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Some Random User

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Everything posted by Some Random User

  1. Are you willing to make high resolution versions of the generic icons?
  2. There is a typo in the name of Earth Assault's [Power Boost]. Just letting you know.
  3. There are a set of grey "archetype" icons that are available on the wiki. The devs COULD totally make those available!
  4. I get your argument. As long as all of the "ultimates" feel useful and badass I don't care if some of them feel more like Manipulation than Blast. I would rather the different Powersets have different and distinct flavors. Sometimes that means breaking the rules (like replacing the usual Taunt with a Fear or whatever). Balance them, sure, but let them be different and distinct in unique ways.
  5. C.o.H. was inspired by Champions Hero System. They even both use Endurance.
  6. Maybe instead of nerfing Luck of the Gambler we can add an alternative that you have to build somewhat differently to benefit from.
  7. Here were three quotes I found within a minute or so of looking. Thank you, @Doc_Scorpion, for being a standup human being. @DR_Mechano @Bossk_Hogg
  8. On the contrary. Everything that isn't a player-controlled mobile element uses a single massive system that scans the locations of all of the mobs and directs their movement. This same system handles aggro and then hands that info off to the mob-specific attack scripts.
  9. You're wrong. The staff said that the A.I. is actually three A.I.s in three different portions. The movement A.I. and the attack A.I. are not the same section of code. While the attacks are handled independently the movement code is not.
  10. I'm honestly shocked by how uninformed this thread seems. We've discussed (in other threads) several of these issues with members of the staff, and quite recently. The melee-bot problem was going to be solved but the A.I. was the problem, not what attacks they give the bots. The melee problem works like this: The game has to have a single A.I. for all of the Mastermind pets. Some of the Powersets for Masterminds use melee pets instead of ranged pets. If you take away the pet's [Brawl] they still walk up to melee range and attack stuff... they just shoot instead of using [Brawl]. Since the pets themselves don't think like a human when they decide what attack to use, the A.I. can't be easily re-written in a way that cares about what kind of attacks the pets can perform. They have to be moved into a position then choose their attacks semi-randomly. Fixing this would mean an overhaul of how all mobs, good and bad, made their decisions. As for your other suggestions, I respectfully disagree. [Photon Grenade] doesn't just have a chance to Disorient, there's another statistic called Magnitude that is also important. Overall, the entire thing needs to be looked at. Everyone wants every Knockback effect changed to Knockdown. I'm of the opinion that all of them should be changed unless there's a good reason not to. See the A.I. issues, above. [Repair] is actually a unique sort of effect. Note that there are other ways to heal them, such as Secondary Powersets, Pool Powers, and dragging a Respite Inspiration onto their life bar. The effect of [Repair] is already strongly recommended by most of the guides to the Robotics Powerset that you can find online, and has strong flavor as well. Your personal preference that the mechanics look more like other healing effects isn't automatically the best design choice. Sometimes flavor matters, and sometimes others like the way something is.
  11. The live devs looked at this. They decided they didn't want to encourage no-Auto buffs to be "perma" buffs.
  12. I can tell you the one thing they won't follow through with: Removing [Hasten] entirely in favor of a global Recharge buff. Why? They'd have to tinker with the balance of everything else. Know what should happen? Removing [Hasten] entirely in favor of a global Recharge buff, then doing balance work on everything else that's even indirectly affected.
  13. Can you name a T4 or T5 that needs a speedbump before you get there?
  14. If the goal here is to punish players by taking up choices in their build then that doesn't work. That is not currently an effective way to discourage players from taking the most effective options. Don't get me wrong. I get why Powersets exist. I'm told that during Alpha the entire game was just "take stuff whenever" any that made for insanity. What I don't understand is why we put a global bebuff on all of the Pool Powers and then also hide some of them behind prerequisites. Choose one or the other. Once we have firm rules we're following for what should and shouldn't be available to players we can worry about making things accessible or updated or "balanced" or whatever.
  15. Why do any Pool options need speedbump gatekeeping? Why aren't they all "take any whenever"?
  16. Players that like [Recall Friend] but don't take [Teleport]: Tell me what would have to change for you to take [Teleport] as your Travel option.
  17. I don't understand why we can't improve [Long Range Teleport]. Lower the prerequisites or buff [Long Range Teleport].
  18. Sounds like [Rest] sees most of the use when someone uses Awaken (or otherwise gets back up) to get ready to return to combat.
  19. This is a fun post. If they don't mess with any numbers at all, I don't understand why they wouldn't have just combined [Recall Friend] and [Teleport Foe] other than not knowing how to make an attack in the Teleportation Pool and "settling" on pulling an enemy to the toon. I've always thought a novelty long distance attack with the Melee tag instead of the Ranged tag would have been a cute idea. If the other conversation in the thread about adding an A.o.E. attack could be carried out they should put a T4 "click out in the world" A.o.E. attack with the animated fist from Psychic Melee shoving up out of the ground. That would be hilarious. Wormhole-fist-from-below! Hit a smallish A.o.E. but get counted as a Melee tag instead of an A.o.E. because your toon is punching them through a wormhole on the ground. This means we need to account for the options getting shuffled a bit, and lower [Long Range Teleport] all the way down to where [Teleport Foe] had been to compensate. Fixed! My own fix of a weirdo Teleportation Pool: "Summon" - No need to buff (?). Works like [Recall Friend] when targeting a teammate; [Teleport Foe] when targeting an enemy. "Long Range Teleport" - If (and only if) this is lowered to front row options, then no need to buff. "Teleport" - Probably needs some kind of a buff; Players should discuss that. You can figure out where for me. What keeps players from taking this Travel option? "Wormhole-fist-from-below" - You click for a small A.o.E. somewhere in the world (think [Fireball] size). Your toon punches the ground and a big fist flies up out of the ground, creating a Melee attack against anyone in the small area. Unusually high Magnitude Knockdown but low damage. "Assemble the Team" - Since this is high up on the list we can justify out-of-combat activation paired with no meaningful activation time, a low Endurance cost, and something like a three minute recharge.
  20. That seems to speak more to high out-of-combat regeneration (H.P.) and recovery (End.) rates than anything else. If the opposite were being discussed, removing [Rest] entirely, how does that impact the game right now? Not just a question for one user, this is an invitation for perspectives on what getting rid of [Rest] entirely would do.
  21. Go be fair, let's try to be nice to each other. None of the parties involved are going to be making sweeping autocratic changes to the game any time soon. This is about theory, so let's keep the discussion cordial. There are two groups of players using the Teleportation Pool: Players who, like myself, actually like taking more than one effect in the Teleportation Pool, which is not the competitive way to play. This started the conversation about the need for buffs or reworks, which is the conversation move of the thread's posts have been on. Players dipping in for a single effect, [Recall Friend]. Like those using [Haste] in the Speed Pool, they represent the majority of players. Getting them to switch to using [Teleport] as their Travel pick may be a topic we can discuss. Let's try having that conversation next. I'd like to hear from those users. What is currently turning you off from the Teleportation Pool?
  22. What I'm saying is I thought the live devs had said that the range on [Recall Friend] was the maximum that the game engine allowed ranged effects to have. I thought the fact that they'd made a few zones (such as Independence Port) that were longer than that was because they made the zones they wanted to and just dealt with the flaw in the engine since only one or two things in a few zones were affected.
  23. I am glad to see you enjoy chunky sauce and bitter Pepsi. I will have to discuss this further over private messaging.
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