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PVP Zones: suggest names, descriptions and locations for new Exploration badges

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The PVP zones only have 3 or 4 exploration badges each at the moment, and it would be nice to bring the total to 8 exploration badges for each and add an exploration accolade like most other zones have. Have you seen an interesting sight or a lore-rich area in a PVP zone that deserves an exploration badge? Then post your suggestions here!


Include a badge name, description, and the in-game coordinates (using the /loc command) to find the place for your badge marker.


Make sure that the badge name you want to add doesn't already exist by checking the current Badge Checklist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AWFS2jGz0K8IaFemR2Ze0CWPVKwARqiw/view


Bloody Bay


  • Ghoulish: The shards must be vibrating the very bones of the graves... you are almost sure you can hear scratching and clawing from the inside of the mausoleums.
  • Hungry / All Consuming: The Shiva Shard fed on the dead here, causing the trees to grow larger and stronger around the old graveyard.
  • Imploding: In this building the first of Cape Canaveral's scientists was infected and transformed by the Shiva Shard, eventually causing him to implode.
  • Lobbyist / Crooked Politician: Spanky Rabinowitz's cousin Charlie 'Big Buck' Rabinowitz owned Big Bucks Casino. It is said much of Spanky's campaign money came from the take here.
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Bloody Bay.


Siren's Call


  • Politician: Councilman John Chard announced from this location that his island would be the front lines of defense against the Rikti invasion.
  • Broad Shoulders: Talos spent a good part of his childhood here.
  • Piratical: The dread pirate Randall set up this lighthouse to lure ships to their demise.
  • Hangman: This cargo ship was left hanging on what is left of the war wall when Sunburst died in the huge explosion.
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Siren's Call.




  • Tunnel Rat: The various tunnels throughout the WEB are a nasty piece of work.
  • Triumphant: The symbolism is hard to miss: whoever controls the Warburg rockets controls the world. Whether this is pure delusion or an ominous warning is a subject of much debate.
  • Weapon Inspector / Weapon of Mass Destruction: Warburg is home to many a nefarious ploy. Recluse's VENOM rocket is one of the most blatant.
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Warburg.


Recluse's Victory


  • Temporal Fighter / Dark Victory: The Meinhoff Building was created in our current timeline to serve as an Arachnos base in this possible future.
  • Last Stand: Lee Towers may go down in history as the place where civilization fell to Lord Recluse.
  • Globetrotter: Lord Recluse targeted the statue of Atlas first, knowing it was an important symbol to Paragon's 'heroes.'
  • Ragnarok: Some say this battle will signal the end of civilization as we know it, and the beginning of a new history - written by Lord Recluse.
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: ???
  • ???: You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Recluse's Victory.



Probably outside the context of the thread, but I'd like to see a badge called "foolhardy" or "suicidal" or something for getting into an enemy base area. As for actual exploration badges, definitely something I'd like to help with, so I'll post some suggestions later when I've had some time to browse the zones!


Here's some ideas :D

...The RV ones are mostly comical. I don't know why, but I find RV funny.


Bloody Bay

  • Spider Watcher / Spider Vanguard: ( -1213.6 0.9 507.4 ) You can faintly make out the silhouettes of Arachnos forces patrolling in the distance.
  • Longbow Vanguard / Longbow Watcher: ( -225.4 32.0 -2303.1 ) Something is going on in that fortress, but from here you cant make out what.
  • Nosebleed Section: ( -128.3 330.1 1575.3 ) This strategic vantage point has been the site of many skirmishes between Heroes and Villains over the years.
  • Hot Dog: ( 2055.7 145.0 1561.5 ) This billboard was the center of much local controversy at the time of the Shivan attack. Despite this, everyone could agree on one thing; Nick's weenies really were delicious.

Accolade: Blooded



Siren's Call

  • Siren's Fall: ( 975.9 820.0 -383.7 ) It's a long way down.
  • Uncontrolled Explosion: ( -280.7 -178.0 1953.5 ) On this spot, the hero Sunburst lost control of his powers while chasing a small-time crook out to sea, destroying the War-Walls and allowing villains to pour in from the Rogue Isles.
  • Parked: ( -493.0 -127.7 -987.6 ) Nobody is sure how this car actually ended up in the once beautiful Fossburg Park.
  • Smoldering: ( -688.4 -158.6 346.4 ) Still smoldering, after all these years.

Accolade: Siren




  • Boosted: ( 42.4 -106.0 168.6 ) These booster modules are used to power the infamous Warburg Rocket.
  • EOD tech: ( 363.7 -57.5 -336.6 ) These warheads are ready for installation as the payload of a Warburg Rocket.
  • Ventilated: ( 935.6 -64.0 -150.1 ) Being underground, the Warburg tunnels require constant mechanical ventilation, lest the inhabitants suffocate.
  • Shrubbery: ( 891.8 33.7 -581.9 ) Possibly the most disappointing garden you've seen.
  • Postman / Postwoman: ( 817.0 32.1 155.7 ) Somebody seems to still be collecting the post in the middle of this war zone.

Accolade: Warbug



Recluse's Victory

  • Patient Commuter: ( 553.2 74.0 -1416.3 ) You're starting to think the monorail isn't coming.
  • Temporal Taco: ( -653.7 0.0 61.8 ) El Super Mexicano: Best tacos, no matter what dimension you're in.
  • Agony: ( 128.0 44.0 -596.7) The Paragon City Hall doesn't seem to see much use in this dimension.
  • Garbage: ( -524.7 -40.9 -1645.0 ) You didn't hide in a dumpster in a war zone... you were just checking that nobody else was hiding there.

Accolade: Reclusive


  • Hot Dog: ( 2055.7 145.0 1561.5 ) This billboard was the center of much local controversy at the time of the Shivan attack. Despite this, everyone could agree on one thing; Nick's weenies really were delicious.


This one is the best one.


We need more Lore based ones though. Maybe one featuring my favourite of actual Lore based heroes: The Commuter.


i know its not an exploration badge but:


On the life server went often to PvP zones just to find out i m the only one on my side doing PvP in this Zone, i think there is a badge needet for that, i dont care which PvP zone but the badge should be called


Lone Hero/Villain: Not the Hero/Villain Arachnos/Longbow needs but the only one they get.

back to the Zukunft




Recluses Victory


Flavor of the month: (-649.0 0.0 61.8) Paragon cities favorite spot to celebrate cinco de mayo.


It's in front of the El Super Mexicano. FotM and PvP go together better than cookies and milk ;p

  • Thumbs Down 1

Bloody Bay accolade should be called:

The Bloody Mary


After all that fighting, its time to sit down for a drink!

To meow or not to meow... now wheres my tuna!


Here are mine.




-1206.9 105.3 -800.4 - Nuclear Winter - This once vibrant area is none the small reminder what happens when rockets launch.


1955.5 119.6 -327.3 - Herculean - From this vantage point you can observe the Herculean Mechs preparing for who knows what.



Bloody Bay -


Callisto's Lament // Back during the slave trade, legend says that a beautiful woman would wait for the return of her lover on this spot. 

Location: -468.1 0.0 -2781.4


Here is what I could think of : implementing three kind of badges :

- localisation badges that require to go in a certain spot : a classic kind of badge that will incite people to go more in PvP zones if there are enough badges disseminated in the zone, ideally these badges could only be obtained by doing them in a precise order (first the n°1, second the n°2, and so on...)

- action badges : like staying put in a delimited cercle for a certain amount of time without dying, that would incite people to build a strategy to stay alive on that spot (the time staying there dead would not count of course)

- fighting badges : requiring to endure AND inflict a certain amount of damages to and from a player (not a mob so), the amount could vary accordingly to the actual badges for damages for instance


My two cents :)

In Game @Strangebird

Discord Strangebird#1125


Recluse's Victory


Under Atlas Statue

Badge Named: Fite Club

Description: Legendary 1v1s have taken place here. (Or something to this nature)


Something else to add here for any pvp zone.

When you get killed by a drone, you get a death badge.

Badge Name - Twixted

Description: You have died to a drone in a pvp zone.


Recluse’s Victory


Heavyset- in front of one of the Arachnos heavies (possibly the one under the overpass).

You have dragged one of Arachnos’ Heavy Blasters into battle. It did the kicking, you did the screaming.



Cataphraction- in front of one of the Freedom Corps heavies.

You have brought the fight to Recluse and his minions with the help of a Freedom Corps Cataphract. It did the bigger fraction of the fighting.


The accolade for Warburg should be "Shall We Play a Game?" - a throwback to the classic 80's movie "War Games"


Where do all those rockets we launch in Warburg go?


The accolade for Warburg should be "Shall We Play a Game?" - a throwback to the classic 80's movie "War Games"


Where do all those rockets we launch in Warburg go?


I like that. Or even just calling it "War Games"


Badge Idea for Recluse's Victory.


Name : And now I've gone cross eye'd


This place was the location of the final battle between a rival Hero and Villain who both traveled back in time using the Pillar of Fire and Ice, and then traveled forwards in time to Recluse's Victory. Try not to overthink it.


Siren's Call


  • -668.7 99.7 1328.9 - Long Arm of the Law / Global Reach: Longbow initially attempted to incorporate these cranes into a forward base to bring the fight to Arachnos and out of the city, but eventually decided that they were too exposed and isolated to have strategic value.
  • -493.6 -127.7 -986.0 - That'll buff out!: This rare, highly collectable '58 deCrecio Roamer would have the perfect patina for a dedicated restoration job... if the Warriors hadn't been using it for target practice.
  • -673.4 -105.6 419.0 - Volatile / Unstable: Before the invasion, this refinery was under investigation for its poor handling of explosive gases. Unfortunately, the government was right: during the first Rikti bombing run, a single hit was enough to cause a chain reaction that leveled the complex.
  • Completion accolade - Refined


Bloody Bay

  • 1936.2 -16.0 1804.0 - Earthy: A local favorite recipe brought over by an enterprising New Zealander in the late 50s, this Hero Burger's "B.B. Burger" is topped with a thick, piquant slice of pickled beetroot.
  • 198.1 52.3 2080.8 - Refreshing: These desalination tanks turn seawater into fresh water for the residents of Bloody Bay with the simple power of sunlight. Not all science has to be super-science!
  • -859.6 100.9 -1973.3 - Sylvan: Researchers are investigating how to safely harness the energies that cause plant life to grow so thick and lush near Shivan meteor sites.
  • Completion accolade - Shooting Star


Here's some ideas :D

...The RV ones are mostly comical. I don't know why, but I find RV funny.




I love so many of these. But I really think that the BB Accolade should be either


Blood Soaked


Soaked in Blood




Drenched in Blood


Siren's Call


  • -668.7 99.7 1328.9 - Long Arm of the Law / Global Reach: Longbow initially proposed to incorporate these cranes into a forward base to bring the fight to Arachnos and out of the city, but eventually decided that they were too exposed and isolated to have strategic value.
  • -493.6 -127.7 -986.0 - That'll Buff Out: This rare, highly collectable '58 deCrecio Roamer would have the perfect patina for a dedicated restoration job... if the Warriors hadn't been using it for target practice.
  • -673.4 -105.6 419.0 - Volatile / Unstable: Before the invasion, this refinery was under investigation for its poor handling of explosive gases. Unfortunately, the government was right: during the first Rikti bombing run, a single hit was enough to cause a chain reaction that leveled the complex.
  • Completion reward - Refined


Bloody Bay

  • 1936.2 -16.0 1804.0 - Earthy: A local favorite recipe brought over by an enterprising New Zealander in the late 50s, this Hero Burger's "B.B. Burger" features a thick slice of pickled beetroot.
  • 1936.2 -16.0 1804.0 - Refreshing: These desalination tanks turn seawater into fresh water for the residents of Bloody Bay with the simple power of sunlight. Not all science has to be super-science!
  • -859.6 100.9 -1973.3 - Sylvan: Researchers are investigating how to safely harness the energies that cause plant life to grow so thick and lush near Shivan meteor sites.


I love all of these, especially "Refreshing"


Here's my suggestion:


Recluses Victory-


Running Smooth: The Commuter once spoke here at length about the importance of maintaining a well functioning and punctual train transit system. He then made the polarizing promise that no matter the villainous plot, no worker would ever be late due to transit issues on his watch.

(Loc: 553.2 74.0 -1416.3)


Closed Casket: (Bloody Bay, -2171 176 -2265) Lucas Colt, better known as the villain Haymaker, was buried here in 1987 after losing a fight to a young Captain Mako. His funeral was attended by very few people.

Hot Dog: (Siren's Call, 1473 0 -144) Although Nick has since set up shop at a new location on Talos Island, many former residents of Siren's Call still miss the atmosphere of the old stand.

Pride of the City: (Siren's Call, 115 -118 -979) Here, in 2003, a rally by advocates of same-sex marriage was attacked by the Fifth Column. Fortunately, the presence of the openly gay superhero Jack Frost ensured that the only causalities incurred were on the villains' side.


Bloody Bay


Accolade: Bloodlust


Superstituous - Legend has it that along this formerly popular tourist spot, that creatures from the night would crawl from the ocean to drag unsuspecting victims as sacrifices back into the seas of Bloody Bay.

/Loc: -1383.0 -30.4 -1917.2 (On the north east coast next to a firebase.)


Purified/Tainted - The mayor had made great effort to ensure that despite being so far from the mainland would still have access to clean water even despite its reputation

/Loc: -191.8 160.0 2083.3 (On the walkway of the Water Treatment plant.)


Sirens Call


Accolade: Answered the Call


Airhead - It's rumored that this segment of the building was relatively untouched for months until someone walked into an apartment kitchen where there was a gas leak and went for a smoke break.

/Loc:-309.9 194.5 -103.7 (Center of the destroyed segment of the tallest building in the map.)


Platformer - These old oil platforms weren't really producing much when Arachnos arrived, but they found much use as hideouts and forward bases that have constantly shifted hands over the crisis.

/Loc: -701.5 -74.4 1350.7 (At the center of the surface of one of the oil platforms.)


Undercover - When the war walls went down, these streets were filled to the brim of those making their way out of the zone. Many newly arrived villains found ways into Paragon with the cover of the crowd until the road was closed off.

/Loc: -208.3 -128.3 -138.4 (Dead center of the closed off road on the heroes side of the map.)




Accolade: Warlord


Just one push - It takes the strongest of wills to not touch the glowing red button sitting all alone and enticingly. It's a good thing many were thwarted time and time again before they could.

/Loc: -512.6 28.6 -86.4 (Next to the surface launch console on the pillbox next to the rocket.)


Fresh Steel - When the splinter cell of Arachnos suddenly came across a small army of Titans such as these, suddenly getting your hands on a nuclear weapon might not seem such a bad idea.

/Loc: 1744.7 -0.5 -397.1 (A couple of feet away from the nonhostile robot army being unloaded from the ship. Side with the bridge to the island. )


Two faced - The designer of this part had envisioned this display would be a show of great artistic expression on the formerly Council controlled Island. In reality only couples ever came to appreciate it as a hotspot to break up.

/Loc: -417.1 16.0 -924.2 (Center of two-faced fountain north east of the map.)


The badge I believe we should add would not go in the PVP Zones, but it is definitely real life lore of our game. 


Badge name:  AP33


/loc:  There is already a badge at Atlas, somewhere nearby.


Text:  On September 8, 2012, Heroes and villains rallied in Atlas Park in response to the Black Friday announcement of the end of Paragon City and The Rogue Isles.  At peak, the rally produced 33 instances of Atlas Park. Atlas Park 33 (or AP33) - as well as the HoldTorch emote used by many participants in the rally - became a symbol for the community's unity and strength in numbers. AP33 became a rallying cry of the #SaveCoH movement.

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