow players.  It's always fun to work with an artist who you know shares an appreciation for the source material!  I decided that it had been a while since Dragg had taken flight, and I needed a couple pieces that showed that Storm Summoning was more than just Rain and Lightning.

First up a piece by Impious Imp: https://www.deviantart.com/impious-imp featuring some nice hail!  They are still open for commissions at very affordable prices, so definitely reach out to them!!


Next we have a piece by Illay Konon, Lightning Bolt on Discord, featuring a fabulous Tornado.  Dragg likes to have at least two of these out at all times! Illay is not currently taking commissions, but message him (his profile should be hyperlinked above, if I did that correctly), and I bet he'll let you know when he starts doing them again!:


Edited by Draggynn
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Draggynn, Storm Summoning/Psychic Defender, formerly a resident of Virtue

My collection of commissioned art: https://www.deviantart.com/drag-gynn

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  • 4 weeks later
  • 2 weeks later

*sneaks in shyly* So I um...I do commissions..


super nervous about this.

Excuse me...pardon..

So um, @Jelly from the HC discord commissioned a set of character portraits and I ended up producing a few extra in the attempts to get the bunnykin they were asking for.

Decided to go the extra mile with turning the bunnykin into a transparency for them. I quite like how it all turned out. The first one that I turned out was the samurai, because I can't do full body portraits, I stick with bust shots and rendered some really interesting results with both requests.


Transparency Bunnyboy.png

And yes I use artbreeder as well as several other AI art collectives to do art. I used to be able to draw and sketch, but have been unable to hold a pencil/pen stable for nearly ten years now due to my anxiety, so I use the AI sites as a tool to create new art without letting my disability hold me back.

Edited by CrystalDragon
To explain the difference in styles.
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Roleplaying mentor volunteer, and mentorship contributor.

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So it's been a while since last time. 😮 Life happens when you least expect it and so forth and so on. Anyways. I've been a bit bugged about my previous Steve portrait and finally got around to do a bit of a remake on him. He's a little red though. hehe... But then again. He's quite red even in blue



Steve in the woods small.jpg


If you want to, you can see some of my other work on either https://www.deviantart.com/ragnhildwisth or https://www.instagram.com/mysterymoused/

Edited by MysteryMouse
wanted to add a line.
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  • 2 weeks later

Hello all!


I've had the pleasure of drawing CoX commissions from players when the game was Live, and I'd like to offer up my drawing skills once again to any who'd like to see their toon drawn up.


Please contact me for more information on my drawings and what we can do together. 


Attached are some of my earlier drawings for players and I've added others for further viewing. 


As always...  Be heroes, guys n gals.

white peregrine.JPG





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  • 2 weeks later

It's been a while since I've posted, the holiday busyness slowed down my commissioning a bit.  Here's Draggynn by Jim Tessier, a local artist who introduced himself two posts earlier in the thread!  Work is in pencil which he then mailed to me!  (It is now one of only 2 physical commissions that I have of Dragg, if you don't count the two, let's call them, soft sculptures 😉 )

You can see his other work and reach out to him for a commission through: https://www.instagram.com/jtessier3art/https://www.facebook.com/jt3artworkimage.thumb.png.952e4c47c44aaa73c6270f522dc99752.png

Edited by Draggynn
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Draggynn, Storm Summoning/Psychic Defender, formerly a resident of Virtue

My collection of commissioned art: https://www.deviantart.com/drag-gynn

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5 hours ago, TraumaTrain said:


I dig your style. Are you open for some commissions?

I just set this up! 

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Give me money to draw your characters!

Visit one of the public RP spaces I've made on Everlasting!
Cabin-8752 - Funplex-11364 - Crash-15210 - Law-18824 - Exploreonfoot-20176 - Upside-14574 - Boardwalk-23004 - Gym-25035 - Chicken-25922 - Campus-25500 - Choochoo-28184 - Highschool-33072

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On 2/9/2022 at 6:34 PM, Draggynn said:

It's been a while since I've posted, the holiday busyness slowed down my commissioning a bit.  Here's Draggynn by Jim Tessier, a local artist who introduced himself two posts earlier in the thread!  Work is in pencil which he then mailed to me!  (It is now one of only 2 physical commissions that I have of Dragg, if you don't count the two, let's call them, soft sculptures 😉 )

You can see his other work and reach out to him for a commission through: https://www.instagram.com/jtessier3art/https://www.facebook.com/jt3artworkimage.thumb.png.952e4c47c44aaa73c6270f522dc99752.png

Thanks for the kind words about my artwork.  I'm glad you liked it, and am glad to do business with anyone else outside of these forums.


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Now that the holidays are over, the pieces keep coming in.  Another new piece just completed by keelerleah.  Draggynn and his teammate Swirl (A duo also known as Team Horns).


I'm glad to see other artwork and artists posting so that I don't feel like I'm monopolizing the thread!

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Draggynn, Storm Summoning/Psychic Defender, formerly a resident of Virtue

My collection of commissioned art: https://www.deviantart.com/drag-gynn

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