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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Kind of amazed at people saying Glue Arrow is skippable. The kitability and -Recharge is very nice. I am quite happy with my Praetorian Fire/Trick Arrow controller. He's only lvl 12 so far, but Flash Arrow + Hot Feet + Fire Cages + Glue Arrow = you're melting, can't hit me, get very few chances to attack me at all, can't escape, and if I mistime Fire Cages you'll never get away before I reapply it.
  2. If the goal is just to have the visual of the pack itself though, I have no objection to them being added to "Back Items" like the other Retro Rocket Packs / Backpacks, etc.
  3. They are permanent powers. They just can't be toggled on and left on indefinitely. They forcibly toggle themselves off after X seconds, but so does Leaping/Double Jump. I do /boggle at the number of people who seem to never take a travel power at all, ever. I mean, I can sorta see saying "for these powersets for this AT, it's not so critical to take early, compared to wanting this attack, this debuff, etc." But I guess I also approach the game with a lot of built in / from the old days expectations, and among them was "get a stupid travel power, don't be that guy who's always asking for a teleport to zone". And....ultimately, that's really just my preferences, I guess.
  4. As long as it's optional, I think this would be great. ie, the Villain starting the mayhem should be able to choose "Nope, I don't care how many heroes are in the queue for a PvP safeguard, I'm not doing PvP, give me NPC opponents" Same for Heroes too, it's just by population numbers, I expect there to be more of a bottleneck with villains vs heroes. probably better as a totally new type of event though... both mayhems and safeguards are also timed, and have badges, and crowds of NPC ambushes, not sure you can nicely fit an opposing team into that without lopsiding too badly. But a new event type designed that way from the ground up? Sure.
  5. I mean, sight unseen? There's always going to be X many people who choose to sail STRAIGHT over that line. So someone probably already HAS exactly that, not as a chest emblem, but as some kind of huge wall decoration in their SG base. Because either they like it. Or because they think it would be funny to get reactions from people. Or because they Just Don't Get It. Etc. And someone could twitch a variety of "SG Bases in CoH" going through a list of bases, and someone gives them the code to enter it, just to troll them and get offended reactions. The GMs probably have to deal with this sort of thing already. It wouldn't shock me if they HAVE had to deal with something similar, more than once. Maybe not on twitch, but player encounter / player reported. I'd hope they're not shy about busting out the Banhammer when it's called for. But I wouldn't expect them to log itt for the player base as a whole to review. Their approach seems to be even if you report something you are not informed of the ultimate action taken on the offending player, and I can respect that. Crowdsourcing some images might be good / might not. But I would hope, if they choose to open that door at all, it has an approval process with a "no appeal, denied is just denied".
  6. Several years ago, in World of Warcraft, there were a few PvP servers that essentially 100% Alliance, and a few that were essentially 100% Horde, because people hated to lose in PvP and kind of gravitated away from servers were they were being walloped, and over TO servers where they could more safely wreck face. Which led more and more players to self-select into servers that favored "their" faction until there was no longer any point. I believe Blizz probably took some steps to address that with cross-server queues for battelgrounds, or something.... memory gets fuzzy after X years. That's probably less a concern for CoH, since we don't have truly open-world PvP rules. Heroes simply can't gang-rush Cap Au Diable and start killing quest NPC's, etc. But I do think it makes more sense to go by player activity, than by player faction. Also, what @Blackbird71 said. I prefer Gold over Red over Blue, but I enjoy all of them, and I wouldnt transfer my characters off Excelsior unless I was going to mass-transfer ALL of them off Excelsior. I have no interest in temporary transfers. Many people enjoy that and it's cool, but I prefer to remain on one server at all times.
  7. I mean, Immobs are ok. I'd rather a Lost Lieutentant pulled out a pistol a pew-pew'd me, than whipped out the Buick-sized razor sword and bisected me in one swing. Is something to be said for "you stay over there." But I reallllly favor Confuse (best of all), Holds (solid), Sleeps (will wake up, but not until I do something) for safe full lockdown. Fear (via Terrify at 26) is not too shabby either. Sleeps are mostly an issue with teams, because teams typically have lots of area damage flying around and things WILL get woken up. But does sound like you're mostly soloing. I would recommend at some point you try Mind/Kin. Esp for a soloer, I think you'll like the toolkit. But I get that that would not fit your current character's concept. Just something for the backlog. You know. Alt #417 😄
  8. Dominator / Psi EPIC pool has Link Minds. Dominator / Psi Assault has Drain Psyche (crown jewel, honestly), and Psionic Shock Wave (close 2nd). TK Thrust I also think is underrated, and still makes a nice damaging interruptor with a KB-to-KD in place, and a great "Get Outta My FACE!!!" without a KB-to-KD. But it does sound like @Rinwen would probably not use much other than Drain Psyche from Psi Assault.
  9. Yes Please. I'd be Ok with them being fully removed from the Active contacts tab, as they should still be availalbe via "Find Contact" browser.
  10. Off the top of my head, I'm not sure you can. Possibly in the info page where you inspect another player, it might have the Hero / Villain / Rogue / Vigilante icon. If they have an alignment power, you could see their list of powers when you inspect them and tell that way. "Oh you have Call to Valor, you're a Hero.", etc.
  11. Hasten can be very handy. I only use it on about 30% of my characters, (but on 100% of my dominators and controllers, because rapid stacking of control magnitiude). Adrenal Booster is very nice, I have it on both a Tanker and a Blaster. Both make excellent "Oh Crap!!" buttons. I'm a big fan fan of having between 1-3 "Oh Crap" options on every character. Adrenal Booster OR Rune of Protection OR Unleashed Potential. Presence/Unrelenting Concealment/Phase Shift Possibly an Armor T9, depending on the set. ("Rise of the Phoenix" or "Elude" can both make a nice "NOPE!" button, etc) Vengeance (more of a Team Oh Crap, but hey. Is guuuud) Speed / Burnout Flight / Evasive Manuvers The trick is not falling into the "Too Cool To Use" trap. When you take a power to be your "Oh Crap" button.... DONT BE SHY WITH IT! Worst case, you might find yourself needing to wait entire MINUTES for it to come back up. Spend it when there's any question. Worst case, you take a bio break and make coffee/grab a soda while waiting for it to come back. And if you have a few of them, you can alterate them so one is either up, or won't be long before it comes back.
  12. Dont ding if you can help it. He DID give you one of the two breadcrumbs. I suspect he only didn't give you the second breadcrumb, because I've never see that dialogue box offer more than TWO missions at once. I would try Do the breadrcrumb mission and meet Crow. Clear that off the docket. Not necessarily the whole arc, but MEET CROW. Don't ding. Call Calvin back. He *might* then have a similar dialogue box to have you start his personal arc, OR, meet Aaron Walker. Can't hurt to TRY....
  13. Props for going into First Ward / Night Ward. Not nearly enough do. But my Staff / Willpower scrapper and my Assault Rifle / Martial blaster both solo'd all of First Ward, at content level (not flashbacked). The scrapper at +2x3, the blaster at +1x2. It's possible. I did have to pay attention to which kinds of mobs use which kinds of effects and prioritize accordingly. My characters were lvl 25-29 as they progressed, but they were reasoanbly tricked out with IO's in the slots they did have, so I probably had a moderate amount of status RESIST on each. And the Blaster was always free to use T1-T2 attacks regardless if feared (but she was significantly squishier, too). I did have to use Captain-Hit-And-Fade tactics for some areas. But it ought to be possible.
  14. Defenders, Controllers, Blasters, etc ren't brave? "Bravery" or lack thereof, has nothing to do with Status Protection. I get that Fear can be irksome. It's one type of effect that Super Reflexes doesn't protect you against, and a Non-Positional Fear effect just parks you. You can attack a little if you get hit, but, if you're /SR or some other defensive set, you're probably not even going to get hit. You're just parked. That said, I'm perfectly fine with this. There ought to be some degree of "Can Opener" for each AT / Powersets. A hero with absolutely no weaknesses who cannot be stopped any anything ever is Boring AF.
  15. Combat Teleport / Jaunt is always an option as well.
  16. I don't worry about keeping them there. It's got a good front-loaded damage, and if you slot it up with proc's, you get some very nice initial BOOM, kind of like a mini-Inferno. Half-decent global recharge will make sure it's up fairly frequently, but should still have an excellent proc chance.
  17. For the Brand name, yes. The Generic name is Homomutatisfiloximycinguafensin-Chloro-Hyclate.
  18. I'm still going to hope a good bit of the original dev's future plans for Preatorian Hamidon never come to pass, ever. There are several things they had planned that.... I really think are a poor choice of direction for the story to go in. I'm fine with Hamidon (from any world) being a planetary-level threat. But the Lore AMA's about promoting him to a pan-dimensional-reality-spanning-threat that CANNOT be escaped no matter WHICH alternate reality you dream up... frankly, causes a gag reflex in me. Battalion/Coming Storm aren't any better in my book. I get very salty on those topics however, so I'll jam on the brakes hard there. It's already creeping into rant-mode. I do appreciate that this thread is a great compendium of all existing fixed Goldside info, and one of the better timeline reconciles that I've seen for it. I really wish they would do more with Praetoria in the future. Would love to have seen Old Orlando, or some of the other settlements mentioned in Praetoria. Would love to seen what kind of muscle the Syndicate flexes on a global scale. If they are all the CEO's of all the mega-corps, OK, maybe a direct showdown with Cole was never going to happen, but how much pull did they still have in the real world? Given that Mother had to munch on a telepath's personality to make a Seer, how widespread could seers be? Was it mostly just Cole's Capitol and where the Praetors hang out that had seers? Did Tokyo have any? at all? etc. How much of the seers was essentially in reaction to the Resistance? Were they not percieved as needed elsewhere? Certainly by the end of the LIVE story / Number Six arc, Hamidon's had it and gone ballistic, and Cole's lost it, and gone nuts in the name of power. But I do think there's a lot more they could have done with various enclaves holding out here or there, or just not NOTICED by Hamidon yet, because Hammi was focused on turning Cole into Cole Slaw.
  19. my earlier joke aside, I've always treated Superadine as Supradine Just mentally eliminate that pesky "e" and then it's Sue-Prah-Dyne". But I mean, I'm used to pronouncing "car" as "cah", and "water fountain" as "bubblah" 😄
  20. Are you sure? I seem to recall doing significantly better damage with smashing attacks vs council robots. Any chance you meant 50% lethal resistance? I know my claws scrapper is not the happiest to see robot swarms.
  21. Impale can be nice to stop runners on a Stalker / Scrapper without taunt aura). I wouldn't mind if it's animation were sped up. I think Claws used to have a similar "wind up and here's the pitch!" animation for Strike or something a long, looooong time ago. Somehow I don't recall having redraw issues on every attack if I chain several spines attacks in a row. It is an issue if you do various pool attacks (cross punch / epic snipe / air sup), though.
  22. trying to decide if it would mean *stab* or "duel me bro" or "I *cut* you!"
  23. MTeague

    Best Blappers?

    I did all of First Ward on my AR / Martial Blaster. Quite the ride. Since I was doing it at lvl content, not flashbacked, I didn't have a bazillion set bonuses, and it was .... frustrating at certain points. But after embracing the Ragdoll Factor, and Captain-Hit-And-Fade tactics, it was very effective. Burst of Speed to let me Bamph in and clobber mobs Speed of Sound *ALWAYS* running so I could Jaunt away at any time. Buckshot, Sniper Shot, Storm Kick, Dragon Tail all providing Knockback/Knockdowny goodness Ki Push to take even a boss out of the actiion and get free hits in one go. Ignite used both offensively and defensively (if you try to run out, you're not attacking me, and Reaction time kept them running slow) There were still some missions I absolutely had to load up on Lucks. But it defintely felt like an "Ok, you has graduated" finishing misc arcs.
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