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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Sure. But at the same time, once you're in combat you literally cannot CHOOSE to perform a "Slow Snipe" either. Even if being "in combat" doesn't even involve having anything in your face, or being in any remote danger.
  2. I would say it's not because of LACK of challenge, but actually BECAUSE there's a moderate step-up of challenge that you rarely see DA's teams. I would guess a lot of people probably do Council Radios in Peregrine, because that still gives Incarnate XP for their alpha, and it's FACEROLLY EASY. Or they join one of the 3,000 ITF's because I don't know why, I would probably stab my own eyeballs out if I ran ITF's as non-stop as some people do. Of course, it's also possible that DA teams are simply popping from instance to instance. I don't spend all night hanging out at the Heather Townsend arc, just to see who comes by. If people were actually LOOKING for challenge you'd see a lot more people doing Rularu story arcs. Or Number Six arcs. You'd see team after team going to First Ward at lvl 21 or so to try out their new characters against the Shepherds and the Awakened, and staying in the Wards through and past the Talons of Vengeance and the Arcanus Anima. They Don't. Mostly. Some rare exceptions. But mostly, I really do not think most people WANT a challenge in this game.
  3. If it were up to me, the P2W vendor literally wouldn't exist (and neither would the T4V). However, I long ago accepted I have no place running a game or almost any other commercial enterprise.
  4. I'm still bogglling at the "Brutes are obsolete". When did "a really good but not quuiiiiiiite absolutely meta option" become = Obsolete? And is that really a fair standard for ANY archtype to be evaluated as? Because c'mon, they can't ALL be 100% best-in-class for something.
  5. Perfectly doable to unslot your destiny and lore to forgo the Incarnate Shifts, too, if you find it too easy with them in place.
  6. I could see the SG Empowerment Buff causing mild degrees of frustration on Escort / Rescue / Kidnap missions. Personally, I would never want any source of stealth I can't toggle off and then toggle back on.
  7. I like Mercs/Rad as a combo. Aura Heal helps at low levels, Rad Infection gives you a high degree of safety for your mercs, and debuffing enemy resistanes so strongly helps offset their lower damage. The Merc pets DO have some pretty decent smashing/lethal resists, it's just.... not really enough.... to make them super-durable on their own. Tankerminding though, where *I* take the threat against kittenized mobs, is working pretty well. My Ninja/Cold MM does kill stuff a LOT faster but, the Mercs/Rad still gets the job done.
  8. This is not true the vast majority of the time. If the Confused mob does 100% of the damage to another mob, then you get zero exp for the mob. If ANY MEMBER of your team tags the target mob at all... you still still get exp EVEN IF the confused mob deals the killing blow. How hard is it to do "Mass Confuse / Psychic Toranado"?, bam, they're all beating each other up, but they've all been tagged, you're all getting XP. Even easier on a Dominator with more AoE damage options. Will you occasionally lose xp for a stray minion or two here or there? Yea, sometimes. Will you even NOTICE? No. Lt / Boss and up XP is worth SO MUCH MORE than minion XP anyway. Nothing wrong with Confuse. I would be power-sad if Mind lost a power I use to make way for a psychic-construct summonable pet. If you have any whispers of that becoming a thing, then I would *really* BEG that the door of mutually-exclusive power choices (like Sentinal Practiced Brawler/Master Brawler) to be re-opened. Pleeeaase Let me retain an option for Petless Mind Controller.
  9. I don't want them drag enemies TO ME. I would love for it to drag them to the ANCHOR of TK.
  10. So far I don't see a problem. Scrappers are supposed to have greater damage output, and less survivability. Tanks are supposed to be kings of survivability, and decent damage output. Brutes in very good at both, and kings at neither. Isn't that literally what's called for in the numeric ratings you see when you make a new character? Not every archtype has to have "a niche" or something that they'r absolutely 100% the best thing for ever. It's OK to have some who are just good at several things without being THE BEST at any of them.
  11. Peeve Attack! Peeve Attack! Sorry. I hate 90% of all use of "impossible" or "cannot be done" for anything related to programming. If it was done for one slot and not the others, it's POSSIBLE to change it to be an option for the other slots. It may every bit as depressing, disgusting, and ultimately futile as Kicking Dead Whales Down The Beach. But if the devs reallllllly wanted to focus on that to the exclusion of all else for as long as it took, I'm sure it can be accomplished.
  12. I find it's an even better metaphor for programming and debugging. Particulary with Porky Pig reversing the spin and Daffy going *sploosh* at the end. I promise you. EVERY programmer EVER has been there. Probably several times this week alone.
  13. I would be.... severely.... displeased if my crew of ninjas or soliders were reduced to fire imp size. Make it an OPTION, and I'm okay with that. Inflict it upon me against my will and I'll be vocally unhappy.
  14. Check Caltrops, Rain of Fire, Ice Storm, Freezing Rain, etc. an awful lot of Damage Patches have mag 50 fear, for as long as I can remember. Enflame is the exception, not the rule. My AR/Martial Blaster relies on a mix of the Frozen Blast Chance To Immob proc in ignite, the PBAE Slow from Reaction Time, a mix of knockdowns from her Kicks, etc. Gets the job done. I also make sure to send bosses into a corner and KEEP them there with Ki Push / Buckshot. while they burn.
  15. I don't feel a need for there to be an endless list of rewards for vet levells numbers. At a certain point, you will always have higher numbers more than the devs can crank out rewards for. At some point, if you are insistent on the newest highest vet number, that number is ITSELF, your reward. My $0.02 USD.
  16. I keep meaning to roll up a Kinfender. I like mixing it up in melee though. Really the only reason I haven't already is my main is a Mind / Kin controller, and it always felt a bit redundant. Only now I'm at the "well I pretty much ran out of possible characters with ZERO thematic overlap...." stage, so the next few alts HAVE to share some themes with the existing ones.
  17. I sort of feel lke the real problem / Snuffleupugus in the room, is the staggering amount of Global Recharge that can be stacked. I'm also aware that my thoughts on that would be wildly unpopular. If I were King for a day and did something about that, it would probably end Bastille-Day style.
  18. Man cannot live on cake alone. But if we throw in Shepherd's Pie, and Chicken Pot Pie, you CAN live on pie alone. (Although you might need to live a very active lifestyle.)
  19. I would have been completely, 100%....
  20. pic's of Boomers snipped. Some definite changes from Oldschool Battlestar Galactica vs the reboot. Maybe it's just because I was a kid for the old series and an adult for the reboot, but I was Completely Sold on the Reboot very early into the Pilot. Maybe got a little wierd in later seasons, but hey, most shows do.
  21. My Spines/Regen Stalker uses Tough, but not Weave. However, I did work in Force of Will / Unleash Potential on him, which is a very nice strong +DEF buff, and a decent Regen boost, to use during Instant Healing's downtime.
  22. So it would seem. I've never actually picked Burnout, so I was not aware of that. But the Wiki seems to agree wtih you; https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Speed#Burnout Burnout Burnout allows you to instantly recharge all of your Primary and Secondary powers. Burnout is very expensive in terms of endurance, and reduces your maximum endurance slightly for 60 seconds after use. You must be at least level 14 and have two other Speed Powers before selecting Burnout. bold italic = mine. Sooooo looks like Absolutely Nothing speeds it up after all.
  23. Absolutely. Gen-X didn't even make @KauaiJim's table lol. We made the Graph, true, but not the summation of generations above it. Too Boomer-y to the younger generations, too much still "slackers" in the minds of too many Boomers, no matter that lots of us have dinged 50 in real life. and MAN, not a single incarnate power did I get at age 50. I feel so cheated and lied to. 😄
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