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Want a higher res version of a power icon?


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I've started this thread to offer up hi-res versions of icons found in the game. To help make these icons easier to find, I've reformatted this post to contain all the icons I've done so far. I'll continue to add new sets of icons to this post as I go forward. Feel free to request a particular set if you don't find it here and I'll get to it as soon as I can. Requests will be done in the order they're received. If you notice an error in an icon, let me know so I can correct it. 

Archetype Icons

1xyhk8s.png ETCRCJ5.png gK2t533.png 6xDM3mR.png WUBQUXA.png
Blaster Controller Defender Scrapper Tanker
1Jpjm4N.png K4Bck8b.png uoQQiIu.png AfLaoyF.png DZZWKRo.png
Brute Corruptor Dominator Mastermind Stalker
vu1IHoW.png YPEu9cX.png bSTxejT.png lhCj1DX.png ZcgVqUN.png
Arachnos Soldier Arachnos Widow Sentinel Peacebringer Warshade



















Origin Icons

mTDEiZE.png dGrUO4H.png T6h6Fx6.png POTif0s.png xVYCjQQ.png
Magic Mutant Natural Science Technology




Alignment Icons

aaa8VQ6.png kGNoShn.png GsQMoPK.png mCeJdWq.png cZFRJml.png 545M4u9.png
Hero Villain Vigilante Rogue Resistance Loyalist








Armor Sets


IUdoIme.png Bio Armor



BYODm7W.png Jg5Ucy7.png LSBRQ5z.png fpKIsRp.png 7xfKBEr.png
Hardened Carapace Inexhaustible Environmental Modification Evolving Armor Ablative Carapace
FtZAsIC.png WsKIlDA.png VBRVgAE.png M1AVGpl.png BjNEwLh.png
Adaptation Defensive Adaptation Efficient Adaptation Offensive Adaptation DNA Siphon
fGWfGmZ.png QuXgNk1.png QGdLzKk.png cPib4M5.png  
Genetic Contamination Genetic Corruption Parasitic Aura Hide  



LqH5EWD.png Dark Armor

Zuox3bh.png 05akHvX.png 9wDKSFF.png b55Amq5.png 0R5qp5G.png t3UXXFZ.png
Dark Embrace Death Shroud Murky Cloud Shadow Dweller Obsidian Shield Dark Regeneration
5rLUlYq.png ShSDniV.png Yxks7hc.png 8dIsg4t.png Dr5cKqK.png  
Cloak of Darkness Cloak of Fear Oppressive Gloom Soul Transfer Hide  













6AK0hqm.png Electric Armor

F01wKvr.png iV1on2C.png rfFvakd.png 4P7bxL1.png z1t1Kkx.png

Charged Armor


Lightning Field


Conductive Shield


Static Shield




g6Epv1d.png 9q8gIBy.png 9QlqrTV.png cxiPWfr.png 2MVMurY.png
Energize Lightning Reflexes Power Sink Power Surge Hide














7SRFICd.png Energy Aura

sxZbmkr.png LhlUprS.png LhlUprS.png fewF7y9.png 8ifpTdY.png QwcfB3V.png
Kinetic Shield Dampening Field Power Shield Entropic Aura Energy Protection Energy Cloak
sIa9IJc.png vdAaDHD.png GiYda3m.png QwcfB3V.png 4BB85PK.png  
Energy Drain Energize Overload Hide Disrupt  













4kLSKx9.png Fiery Aura

K5S1Kiw.png qzlFgfU.png hANry1F.png FLB98wq.png cUBw9Zj.png
Fire Shield Blazing Aura Healing Flames Temperature Protection Consume
OFR6den.png qzlFgfU.png uKH3ihK.png kpDDIxr.png  
Plasma Shield Burn Fiery Embrace Rise of the Phoenix  













JHGf9Za.png Ice Armor

izQbEE2.png 3x9n0c1.png yVuO6Od.png HOCpUPb.png DJFOFjp.png
Frozen Armor Hoarfrost Chilling Embrace Wet Ice Permafrost
XWf1zQk.png ozQSAkH.png EkxRxWk.png 5o5RAMx.png T666DhG.png
Icicles Glacial Armor Energy Absorption Hibernate/Icy Bastion Hide













WfHcE0p.png Invulnerability

8cyHfpf.png 8cyHfpf.png 9BrA9qR.png LLhUNsK.png q3xWRZI.png
Resist Physical Damage Temp Invulnerability Dull Pain Resist Elements Unyielding
1Np5MXu.png R6orWsS.png WuXaXPh.png 1XogrAr.png  
Resist Energies Invincibility Tough Hide Unstoppable  













7kckT2P.png Ninjitsu

hsm1n6Z.png Iq6pv1u.png ZlisPM0.png fnTyzTk.png wbLJ5gR.png
Hide Ninja Reflexes Danger Sense Caltrops Kuji-In Rin
dphGmMN.png XLaB82h.png 05hIwSz.png jqVwEoj.png  
Kuji-In Sha Smoke Flash Blinding Powder Kuji-In Retsu  













mkyXNFN.png Radiation Armor

bpkFozL.png q3sOVBY.png G16HolE.png qnUdPC0.png NkQEmfx.png
Alpha Barrier Gama Boost Proton Armor Fallout Shelter Radiation Therapy
DSgdWD7.png KWB4rmR.png HRd2znv.png wW8kvV0.png m1vXA1X.png
Beta Decay Particle Shielding Ground Zero Meltdown Hide













sWS7UBU.png Regeneration

cYTUv0s.png ScqMalC.png k5zo2FV.png l11lIaP.png gNHiFxG.png
Fast Healing Reconstruction Quick Recovery Dull Pain Integration
gNHiFxG.png cYTUv0s.png 7aiAWvI.png M2tqdeY.png da5e7VM.png
Resilience Instant Healing Revive Moment of Glory Hide













BUAiGLP.png Shield Defense

Uwmybjl.png EdMDOaX.png 7oDdJ06.png HgiNzKu.png u2Vbd3C.png
Deflection Battle Agility True Grit Active Defense Against All Odds
tTmolvf.png KB4aTIG.png GQLRLDw.png fiqSW1q.png  
Phalanx Fighting Grant Cover Shield Charge One with the Shield  













dtigTkb.png Stone Armor

kMhLa6h.png kMhLa6h.png OcQelLX.png 4D52p6g.png L97egjT.png
Rock Armor Stone Skin Earth's Embrace Mud Pots Rooted
3GZjQdR.png xxGpmMk.png uBRwOYg.png Rh1coHo.png  
Brimstone Armor Crystal Armor Minerals Granite Armor  













iWwjFUr.png Super Reflexes

QeNWjUf.png p2fz7c6.png p2fz7c6.png 3FJRkSG.png QeNWjUf.png
Focused Fighting Focused Senses Agile Practiced Brawler Dodge
Rt79sFi.png Rt79sFi.png CWa0QJs.png Cr5m5ms.png 2L5rxvg.png
Evasion Lucky Quickness Elude Hide













JFQ07Hw.png Willpower

RufeyHf.png RufeyHf.png T4GJTUL.png 7rQnmYv.png kHoZtQR.png T4GJTUL.png
High Pain Tolerance Mind Over Body Reconstruction Fast Healing Indomitable Will Rise to the Challenge
Ila6J0K.png HHRvjZV.png EuQ4AJT.png tNxVZ1p.png Mko7vKH.png  
Quick Recovery Heightened Senses Resurgence Strength of Will Hide  













Assault Sets


CDvAGBd.png Dark Assault

F7h5NE6.png v6CUInK.png RoKvrth.png JZVQeO6.png lmMInD3.png
Dark Blast Smite Gloom Night Fall Gather Shadows
D5dlBay.png 7Gi2GSo.png IITAMI1.png 7QmFE25.png  
Engulfing Darkness Life Drain Moon Beam

Midnight Grasp














qChv287.png Earth Assault

mbmeydi.png EFoZzB0.png mbmeydi.png jmkwvTX.png Gr55wfq.png
Stone Spears Stone Mallet Tremor Hurl Boulder Power Boost
JZoZohO.png o5Ne17W.png bI7LtR4.png GRinY14.png  
Heavy Mallet Seismic Smash Mud Pots















3kx54Vw.png Electricity Assault

Wlnvnkx.png iySLBN6.png 9OKw5fb.png WyX55IG.png oKshPvk.png
Charged Bolts Charged Brawl Lightning Bolt Havoc Punch Build Up
Otq0Xwk.png kO0yTjd.png A12Ru8L.png kHIZJr9.png  
Zapp Static Discharge Thunder Strike

Voltaic Sentinel














Diq3ANj.png Energy Assault

YkEKWwZ.png 7sOdm3f.png mGlfv76.png 8MEfvqT.png 0gErtso.png
Power Bolt Bone Smasher Power Push Power Blast Power Boost
6g9aQ92.png amMJt9q.png d5unAqX.png 7QQQQWG.png  
Whirling Hands Total Focus Sniper Blast Power Burst  













TJ0H4fQ.png Fiery Assault

WL2KJlt.png ZnVh9RK.png APDzS7h.png FqUvIoW.png UBwNg8g.png
Flares Incinerate Fire Breath Fire Blast Embrace of Fire
i7vV6Kq.png Sl3f2AO.png vdQfC4A.png usL3lUr.png  
Combustion Consume Blazing Bolt Blaze  













LItOMk9.png Icy Assault

9JB7EOX.png c2hVO0c.png 0CDVEQA.png cYZnUTg.png eXOybU7.png
Ice Bolt Ice Sword Ice Sword Circle Ice Blast Power Boost
WOXUsG8.png f7uukTC.png uMx2KwR.png Ro3Afod.png  
Frost Breath Chilling Embrace Ice Slash Bitter Ice Blast  













pYn4FMX.png Martial Assault

uh31VYF.png MRLandX.png BdJXXLb.png Wir4sZe.png 76hpNyO.png
Shuriken Throw Thunder Kick Trick Shot Spinning Kick Envenomed Blades
jPUvTNz.png x0T09Sx.png 97bpkMh.png ChiE4J3.png  
Dragon's Tail Caltrops Masterful Throw Explosive Shuriken  













bJ7PNki.png Psionic Assault

ZyXzIay.png 1xHiXOe.png ugtb5st.png 2kns6yL.png NGRTiOg.png
Psionic Dart Mind Probe Telekinetic Thrust Mental Blase Psychic Scream
UwGm0w7.png xuHNKeM.png ZcPYOg6.png gLi68l4.png  
Drain Psyche Subdue Psionic Lance Psychic Shockwave  













MnfWj37.png Thorny Assault

steyVmD.png bB0u9xE.png GGH2ozX.png kMejFZl.png w56MHjs.png
Thorny Darts Skewer Fling Thorns Impale Aim
dVWcRAH.png dKqUQYL.png zuIIENr.png ixMsdkf.png  
Thorn Burst Thorntrops Ripper Thorn Barrage  














Blast Sets


xkq4pLl.png Archery

QnomQhs.png i8JdIAD.png gLz1q94.png vdBZCDL.png HwwAGIv.png
Snap Shot Aimed Shot Fistful of Arrows Blazing Arrow Aim
TD8v5Hp.png hMXcYTE.png RECSnas.png hCavskF.png  
Explosive Arrow Ranged Shot Stunning Shot Rain of Arrows  












CvQSLK4.png Assault Rifle

KQSi7xk.png j7Vh4xC.png MUGeYNL.png uWGu0DA.png QJtD1BQ.png
Burst Slug Buckshot M30 Grenade Beanbag
EesxBIG.png lV5qLXa.png OZd5qd1.png Vqyb0p9.png  
Sniper Rifle Flamethrower Ignite Full Auto  












SEHnF8D.png Beam Rifle

nkNGtXo.png 2n4zjEB.png BGKk51D.png 1TKhPpj.png gJmUQqj.png
Single Shot Charged Shot Cutting Beam Disintegrate Aim
FxRF9iR.png gRVWkny.png SYvHIfg.png C0ap5OL.png  
Lancer Shot Penetrating Ray Piercing Beam Overcharge  












sAIPVvy.png Dark Blast

ZaQT9JU.png O5zMw0v.png 3ayL0ck.png FDdNfk8.png xq0sxBv.png y5c76eU.png
Dark Blast Gloom Umbral Torrent Aim Moonbeam Dark Pit
UJLovJw.png ethDpRP.png 8Fa3bGN.png wmjHfnz.png h66OnE9.png  
Tenebrous Tentacles Night Fall Abyssal Gaze Life Drain Blackstar  













3TmRcM8.png Dual Pistols

wvOdixC.png 9AGfEpW.png 4ZVom8B.png 1fz7C7U.png rAdX5z4.png
Pistols Dual Wield Empty Clips Swap Ammo Bullet Rain
VvH1oof.png mm6nNVr.png O0xVwWU.png UnkMT2Q.png  
Suppressive Fire Executioner's Shot Piercing Rounds Hail of Bullets  












8DS3vBM.png Electrical Blast

vC95rxP.png kklGO5O.png KjsXTt7.png KnLct3i.png BWQmxcd.png
Charged Bolts Lightning Bolt Ball Lightning Short Circuit Aim
1vNdAmh.png Kc5jUSL.png kmmzeDk.png JyRxjCj.png  
Zapp Tesla Cage Voltaic Sentinel Thunderous Blast  












bWdXJHY.png Energy Blast

2Dwg8cO.png re91r0Z.png ML6o4c3.png 6nFF22J.png gfEbsoT.png
Power Bolt Power Blast Energy Torrent Power Burst Sniper Blast
osFjpNt.png yLUJjia.png X6VduHU.png vPeOcwu.png  
Aim Power Push Explosive Blast Nova  












wQH3sEG.png Fire Blast

8c1fj9U.png CkBUmBZ.png mS0V1rY.png VQJxz0m.png bvkR0Va.png
Flares Fire Blast Fire Ball Rain of Fire Fire Breath
vSoVQNL.png DkEohXc.png WcTGNpr.png wnyLMfF.png  
Aim Blaze Blazing Bolt Inferno  












Z8subjy.png Ice Blast

Zffka2n.png btLVQlc.png lFDHaza.png zMZ7PTY.png 6lbuBlj.png
Ice Bolt Ice Blast Frost Breath Aim Freeze Ray
zeDKUUi.png MdTE3NV.png qyDtSfg.png KUhuOxq.png  
Ice Storm Bitter Ice Blast Bitter Freezing Ray Blizzard  












O6nnEab.png Psychic Blast

RdICO7v.png llutjI4.png JoHLzDq.png pjr7YIA.png 0SXAR5g.png 5sksWi5.png
Psionic Dart Mental Blast Subdue Telekinetic Blast Psionic Lance Psychic Focus
UO5vky0.png 7LZ1fKe.png 0isNUvp.png 4rKTkxG.png O1CC9PM.png  
Psychic Scream Will Domination Psionic Tornado Scramble Thoughts Psychic Wail  













jIstrsX.png Radiation Blast

yhmOCAJ.png qn9A9uz.png 86zBV5Q.png m82OFse.png o11fvAJ.png
Neutrino Bolt X-Ray Beam Irradiate Electron Haze Aim
i7bVF70.png BbH6ibE.png p7shjp9.png CCnb65j.png  
Proton Volley Cosmic Burst Neutron Bomb Atomic Blast  













wM8tssq.png Sonic Attack

psu7N46.png GZyZ1BJ.png J1k1aO9.png 2Hyjdj1.png tN0THvh.png
Shriek Scream Howl Shockwave Shout
MUt5Prw.png wl30eVU.png cpVp64R.png 5YCpOCN.png  
Amplify Siren's Song Screech Dreadful Wail  













pdcfRCx.png Water Blast

OKp283u.png KFBr3YX.png zd7YEsZ.png DOJYMk2.png tvItC1n.png
Aqua Bolt Hyrdo Blast Water Burst Whirlpool Tidal Forces
uFXGQy9.png dNKxUuW.png LXMv42S.png AAdQ4MI.png  
Dehydrate Water Jet Steam Spray Geyser  













Control Sets


cgXtgaR.png Darkness Control

1LATBOX.png jwXfRsR.png vgcl4pQ.png yIJGl7K.png 9h7wjzs.png
Shadowy Binds Dark Grasp Living Shadows Possess Fearsome Stare
kiq323G.png OQi2WWF.png SteKcCi.png 1DBMmy1.png  
Heart of Darkness Haunt Shadow Field Umbra Beast  













BwMEFtG.pngEarth Control

RwpRXOW.png Y8EeWjj.png eF67aw6.png 0eZgmZq.png dmHyKGl.png
Stone Prison Fossilize Stone Cages Quicksand Salt Crystals
vvOwtwf.png CT4oTLC.png 1vh9FSR.png iSDEcgv.png  
Stalagmites Earthquake Volcanic Gasses Animate Stone  













hETqw90.pngElectric Control

M6GevEi.png d4hRGMF.png cOGn3Aw.png nx0Rywo.png Go54UTu.png
Electric Fence Tesla Cage Chain Fences Jolting Chain Conductive Aura
3YGLrHI.png R66Iva9.png sW6QUzx.png JHoPsMG.png  
Static Field Paralyzing Blast Synaptic Overload Gremlins  













da2cR3R.pngFire Control

9jRkuQm.png JhhUrK6.png P1KhosW.png CWkFOQl.png mALG3uT.png
Ring of Fire Char Fire Cages Smoke Hot Feet
Qm1enol.png T1Mj4tY.png mDJz4OX.png aK5Tr6k.png  


Cinders Bonfire Fire Imps  













xl09lXe.png Gravity Control

8OaDfd4.png Cg18cLj.png cCZk7js.png bc2nSs4.png RkhFKoU.png



Gravity Distortion


Crushing Field

XjEWx30.png 3vD3qMb.png zpF22y0.png o23n3s2.png  

Dimension Shift

Gravity Distortion Field

















O7TvrJa.png Ice Control

7UStMhq.png nnQL3TP.png HXuyZbQ.png 3fmq7On.png nrJc5Aw.png


Block of Ice


Arctic Air


2Lg7qkA.png rnGReSp.png YVuuq4d.png 9W1sK0p.png  

Ice Slick

Flash Freeze


Jack Frost  














ZT0Oh2x.png Illusion Control

i9GZCPM.png BK9LHiC.png 7kBwl8q.png 6ruEgKZ.png GsgEU8e.png
Spectral Wounds Blind Deceive Flash Superior Invisibility
TVQFOTj.png 3vAFMAt.png xyRnsaL.png rG5U6ru.png  
Group Invisibility Phantom Army Spectral Terror















08eII5v.pngMind Control

Fyk83oG.png tYTG2j1.png iZLIt8i.png zActcmR.png 525Omvf.png
Mesmerize Levitate Dominate Confuse Mass Hypnosis
zLedvRP.png gx1htaY.png FLrWaEZ.png sSBd0Vv.png  
Telekinesis Total Domination Terrify

Mass Confusion














YQdEARV.pngPlant Control

r2VRQlE.png Evwh6M7.png SRgO0JV.png ZtpzM4D.png aCzZpQA.png
Entangle Strangler Roots Spore Burst Seeds of Confusion
T6g4Hmc.png Y7QiadA.png bD1ZWWv.png EnoR6xz.png  
Spirit Tree Vines Carrion Creepers

Fly Trap














Manipulation Sets


DgJv4wV.png Darkness Manipulation

JLBGqff.png KuvydoP.png DlfALXh.png uZlPhqN.png bdj1Ezi.png
Penumbral Grasp Smite Death Shrowd Shadow Maul Soul Drain
zkFTYvP.png NeMUImw.png j9bb0PS.png 9s4rvzZ.png  
Touch of Fear Dark Consumption Tar Pit Midnight Grasp  













8sU69Lw.png Devices

6Q0o9Zw.png mE1YxHG.png DX1Z70e.png H0NWXwJ.png ZM0PqDm.png
Web Grenade Caltrops Taser Targeting Drone Smoke Grenade
qYo7R7d.png PTAwaJJ.png 7hgB6Bo.png 47LcoHL.png  
Cloaking Device Trip Mine Time Bomb Gun Drone  













x9aR2Mc.png Energy Manipulation

DTeNm3s.png CYchZkj.png dS1aOZx.png B0lXPJm.png hS7sgCW.png
Power Thrust Energy Punch Build Up Bone Smasher Conserve Power
IUdxW54.png MvSPqGj.png LAWd3nW.png 62jtBiu.png  
Stun Power Boost Boost Range Total Focus  













ijPKRTd.png Electricity Manipulation

PU1xNxl.png iziViQ4.png 7MGpsbs.png o2fVvKD.png I4EUUDf.png
Electric Fence Charged Brawl Lightning Field Havoc Punch Build Up
MfY7ugN.png UusOy0A.png SNFfxQE.png yqFhTTy.png  
Lightning Clap Thunder Strike Power Sink Shocking Grasp  













0dTzJDw.png Fire Manipulation

9HQWXxv.png gNxCaW1.png 5zdaubm.png H8M9uge.png A7yT35X.png
Ring of Fire Fire Sword Combustion Fire Sword Circle Build Up
JuuLwb7.png HCNXF9F.png M0JzbCF.png R4272Lk.png?1  
Blazing Aura Consume Burn Hot Feet  













Kylq5DA.png Ice Manipulation

ZcQ5PnB.png sc5vYAT.png uaY4oKx.png MHq0wjb.png OE2ZWFB.png
Chillblain Frozen Fists Ice Sword Chilling Embrace Build Up
9ZSScM2.png uP85Ey6.png mjEbcQn.png nvMr8ON.png  
Ice Patch Shiver Freezing Touch Freezing Aura  













pqn4eA4.png Martial Combat

9gSsGAn.png LviYPe6.png SCjv5Ok.png BAEyUNJ.png DmT3CCD.png
Ki Push Storm Kick Reach for the Limit Burst of Speed Dragon's Tail
baYRK3h.png jTWz8ac.png tDl1ZgZ.png vhfhUWg.png  
Reaction Time Inner Will Throw Sand Eagle's Claw  













lFevowf.png Mental Manipulation

eLZZfcB.png iwFGbcO.png 271ehnk.png iZbzUiX.png y4Zlb39.png
Subdual Mind Probe Telekinetic Thrust Psychic Scream Concentration
CLhYVPw.png RE3Sov2.png 3Wz2HIC.png xEzF7lg.png  
Drain Psyche World of Confusion Scare Psychic Shockwave  













Melee Sets


gWFaqrQ.png Battle Axe

lCLh62S.png eHZhV2x.png D9V8tC8.png 9AUWvcJ.png viickm9.png
Beheader Chop Gash Build Up Swoop
BV5IkD9.png gb1z8I7.png KsUgDhR.png AlB2aoX.png Pyy9tzt.png
Taunt Confront Whirling Axe Cleave Pendulum













ulyAIjh.png Broad Sword

FGkwKfG.png TC5mTWf.png UoZZMDU.png ZF0pFsZ.png wfobV1C.png 9fBaYq5.png
Hack Slash Slice Build Up Parry Taunt
XliqKJv.png u4r3u2g.png iSIzeWM.png 8PsJpWX.png 2EJ8zfk.png osATt0C.png
Confront Whirling Sword Disembowel Head Splitter Placate Assassin's Slash













UoiRSDp.png Claws

QcQiiFN.png PBlj9ty.png MRTqTqE.png Hx9fbVx.png SWfgSJx.png Cm8jIGh.png
Swipe Strike Slash Spin Follow Up Taunt
TfJZCQO.png sWCZJAi.png we1LVul.png EDAgttL.png VN0tVGu.png AV9aZc5.png
Confront Focus Eviscerate Shockwave Placate Assassin's Claw













537YldK.png Dark Melee

nyeIxK7.png IjE7jIl.png 9w08VTC.png KUTcUUq.png tMZkIAJ.png M4eSdAl.png
Shadow Punch Smite Shadow Maul Touch of Fear Siphon Life Taunt
AwO6IQK.png 5h3vQRZ.png KDOKCgk.png aNdTwz4.png 7JXuQiP.png h9tyqcn.png
Confront Dark Consumption Soul Drain Midnight Grasp Placate Assassin's Eclipse













kYUlxUF.png Electrical Melee

D7U3FjK.png GayLauo.png hzcsAZJ.png 4peHF73.png jSdC0yB.png WTfNny7.png
Charged Brawl Havoc Punch Jacobs Ladder Build Up Thunder Strike Taunt
y6Cmg5g.png 3qk4txG.png pIweptu.png lUpaoAn.png yDHpnqI.png Dd8Fd7w.png
Confront Chain Induction Lightning Clap Lightning Rod Placate Assassin's Shock












lOB0fXM.pngEnergy Melee
BSEyw0a.png VXuWcA7.png 9aOteaa.png 6m3Brey.png j2XGUPo.png wPIGlyi.png



Energy Punch


Bone Smasher


Build Up


Whirling Hands




yjUsNn4.png EXLF93b.png ZA4C9KE.png rgCBUcP.png MHljClQ.png  
Total Focus Stun Energy Transfer Assassin's Strike Placate  














ojMs5JA.png Fiery Melee

2rzkVkO.png jlDBQLZ.png F90Uxci.png oAR8Rl3.png 7GHOxua.png v93IbM2.png



Fire Sword




Build Up





zBMZZlk.png JWopkQQ.png fwbJgYL.png KTa7mRd.png YAtkzmC.png  
Confront Breath of Fire Fire Sword Circle Greater Fire Sword Combustion  














 WDSqt0E.png Ice Melee

00cv6t2.png VdrUskl.png pqM8UGF.png cQbLaY5.png tvhlnZ9.png
Frozen Fists Ice Sword Frost Build Up Taunt
PY7zVre.png s3zx4Gd.png RFVllsj.png 9fvPsyr.png zeTVDUv.png
Confront Ice Patch Freezing Touch Greater Ice Sword Frozen Aura













n2nrFGK.png Katana/Ninja Blade

jYgP364.png b9qXjf2.png dtemy9P.png uQceFeO.png i4ZhUMi.png wTdzA7y.png
Sting of the Wasp Gambler's Cut Flashing Steel Build Up Divine Avalanche Dragon's Roar
rVaHuJ5.png EOVc0fz.png h1nYgqU.png OMhPnfx.png iZqqrbp.png 2wR7BMI.png
Calling the Wolf The Lotus Drops Soaring Dragon Golden Dragonfly Placate Assassin's Blade













unU5ruO.png Kinetic Melee

aPZG1mV.png 796xqXh.png 3U0Huyk.png 7HTOKLG.png 9VSjMVv.png Bh9fDc7.png
Quick Strike Body Blow Smashing Blow Power Siphon Repulsing Torrent Taunt
UjS89J4.png dEGkVXq.png DxFa12B.png CViSC6F.png CZu9i74.png ukKWVIC.png
Confront Burst Focused Burst Concentrated Strike Placate Assassin's Strike













gVntywX.png Martial Arts

EWnuYP5.png WWdwuw0.png gjSaOP2.png i7oWtd7.png nfzsmUu.png 4HsI1fZ.png
Thunder Kick Storm Kick Cobra Strike Focus Chi Crane Kick Warrior's Provocation
lB2iBt2.png MhB8WRY.png B6xgkWH.png yfx4o7v.png c9ypggn.png IOtLYO2.png
Warrior's Challenge Crippling Axe Kick Dragon's Tail Eagle's Claw Placate Assassin's Blow













4D03x5S.png Psionic Melee

Wb8zwsl.png RJIyFg6.png KSi1l8w.png 7hfrGju.png sZQyhr5.png 9V9StGO.png
Mental Strike Psi Blade Telekinetic Blow Concentration Psi Blade Sweep Taunt
5cdV5jA.png zRCdIIX.png qk1g2T7.png RbfYS8m.png Iy9jbWd.png 4ta7k2K.png
Confront Boggle Greater Psi Blade Mass Levitate Placate Assassin's Psi Blade













pXBAXG2.png Radiation Melee

WXwjVWB.png os4rI8A.png 4caV0yV.png J0JzBPL.png yRG6Jy7.png 1YgUXpI.png
Contaminated Strike Radioactive Smash Proton Sweep Fusion Radiation Siphon Taunt
V3PootS.png WXw27gA.png lgtxokV.png dXUnGvX.png BrXClP6.png sjEUqDs.png
Confront Irradiated Ground Devastating Blow Atom Smasher Placate Assassin's Corruption













8fn5c8R.png Savage Melee

l6XHEDc.png 5LKoel6.png OC7IEWe.png NW06jk5.png piNGPbc.png jq4D2dl.png
Savage Strike Maiming Slash Shred Vicious Slash Rending Flurry Taunt
FEsI7Mu.png CuFuPUA.png Z2mVvXp.png m4Q1kAu.png PKDpEsK.png 5kcVg0F.png
Confront Blood Thirst Hemorrhage Savage Leap Placate Assassin's Frenzy













pp2vS2R.png Staff Fighting

Cq4dgKV.png zybB7tV.png 6UYbN9d.png tleqaBa.png kR1NgEb.png lO7Okte.png
Mercurial Blow Precise Strike Guarded Spin Eye of the Storm Staff Mastery Taunt
c9YUzrS.png ip27FZX.png k47aYT2.png d7xaZ55.png uDguzPZ.png QcmVCFN.png
Confront Serpent's Reach Innocuous Strikes Sky Splitter Placate Assassin's Staff













oh6wE78.png Stone Melee

Rl62WpX.png KQ4xdjh.png CqKE3mD.png x9EKQWE.png k1d87EN.png
Stone Fist Stone Mallet Heavy Mallet Build Up Fault
YgTx1gm.png lomWHXn.png Xu9FCpv.png Gddg2cS.png  
Taunt Seismic Smash Hurl Boulder Tremor  













2EJchwQ.png Street Justice

G7wnLwB.png RpkQg80.png rwvpFT8.png inqU37D.png nDbJhrZ.png dRBIb0R.png
Initial Strike Heavy Blow Sweeping Cross Combat Readiness Rib Cracker Taunt
pq1QuKl.png MUb0TmS.png r9OV9EW.png Y1c3DwT.png gFUVh7f.png iKPKFSC.png
Confront Spinning Strike Shin Breaker Crushing Uppercut Placate Assassin's Strike













ZUKORfO.png Super Strength

Net0Tq0.png CUyB28v.png aOhwcOV.png wzhZVFS.png PzzVUBy.png
Jab Punch Haymaker Hand Clap Knockout Blow
gBRCNxy.png VOizK3a.png PN31ZL0.png 5ECHakL.png  
Taunt Rage Hurl Foot Stomp  













fW5fttN.png Titan Weapons

UshuA9o.png pZP2pbS.png 9AW3cw7.png F1A4ewc.png 525cIIg.png
Defensive Sweep Crushing Blow Titan Sweep Follow Through Build Momentum
m1u8nd7.png FKMcXfu.png 1NwVaGP.png VvhjrOh.png bpZWiM3.png
Taunt Confront Rend Armor Whirling Smash Arc of Destruction













Hq9CrQ7.png War Mace

SIKglmo.png 9rpet3u.png Xd1Dqe1.png nWaizvq.png VCUUuAJ.png
Bash Pulverize Jawbreaker Build Up Clobber
lIuTrPu.png cV9FdOv.png TF2ZlDw.png x1FB2gp.png GEnnTd5.png
Taunt Confront Whirling Mace Shatter Crowd Control














Pet Sets


Q3mt1TB.png Beast Mastery

O069EaB.png 8ZDXvpz.png G8oLpLY.png F8fWj7R.png Ohb152C.png
Call Swarm Summon Wolves Call Hawk Train Beasts Call Ravens
ESKK5TD.png o1d6SzL.png ZESubXj.png N5pE10i.png  
Summon Lions Fortify Pack Summon Dire Wolf Tame Beast  













U0AyiuQ.png Demon Summoning

ysJQhll.png 9rQ1MuC.png Q0oNfjo.png UsfBup9.png SFXbcYN.png
Corruption Summon Demonlings Lash Enchant Demon Crack Whip
6f2ff2u.png ypz9kw9.png 5Sk7jcH.png 9DLAASw.png  
Summon Demons Hell on Earth Summon Demon Prince Abyssal Empowerment  













4gfEewD.png Mercenaries

PfsCNIq.png JGaEPdl.png I4fFXTl.png W4PvLkf.png xkbYaoi.png
Burst Soldiers Slug Equip Mercenaries M30 Grenade
YaeOklA.png UEjq5xw.png VwlyXg6.png eqMCC4I.png  
Spec Ops Serum Commando Tactical Upgrade  













x05F8hN.png Necromancy

oUsv1LV.png tq13MZa.png 3eQDxpE.png JMP8Jez.png cdztyC7.png
Dark Blast Zombie Horde Gloom Enchant Undead Life Drain
4emPIJp.png PznmOgt.png 1mSzhBt.png bcOxK5D.png  
Grave Knight Soul Extraction Lich Dark Empowerment  













UIp2QQO.png Ninjas

ztzHIrv.png ODKsSd0.png QBcaZUm.png BQacm68.png zP2ynT7.png
Snap Shot Call Genin Aimed Shot Train Ninjas Fistful of Arrows
werLkGU.png o5pxXli.png tEOxkYD.png 4hScWd3.png  
Call Jounin Smoke Flash Oni Kuji In Zen  













44xgS9K.png Robotics

pEWIwjW.png aI5vjyU.png Ka1QYEF.png A0ihnhz.png XpZM1E4.png
Pulse Rifle Blast Battle Drones Pulse Rifle Burst Equip Robot Photon Grenade
Eezt6Sp.png EBcoeGO.png 6CG4COX.png JM5XryH.png  
Protector Bots Repair Assault Bot Upgrade Robot  













SztEW06.png Thugs

D0OxksJ.png 2kKQ54s.png ZPpq2L9.png UFZByef.png 9z94GbF.png
Pistols Call Thugs Dual Wield Equip Thugs Empty Clips
oeNeo9u.png xcs9fSK.png Zi4YUJh.png nZjKFrq.png  
Call Enforcer Gang War Call Bruiser Upgrade Equipment  














Support Sets


X7CHXHN.pngCold Domination

mbysx5y.png nZJAPrJ.png 8Ch6lVF.png WJWdZw9.png 0LycBKo.png



Ice Shield


Snow Storm


Glacial Shield




kUv3icB.png qtXZH7W.png 759BHgF.png x2ZMcEz.png  
Arctic Fog Benumb Sleet Heat Loss  


T4pPTo2.png Dark Miasma 

OkRgX25.png qKPhLI2.png zV42wBy.png Wd5v75i.png tvIhCe9.png

Twilight Grasp


Tar Patch


Darkest Night


Howling Twilight


Shadow Fall


Jt6yAx2.png ksSkP8r.png VOZTm5P.png 0DqVDns.png  
Fearsome Stare Petrifying Gaze Black Hole Dark Servant  


ySpBkn1.png Darkness Affinity

OkRgX25.png qKPhLI2.png zV42wBy.png Wd5v75i.png tvIhCe9.png

Twilight Grasp


Tar Patch


Darkest Night


Howling Twilight


Shadow Fall


XFHVXKT.png o4TV9HE.png VOZTm5P.png 0DqVDns.png  
Fade Petrifying Gaze Black Hole Dark Servant  


HuSeynM.pngForce Field

jKDW3Qk.png KWu7XVP.png e3HPcR5.png 4xMcn2P.png iL3Uu5m.png
Personal Force Field Deflection Shield Force Bolt Insulation Shield Detention Field
mXibJOH.png y6oSxPX.png 4axab66.png mVSHuBs.png  
Dispersion Bubble Repulsion Field Repulsion Bomb Force Bubble  













LO58H7P.png Empathy

YZLLFfc.png qE8hUNl.png 6F2bR1T.png azvemxT.png LGoQuGg.png
Healing Aura Heal Other Absorb Pain Resurrection Clear Mind
7Kd81Kc.png tyS5tGg.png gf6pen7.png Be4s4MH.png  
Fortitude Recovery Aura Regeneration Aura Adrenalin Boost  













44LXSbv.png Kinetics

6prGU9s.png I66RBwR.png C9YrlWT.png DLmzAeu.png VPrRFwK.png
Transfusion Siphon Power Repel Siphon Speed Increase Density
6MtwunC.png BO78Vtj.png vD3e2XZ.png cmxoTA3.png  
Speed Boost Inertial Reduction Transference Fulcrum Shift  













GPNgOY6.pngNature Affinity

uQHysTt.png KsdoLGj.png q5YOKZn.png jOLULRL.png 99AyNm5.png
Corrosive Enzymes Regrowth Wild Growth Spore Cloud Lifegiving Spores
44Y9vya.png 81VNF0D.png gKF919s.png wtwMwq9.png  
Wild Bastion Rebirth Entangling Aura Overgrowth  













YfjNsCk.pngPain Domination

edPX0Wm.png 4OcbtdW.png SzW6jc8.png htPb6Bd.png yCUpsUL.png
Nullify Pain Soothe Share Pain Conduit of Pain Enforced Morale
2TtSsZa.png 2TtSsZa.png OmZXfFo.png 6MGW76g.png md8wbZM.png

Soothing Aura

Suppress Pain World of Pain Anguishing Cry Painbringer














SBS952D.png JQHAUpO.png 8oAl4wv.png BMEId99.png aDn63QP.png
Alkaloid Envenom Weaken Nuerotoxic Breath Elixir of Life
Ii6ziqF.png DpOxSoO.png DlTyXl5.png Ni1vT20.png hHrMqvZ.png
Antidote Paralytic Poison Poison Trap Venemous Gas Noxious Gas













YKEMirX.pngRadiation Emission

8rJKy6K.png Or5l60F.png hZNJZDH.png lTZ62Gn.png Znzbbuo.png
Radiant Aura Radiation Infection Accelerated Metabolism Enervating Field Mutation
GMXJAzb.png BH7fVoO.png AFwHEsV.png etY2C5N.png  
Lingering Radiation Choking Cloud Fallout EM Pulse  













Y6MwwIY.pngSonic Resonance

C3JvM1K.png K4KCtCT.png qQ8xj3m.png g7peWtI.png 89c56C3.png
Sonic Siphon Sonic Barrier Sonic Haven Sonic Cage Disruption Field
EmMLh57.png nbStscu.png LX25tMW.png 5sXzMIO.png  
Sonic Dispersion Sonic Repulsion Clarity Liquify  













36BBSrV.pngStorm Summoning

0vJy4NV.png 15Z0Sbq.png 1uuCJSa.png Nl3SHtz.png IxwZjpj.png
Gale O2 Boost Snow Storm Steamy Mist Freezing Rain
VDQ1rLM.png F88iPwc.png ifuwkB0.png xYHJQJC.png  
Hurricane Thunder Clap Tornado Lightning Storm  













63sQaYD.pngThermal Radiation

sGtvxGE.png pa5URft.png pa5URft.png lrkxsWb.png g3wjjYY.png
Warmth Thermal Shield Fire Shield Cauterize Plasma Shield
HDA47G3.png X6vpdvL.png 45qwOh5.png gfpKwCy.png RqpZd0F.png
Rise of the Phoenix Thaw Forge Heat Exhaustion Melt Armor













TZoIElt.pngTime Manipulation

YtpTaI8.png bxPoB0f.png x9NfsxL.png q0oLRpD.png hkv5jeW.png
Time Crawl Temporal Mending Time's Juncture Temporal Selection Distortion Field
6UIthza.png piXQKP3.png d3M53xU.png qc3TASG.png  
Time Stop Farsight Slowed Response Chrono Shift  














L8vktFi.png 68GSfFD.png BVxx0Yw.png 7VxER7i.png QpiTQbS.png
Web Grenade Caltrops Triage Beacon Acid Mortar Force Field Generator
C4HP0MP.png 25epR1I.png BvPmYCB.png hkEc4B8.png hkEc4B8.png
Poison Trap Seeker Drones Trip Mine Time Bomb Detonator













lF4MgOc.pngTrick Arrow

p4XBg77.png 5gCOaEv.png 4KG6U4H.png h6qvWeX.png E5qvYIR.png
Entangling Arrow Flash Arrow Glue Arrow Ice Arrow Poison Gas Arrow
VGU7L4d.png pRL7bKm.png 0wq6kjv.png TG4hCoS.png  
Aicd Arrow Disruption Arrow Oil Slick Arrow EMP Arrow  















JnMrTK8.png Luminous Aura

H3ZwEV5.png A8skWJX.png WaOKX3M.png oJ33td3.png H3ZwEV5.png 6GgWxkL.png HRBM8hO.png
Incandescence Shining Shield Essence Boost Thermal Shield Quantum Shield Group Energy Flight White Dwarf (WD)
ED6SMij.png zGUS1VH.png ykJqBSu.png L6gdhJr.png GF9qHkx.png b5F0thL.png b5F0thL.png
WD Antagonize WD Flare WD Smite WD Strike WD Step WD Sublimation Reform Essence
SO0KiFy.png jfGIewU.png PUF0BHT.png Y3TXN6l.png BJwg3yN.png    
Conserve Energy Quantum Acceleration Quantum Flight Restore Essence Light Form    



v1VZcR0.png Luminous Blast

36kxlWf.png YqFOMcb.png VH8ZAlp.png tI3BzdJ.png VH8ZAlp.png 36kxlWf.png 3ZcL46y.png
Gleaming Bolt Glinting Eye Gleaming Blast Bright Nova (BN) BN Blast BN Bolt BN Detonation
FeB6IaQ.png MghSAKa.png FeB6IaQ.png TYTfRxg.png 3ZcL46y.png MHQR9m7.png EwbB3zP.png
BN Scatter Radiant Strike Proton Scatter Inner Light Luminous Detonation Incandescent Strike Pulsar
JhMVHqw.png kOf5ext.png 7ZYzQQ5.png dAIlVUn.png      
Glowing Touch Solar Flare Photon Seekers Dawn Strike      





XsqBMYX.png Umbral Aura

L7w7L39.png GJPZij4.png NaVVFkB.png mE1016b.png H5sraYu.png L7w7L39.png 8OUZTjR.png
Absorption Gravity Shield Orbiting Death Penumbral Shield Shadow Cloak Twilight Shield Black Dwarf (BD)
0CCiuOB.png NaVVFkB.png IsrCRhs.png aLtdd4c.png fbsw5BE.png VEB5jTL.png 9kj1V8P.png
BD Antagonize BD Mire BD Strike BD Smite BD Step BD Drain Stygian Circle
OL0A19X.png 6eQfp1w.png K10qJHc.png WJbzuKo.png 50Ak6pj.png    
Nebulous Form Shadow Slip Inky Aspect Stygian Return Eclipse    


2erorwo.png Umbral Blast

hEUKXLZ.png wYIpOAk.png GZa2whf.png OJdPVG6.png hEUKXLZ.png wYIpOAk.png 9B8dImu.png
Shadow Bolt Ebon Eye Gravimetric Snare Dark Nova (DB) DN Bolt DN Blast DN Emanation
0yS9sCh.png 6ZHf5s0.png 99G8PoV.png 8t4KVv6.png 0yS9sCh.png e5rjPHT.png KpISPGd.png
DN Detonation Shadow Blast Starless Step Sunless Mire Dark Detonation Gravity Well Essence Drain
9B8dImu.png Z21bvyS.png kBYgeIE.png WD7mMHe.png      
Gravity Emanation Unchain Essence Dark Extraction Quasar      



 Arachnos Soldier


z2u1U1j.png Arachnos Soldier

Bputj1k.png bpSDkcf.png Bputj1k.png EzY8QuW.png
Single Shot Pummel Burst Wide Area Web Grenade
SBpe9Ie.png Snq0SMb.png 3yGsKRD.png 7DFS0mM.png
Heavy Burst Bayonet Venom Grenade Frag Grenade


ddRyndu.png Crab Spider Soldier

f1Rx3sm.png irT5TiS.png FDBw6GN.png 5Lx1LCc.png VUKcLCo.png
Channelgun Slice Longfang Aim Suppression
ZlPnHyT.png Tz23vZf.png Ua8x1OI.png z4mB3OM.png 81taJ9c.png
Arm Lash Venom Grenade Frag Grenade Frenzy Omega Maneuver













19BqkBP.png Bane Spider Soldier

3ZTFKTj.png qci4a0A.png 173iqSe.png 5Vn3t4I.png HdzoXdB.png
Bash Mace Beam Mace Beam Blast Build Up Mace Beam Volley
no0o0sP.png tezpb0V.png CzOVfbM.png nJThzjy.png FvFeKxG.png
Poisonous Ray Pulverize Shatter Placate Crowd Control













 3M34WOB.png Training and Gadgets

Gxw7UCl.png qbCTy4I.png YUFUznh.png lOPsNbd.png
Single Shot Pummel Burst Wide Area Web Grenade
7kyERxt.png McVLaWp.png FeWuzU1.png Sc0tw2J.png
Heavy Burst Bayonet Venom Grenade Frag Grenade


 11VqM2m.png Crab Spider Training

SdVGH0u.png SdVGH0u.png wwfxgbZ.png G3XTuVx.png
Armor Upgrade Fortification Serum Summon Spiderlings


 ikI22eb.png Bane Spider Training

dVXdEDd.png wcJ90B1.png Tq4AfE0.png tljTmWA.png
Armor Upgrade Cloaking Device Surveillance Web Cocoon




Power Pools


4zAmBPU.png Flight

3VPPK57.png 4ohwXmj.png MSKwGG1.png ZK1xUcZ.png IA5oKEE.png
Hover Air Superiority Fly Group Fly Afterburner








Edited by Rylas
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PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


Request hi-res icons here. fBfruXW.pngnFRzS1G.pngZOOTsRk.pngh1GKuZo.pngNG0EFBL.png8lnHKLt.png3f2lHyL.png7KPkl2C.pngHPucq9J.pngBlbsQUx.pngXdnlqXI.png9sfLlss.pngu1MqVyK.png9E28NED.pngTrwSZIP.png

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Wow, I get tons of email notices for threads I've been following, but none for a thread I started. Just seeing these requests now, I'll hop on them.

On 8/17/2019 at 10:49 PM, B5Freak said:

I'm sure many would appreciate it if you were to make a set of AT icons in hi-rez. Especially the new Sentinel AT.

It had occured to me that ATs might be some of the first I should work on. I'll hop on that.


On 8/20/2019 at 6:58 PM, Some Random User said:

Can I get [Teleport Friend]?

Did you mean Recall Friend? If so, here you go! 


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PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


Request hi-res icons here. fBfruXW.pngnFRzS1G.pngZOOTsRk.pngh1GKuZo.pngNG0EFBL.png8lnHKLt.png3f2lHyL.png7KPkl2C.pngHPucq9J.pngBlbsQUx.pngXdnlqXI.png9sfLlss.pngu1MqVyK.png9E28NED.pngTrwSZIP.png

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RF looks great Rylas. zb7XgP0P_o.png


Wait I just noticed something.... I always thought Speed Boost was a blocky looking boot leaning forward (to the right)

like it was in motion to symbolize running... is it actually just a "less than" symbol or chevron on its side???

Edited by Christopher Robin
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



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2 hours ago, Christopher Robin said:

RF looks great Rylas. zb7XgP0P_o.png


Wait I just noticed something.... I always thought Speed Boost was a blocky looking boot leaning forward (to the right)

like it was in motion to symbolize running... is it actually just a "less than" symbol or chevron on its side???

Oh good grief. It IS a boot! Thanks for catching that. This is exactly why we need some better resolution images. Back to the drawing board!

PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


Request hi-res icons here. fBfruXW.pngnFRzS1G.pngZOOTsRk.pngh1GKuZo.pngNG0EFBL.png8lnHKLt.png3f2lHyL.png7KPkl2C.pngHPucq9J.pngBlbsQUx.pngXdnlqXI.png9sfLlss.pngu1MqVyK.png9E28NED.pngTrwSZIP.png

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I was going to ask for Speed Boost but I see that's already been done. The SB icon is ROs website. ico and it is tiny but muddled.  Yes it's always been a boot as is Siphon Speed.  😁

Edited by Alty

Game global: @Alty  || Discord: @Alty#2005

Founding member of Repeat Offenders Network  - Making stupidly difficult things easy since 2005 

Global Channel: Repeat Offenders  || Website: www.repeat-offenders.net

📢RETRO RO Teaming  - Details in the Repeat Offenders Club

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9 hours ago, Some Random User said:

Which version of the Sentinel Archetype are you going to do? The older black/grey one from Pine's or the current orange one?

What's in-game would be best. But I need to get my hands on it so I have something to reference. Anyone know where I can find it, Paragon Wiki won't do this time.


EDIT: Found a copy. Updated the AT comment to include it.

Edited by Rylas

PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


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On 8/22/2019 at 4:03 PM, Rylas said:

Ok, recreated the AT icons. Hope you all like them.

Fantastic work! I think I can speak for everyone that was interested by saying thank you so much! Matter of fact, I'm going to copy those right now and remake my sig using them as soon as I hit 'Reply'.


Besides, I have more alts to add to it anyway. Damned Alt-itis...

Edited by B5Freak
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On 8/22/2019 at 1:57 PM, Rylas said:

Oh good grief. It IS a boot! Thanks for catching that. This is exactly why we need some better resolution images. Back to the drawing board!

The dreaded Speed Boost looks much improved. 07K1tHnz_o.png

Another reminder that this is not the old live forums, it's been two days and no one made the OCR reference. lol *sigh

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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



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On 8/24/2019 at 12:33 AM, Some Random User said:

Have any plans to do Origin icons?


If you want more callouts, how about Fire Manipulation's [Consume]?

Ugh! Burnt orange and a minty green. Why? But I gotta stay accurate so here you go! 🙂




I'll have to get to the Origin Icons.

PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


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Dunno about mint green, I always thought it was a pretty shady color myself,

but Burnt Orange, like all other shades of orange, is the King of colors!


Just ask anyone from the Netherlands...

or that guy with the weird dark orange text. 07K1tHnz_o.png


I do love the power Consume as well, thanks for making it Rylas.




Edited by Christopher Robin
  • Haha 2


Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



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9 minutes ago, Christopher Robin said:

Dunno about mint green, I always thought it was a pretty shady color myself,

but Burnt Orange, like all other shades of orange, is the King of colors!

Oh, I don't believe that there's any color that's bad. Just bad combos. Like that one. *shivers*

9 minutes ago, Christopher Robin said:

I do love the power Consume as well, thanks for making it Rylas.

You bet! I'm happy to give something to the community.

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PQAzhGk.png Make Energy Melee Great Again! Join the discussion.


Request hi-res icons here. fBfruXW.pngnFRzS1G.pngZOOTsRk.pngh1GKuZo.pngNG0EFBL.png8lnHKLt.png3f2lHyL.png7KPkl2C.pngHPucq9J.pngBlbsQUx.pngXdnlqXI.png9sfLlss.pngu1MqVyK.png9E28NED.pngTrwSZIP.png

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3 hours ago, Rylas said:

Oh, I don't believe that there's any color that's bad. Just bad combos. Like that one. *shivers*

You bet! I'm happy to give something to the community.

As an artist, I don't think there are any bad colors either (orange is still the best though!zb7XgP0P_o.png)

but mint is a shade of green and that's what makes it so "shady" get it? (that's why I put it in italics).


I guess you could say it was Mint to be.

Orange you glad I'm making color puns? E9rkOkuW_o.gif


I know, right?

I've gotten so much enjoyment from the game and the community around it that I always

wanted to give back and like you my artistic creations (well over 100) were my way of doing so.

*/e highfives Rylas!*



Also the house of orange is the ruling family of the Netherlands.

Seriously they have an orange day celebration every year.



Edited by Christopher Robin
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Like the Costume Creator? Enjoy a challenge? Love to WIN?

You really should've clicked here before 6pm on Sunday the 18th!



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I always thought it was interesting how some power types use the same general icon, (only recolored), while others seem to use unique or much rarer ones.


For instance, most status protection powers use an icon like: Regeneration_Integration.png

And most damage resist shields use: FlamingShield_FlamingShield.png

But some sets, that have status protection baked into a damage resist or defense aura use some variety of: BioOrganicArmor_HardenedSkin.png or DarkArmor_ObsidianShield.png

While other sets that have RES shields that also provide some status protection just use: FlamingShield_FlamingShield.png

It just seems like which icons were used for which power were sometimes chosen arbitrarily...

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