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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. oh yea. also, I have to give honorable mention to the Rogue-to-Hero and Vigilante-to-Villain tip missions. Where redside goes to blue, or blueside goes to red, to do their tips, in the other guys' back yard. Those are very well written missions, and a good bit more interesting than your blue-stays-blue / red-stays-red tips.
  2. My experiance has been the breadcrumb lead ins drop off one level BEFORE the contacts refuse walk-up-introductions. I don't know why. For Nova Preatoria, I would say get all the breadcrumb missions no later than level 8, and turn off XP at 9 until you're done with those arcs. For Imperial City, I would say get all the breadcrumb missions no later than level 13, and turn off XP at 14 until you're done with those arcs. For Neutropolis, I would say get all the breadcrumb missions no later than level 18, and turn off XP at 19 until you're done with those arcs. [EDIT: My values were slightly off, see @Apparition's more accurate numbers below] I do think this is somewhat dumb. I don't see any reason for the breadcrumb missions to drop off earlier. But given your goal, that's what I'd plan around.
  3. If you include the Praetoria 1-20, there's also another 4 factions... beyond Hero/Vig/Rogue/Villain. but since those.... in very large portion.... go away when your Praetorian hits primal earth, most people do not care about them. I'd kind of like more callbacks / references / indicators of a praetorian background if it exists, but..... probably not gonna happen in the near future. Alignment is significant only if you are someone who very much cares about "What would my character do?" and do a least mental-roleplay-vs-environment, or if you go beyond that and roleplay with other people. If that's not your thing, then in terms of strict practicality it is OFTEN best to be Vigilante or Rogue to open widest possible ability of zones and content that you can do. Excception: For a Dominator, there's a LOT to be said on the Functional/Practical side for going Full Bad Guy, and getting the Frenzy alignment power for being a Villain. Having a button that can instantly fill your Domination bar on-demand (albeit with a large cooldown), has saved my hash a few times while levelling a Dominator.
  4. On the plus side, this character has the "Balding" hairstyle. So there's only so much left to lose lol.
  5. Technically not: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Excelsior But you hear LOTS less about Excelsior compared to Supradyne. And it's still a bit of "wait, WHAT?" when you see it
  6. There's always Granite! 😀 Seriously though, *I Think* you could still do it with any character, you'd just need a macro / bind that disabled walk just before you strike.
  7. Still trying to figure out how I'm going to get a Sonic/Sonic through Praetoria 1-20. So far it's looking like "Team" or "Nope". I'll being seeing what can be seen with Sonic Cage to do some splitting but... I know it won't be enough to actually solo with. Not in the land of timed laser guided ambushes.
  8. All of this is absolutely true. My current experiment is how a Psi Melee/Fiery Aura brute will fair doing First Ward and Night Ward at content (not flashbacked, but actually in the 20's and 30's, don't have all my slots, don't have extra powers from being exemplared down, etc... and won't have most accolades becuase it will be a character that will not leave Praetoria until dings 50. I'm still assuming it will go decently well, becuase Fire Brutes F**k S**t Up. But I'm a little leary of how it will work against the Awakened with very limited Psii resist and limited defense at lvl 25 or so, when my pride hubris demands I run it at like +2x4.
  9. Use Fly or Mystic flight. It's less breakdancy, more mid-air twirly, but head remains above belt remains above feet. Of course, it's not totallllly dependable, more than a few mobs can drop you out of fly. At the very least several in First Ward/Night Ward can.
  10. Also note that you cannot use an Epic pool AND a Patron Pool at the same time. If you've already selected powers from a Patron Pool, you will be unable to choose an Epic pool, unless you respec, then during the respec, you could choose the Epic pool instead.
  11. Rather than hardcode something for Domination and Domination alone, maybe something where you can right click the buff icon, and then one of the right click options could be "Monitor this buff" to indicate which buff(s) you care about, and have them (and ONLY them) do some other kind of flashier warning as they're running low. Ie, Domination, not so much a big deal for me, my Dom has plenty of permadom to spare, and I'm pretty good at refreshing long before it would drop on me. But I'd like this for my /SR scrapper, for Elude. It's very very rare that I need Elude. But, sometimes, a sapper gets lucky and detoggles me, and I quickly punch Elude to say "NOPE!!!!", and then Claw them all down. But it lasts juuuuust long enough to forget about it, and to get myself in trouble when it fades. If I had a 10 second or even 5 second warning that was harder to miss, I'd love it. I'm sure other people would have their own particular buffs / use cases, too.
  12. Would be nice. It's firmly into the "It would be nice if" category, wouldn't want it to interrupt any existing work. But if it's a low-hanging fruit, fairly self contained within this one dialog box, sure. Why not?
  13. I'm firmly against just unlocking six slots to everything by fiat. Regardless of AT. There should have to be SOME tradeoffs and choices along the way. You can't super specialize in absolutely everything all at once.
  14. This. OMFG maybe you needed to fire off TWO attacks instead of one to wipe a mob. Break out the opera singer belting out the tragedy. You still mow through content plenty fast enough. If you deeply care about speed-running, and if it really deep-down matters to you, that you cleared a map in 4 minutes vs 6, then OK, Sentinels are not for you. I will never give a flying leap about my clear times. Neither do most people I team with..
  15. Wait. Lughebu et al, are really just a different version of guys looking to charge up batteries?
  16. honestly not sure if it belongs with Minor or Moderate. But that's another reason I'd go straight to Detailed Info.
  17. Nice! Glad you found them. 🙂
  18. I would always just use the Detailed Info for the power in game. In general I would expect Minor < Moderate ~ Medium < Heavy ~ High < Superior < Extreme. But I would never treat the text as more than a *Very* loose rule of thumb, and I would expect variations.
  19. Well. a) I'm sure the playerbase writ large would probably prefer the pet lol. b) it's an interesting option. I'd need to think about how to leverages that most effectively, both for teams, and for soloing. I presume any attack that was initiated before the you entered/exited would likely still hit you, to prevent you from hoping in and out of the sphere and doing quick freebie attacks, or negating a big enemy wind up. The game engine isn't kind to that kind of interruption anyway. if it was legal when it was triggered, it's legal when it connects, seems to be the general rule. Still. For a T9, I presume it would likely have a LARGE to-hit debuff. THAT could be worth it right there, as a kind of back-door Armor power. Also now I'd kind of want to make a Light/Dark controller, in homage to an old old olllllld game. (circa 1983)
  20. With the exception of Shining Motes, this is closer to what I always wanted Illusion Control to be. Deception / Sensory Overload / Sensory Deprivation, not phantasms. I approve! (I'd still prefer a petless version, but eh, I like the T1-T8 enough that I don't care)
  21. I've always liked the float up and hammer down WHAMMO animation on Total Focus. So it's an easy sell to me, esp with Total Focus still doing basically the same animation, but faster. At least, it feels faster to me. I haven't got hard data on that though. My Energy/Energy brute certainly feels like a wrecking ball when I play him. The Stun mechanic on Barrage is nice (too low level yet for Energy Transfer), and can let me park and annoying mob while I pummel his buddies down. The extra AE targets on a "charged up" Power Crash can be nice when teaming. The only "problem" I have now is that I like alllllllmost every single power from his Primary and Secondary trees, and it's proving to be a royal pain to squeeze in all the Pool powers I want. Oh woe is me, I know, I know.... Ideally, I'd still rather not have a charge up/release system at all. But it's not that invasive, and it's cycled around an attack (Total Focus) that I was going to use on cooldown anyway. It's certainly better than combo systems that say "you must attack with A, then B, then C, in order, and if you attack with anything else in between your combo is ruined".
  22. Ice/Ice is where I first saw the word blastroller bandied about. If you're firmly "Damage Is King and I'm Softcapped Anyway", then okay, the mitigation tools may have absolutely no value to you. But the powerset combo allows for a vastly different style of play than say, a Fire/Fire blaster, and frankly, that's a Good Thing to my mind. Plus the proc'ing opportunities aren't to be sneezed at.
  23. I suspect some of that is left deliberately vague so as to better mesh with backstories and headcanons. And ain't no way any developer with even an ounce of sanity would begin to anywhere near the question of "So what about the gods people believe in now? Is <current day religion deity goes here> anything in similar origin to Hequat or Lughebru or Mot or..." and "why don't see <current day religion's deity> showing up like Prometheus does?" Nothing good could *possibly* come from such a venture.
  24. Even if the choices were just "Lockdown's lightning sphere," OR, "No Added Fx" would be fine by me. I don't need to be able to choose a new graphic, just the ability to decline the proc graphic would be plenty good for me. I mean, i'd see it as very very low priority. "Sort Your Socks" and "Dust the Living Room" come long before this. But it *would* be nice. Thematically, it's always a bit odd when my Assault Rifle/Ignite sprays fire and put.... icicles? around people's feet, because Frozen Blast proc'd.
  25. I very much like Mind Control not having permanent summonable pets. ; Confuse means all enemies are my potential pets. That's plenty good enough for me. Confuse already IS my "take control of enemy mob for X time and need to refresh or it can break free". No, I can't order it around. No, it won't zone with me. But those are concessions to game balance that I'm okay with. Singy is a pretty beastly pet for gravity control. But it can't heal me like Tsoo Sorcerors. Fly Trap has some good immobs and damage. But it can't match a Zeus Titan. Animated Stone tanks like a champ. But it's not going to rip things faces off like a Cimeron Boss. And I can confuse several enemy mobs at once and maintain them without much effort. I really don't feel Mind is lacking here.
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