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Multi-boxing; A general question kinda thing...


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So, on the Discord I read some stuff about multi-boxing. Some people running 5 or more clients at the same time with whatever tooling that is required for that. But I'm wondering how the GM's could check on that.

One likely answer would be to actually log in to the game and check player activity for similar @global names, character names, teams with lots of following/auto-run activity, I guess...


But here's the thing,...


Would it be multi-boxing if I log in with my account on my computer and my son logs in with his account on his laptop and we team-up, just the two of us, and he follows me around the missions and maps?

We would both be logging in from the same IP-address, because we share 1 internet connection at home. But it's still 2 different clients, 2 different accounts.


How can GM's detect multi-boxing?

playing on Reunion

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So, on the Discord I read some stuff about multi-boxing. Some people running 5 or more clients at the same time with whatever tooling that is required for that. But I'm wondering how the GM's could check on that.

One likely answer would be to actually log in to the game and check player activity for similar @global names, character names, teams with lots of following/auto-run activity, I guess...


But here's the thing,...


Would it be multi-boxing if I log in with my account on my computer and my son logs in with his account on his laptop and we team-up, just the two of us, and he follows me around the missions and maps?

We would both be logging in from the same IP-address, because we share 1 internet connection at home. But it's still 2 different clients, 2 different accounts.


How can GM's detect multi-boxing?


I cant speak to how the GMs would detect that.


I'm thinking you teaming with your son is awesome.  Share the love.


I'm thinking other things about players who run multiple accounts -just for themselves- to team up with, taking resources from a service provided to them out of love, for no cost to them, by people who are working hard and paying their own money to offer it... but where theres just not enough resources to avoid having ques, sometimes lengthy ones. 


I'm wondering what kind of person goes out and grabs the server resources for 5 or more -other people who could be playing- so they can be their own team.


I thought better of the player base than that.

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Elecutrix - Electric Blast/Super Reflexes Sentinel

Ramayael - Titan Weapons/Bio Scrapper

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That's pretty damn dirty (running 5 accounts, not you playing w/ your kiddo - that's awesome).


I witnessed this the other night. There was a MM flying and on auto follow were two other MM with practically the same name.


I hope the GMs have a way of putting a stop to this, I have ONE account and I often refer to myself as a "greedy slob".

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I've already seen notice on Discord of someone getting kicked for multiboxing... as in, ONE account, multiple instances.


I believe there is a post in the Discord about multiboxing where they clarify that SEPARATE accounts on separate computers are fine. 


I'm not tech savvy enough to know how they can tell, but apparently they have their ways.

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I used to double-box on live to help my alts level up. I think it will be discouraged here because it really uses up resources and puts a strain on the servers.

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Well as far as official stances go the only mention i've seen that might relate to this topic is one of automation, disallowing any sort of software that would automate play.


But multiboxing is different, the standard for multiboxing software is to broadcast keys, ie: pressing "1" on the keyboard will activate whatever related to that key in all 5-8+ clients one might be running.


As far as legality goes, most retail games are completely fine with multiboxing as long as you're not automating it, there are multiboxing communities in every single mmo. But homecoming is not a retail game, they cant even gather donations for server costs so the "Greedy" term i wouldnt usually associate with multiboxers does apply here.

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As far as legality goes, most retail games are completely fine with multiboxing as long as you're not automating it, there are multiboxing communities in every single mmo. But homecoming is not a retail game, they cant even gather donations for server costs so the "Greedy" term i wouldnt usually associate with multiboxers does apply here.


Pretty much this. I multi-boxed pre-sunset, but won't bother doing it here due to the limited resources of the servers.

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"Greedy", yeah I can understand that. If 1 player somehow managed to take up 5+ player slots on a server using 1 account thus preventing other players from joining, that wouldn't be good.

So me and my son playing together is not a problem. I'm glad to get some clarification in this.

playing on Reunion

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Many private servers of other games have a bias against multi-boxing.  I believe it is because of resources.

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So, on the Discord I read some stuff about multi-boxing. Some people running 5 or more clients at the same time with whatever tooling that is required for that. But I'm wondering how the GM's could check on that.

One likely answer would be to actually log in to the game and check player activity for similar @global names, character names, teams with lots of following/auto-run activity, I guess...


But here's the thing,...


Would it be multi-boxing if I log in with my account on my computer and my son logs in with his account on his laptop and we team-up, just the two of us, and he follows me around the missions and maps?

We would both be logging in from the same IP-address, because we share 1 internet connection at home. But it's still 2 different clients, 2 different accounts.


How can GM's detect multi-boxing?


I have had some pals over with their own laptops that log on to my network and join with me in the game.

Ithey have their own accounts and their own PC's so I doubt that is multiboxing


Running multiple accounts on one PC at the same time, well......it is not unheard of for some to have multi accounts and PL a farming toon on one to rapid level regular alts on the other. That could be a resource drain.


Arena is offline so heal farms aren't happening with it.


Parking in a mission to soak damage on one account only would likely be a resource drain.


Basically, just err on the side of caution, if you think something you want to do is wrong or a drain on server resources, don't do it.


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I used to double-box on live to help my alts level up. I think it will be discouraged here because it really uses up resources and puts a strain on the servers.


I did briefly on live before sunset because I wanted to RP two characters interacting, but to do that I got permission to use a friend's account to log on separately (he'd been a longtime player but sunset took the wind out of his sails and he stopped playing), and I played on two separate machines, desktop and laptop (in my lap).  I only ever used it for brief RP's, never combat missions, and certainly wouldn't do it here unless explicit permission was given.


(I also only HAD one character for each, so... *shrug*)

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