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Everything posted by MTeague

  1. Let's not forget Tip Missions! I know I know, I'm probably like 1 of 5 people left who still changes alignments the Olde Fashioned Way, without using Null the Gull. But the Tip missions have some pretty decent writing for your one-off missions. I particularly like the writing in the Rogue-to-Hero and the Vigilante-to-Villian tips.
  2. Disagree. Characters lvl 45-50 need to be able to do their missions without already being incarnates. That said, if they want to do it to areas well off the beaten path .... I'm thinking the huge Arachnos manufacturing facility north of Grandville proper. Hey sure. That'll never interfere with anyone levelling. Peregrine, I'm not sure has enough similar real estate. There is the Monster Island, but I think people would want that left as is.
  3. My personal take is we've had enough power creep, and yes, freeing up an entire power selection or two is power creep. That said, I'm not a dev. Devs are gonna do, or not do, whatever they think is best, for reasons they think are best.
  4. I was reasonably sure you can get any random badge via Ouroborus. It's why you don't see people offering the Spelunker badge mission the way you would in Live, etc. That said, I'm back from a 5 month hiatus, so I cannot swear to what may or may not have changed since last I was around.
  5. Patrol XP accumulating, does not bother me. But I have zero problems flipping the "No XP" switch when I don't want to ding, in order to run certain missions at content, or if I feel I want more time to experience the character at a given power level, etc. That said, I certainly have no objections to an option being added to decline Patrol XP.
  6. I really like the Story Arcs. There's definitely points where I want more choices offered. There's definitely points if i was actually my character I'd do things differently. But compared to all the story arcs from Blueside and Redside, I thought it was a strong improvement. The downside is you basically have to solo them, and even then not set your difficulty too high, unless you are willing to disable XP, or you can very easily outlevel several contacts and ding 20 while feeling like you barely scratched the surface. I tend to do 2 or 3 alignment storylines in each of the three 1-20 zones for my goldsiders. And yes, that absolutely means I disable XP immeditately upon dinging 9, 14, and 19. Sometims at 8 and 13, if I care about all the "introduction" missions. I think it's deeply unfortunate that NCSoft designed certain NPC's who are mission contacts to vanish from the game after a conflicting alignment arc. That's just bad design. Have them vanish from their normal location, sure, but have them available in a prison somewhere, or a safehouse, something! All in all, I very much prefer goldside to blue. Maybe some of it is the darker grittier feel of the world speaks to me. Maybe some of it is being sick to death of running classic TF's, or Radio missions. That's lumping things together too much, I think. There's Power, Responsibility, Warden, and Crusader. Responsibilty and Warden are the easiest to handle RP wise. At least for me. When you're just someone trying to get through the day and do what you think is the "right" thing. Maybe you don't like Cole, but decide he's better than the Devouring Earth. Maybe you want Cole gone, but realize humanity can't afford many more losses on this world. Power is next easiest. It's not hard to imagine sociopathic ladder climbers who will happily cut down anyone else they think might be a threat to them, or just because they like being a bully. Not my favorite characters to imagine, but not difficult, either. Crusader are the ones I have real problems trying mentally see their world through their eyes. Where they're so focused on tearing the world down, while a huge Devouring Earth presence is OUT THERE, and they have ZERO PLAN for how to deal with that after they knock down Cole. I cannot really consider them anything but partially mentally damaged. I also definitely wish there was a ground-breaking change for how certain NPCs reacted to the idea of another world accessable by portal. You'd think a lot of people would be ecstatic to know Humanity is not at the brink of extinction, there are more of us out there. I imagine many would want to get young kids out to Primal Earth, even if they wanted to stay behind and try to break Hamidon. But it's barely made noise of. I would not object to these as long as something similar were created for people would in theory should be Kill-On-Sight for most Praetors. Ie, you can't talk to Cole or his Praetors, but someone like Blind Makwa, or a post-corporeal spirt form of Vanessa De Vore, might be willing to teach you a few tricks.... provided you'd done the relevant content leading up to them. Still. Personally? I would never use them. My characters get thier powers from themselves, I have no use for hand-me-down tricks from Black Scorpion, or Captain Mako. It does not matter one bit how much min-max combat numbers benefit there may be to Scorpion Shield. I will never use it, on any character, and never have. I'll do the arcs for badges and fun. But I'll never use Patron Pools in any respec.
  7. Hypothetically, what Knock magnitude would you need for something like a Skyrim Giant club attack? .... asking for a friend.
  8. It's not all the time, but it's often enough. It would be refreshing to have a few arcs where someone is setting up to betray you, and you get to do a pre-emptive betrayal / neutralization of them. "Londo, you are a fool. You walk away from the greatest power I have even seen! And now you expect me to do the same!? They are the key to my eventual rise to the throne! Why would I abandon them?" "Because I have asked you. And because your loyalty to our people should be greater than your ambition. And because I have poisoned your drink." ..... "Why? Why did you do this?" "To guarantee your co-operation. And because, sooner or later, you would do it to me. Yes, we are returning to the old ways, Refa. Poison was always the instrument of choice in the old Republic. Being something of a sentimentalist, I got here, first." Babylon 5, S3E11, "Ceremonites of Light and Dark" That said, the Doctor Graves arc could be improved in excess of 90%, if they allowed you to murder some of the annoying NPC's at the end of the arc.
  9. I solo probably 60-70% of the time, specifically because I enjoy reading mission text, and NPC's chatting, and cutscenes, and teams have all the patience of a 3 year old on a triple mocha latte. (Note: do not actually give coffee to the little ones). It doesn't matter if I've done the missions 30 times before. If it's new to the character I'm playing, I want to read it.
  10. When I come up with a good backstory.
  11. I have zero hope of purple triangles ever going away or being changed at this point. Still, I like where you're going with that. There has to be some other way to avoid "City of Statues" but still not be "Oh, you wanted to solo the EB/AV? Go get a Shivan, the powers you use to defend yourself in every other content are CRAP against EB/AV's, because reasons."
  12. I would make Controls.... not pets.... actual controls.... Holds, Sleeps, Confuses, Stuns.... matter. At every stage of the game. Including Endgame. Otherwise, simply rip out Controllers entirely. It sucks to lvl up to 50 and realize no team even notices your primary, and only cares about your secondary, and maybe not even that. Oh, and that if you decide to solo, Elite Bosses still get Purple Triangle of Doom that nerf the bejeezus out of your primary skills, even though there's no Orange Triangles of Doom that reduce incoming damage dealt by anyone else. (yea, i'm slightly salty).
  13. If this is done, please make it opt-in, or opt-out. Don't care which. Admittedly, I don't run repel THAT that often on my Mind/Kin controller. But I've taken Repel on him in every respec since launch of LIVE, and I always liked the Repel sound effects. Totally fine and understand sound quality issues other people are experiencing. I do not begrudge anyone the request for toned down audio. Just please let me keep the existing sounds for my own enjoyment, even if I have to flip a switch or do some power customization thing for "classic sound fx".
  14. Faultline I believe was once called Overbrook.
  15. Well, Theme > All. However, if theme is not so much of a concern, I would probably go with War Mace. One other nice thing Claws has going for it is it's very END friendly. It just sips endurance lightly. But for Willpower, with Quick Recovery? You're not gonna need that.
  16. Um.... because reading is hard, and I sometimes don't do it? Apologies to both @Rudra and @Aurora_Girl.
  17. I mean, you joke, but I have retreated to goldside lowbies or some first ward action when I just really, REALLY didn't want to deal with invasions out the wazoo on LadyGrey Week. I never made a request for a game change, because that would be silly, but i have deliberately gone to zones where they cannot possibly occur.
  18. @Take One nailed it. There's an INSANE number of total missions. Which is awesome, we have a ridonkulous amount of content to enjoy and keep us busy. But given limited staff, given that it's a hobby for them, given that they have real lives too, and their own day jobs, I don't see them picking up every single mission from every single contact and play-testing each and every one of them, paying strict attention to the mission text vs mission objectives to check for exact matches. Maybe they'll surprise me? But I would not consider it a realistic expectation. If annoations on a wiki are enough for you, create an account on the wiki and edit as needed. If you want the actual in-game text to change, then submit a bug report clearly outlining Faction (Blue/Red/Gold) Contact Mission Title Stated mission requirements Actual completion requirements Be as precise as possible, to help them make targetted changes to specific missions in need. And be patient. It might be priority number 613 on their priority queue. Or quite a bit lower than that. True, sometimes programmers like to pick up a few low-hanging fruit bugs that they can bang out quickly, but it's also possible it might stay as-is for six months or a year.
  19. Well, build up doesn't boost to-hit nearly so much as damage. But also, I know on my stalker, when I'm using build-up/AS, I'm usually using it against bosses. Often purple bosses. Who I have a lower chance to hit to begin with. Could this perhaps also account for what you have experienced?
  20. I actually don't think people miss anywhere near as much as they think they do. Not overall, over the course of multiple missions. Sure, in any given 2-3 hits, RNG can be RNG, and sometimes it loves to make you cry. But people are reallllllllly good at remembering what they consider to be "unfair" misses, while taking lucky hits pretty much for granted. If you collect data over the results of several missions from your combat log, I doubt anyone is really missing more often than they should. It's just the "OMFG really!?!?!?" when your stalker winds up for a build-up assassin's strike and whiffs that sticks in the forefront of your mind. That said, I do agree with @Rudra that there's nothing wrong with putting in the ask. Other posters can and will and should offer their own feedback, say why they like the idea, or not. The right to make the ask does not provide immunity to feedback, nor should it. But we can all should keep in mind that people are making suggestions that they think would benefit the overall gaming experience. No one is operating from malice or a desire to ruin my fun or yours. They're only seeking to enhance their own, and we certainly ought to be able to at least view suggestions in such light.
  21. Hey, you never know where there's a banana peel on the floor as you were winding up for your big uppercut.
  22. I'm torn. On one hand, truth of advertising, let people know what they're getting involved with up-front, etc. On the other hand, it's somewhat realistic to have the mission change out from under you in response to other events. Maybe you had no idea there would be hostages but once you got there, Okay, we gotta do something about them, get them out of danger, etc. On the other other hand, I sometimes sigh deeply when I'm in a goldside 1-20 mission spending time on the first couple spawns of enemies only to look up and, Oh, surprise, there's a mission timer, saying I need to find some computer and disable something in the next 2 minutes and 30 seconds or I'm going to be swarmed relentlessly. On the other other other hand, I actually do vastly prefer goldside content to most other game content... and yes, I've long since run out of hands.
  23. I mean, I get what you're saying. I know a lot of people who could stand to toughen up and realize some things they get worked up over, are just not even remotely important. On the other hand.... I'm 51 now. The last time I was in an actual real life fight, I was probably... 11 or 12? I've done sparring in martial arts class. I've done the occasional bout vs another student the same way. But that's controlled, safe, you know who you're practicing against. They're friends or at worst fellow students/colleagues. You may get some adrenilin going from competitive spirit / pride. But it would not come even remotely close to an actual FOR REAL fight, where you don't know if the other guys is just looking to assert dominance or beat you down, or even kill you. Perhaps you're in the military and have seen combat duty? Perhaps you live in a much more rough-and-tumble area than I do, and ending up in an actual fistfight or worse is a fact of life for you. I don't know. But I don't think it's fair to expect most people to have sustained regular experience with real life fights.
  24. You could be like 95% done with collecting a shivan. Get all the fragments, working your way through the turrets on a firebase, allllmost done and ganked dead, lose all progress and have to start over. I've never spent much time in Warburg, but I suspect something similar there where you allllllmost got the nuke and bam, dead. I think that's your realistic worst case here. Of the two times I died to PvP, one was in Bloody Bay as I started to collect meteor shards. (the other was Recluse's Victory) I left and came back at 3:00 am and got it done without interference.
  25. I mean, I sort of get it. I was deathly allergic to all things PvP after some experience with Diablo 2 Hardcore back in the late 90's. In Diablo 2, a Hardcore character is a permadeath character. They die once, for any reason, including internet lag, pffft that's it, Dead is Dead, they stay dead. Also in Diablo 2, other players in the game could simply go hostile on you, for any reason, with very little warning. They had to be "in town" to do it, but they could have a town portal open, or catch you near a waypoint and be on you before you realized it. And then that lvl 67 paladin, who you'd been working very diligently on for most of year, was just ganked and dead, because random internet stranger wanted to get their jollies griefing you. And they'd typically dance about your corpse for a bit after, talking trash and mocking you. You learned very fast to password protect your games if you played permadeath characters, and only join games with trusted friends. And anytime anyone new was invited in you were extremely careful around them for a LONG time. This did not endear me to PvP, lets just say. I was basically allergic to it for well over a decade. But CoH PvP is pretty much as tame as it gets. You never die for real. You don't lose gold or loot. You don't lose XP. There's essentially zero consequences except a free teleport to the hospital. It's still frustrating to be pvp-targetted when you're not interested, of course. But well, it's happened to me a grand total of TWICE, ever, since June of 2019. And let's be fair, I knew I was going into a PvP zone. I was only interested in getting a Shivan, or some explore badges, but it's not like I wasn't warned or was unaware that I was willfully entering potentially hostile territory. I just don't see this as something that is such a common problem that code changes are warranted. I would bet the problem is over 98% fear of being ganked, vs actually BEING ganked.
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